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Twins game postponed for non weather reasons
Quote: @"BarrNone55" said:
@Viking1987 said:
if this young man would just followed police instructions he would be alive right now
Explain January 6th.
Old white guys and Karens just can't get their minds around the idea that Black people are mostly scared shitless of the police for a reason. Yes, of course running from the cops is stupid. But like you mention, what about when you are doing everything they ask and they still are freaking out? Yet a white Karen can get out of her car if she thinks she's getting a ticket, yell profanities at the police in a hostile manner, point fingers in their faces and the cops just stand there. Its called WHITE PRIVELEGE. It exists whether the hayseeds of the world understand it or not. 

Quote: @"BarrNone55" said:
@Viking1987 said:
if this young man would just followed police instructions he would be alive right now
Explain January 6th.

Didn't 4 protestors die January 6th? 

Quite frankly they should have shot more of them. 


One cop died, another had an eye gouged out. 

But, yes, way more should have been shot. 100s more. 

Quote: @"BarrNone55" said:
One cop died, another had an eye gouged out. 

But, yes, way more should have been shot. 100s more. 
That should go for any non peaceful protest,   enough of the bull shit standing aside as people destroy public and private property,  i dont give a shit why or what skin color,  start unloading the the non lethal rubber shot on their asses and if that isnt enough put them down hard.   the stand back and wait for them to run out of steam is absurd and only feeds more violence and destruction.  I think the wait and see approach that minneapolis and other cities have taken is what fuels a lot of this shit and that approach needs to change no matter what the so called cause is.   Peaceful or shut them down with prejudice.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@"BarrNone55" said:
One cop died, another had an eye gouged out. 

But, yes, way more should have been shot. 100s more. 
That should go for any non peaceful protest,   enough of the bull shit standing aside as people destroy public and private property,  i dont give a shit why or what skin color,  start unloading the the non lethal rubber shot on their asses and if that isnt enough put them down hard.   the stand back and wait for them to run out of steam is absurd and only feeds more violence and destruction.  I think the wait and see approach that minneapolis and other cities have taken is what fuels a lot of this shit and that approach needs to change no matter what the so called cause is.   Peaceful or shut them down with prejudice.

$2 freaking billion dollars of damage. 

Trump was absolutely correct.  When the looting starts the shooting starts.  Peacefully protest all you want but trying to start a cop car on fire?  Shoot that bastard.  Trying to break into the capital?  Shoot that bastard.  Looting a Target?  Shoot em.  It wont take to many and the problem will be solved. 

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@"BarrNone55" said:
One cop died, another had an eye gouged out. 

But, yes, way more should have been shot. 100s more. 
That should go for any non peaceful protest,   enough of the bull shit standing aside as people destroy public and private property,  i dont give a shit why or what skin color,  start unloading the the non lethal rubber shot on their asses and if that isnt enough put them down hard.   the stand back and wait for them to run out of steam is absurd and only feeds more violence and destruction.  I think the wait and see approach that minneapolis and other cities have taken is what fuels a lot of this shit and that approach needs to change no matter what the so called cause is.   Peaceful or shut them down with prejudice.

$2 freaking billion dollars of damage. 

Trump was absolutely correct.  When the looting starts the shooting starts.  Peacefully protest all you want but trying to start a cop car on fire?  Shoot that bastard.  Trying to break into the capital?  Shoot that bastard.  Looting a Target?  Shoot em.  It wont take to many and the problem will be solved. 
I do think Minnesota learned from their last years failures,  I heard a radio report on Monday afternoon of a curfew going into effect at 7pm for the Brooklyn Center area and the gov made it pretty clear that it was going to be strictly enforced... I dont know if anybody tested it,  and honestly its been kinda cold and shitty around this part of the country lately so that might have done more to stem the violence than the govs warning,  but I didnt hear of shit going south yesterday.


Quote: @"BarrNone55" said:
One cop died, another had an eye gouged out. 

But, yes, way more should have been shot. 100s more. 

But prescient and timely observation by you on this subject.  
Today....liberal Georgetown constitutional law professor has some new analysis on the "Jan 6" issue, based on the latest independent IG report on "Jan 6".  

Looks like we might need a "snap impeachment" of the new Congress!  
April 14, 2021IG Report: Congress Restricted The Capitol Police’s Use of Material And Tactics Before Capitol RiotA new report from Capitol Police Inspector General Michael Bolton has sent congressional leaders scrambling after finding that Capitol police were told that they could not use critical riot materials and tactics in preparation for the Jan. 6th protests.  The finding challenges the narrative put forward in the second impeachment of former President Donald Trump. It also raises questions of whether congressional leaders (who repeatedly condemned Trump for the death and injuries of officers) share responsibility for the loss of control of Congress to the rioters.
much more, here

My favorite part....
The report magnifies suspicions over why House leadership refused to hold hearings with key witnesses before the second Trump impeachment. It also raises whether, after the controversial clearing of Lafayette Park in the prior summer, leaders in Congress hamstrung their own security force.

This is precisely the type of information that should have been revealed in the weeks after the riot. Indeed, as previously discussed in repeated columns, the House Democratic leadership refused to hold a single hearing with key witnesses on what occurred before the riot. After using a “snap impeachment,” weeks went by without calling such witnesses before the Trump impeachment trial. Such evidence could challenge the narrative and raised questions over decisions made by Congress that left the Capitol vulnerable to such an attack.
The report also raises over the Lafayette Park effect. In the prior summer, White House officials feared that the compound could be breached by violent protesters who had injured dozens of officers and engaged in arson and attacks around the White House during that weekend. They decided to clear the area to install fencing (which Congress only ordered after the Jan. 6th riot). They also deployed the National Guard and the “heavier, less lethal weapons” that the Inspector General found were denied to the Capitol Police.
To this day, the media and many members continue to repeat false accounts of the Lafayette Park. Many still have stories posted that claim that Lafayette Park was cleared for Trump to hold a photo op in front of a church. 


Quote: @savannahskol said:

My favorite part....
The report magnifies suspicions over why House leadership refused to hold hearings with key witnesses before the second Trump impeachment. It also raises whether, after the controversial clearing of Lafayette Park in the prior summer, leaders in Congress hamstrung their own security force.

Birds of a feather flock together.  Neither party gave a shit as long as they got the outsider out.  The second impeachment was all about optics and a warning for future people who look to disrupt business as usual in Washington. 

Quote: @"BarrNone55" said:
@AGRforever said:
Why would anyone sign up to be a police officer anymore?  Why even put yourself in that position?
Well, if you wanted to murder POC with impunity, it's a good career choice. 
Yet, they still kill more whites than POC...but hey, that's still not worth talking about, right?

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