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Senate and Congress Invaded. WHERE IS THE PRESIDENT?

Quote: @AGRforever said:
Something about all this smells. The protestors got in there entirely to easy. Almost no push back in one of the most secure buildings in America. 

I have no doubts that they were Trump people with a dash of people out just to cause problems but something is off about all this. 
What are you implying here?

Meanwhile in LA: "I Thought I Was Going To Die": A Crowd Of Trump Supporters Attacked A Black Woman
Quote: BuzzFeed Said:

A Black woman in Los Angeles who was beaten and pepper-sprayed this week by Trump supporters while her arms were held down said she is lucky to be alive....
Berlinda Nibo, 25, said she was walking past a "Stop the Steal" protest outside Los Angeles City Hall on Wednesday during the attempted coup in Washington, DC, when a group of Trump supporters started asking who she voted for, saying "white lives matter," and calling her the n-word. Nibo said she then flipped them off and told them to leave her alone and that they should be wearing masks...

Nibo and a photographer who captured the attack said Los Angeles police officers were across the street, but never intervened...

Natalicchio said she and the two women helped Nibo walk over to the police officers, but when the women approached, a captain pushed one of them to the ground.

The LAPD also said the man who put his arms around Nibo and carried her appeared to have been "a good Samaritan, shielding and helping the woman, which she confirmed with her statements during the investigation."
Nibo said she can't say whether the man who grabbed her tried to help because she was blinded by the pepper-spray at that point.
Waiting for Matt Gaettz and his like to let us know how facial recognition determined this was antifa and not Trump supporters. Alternatively, we can just wait for "more information to come out"

[Image: sub-buzz-30113-1610072223-35.jpg?downsiz...ality=auto]
[Image: sub-buzz-14907-1610072274-4.jpg?downsize...ormat=auto]

From Lisa Murkowski  - A Republican Senator
Quote:Lisa Murkowski said:

I think he should leave. He said he’s not going to show up. He’s not going to appear at the at the inauguration. He hasn’t been focused on what is going on with COVID. He’s either been golfing or he’s been inside the Oval Office fuming and throwing every single person who has been loyal and faithful to him under the bus, starting with the vice president," Murkowski said.
Source: The Hill

Quote: @mblack said:
From Lisa Murkowski  - A Republican Senator
Lisa Murkowski said:

I think he should leave. He said he’s not going to show up. He’s not going to appear at the at the inauguration. He hasn’t been focused on what is going on with COVID. He’s either been golfing or he’s been inside the Oval Office fuming and throwing every single person who has been loyal and faithful to him under the bus, starting with the vice president," Murkowski said.
Source: The Hill
It took her until Trump had 12 days left to say anything. That's absolutely pathetic.


Quote: @mblack said:
From Lisa Murkowski  - A Republican Senator
Lisa Murkowski said:

I think he should leave. He said he’s not going to show up. He’s not going to appear at the at the inauguration. He hasn’t been focused on what is going on with COVID. He’s either been golfing or he’s been inside the Oval Office fuming and throwing every single person who has been loyal and faithful to him under the bus, starting with the vice president," Murkowski said.
Source: The Hill
Screw her.  Her and Susan Collins had no problem looking the other way by voting to deny evidence, block witnesses and refuse subpoenas to give Trump an acquital in his impeachment.

”I think he learned his lesson”

Courage after the last shot of battle was fired .... pathetic


One of the major concerns on a forward basis (and a causal for shutting down Potus on Twitter) I was listening to Politico and there is a significant amount of intelligence/chatter regarding another insurrection in DC on 1/17. 

If the switch is made to Parler?  Apple is saying they will remove it from the Apple EcoSystem. Same thing will happen with Gab and on Android as well. 

Right now my focus is on the in-coming administration and greasing the skids for them above all.

Above all except internal security. Unless someone can connect the dots for me on how impeachment is going to help the next Potus? Help security? Help keep The Donald from ever holding a Federal job again?

 I'm not for it. 


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