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U.S. election security agency debunks fraud claims
Quote: @BigAl99 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@BigAl99 said:
And the Senate white washed all of it.
so that election fraud was legit,  but any questions now are conspiracy nuts... ok,  you have a nice day.
Didn't say anything about the election, that was legit, the candidate wasn't.  Remember Ken Starr and whitewater, so, walk the talk and STFU.  
I also remember Ken Starr being ousted at Baylor regarding sexual assault cases in 2016. Fuck that despicable POS.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@StickyBun said:
The only thing that's a scam is Trump's idiotic ramblings about voting fraud. Move the F out of the way, you lost. 4,000,000+ votes more in Biden's favor say as much. 
ask yourself,  if Biden had been winning on election night by the margins Trump was winning by when all those states decided to stop their counts,  and then suddenly when they started counting again the votes when so drastically the other way,  wouldnt you wonder WTF happened and at least suspect improprieties?  of course you would and you should.
No, absolutely not. Because we all knew it was going to take time to count all of the bigger, more urban voting districts and all the mail-in votes that were going to heavily favor Biden, precisely because that's what the Dems told their voters to do: vote by mail. 

In fact, one of us even said so two days before election day....

For Pennsylvania, he's [Trump] crafting a "blue wave" narrative in advance of what will almost certainly be a big Trump lead early on election day (led by in-person voting dominated by republicans) only to see it slowly disappear as mail-in ballots (largely from democrats) are counted and start to chip away at his lead. 

This is what's going to happen. Everyone knows this is what's going to happen. The only question remaining is the degree to which it happens.

But since Trump's team knows this he can plant the seed of "malfeasance" early on, declare victory well before all the votes come in, and Trump voters who don't know any better will see a "stolen election" happening in real time. 

Mark my words. 
so if its all on the up and up,  why the big cry to shout down those that want it investigated? 

Because no serious person thinks it needs to be investigated. Former president Bush, several republican members of congress and even several of the Trump-supporting talking heads on Fox News, including Chris Wallace, Neil Cavuto and Laura Ingraham, are trying to shut off the crazy.  Yeah, sure, you have Trump himself and a handful of cultists who are screaming "voter fraud" without a shred of evidence of anything widespread to back it up. What's more, the margins in every key state are just too large to have any kind of irregularity (likely on both sides) make a difference. In fact, I've heard of only two convincing cases of voter malfeasance and both of them were on the Trump side.

I've seen reports of more votes than voters in WI.

That was a false rumor spread on social media that has been disproven by pretty much everyone. See

I've seen this so many times, especially from you, Jimmy, where your first instincts on an issue are correct, are reasonable, and then you start to listen to the groundswell of crazy and you wonder if they might not have a point, because you want to believe their point, and so you jump down the rabbit hole with them. Trust your instincts. 

i dont want to go into any rabbit hole,  I just think that our election process has become so convoluted that these allegations deserve scrutiny due to the willy nilly way some states handle shit.   like I said,  1 process nation wide that makes it the same in every state.  hell a nationwide voter roll instead of one on a precinct by precinct basis.  our technology should be to the point where we can get every one that votes a receipt so they know their vote was counted,  and also make sure that people are who they say they are and that they only vote once.

I am sorry if I question the veracity of claims from snopes,  and anybody associated with the top of either party of major news outlets.  I have seen so much bull shit the last 4 years from both sides and the president himself I dont really trust any of it any longer,  i just want to see it looked into and not swept away in the night like a potential clinton scandal witness  Wink  sorry couldnt help myself there,  trying so hard to play nicer these days.
It is pretty shocking that with all our technology we can't find an easier way for everyone to register to vote, and then actually vote. But I think most of the blame for keeping things antiquated and difficult goes to your side. Republicans know that if every eligible voter voted, republicans would never win another election. 

Still, I suspect the amount of ACTUAL voter fraud--people voting twice, misrepresenting who they are--is infinitesimal. OK, I just looked it up....

reported incidents of voter fraud are actually traceable to other sources, such as clerical errors or
bad data matching practices. The report reviewed elections that had been meticulously studied for
voter fraud, and found incident rates between 0.0003 percent and 0.0025 percent. Given this tiny
incident rate for voter impersonation fraud, it is more likely, the report noted, that an American
“will be struck by lightning than that he will impersonate another voter at the polls.


Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@StickyBun said:
The only thing that's a scam is Trump's idiotic ramblings about voting fraud. Move the F out of the way, you lost. 4,000,000+ votes more in Biden's favor say as much. 
ask yourself,  if Biden had been winning on election night by the margins Trump was winning by when all those states decided to stop their counts,  and then suddenly when they started counting again the votes when so drastically the other way,  wouldnt you wonder WTF happened and at least suspect improprieties?  of course you would and you should.
No, absolutely not. Because we all knew it was going to take time to count all of the bigger, more urban voting districts and all the mail-in votes that were going to heavily favor Biden, precisely because that's what the Dems told their voters to do: vote by mail. 

In fact, one of us even said so two days before election day....

For Pennsylvania, he's [Trump] crafting a "blue wave" narrative in advance of what will almost certainly be a big Trump lead early on election day (led by in-person voting dominated by republicans) only to see it slowly disappear as mail-in ballots (largely from democrats) are counted and start to chip away at his lead. 

This is what's going to happen. Everyone knows this is what's going to happen. The only question remaining is the degree to which it happens.

But since Trump's team knows this he can plant the seed of "malfeasance" early on, declare victory well before all the votes come in, and Trump voters who don't know any better will see a "stolen election" happening in real time. 

Mark my words. 
so if its all on the up and up,  why the big cry to shout down those that want it investigated? 

Because no serious person thinks it needs to be investigated. Former president Bush, several republican members of congress and even several of the Trump-supporting talking heads on Fox News, including Chris Wallace, Neil Cavuto and Laura Ingraham, are trying to shut off the crazy.  Yeah, sure, you have Trump himself and a handful of cultists who are screaming "voter fraud" without a shred of evidence of anything widespread to back it up. What's more, the margins in every key state are just too large to have any kind of irregularity (likely on both sides) make a difference. In fact, I've heard of only two convincing cases of voter malfeasance and both of them were on the Trump side.

I've seen reports of more votes than voters in WI.

That was a false rumor spread on social media that has been disproven by pretty much everyone. See

I've seen this so many times, especially from you, Jimmy, where your first instincts on an issue are correct, are reasonable, and then you start to listen to the groundswell of crazy and you wonder if they might not have a point, because you want to believe their point, and so you jump down the rabbit hole with them. Trust your instincts. 

i dont want to go into any rabbit hole,  I just think that our election process has become so convoluted that these allegations deserve scrutiny due to the willy nilly way some states handle shit.   like I said,  1 process nation wide that makes it the same in every state.  hell a nationwide voter roll instead of one on a precinct by precinct basis.  our technology should be to the point where we can get every one that votes a receipt so they know their vote was counted,  and also make sure that people are who they say they are and that they only vote once.

I am sorry if I question the veracity of claims from snopes,  and anybody associated with the top of either party of major news outlets.  I have seen so much bull shit the last 4 years from both sides and the president himself I dont really trust any of it any longer,  i just want to see it looked into and not swept away in the night like a potential clinton scandal witness  Wink  sorry couldnt help myself there,  trying so hard to play nicer these days.
It is pretty shocking that with all our technology we can't find an easier way for everyone to register to vote, and then actually vote. But I think most of the blame for keeping things antiquated and difficult goes to your side. Republicans know that if every eligible voter voted, republicans would never win another election. 

Still, I suspect the amount of ACTUAL voter fraud--people voting twice, misrepresenting who they are--is infinitesimal. OK, I just looked it up....

reported incidents of voter fraud are actually traceable to other sources, such as clerical errors or
bad data matching practices. The report reviewed elections that had been meticulously studied for
voter fraud, and found incident rates between 0.0003 percent and 0.0025 percent. Given this tiny
incident rate for voter impersonation fraud, it is more likely, the report noted, that an American
“will be struck by lightning than that he will impersonate another voter at the polls.

It's borderline criminal we all can't vote online.  We pay our taxes online, we transact our finances online, why can't we do this?  One reason, politicians want control.  Sadly it's evident one party is pretty complicit with this level of suppression, knowing that if we rid of the electoral college, gerrymandering, they would lose often.
More often than they do now, grasping at the last straws of power, using "tradition" and "religion" as their means of control, their means of power, wielding it over people who most likely are trying to do the right thing.  Frauds with archiac bad ideas, scared men creating an abusive relationship with the American public.  The public that PAYS them to be there.
Voting should be A) required of all, B) available online, C) a fucking national holiday.

It is clear to me that there is a 1/4-1/3 of the country that has swallowed just enough of the koolaid that they have a difficult time separating reality from conspiracy theories.

Concern of voter fraud?  Jimmy for fuck’s sakes.  

We had this investigated 4 years ago when Trump said millions of illegals voted for Hillary.  Kris Kobach head of Trump’s fraud committee?   HUMILIATED in court.  So ignorant of basic procedures and facts in Trump’s case the damn judge ordered him to take a fucking class on voting laws for being such an idiot.  

What did Trump’s voted fraud committee  find??  NO EVIDENCE.   Trump’s claim illegals voted?  Zero proof.  You seriously think Trump isn’t full of shit again?   How fucking gullible are you guys seriously??

You guys still don’t fucking get it, Trump lies ESPECIALLY to save his ass.  He has been calling it rigged months ago and oh look what the lemmings all think it’s rigged too.  It’s just sad at the propaganda that has just taken millions down some scary fucking rabbit holes.

Stop being snowflakes trying to overturn a duly elected President and launch some coup to take power.  Trumpy needs to go home.  I hear the SDNY is anxious to see him ...


Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@StickyBun said:
The only thing that's a scam is Trump's idiotic ramblings about voting fraud. Move the F out of the way, you lost. 4,000,000+ votes more in Biden's favor say as much. 
ask yourself,  if Biden had been winning on election night by the margins Trump was winning by when all those states decided to stop their counts,  and then suddenly when they started counting again the votes when so drastically the other way,  wouldnt you wonder WTF happened and at least suspect improprieties?  of course you would and you should.
No, absolutely not. Because we all knew it was going to take time to count all of the bigger, more urban voting districts and all the mail-in votes that were going to heavily favor Biden, precisely because that's what the Dems told their voters to do: vote by mail. 

In fact, one of us even said so two days before election day....

For Pennsylvania, he's [Trump] crafting a "blue wave" narrative in advance of what will almost certainly be a big Trump lead early on election day (led by in-person voting dominated by republicans) only to see it slowly disappear as mail-in ballots (largely from democrats) are counted and start to chip away at his lead. 

This is what's going to happen. Everyone knows this is what's going to happen. The only question remaining is the degree to which it happens.

But since Trump's team knows this he can plant the seed of "malfeasance" early on, declare victory well before all the votes come in, and Trump voters who don't know any better will see a "stolen election" happening in real time. 

Mark my words. 
so if its all on the up and up,  why the big cry to shout down those that want it investigated?  i've said for months biden would win so I am not shocked,  but i do find it suspicious how it came out in the end.  i've seen reports of more votes than voters in WI,  but then they say that almost half a million new voters registered on election day and thats what accounts for the numbers being so out of whack.  How many of those that registered online on election day in WI were legally able to do so?  How many of those had voted in another state already absentee?   I think our current system is fucked up,  if states want to play with their local elections thats one thing,  but the federal election should have 1 standard for voting and that should be in every state.  
Let it be investigated, it's within his rights. Scorched earth policy is not.

The legacy tarnishing is appropriate for the man,  the optics are awful. Once people believe its hurting the formation of a new govt? National Security? The people will get pissed.

Hell Jimmy,  we both know if there was something big, we would have seen, felt or heard it by now.

It's funny how the same people saying there was election fraud were quick to welcome newly elected Republicans to the senate. I wonder how the democrats did not "steal" that too. Weren't these same senators elected in the same election yet being recognized? So I guess..
1.  The fraud was only for the president on the ballot right? There were no errors  counting/selecting the down candidates.
2. All the so called fake ballots and machine errors did not happen for senate and congress votes.

This is just like how the Trump fans wanted to stop the count in MI, GA and PA but count the votes in AZ. 
It takes a special kind of thinking to be this gullible and inconsistent. Dare I say stupid?


Quote: @SFVikeFan said:

You guys still don’t fucking get it, Trump lies ESPECIALLY to save his ass.  He has been calling it rigged months ago and oh look what the lemmings all think it’s rigged too.  It’s just sad at the propaganda that has just taken millions down some scary fucking rabbit holes.
Heard someone say that Trump is sowing chaos and discontent so that he can claim he didn't lose. Can you imagine him conceding? Admitting defeat? He's not man enough. Never has been, never will be.


Quote: @mblack said:
It's funny how the same people saying there was election fraud were quick to welcome newly elected Republicans to the senate. I wonder how the democrats did not "steal" that too. Weren't these same senators elected in the same election yet being recognized? So I guess..
1.  The fraud was only for the president on the ballot right? There were no errors  counting/selecting the down candidates.
2. All the so called fake ballots and machine errors did not happen for senate and congress votes.

This is just like how the Trump fans wanted to stop the count in MI, GA and PA but count the votes in AZ. 
It takes a special kind of thinking to be this gullible and inconsistent. Dare I say stupid?
Yep, your not dealing with the average here. 

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@SFVikeFan said:

You guys still don’t fucking get it, Trump lies ESPECIALLY to save his ass.  He has been calling it rigged months ago and oh look what the lemmings all think it’s rigged too.  It’s just sad at the propaganda that has just taken millions down some scary fucking rabbit holes.
Heard someone say that Trump is sowing chaos and discontent so that he can claim he didn't lose. Can you imagine him conceding? Admitting defeat? He's not man enough. Never has been, never will be.

He knows its over...More so than many of his fans who are swirling and hanging on every bit of social media dribble and conspiracy they can find. 

But yah, he wont ever concede...His last POTUS words will be "this has been a sham,I'm outta here, see y'all in 2024."

Effectively freezing the Republican roster for 4 more years... 


These legal motions he is filing are pretty lame and obviously not costing much, I think its just another con to get some more contributions to "save the democracy".   What's the P.T. Barnum quote,  "There's a sucker born every minute", that should be his campaign slogan from here on out.

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