09-02-2017, 02:08 PM
[img]//t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSxaqKbS8UAhTPGICJVUWESbR6irnQMBsMyeZcG5wgr_bgrdq9yjpobSv1A3K4N-UF1Ots94S7K[/img] Daily Norseman | Minnesota Vikings Waive Marshall Koehn; Kai Forbath wins kicker job Daily Norseman Koehn showed a huge leg, but inconsistent accuracy probably cost him the kicker job. Brad Rempel-USA TODAY Sports. The Vikings have apparently decided upon who their kicker will be in 2017. And unfortunately for Marshall Koehn, it isn't him. Per Ian ... Kai Forbath wins battle for Minnesota Vikings kicker in 2017 Kai Forbath retains Vikings' kicking job |