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Primer: Upcoming Debates
Quote: @StickyBun said:
Unfortunately, the more liberal media is just as bad as their competition across the spectrum when they focus on the stupid fucking fly. Its petty and immature. 
I wouldn't be so flip about it. The deep state is known to plant bugs on people.

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@StickyBun said:
Unfortunately, the more liberal media is just as bad as their competition across the spectrum when they focus on the stupid fucking fly. Its petty and immature. 
I wouldn't be so flip about it. The deep state is known to plant bugs on people.
lol, I thought they were done with me when they put the portal to the Matrix on the back of my head. 

Can see it now "Harris /Fly 2024".

I would label last nights discussion as CONFIRMING...

My vote has been cast, done my part.

Dont think we'll be seeing another POTUS debate/debacle. 

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@Skodin said:
@MaroonBells said:
@Nichelle said:
Last night while out I was listening to a local radio station that I'd never heard of before. Since I hardly drive anymore I canceled Sirius so I channel surfed and ran across this. I honestly thought the folks on this station were joking. The comments:
  • Biden really looked pale.
  • Biden looked pretty thin.
  • Trump started off so angry because he has been the victim of lies over the past 4 years and he's angry about it.
  • It was so weird that Biden's eyes looked black when they are actually blue.
  • It's suspicious that Biden wouldn't let them check for an earpiece. And it turns out that he was actually wired. There are photos!
  • Why didn't Biden take a drug test? You have to do that for any other job. He's got to be on drugs.
  • Biden is too disrespectful to be president.
  • Chris Wallace decided in the first few seconds that he was going to support Biden. He quickly changed the plan and was anti-Trump the whole debate.
I really did think they were kidding at first, especially about Biden's weight and skin tone. But they were dead serious. Have they looked at the orange man for so long that normal, human skin tones look odd?

Then last night, Trump claimed at his rally that Biden is refusing to participate in the next debates. There has been no such statement from the Biden camp. In fact, he has said the opposite.

My ballot arrived yesterday. It will be in by tomorrow.
Sounds familiar. I used to be addicted to right wing media in the 90s. I used to record show's on Fox--O'Reilly, Hannity. Listened to Limbaugh, Hugh Hewitt, Prager, Savage, and the biggest blockhead of them all, Mark Levin. 

I'd probably need a shrink to explain why I did that. I studied media in college, so maybe that has something to do with it. 

But if you want an explanation for Trump, it's in the above media. Now, I'm not talking about republicans, or even conservatives. Nothing at all wrong with that. I'm talking specifically about Trumpism. The kind of xenophobic, anti-science, conspiracy-fueled nonsense we see so much of right now. 

Right with you man.  University conservative voice here at, 2001-2005 (9/11, Iraq War, the fun days on campus double majoring in Poli Sci and Communications).  Used to be a big fan of Fox News (Krystol, Krauthammer, Kasich, Wallace, Shep Smith, even OReilly for most commentary.

That all ended in 08 when the party moved away from McCain and more into hate of Obama.  Romney wasn't angry enough for them in 2012, that's when I knew it was the beginning of the end of the classic conservative movement and my alignment with it.

Well, to clarify, I didn't listen because I agreed with them. I was a republican in the 80s. But by the time the 90s rolled around, I was very much a liberal democrat. A "card-carrying member of the ACLU," to use a common criticism back then. :-) In fact, it was Limbaugh and those like him that turned me into a lefty. I remember thinking, "whatever THIS is, I want no part of."

No, I listened because I was fascinated by how manipulative and hypocritical they were...many of them carrying the cross of Jesus with them while promoting divisiveness, greed, hate, arrogance, bigotry, etc. How Limbaugh would add just enough artificial bombast so that he could claim his racist and misogynist rants were just "jokes." Or how O'Reilly would feign disgust about some titillating segment that allowed him to run the "sexy" B-roll that his audiences loved. How both he and Hugh Hewitt would add esoteric vocabulary and literary segments to give their shows an air of intellectualism despite how base and mean-spirited they were.

Limbaugh almost single-handedly turned the word "liberal" into a pejorative. It's precisely why I call myself a liberal and refuse to use the more compromising word "progressive." Fuck Limbaugh. I'm a liberal and all my political heroes are liberals: Roosevelt, Kennedy, MLK, Carter, RBG, Obama....
They far right xtians are of the John Birch variety that pervert the message of Jesus to the extreme.

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
Much better debate last night. No matter which side you're on, you have to agree that it was good to see an actual conversation about issues instead of the loud and furious donnybook that occurred a couple weeks ago.  Shame about the fly. There are close ups that show it's holding a Biden Harris sign. For realz. 

For 5 years I've said that this is not about politics. Not about red v. blue, republican v. democrat. It's about preventing (now removing) a dangerously unfit man from the White House. In terms of public policy, I probably disagree with Pence more than I do Trump, but at least he's sane. 

Or...put another way....

“Trump is what he is, a floundering, inarticulate jumble of gnawing insecurities and not-at-all compensating vanities, which is pathetic. Pence is what he has chosen to be, which is horrifying.” - George Will
I don’t know MB what I saw was that same old tired dude that we have all seen in countless meetings wanting to talk over others and run on and on and on. Women know this dude all too well. The guy with the “now hold on little lady and let me tell you” tone in his voice. Again he couldn’t follow the rules of the debate with the moderator constantly having to try to cut him off to no avail.

Better? Yes but not by much.

Quote: @Mike Olson said:
@MaroonBells said:
@Skodin said:
@MaroonBells said:
@Nichelle said:
Last night while out I was listening to a local radio station that I'd never heard of before. Since I hardly drive anymore I canceled Sirius so I channel surfed and ran across this. I honestly thought the folks on this station were joking. The comments:
  • Biden really looked pale.
  • Biden looked pretty thin.
  • Trump started off so angry because he has been the victim of lies over the past 4 years and he's angry about it.
  • It was so weird that Biden's eyes looked black when they are actually blue.
  • It's suspicious that Biden wouldn't let them check for an earpiece. And it turns out that he was actually wired. There are photos!
  • Why didn't Biden take a drug test? You have to do that for any other job. He's got to be on drugs.
  • Biden is too disrespectful to be president.
  • Chris Wallace decided in the first few seconds that he was going to support Biden. He quickly changed the plan and was anti-Trump the whole debate.
I really did think they were kidding at first, especially about Biden's weight and skin tone. But they were dead serious. Have they looked at the orange man for so long that normal, human skin tones look odd?

Then last night, Trump claimed at his rally that Biden is refusing to participate in the next debates. There has been no such statement from the Biden camp. In fact, he has said the opposite.

My ballot arrived yesterday. It will be in by tomorrow.
Sounds familiar. I used to be addicted to right wing media in the 90s. I used to record show's on Fox--O'Reilly, Hannity. Listened to Limbaugh, Hugh Hewitt, Prager, Savage, and the biggest blockhead of them all, Mark Levin. 

I'd probably need a shrink to explain why I did that. I studied media in college, so maybe that has something to do with it. 

But if you want an explanation for Trump, it's in the above media. Now, I'm not talking about republicans, or even conservatives. Nothing at all wrong with that. I'm talking specifically about Trumpism. The kind of xenophobic, anti-science, conspiracy-fueled nonsense we see so much of right now. 

Right with you man.  University conservative voice here at, 2001-2005 (9/11, Iraq War, the fun days on campus double majoring in Poli Sci and Communications).  Used to be a big fan of Fox News (Krystol, Krauthammer, Kasich, Wallace, Shep Smith, even OReilly for most commentary.

That all ended in 08 when the party moved away from McCain and more into hate of Obama.  Romney wasn't angry enough for them in 2012, that's when I knew it was the beginning of the end of the classic conservative movement and my alignment with it.

Well, to clarify, I didn't listen because I agreed with them. I was a republican in the 80s. But by the time the 90s rolled around, I was very much a liberal democrat. A "card-carrying member of the ACLU," to use a common criticism back then. :-) In fact, it was Limbaugh and those like him that turned me into a lefty. I remember thinking, "whatever THIS is, I want no part of."

No, I listened because I was fascinated by how manipulative and hypocritical they were...many of them carrying the cross of Jesus with them while promoting divisiveness, greed, hate, arrogance, bigotry, etc. How Limbaugh would add just enough artificial bombast so that he could claim his racist and misogynist rants were just "jokes." Or how O'Reilly would feign disgust about some titillating segment that allowed him to run the "sexy" B-roll that his audiences loved. How both he and Hugh Hewitt would add esoteric vocabulary and literary segments to give their shows an air of intellectualism despite how base and mean-spirited they were.

Limbaugh almost single-handedly turned the word "liberal" into a pejorative. It's precisely why I call myself a liberal and refuse to use the more compromising word "progressive." Fuck Limbaugh. I'm a liberal and all my political heroes are liberals: Roosevelt, Kennedy, MLK, Carter, RBG, Obama....
They far right xtians are of the John Birch variety that pervert the message of Jesus to the extreme.
I take it even further. They're the very people the Bible warns us about. 


Sold-out in a day


Quote: @Mike Olson said:
@MaroonBells said:
Much better debate last night. No matter which side you're on, you have to agree that it was good to see an actual conversation about issues instead of the loud and furious donnybook that occurred a couple weeks ago.  Shame about the fly. There are close ups that show it's holding a Biden Harris sign. For realz. 

For 5 years I've said that this is not about politics. Not about red v. blue, republican v. democrat. It's about preventing (now removing) a dangerously unfit man from the White House. In terms of public policy, I probably disagree with Pence more than I do Trump, but at least he's sane. 

Or...put another way....

“Trump is what he is, a floundering, inarticulate jumble of gnawing insecurities and not-at-all compensating vanities, which is pathetic. Pence is what he has chosen to be, which is horrifying.” - George Will
I don’t know MB what I saw was that same old tired dude that we have all seen in countless meetings wanting to talk over others and run on and on and on. Women know this dude all too well. The guy with the “now hold on little lady and let me tell you” tone in his voice. Again he couldn’t follow the rules of the debate with the moderator constantly having to try to cut him off to no avail.

Better? Yes but not by much.

The bar was set so low.   Pence barely answered any direct questions, just the ones in his own head.  Questions we would have loved to hear answers on:
Why unmasked events both outside and inside at the WH?
Peaceful transition of power?
Pre-existing condition situation for the upcoming health care plan?Climate change man made?Climate change existential threat?
He doesn't respect the science (Virus or climate change). 
He didn't indicate a care for the poor, sick, or needy (Christian values). 
No respect to the tradition and norms of the republic (GOP honoring of our political process).
He's a fraud

Quote: @Mike Olson said:
@MaroonBells said:
Much better debate last night. No matter which side you're on, you have to agree that it was good to see an actual conversation about issues instead of the loud and furious donnybook that occurred a couple weeks ago.  Shame about the fly. There are close ups that show it's holding a Biden Harris sign. For realz. 

For 5 years I've said that this is not about politics. Not about red v. blue, republican v. democrat. It's about preventing (now removing) a dangerously unfit man from the White House. In terms of public policy, I probably disagree with Pence more than I do Trump, but at least he's sane. 

Or...put another way....

“Trump is what he is, a floundering, inarticulate jumble of gnawing insecurities and not-at-all compensating vanities, which is pathetic. Pence is what he has chosen to be, which is horrifying.” - George Will
I don’t know MB what I saw was that same old tired dude that we have all seen in countless meetings wanting to talk over others and run on and on and on. Women know this dude all too well. The guy with the “now hold on little lady and let me tell you” tone in his voice. Again he couldn’t follow the rules of the debate with the moderator constantly having to try to cut him off to no avail.

Better? Yes but not by much.
That's what I saw. His interruptions compared to hers were logged at 2:1. I see it at work. I experience it at work. It looked the same. And my other expectations were met. While doing the usual post-debate channel surfing, I noted the fox viewer panel labeled her as "abrasive" and he was tired but "presidential". Women have to walk a tightrope. And women of color have to backflips on that tightrope. 

I'm sure Fox viewers are predisposed to prefer Pence. But what was presidential about that other than not popping a squat on stage like Trump? And although she was interrupted and talked over, she was "abrasive"?


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