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Nothing like denial and political condemnation from your local priest...

The Rev. Robert Altier delivered a fiery sermon earlier this month, labeling COVID-19 an evil, man-made conspiracy and telling his Catholic congregation in Crystal that “we’ve been lied to.”

That came just days after the Rev. James Altman, a priest in La Crosse, Wis., appeared in a video posted on YouTube, calling Catholic Democrats “Godless” hypocrites doomed to hell — a video, produced by a Minnesota conservative media news outlet, that now has received 655,000 clicks.
Catholic priests — as with all faith leaders — are supposed to steer clear of endorsing political leaders, at minimum, from the pulpit. But the two incendiary speeches reveal that the country’s polarized political climate is drifting through some church doors.
While Catholic clergy have participated in events supporting issues such as abortion restrictions, it’s rare to find such overt and damning public preaching, said the Rev. Tom Reese, senior analyst for Religion News Service.
“We have thousands of priests, so we’ll inevitably have some renegades,” said Reese, adding that it’s the role of bishops to “rein them in.”
“When what the priest said is utterly false information that can endanger people’s lives, then the bishop needs to act quickly,” he said.
The two incidents unfolded within about a week of each other. Altman’s video was posted on YouTube Aug. 30 by Alpha News Minnesota, a conservative media group. The 10-minute clip opens with Altman standing solemnly in front of a crucifix.
“You cannot be Catholic and be Democrat. Period,” Altman says. “Their party platform is against everything the Catholic church teaches. … Repent of your support of that party and that platform, or face the fires of hell.”
If Democrats don’t repent, Altman says “There will be 60 million aborted babies standing at the gates of heaven, barring your Democrat entrance.”
The video went viral, and supporters held a prayer rally last Sunday in La Crosse to support Altman. La Crosse Diocese Bishop William Patrick Callahan said the diocese has been inundated with messages.
“Father James Altman has become a social media phenomenon and is now a main stream media story,” said Callahan in a statement. “The amount of calls and e-mails we are receiving at the diocesan offices show how divisive he is. I am being pressured by both sides for a comment; one side holds him up as a hero … the other side condemns him.”
He said Altman’s “generalization and condemnation of entire groups of people is completely inappropriate and not in keeping with our values or the life of virtue.”
In response, the bishop said he will first try “fraternal correction,” private counseling with Altman, to address the problem. But canon law penalties “are not far away if my attempts at fraternal correction do not work,” he said.
Back in Minnesota, Altier took on another political issue from the pulpit at St. Raphael Church, namely casting doubt on the legitimacy and threat of the coronavirus, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says has infected more than 6.5 million Americans and killed at least 193,000. A former assistant pastor at the Church of St. Agnes in St. Paul, Altier started his sermon by giving his version of the origins of COVID-19.
“It is a man-made virus,” Altier told his congregation. “Work had begun in a laboratory in North Carolina and they shipped it to China to finish the work. And it was released, so that people would get sick. All this is being done on purpose.”
Altier argued that it was a “lie” that thousands of people are dying from the virus. No hospitals are being overwhelmed with COVID patients, he said. There was one hospital in New York that appeared full because the city shipped all of its COVID patients there so it would look packed, he said.
Altier claimed that some sick COVID patients are being moved into nursing homes because “there weren’t enough people dying.”
The 20-minute homily ends with Altier proclaiming the only way he would take a COVID vaccine is if “they arrest me, and hold me down, and force it upon me."

Nut job. And this is a person speaking to a congregation who have put their faith in him. Ridiculous.

Disgusting.  Everything about it is disgusting.  Preaching hate, taking money from rubes, non taxable entity and real estate.

Too bad there isn't an actual hell for these scumbags to end up in

What a coincidence.  First it was a "nun" now we have "priests". Just happen to be from the party of "religion" and from the two states someone is trying desperately to win. Where will the ne×t "priest" speak out from? Michigan or Philly?

Altman says
Quote:You cannot be Catholic and be Democrat. Period
But I am absolutely sure you can be a Christian and support the Republican party Trump (the Republican party as we know it is dead)

That's absolutely grotesque. I keep hearing about how there are no Christian democrats which is garbage. This guy is a liar and a hypocrite. 

Glad someone is preaching the truth.

Quote: @greediron said:
Glad someone is preaching the truth.
You've gone off the deep end, man. Seriously. 

Abortion is the only word that can make followers of Christ vote against everything Christ ever talked about because of one issue that Christ never talked about.

Quote: @Vikergirl said:
That's absolutely grotesque. I keep hearing about how their are no Christian democrats which is garbage. This guy is a liar and a hypocrite. 
In today's climate and reading the stuff that is here you would think Jesus and God are Republicans. I bet you that's the "truth"

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
Abortion is the only word that can make followers of Christ vote against everything Christ ever talked about because of one issue that Christ never talked about.
Very gross false generalization.  Being pro-life has not caused me to vote against ANYTHING that Christ taught. 

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