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White guy holding a BLM sign
Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Skodin said:
No surprise to me, doesn’t have to be the heart of Klan territory to find that level of ignorance.  

I have been saying it for years, a large portion of Americans are dumb.

Poorly educated, disgustingly fed, brainwashed by media, willfully ignorant.

Love this country’s principals, our ideals, our history of leadership, losing faith in its people.  It is going to be a rough ride the next couple of years.
and its a damn good thing we have those poorly educated and such, that people in ivory towers like to look down upon,  its on their backs that this country was made and continues to rely on to do the jobs that most wouldn't do (or couldn't do) if they had to.

as far as racism... the poor and under-educated hardly have exclusive rights to bigotry.... plenty of people in your ivory towers would wear that label (as long as it was tailor made and not off the rack)
Jimmy, the seeds of racism take root in that kind of thinking. The kind of thinking that separates "real" America from those who live in cities, in "ivory towers," the "liberals," the educated, the "elites" that they hate so much. 
what kind of thinking?  that people arent less because of their education levels?  that people arent less because they have a poor diet?   that some how a higher education makes a person unable to be racist or brain washed by the media?

racism isnt a political matter,  its not a matter that is corrected by education... fuck some of the most bigoted pieces of shit in this country are likely carrying around Masters degrees or higher,  and I'm quite certain that all those KKK members dont necessarily vote red... or that racism ends with the KKK or with a lack of pigment in a persons skin.

you know what separates America... its the notion that one side in above all this shit and the rest are scum... fuck that shit and any arrogant fucker that tries to imply it.
THAT kind of thinking. This sort of inferiority complex so many have. They feel they can't participate in the American dream and that builds a lasting hatred and resentment toward those who do, those who not only accept diversity and multiculturalism but celebrate it. 

Being poor, uneducated, unfit or southern does NOT make one a racist anymore than being wealthy, educated and fit makes one NOT a racist. It's the above kind of thinking that does that--the perception of condescension. 

Remember the three civil rights workers who were executed in Mississippi in the 60s. Two of them were white. Southern racists hated it when outsiders of any color would interfere in their business, tell them what to do. The activists were merely trying to register blacks to vote, something they legally had the right to do. And they were murdered for it. That had as much to do with progressive resentment as it did racism. 

Those people in that video? Trust me on this one. They hate liberals a helluva lot more than black folks. 
the perception of condescension?  tell my what part of Skodins post leave anything to perception?

is any social bias better or worse than skin color bias?
My post does not mention any voting histories, certain groups proclivities to racism.  I never mentioned this was a regional thing, a southern thing, a midwestern thing.  It’s about America.  There are dummies in NY, dummies in FL, dummies in California.  People who despite having the basic understanding of right and wrong, choose wrong willfully.  The last 4 years has shown that not only are people avoiding evolution, they are doubling down on bad decision making.

For example, dangerous weighted Americans love to shit on veganism, yet if everyone but them adopted veganism, their own lives would be better.  Lower health care costs as a nation, cleaner water, better land practices, better environment FOR ALL.  

It’s not just the lack of change that’s upsetting, it’s the demonstrative display of their own ignorance that makes you think “holy fuck, they have no clue”.

Another example that I can’t understand, for years Americans who wanted less government intervention & more freedom were pissed about who you had sex with behind closed doors or what type of plant you smoked in the privacy of their own home.  This contradicts their guiding principals in the name of what?  Their understanding of their religion?  The war on drugs?  Again the confusion reigns supreme, considering there is a significant portion of that population who have had interests outside of heterosexuality or have / still use drugs (cannabis, caffeine, prescription drugs).   No population can put together a progressive (not in the political sense, more evolutionary) agenda featuring our a better understanding of human beings and the realities of what drugs have to offer WITHOUT a smarter, more understanding electorate.

People crying about tyranny about masks, yet think that US backed governments taking protestors in unmarked vans for exercising their 1st amendment right is NOT tyranny is the epitome of stupidity.

This isn’t a white thing, a black thing, a red or a blue thing, SJW ideologues or Alt Right rednecks, this is an American thing

We all have the ability to change, I did. I grew up in rural upstate NY surrounded by underachievers, single mothers, and dairy farms.  I threw myself out in the world, took more losses than wins, kept pushing my own understanding, it’s helped my own evolution of a being.  Just because I graduated high school and college doesn’t mean I stopped learning.  For many, it seems it has.

Americans seems scared, scared of things they don’t understand, scared of having to change.  They cling to the word “tradition”, which is becoming more clearer by the day as really meaning “this is how we used to do it and it nor I will ever change”

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
Wow. Just wow. I'd be curious to know over what time period this was taken. Even if it's over a couple of days this is a pretty remarkable sampling.
R-Senator Tom Cotton from Arkansas just made a statement yesterday calling the history of slavery in America a “necessary evil”.

No doubt in my mind he will be re-elected in a landslide.

What does that tell you about the voting base of Arkansas?


Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
@MaroonBells said:
Wow. Just wow. I'd be curious to know over what time period this was taken. Even if it's over a couple of days this is a pretty remarkable sampling.
R-Senator Tom Cotton from Arkansas just made a statement yesterday calling the history of slavery in America a “necessary evil”.

No doubt in my mind he will be re-elected in a landslide.

What does that tell you about the voting base of Arkansas?

Hahaha Tom COTTON, a man with the last name of COTTON speaking about the necessary evil of slavery.  He is actually making a good argument for reparations here since we had to build this country off your ancestor backs, some would say they deserve some compensation for this no?

Tom Cotton,  also a believer that mankind is created equal, that no country has exemplified this more than the US, yet doesn’t believe that DC should have representation in congress.  An example of his reasoning?  Wyoming has more “well rounded working class state” citizens than DC (due to logging, construction, mining, manufacturing employee counts) so therefore DC doesn’t deserve representation.

DC GDP 484 billion
Wyoming 40 billion

Both deserve representation, but economically, it’s not even close

Yup, this is the GOP 2024 nominee ladies and gents

Quote: @Skodin said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Skodin said:
No surprise to me, doesn’t have to be the heart of Klan territory to find that level of ignorance.  

I have been saying it for years, a large portion of Americans are dumb.

Poorly educated, disgustingly fed, brainwashed by media, willfully ignorant.

Love this country’s principals, our ideals, our history of leadership, losing faith in its people.  It is going to be a rough ride the next couple of years.
and its a damn good thing we have those poorly educated and such, that people in ivory towers like to look down upon,  its on their backs that this country was made and continues to rely on to do the jobs that most wouldn't do (or couldn't do) if they had to.

as far as racism... the poor and under-educated hardly have exclusive rights to bigotry.... plenty of people in your ivory towers would wear that label (as long as it was tailor made and not off the rack)
Jimmy, the seeds of racism take root in that kind of thinking. The kind of thinking that separates "real" America from those who live in cities, in "ivory towers," the "liberals," the educated, the "elites" that they hate so much. 
what kind of thinking?  that people arent less because of their education levels?  that people arent less because they have a poor diet?   that some how a higher education makes a person unable to be racist or brain washed by the media?

racism isnt a political matter,  its not a matter that is corrected by education... fuck some of the most bigoted pieces of shit in this country are likely carrying around Masters degrees or higher,  and I'm quite certain that all those KKK members dont necessarily vote red... or that racism ends with the KKK or with a lack of pigment in a persons skin.

you know what separates America... its the notion that one side in above all this shit and the rest are scum... fuck that shit and any arrogant fucker that tries to imply it.
THAT kind of thinking. This sort of inferiority complex so many have. They feel they can't participate in the American dream and that builds a lasting hatred and resentment toward those who do, those who not only accept diversity and multiculturalism but celebrate it. 

Being poor, uneducated, unfit or southern does NOT make one a racist anymore than being wealthy, educated and fit makes one NOT a racist. It's the above kind of thinking that does that--the perception of condescension. 

Remember the three civil rights workers who were executed in Mississippi in the 60s. Two of them were white. Southern racists hated it when outsiders of any color would interfere in their business, tell them what to do. The activists were merely trying to register blacks to vote, something they legally had the right to do. And they were murdered for it. That had as much to do with progressive resentment as it did racism. 

Those people in that video? Trust me on this one. They hate liberals a helluva lot more than black folks. 
the perception of condescension?  tell my what part of Skodins post leave anything to perception?

is any social bias better or worse than skin color bias?
My post does not mention any voting histories, certain groups proclivities to racism.  I never mentioned this was a regional thing, a southern thing, a midwestern thing.  It’s about America.  There are dummies in NY, dummies in FL, dummies in California.  People who despite having the basic understanding of right and wrong, choose wrong willfully.  The last 4 years has shown that not only are people avoiding evolution, they are doubling down on bad decision making.

For example, dangerous weighted Americans love to shit on veganism, yet if everyone but them adopted veganism, their own lives would be better.  Lower health care costs as a nation, cleaner water, better land practices, better environment FOR ALL.  

It’s not just the lack of change that’s upsetting, it’s the demonstrative display of their own ignorance that makes you think “holy fuck, they have no clue”.

Another example that I can’t understand, for years Americans who wanted less government intervention & more freedom were pissed about who you had sex with behind closed doors or what type of plant you smoked in the privacy of their own home.  This contradicts their guiding principals in the name of what?  Their understanding of their religion?  The war on drugs?  Again the confusion reigns supreme, considering there is a significant portion of that population who have had interests outside of heterosexuality or have / still use drugs (cannabis, caffeine, prescription drugs).   No population can put together a progressive (not in the political sense, more evolutionary) agenda featuring our a better understanding of human beings and the realities of what drugs have to offer WITHOUT a smarter, more understanding electorate.

People crying about tyranny about masks, yet think that US backed governments taking protestors in unmarked vans for exercising their 1st amendment right is NOT tyranny is the epitome of stupidity.

This isn’t a white thing, a black thing, a red or a blue thing, SJW ideologues or Alt Right rednecks, this is an American thing

We all have the ability to change, I did. I grew up in rural upstate NY surrounded by underachievers, single mothers, and dairy farms.  I threw myself out in the world, took more losses than wins, kept pushing my own understanding, it’s helped my own evolution of a being.  Just because I graduated high school and college doesn’t mean I stopped learning.  For many, it seems it has.

Americans seems scared, scared of things they don’t understand, scared of having to change.  They cling to the word “tradition”, which is becoming more clearer by the day as really meaning “this is how we used to do it and it nor I will ever change”
you are right,  you didnt narrow it to southerners.

and plenty of skinny folks shit on veganism as well,  and i've meet chubby folks that dont eat meat..

and i cant speak for everybody,  but what people did behind closed doors never bothered me,  its when they decide that they have to push their lifestyle choices in my face or to my children as perfectly natural ways of life in order for them to gain mainstream acceptance.   its when their free choice started to infringe on others free choice that I take exception.  ( like bakers not being able to refuse service )  I played HS football with gay team mates,  and some of my best friends smoked dope ( and other shit)  I chose not to, but it still isnt a huge deal to me as long as they didnt try and force their choices on me.

change isnt a bad thing... but its not always a good thing either,  you choosing to take risks that only affect you is fine,  but a minority of vocal American demanding change that may not be good for the majority is a completely different conversation.  ( and no I am not talking about racial change here )


Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
@MaroonBells said:
Wow. Just wow. I'd be curious to know over what time period this was taken. Even if it's over a couple of days this is a pretty remarkable sampling.
R-Senator Tom Cotton from Arkansas just made a statement yesterday calling the history of slavery in America a “necessary evil”.

No doubt in my mind he will be re-elected in a landslide.

What does that tell you about the voting base of Arkansas?

You need to get a new job a transfer or move the retirement up...WTF?

AR after SF, Portland and Europe? Talk about whiplash..


this is ones for that evil genius Skodin... 

[Image: tick-makes-you-allergic-to-meat-spreadin...C498&ssl=1]


Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Skodin said:
No surprise to me, doesn’t have to be the heart of Klan territory to find that level of ignorance.  

I have been saying it for years, a large portion of Americans are dumb.

Poorly educated, disgustingly fed, brainwashed by media, willfully ignorant.

Love this country’s principals, our ideals, our history of leadership, losing faith in its people.  It is going to be a rough ride the next couple of years.
and its a damn good thing we have those poorly educated and such, that people in ivory towers like to look down upon,  its on their backs that this country was made and continues to rely on to do the jobs that most wouldn't do (or couldn't do) if they had to.

as far as racism... the poor and under-educated hardly have exclusive rights to bigotry.... plenty of people in your ivory towers would wear that label (as long as it was tailor made and not off the rack)
Jimmy, the seeds of racism take root in that kind of thinking. The kind of thinking that separates "real" America from those who live in cities, in "ivory towers," the "liberals," the educated, the "elites" that they hate so much. 
what kind of thinking?  that people arent less because of their education levels?  that people arent less because they have a poor diet?   that some how a higher education makes a person unable to be racist or brain washed by the media?

racism isnt a political matter,  its not a matter that is corrected by education... fuck some of the most bigoted pieces of shit in this country are likely carrying around Masters degrees or higher,  and I'm quite certain that all those KKK members dont necessarily vote red... or that racism ends with the KKK or with a lack of pigment in a persons skin.

you know what separates America... its the notion that one side in above all this shit and the rest are scum... fuck that shit and any arrogant fucker that tries to imply it.

Oh boy, you've invaded their safe space.......
So there was some fucked up shit said in that video but you know what?  I can stand outside with any sign that says anything and get people to say stupid shit.  Heck I've been that guy before and not had anything even controversial on said sign. It just so happened to be before everyone had access to good video equipment.
Speaking of equipment.  That was one heck of a microphone to pick up voices that good while someone was driving.

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Skodin said:
No surprise to me, doesn’t have to be the heart of Klan territory to find that level of ignorance.  

I have been saying it for years, a large portion of Americans are dumb.

Poorly educated, disgustingly fed, brainwashed by media, willfully ignorant.

Love this country’s principals, our ideals, our history of leadership, losing faith in its people.  It is going to be a rough ride the next couple of years.
and its a damn good thing we have those poorly educated and such, that people in ivory towers like to look down upon,  its on their backs that this country was made and continues to rely on to do the jobs that most wouldn't do (or couldn't do) if they had to.

as far as racism... the poor and under-educated hardly have exclusive rights to bigotry.... plenty of people in your ivory towers would wear that label (as long as it was tailor made and not off the rack)
Jimmy, the seeds of racism take root in that kind of thinking. The kind of thinking that separates "real" America from those who live in cities, in "ivory towers," the "liberals," the educated, the "elites" that they hate so much. 
what kind of thinking?  that people arent less because of their education levels?  that people arent less because they have a poor diet?   that some how a higher education makes a person unable to be racist or brain washed by the media?

racism isnt a political matter,  its not a matter that is corrected by education... fuck some of the most bigoted pieces of shit in this country are likely carrying around Masters degrees or higher,  and I'm quite certain that all those KKK members dont necessarily vote red... or that racism ends with the KKK or with a lack of pigment in a persons skin.

you know what separates America... its the notion that one side in above all this shit and the rest are scum... fuck that shit and any arrogant fucker that tries to imply it.

Oh boy, you've invaded their safe space.......
So there was some fucked up shit said in that video but you know what?  I can stand outside with any sign that says anything and get people to say stupid shit.  Heck I've been that guy before and not had anything even controversial on said sign. It just so happened to be before everyone had access to good video equipment.
Speaking of equipment.  That was one heck of a microphone to pick up voices that good while someone was driving.
Man stands in front of a white pride billboard holding a BLM sign and gets an earful of hateful and racist threats: The rest of America is shocked and disgusted. Trump's America thinks these are the people who built America.  Kid with sign thinks he's better than them. People say stupid shit all the time. Audio probably manipulated.

This is the America we live in now, where obviously despicable behavior is no longer universally condemned but excused and defended and rationalized, while the messenger of such behavior questioned.


Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Skodin said:
No surprise to me, doesn’t have to be the heart of Klan territory to find that level of ignorance.  

I have been saying it for years, a large portion of Americans are dumb.

Poorly educated, disgustingly fed, brainwashed by media, willfully ignorant.

Love this country’s principals, our ideals, our history of leadership, losing faith in its people.  It is going to be a rough ride the next couple of years.
and its a damn good thing we have those poorly educated and such, that people in ivory towers like to look down upon,  its on their backs that this country was made and continues to rely on to do the jobs that most wouldn't do (or couldn't do) if they had to.

as far as racism... the poor and under-educated hardly have exclusive rights to bigotry.... plenty of people in your ivory towers would wear that label (as long as it was tailor made and not off the rack)
Jimmy, the seeds of racism take root in that kind of thinking. The kind of thinking that separates "real" America from those who live in cities, in "ivory towers," the "liberals," the educated, the "elites" that they hate so much. 
what kind of thinking?  that people arent less because of their education levels?  that people arent less because they have a poor diet?   that some how a higher education makes a person unable to be racist or brain washed by the media?

racism isnt a political matter,  its not a matter that is corrected by education... fuck some of the most bigoted pieces of shit in this country are likely carrying around Masters degrees or higher,  and I'm quite certain that all those KKK members dont necessarily vote red... or that racism ends with the KKK or with a lack of pigment in a persons skin.

you know what separates America... its the notion that one side in above all this shit and the rest are scum... fuck that shit and any arrogant fucker that tries to imply it.

Oh boy, you've invaded their safe space.......
So there was some fucked up shit said in that video but you know what?  I can stand outside with any sign that says anything and get people to say stupid shit.  Heck I've been that guy before and not had anything even controversial on said sign. It just so happened to be before everyone had access to good video equipment.
Speaking of equipment.  That was one heck of a microphone to pick up voices that good while someone was driving.

This is the America we live in now, where obviously despicable behavior is no longer universally condemned but excused and defended and rationalized, while the messenger of such behavior questioned.

Yep, completely ridiculous. 

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Skodin said:
No surprise to me, doesn’t have to be the heart of Klan territory to find that level of ignorance.  

I have been saying it for years, a large portion of Americans are dumb.

Poorly educated, disgustingly fed, brainwashed by media, willfully ignorant.

Love this country’s principals, our ideals, our history of leadership, losing faith in its people.  It is going to be a rough ride the next couple of years.
and its a damn good thing we have those poorly educated and such, that people in ivory towers like to look down upon,  its on their backs that this country was made and continues to rely on to do the jobs that most wouldn't do (or couldn't do) if they had to.

as far as racism... the poor and under-educated hardly have exclusive rights to bigotry.... plenty of people in your ivory towers would wear that label (as long as it was tailor made and not off the rack)
Jimmy, the seeds of racism take root in that kind of thinking. The kind of thinking that separates "real" America from those who live in cities, in "ivory towers," the "liberals," the educated, the "elites" that they hate so much. 
what kind of thinking?  that people arent less because of their education levels?  that people arent less because they have a poor diet?   that some how a higher education makes a person unable to be racist or brain washed by the media?

racism isnt a political matter,  its not a matter that is corrected by education... fuck some of the most bigoted pieces of shit in this country are likely carrying around Masters degrees or higher,  and I'm quite certain that all those KKK members dont necessarily vote red... or that racism ends with the KKK or with a lack of pigment in a persons skin.

you know what separates America... its the notion that one side in above all this shit and the rest are scum... fuck that shit and any arrogant fucker that tries to imply it.

Oh boy, you've invaded their safe space.......
So there was some fucked up shit said in that video but you know what?  I can stand outside with any sign that says anything and get people to say stupid shit.  Heck I've been that guy before and not had anything even controversial on said sign. It just so happened to be before everyone had access to good video equipment.
Speaking of equipment.  That was one heck of a microphone to pick up voices that good while someone was driving.
Man stands in front of a white pride billboard holding a BLM sign and gets an earful of hateful and racist threats: The rest of America is shocked and disgusted. Trump's America thinks these are the people who built America.  Kid with sign thinks he's better than them. People say stupid shit all the time. Audio probably manipulated.

This is the America we live in now, where obviously despicable behavior is no longer universally condemned but excused and defended and rationalized, while the messenger of such behavior questioned.

where is it stated that these are the people built America?  The poorly educated built this country,  that is who I was defending not bigotry.  just because some poorly educated happen to be bigots doesnt mean that they all are,  or that bigotry ends with institutional education.

Its nice that people have to try and manipulate everything that gets said around here to create division and fighting...

fuck it,  have a nice time.

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