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True leadership
Quote: @JimmyinSD said:

Its a similar refrain in our household...

My wife fumes about POTUS, way more than I do (even though our vitriol for the man, his value equation and his policies are equal)

I tell her he is who he is, it's very transparent. But my dear, your anger is pointed at the wrong person. Be disappointed and upset with those that actually voted him in. I'm not convinced they got what they were hoping for either.

We'll see where the chips fall in November. 
Both are pieces of shit,  just the color of ties they choose to wear.  Biden is by no means a virtuous candidate to waive in the faces of trump supporters.  It will once again be a hold your nose and vote election.
Im not tossing the virtuosity of Biden in the face of anyone...I can only obviously speak for myself on this.

I absolutely believe 4 more years of Trump will continue the erosion of moral decency in the country, accelerate harming our planet, further erode our influence in the world and poison the relationships with our key allies. Ones formed fighting fascism and the alt right 75 years ago. 
Perhaps our "allies" needed to be shaken up a little,  our position as the global funding agency and the country that takes most of the risk and doesnt get the appreciation it deserves,  hell yes it was time to equal the playing field,  even if that meant pissing off a bunch of countries that have their own shiitty closest but instead want to piss and moan about trump.  

Trump  has screwed up plenty,  but our global image is the least of my concerns considering what American blood has done for this world and how poorly we have been viewed for far longer than the last 4 years. 

They dont like him because he called them out on their shit and how they have abused their relationship with our country. 
They dont like him for a lot of reasons...Those will come out over time 

I have no issue working to balance trade disparities, none at all. Trump was calling those out decades ago

It gets down to the how you do it and the eventual outcomes.

In 2016 I would have used your language regarding plugging your nose and cast a vote for Trump or Hilary.

Now? I believe Trump is the most dangerous Potus the country has had since Richard Nixon. Right at a time when our country is the most divided its been since 68 and maybe since 1941 with the isolationists vs those who believed we needed to get involved in Europe again and stop Hitler.

No, at a time when our country needs strong leadership, guidance and uniting? It's not happening from my perch. There is a lot more at stake this November than plugging a nose and voting. 


Quote: @JimmyinSD said:

Its a similar refrain in our household...

My wife fumes about POTUS, way more than I do (even though our vitriol for the man, his value equation and his policies are equal)

I tell her he is who he is, it's very transparent. But my dear, your anger is pointed at the wrong person. Be disappointed and upset with those that actually voted him in. I'm not convinced they got what they were hoping for either.

We'll see where the chips fall in November. 
Both are pieces of shit,  just the color of ties they choose to wear.  Biden is by no means a virtuous candidate to waive in the faces of trump supporters.  It will once again be a hold your nose and vote election.
Im not tossing the virtuosity of Biden in the face of anyone...I can only obviously speak for myself on this.

I absolutely believe 4 more years of Trump will continue the erosion of moral decency in the country, accelerate harming our planet, further erode our influence in the world and poison the relationships with our key allies. Ones formed fighting fascism and the alt right 75 years ago. 
Perhaps our "allies" needed to be shaken up a little,  our position as the global funding agency and the country that takes most of the risk and doesnt get the appreciation it deserves,  hell yes it was time to equal the playing field,  even if that meant pissing off a bunch of countries that have their own shiitty closest but instead want to piss and moan about trump.  

Trump  has screwed up plenty,  but our global image is the least of my concerns considering what American blood has done for this world and how poorly we have been viewed for far longer than the last 4 years. 

They dont like him because he called them out on their shit and how they have abused their relationship with our country. 

At the bold.. talk about drinking the Trump koolaid. Trump has a long history of failed initiatives and questionable dealings yet you have no problem giving him a shot time and time again but you cant stand how  "badly" we have been viewed by "this world".
Talk about hypocrisy.
Lastly the notion that the US has been viewed badly is something cooked by Trump and spread by his cronies so talk about creating something that never existed and then pretending to fix it. A story of the Trump administration.


Quote: @purplefaithful said:
@JimmyinSD said:

Its a similar refrain in our household...

My wife fumes about POTUS, way more than I do (even though our vitriol for the man, his value equation and his policies are equal)

I tell her he is who he is, it's very transparent. But my dear, your anger is pointed at the wrong person. Be disappointed and upset with those that actually voted him in. I'm not convinced they got what they were hoping for either.

We'll see where the chips fall in November. 
Both are pieces of shit,  just the color of ties they choose to wear.  Biden is by no means a virtuous candidate to waive in the faces of trump supporters.  It will once again be a hold your nose and vote election.
Im not tossing the virtuosity of Biden in the face of anyone...I can only obviously speak for myself on this.

I absolutely believe 4 more years of Trump will continue the erosion of moral decency in the country, accelerate harming our planet, further erode our influence in the world and poison the relationships with our key allies. Ones formed fighting fascism and the alt right 75 years ago. 
Perhaps our "allies" needed to be shaken up a little,  our position as the global funding agency and the country that takes most of the risk and doesnt get the appreciation it deserves,  hell yes it was time to equal the playing field,  even if that meant pissing off a bunch of countries that have their own shiitty closest but instead want to piss and moan about trump.  

Trump  has screwed up plenty,  but our global image is the least of my concerns considering what American blood has done for this world and how poorly we have been viewed for far longer than the last 4 years. 

They dont like him because he called them out on their shit and how they have abused their relationship with our country. 
They dont like him for a lot of reasons...Those will come out over time.

I have no issue working to balance trade disparities, none at all. Trump was calling those out decades ago

It gets down to the how you do it and the eventual outcomes.

In 2016 I would have used your language regarding plugging your nose and cast a vote for Trump or Hilary.

Now? I believe Trump is the most dangerous Potus the country has had since Richard Nixon - at a time when our country needs strong leadership, guidance and uniting.

There is a lot more at stake this November. 

I think the media boogie man is trying to make us believe all the ills of world and our country are some how trumps doing and that by replacing him it will some how make  things better,  sorry what I see him getting blamed for is nothing new and is only an issue now because the media has found a use for it and a way to blame it on somebody they want to get rid of because he doesnt play nice with them.

The chinese have been pissed since day one because obama and hillary were all ready to screw us deeper with that trade agreement and not only did trump pull put of that he doubled down and started the trade war to work to correct the failings of previous administrations.   We are told he was failing but employment numbers prior to covid tell a completely different story. 

As far as europe,  fuck them and their socialist mess.  Their countries are going to shit and their leaders do nothing,  but yet I am supposed to give. a shit about how they view trump,   sorry,  not happening.

Russia,  its laughable that people want to believe that they are trump's buddies when it was Hillary's state dept that ok'd their uranium deals,   and obama was president when they shot down a passenger plane and invaded Ukraine with no consequence. 

I agree, i think we are in a bad way globally,  and I dont think trump can fix it, but I think his approach will be much better for America than anything puppet joe and the socialist masters he serves will do for our country.

Blue policies are failures in our country and the states that are struggling the worst show that.  We cant tax and spend our way to a utopia,  no matter how much it feels good  inside to try and do it.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@purplefaithful said:
@MaroonBells said:
@purplefaithful said:
@MaroonBells said:
Jon Gordon, best-selling author and leadership coach to the Clemson football team, LA Rams, TX Rangers and Dell Computer outlines the characteristics of great leaders. 

• Small ego, big mission.
• We before me.
• A lot of love and accountability.
• A lot of grace and truth.
• Demanding but not demeaning.
• Loving but not enabling.
• Shout praise. Whisper criticism.
• High standards, low tolerance for excuses.

There are millions of leaders in American business who have most if not all of these qualities. I've seen them. I work with them. How is it we managed to elect to the most important leadership position in the world a man with literally none of these?
It's not worth the key-strokes unless this is a healthy way for you to vent?

Honestly, I believe Trump when he said he could kill a man in broad daylight on 5th avenue in NY and not lose a vote amongst the base. 
His base didn't seem to understand that he was insulting them when he said that, but he was right. 

Yeah, there might be some venting in it, but I also think we need reminding just how nuts it is that million of Americans actually WANTED this man to be our president. I think many of them mistook his doltishness and lack of any real leadership skills as the "fresh voice of an outsider."

It's OK to want someone who isn't a career politician, but if you take it too far, THIS is what you end up with. 

Its a similar refrain in our household...

My wife fumes about POTUS, way more than I do (even though our vitriol for the man, his value equation and his policies are equal)

I tell her he is who he is, it's very transparent. But my dear, your anger is pointed at the wrong person. Be disappointed and upset with those that actually voted him in. I'm not convinced they got what they were hoping for either.

We'll see where the chips fall in November. 
Both are pieces of shit,  just the color of ties they choose to wear.  Biden is by no means a virtuous candidate to waive in the faces of trump supporters.  It will once again be a hold your nose and vote election.
You know you don't mean that. Biden isn't a perfect candidate. He's doddering, he's old, he sometimes gets things mixed up. But you can NOT compare him to the incompetent pig in the white house. Biden is not an imbecile. He's not a conman with the morals of a snake and an ego the size of the empire state. He's not going to be retweeting white supremacists or giving advice to teen hollywood from his toilet seat.

Trump is an embarrassment to the history of this once proud nation. The sooner our long national nightmare is over, the better for all of us. 

Quote: @mblack said:
@JimmyinSD said:

Its a similar refrain in our household...

My wife fumes about POTUS, way more than I do (even though our vitriol for the man, his value equation and his policies are equal)

I tell her he is who he is, it's very transparent. But my dear, your anger is pointed at the wrong person. Be disappointed and upset with those that actually voted him in. I'm not convinced they got what they were hoping for either.

We'll see where the chips fall in November. 
Both are pieces of shit,  just the color of ties they choose to wear.  Biden is by no means a virtuous candidate to waive in the faces of trump supporters.  It will once again be a hold your nose and vote election.
Im not tossing the virtuosity of Biden in the face of anyone...I can only obviously speak for myself on this.

I absolutely believe 4 more years of Trump will continue the erosion of moral decency in the country, accelerate harming our planet, further erode our influence in the world and poison the relationships with our key allies. Ones formed fighting fascism and the alt right 75 years ago. 
Perhaps our "allies" needed to be shaken up a little,  our position as the global funding agency and the country that takes most of the risk and doesnt get the appreciation it deserves,  hell yes it was time to equal the playing field,  even if that meant pissing off a bunch of countries that have their own shiitty closest but instead want to piss and moan about trump.  

Trump  has screwed up plenty,  but our global image is the least of my concerns considering what American blood has done for this world and how poorly we have been viewed for far longer than the last 4 years. 

They dont like him because he called them out on their shit and how they have abused their relationship with our country. 

At the bold.. talk about drinking the Trump koolaid. Trump has a long history of failed initiatives and questionable dealings yet you have no problem giving him a shot time and time again but you cant stand how  "badly" we have been viewed by "this world".
Talk about hypocrisy.
Lastly the notion that the US has been viewed badly is something cooked by Trump and spread by his cronies so talk about creating something that never existed and then pretending to fix it. A story of the Trump administration.

I've heard for my entire adult life about how poorly the rest of the world views the US and its citizens.  The Europeans look down their noses at us,  the muslim parts of the world hate our guts,  this isn't koolaid and it's certainly not shit cooked up by trump.

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@purplefaithful said:
@MaroonBells said:
@purplefaithful said:
@MaroonBells said:
Jon Gordon, best-selling author and leadership coach to the Clemson football team, LA Rams, TX Rangers and Dell Computer outlines the characteristics of great leaders. 

• Small ego, big mission.
• We before me.
• A lot of love and accountability.
• A lot of grace and truth.
• Demanding but not demeaning.
• Loving but not enabling.
• Shout praise. Whisper criticism.
• High standards, low tolerance for excuses.

There are millions of leaders in American business who have most if not all of these qualities. I've seen them. I work with them. How is it we managed to elect to the most important leadership position in the world a man with literally none of these?
It's not worth the key-strokes unless this is a healthy way for you to vent?

Honestly, I believe Trump when he said he could kill a man in broad daylight on 5th avenue in NY and not lose a vote amongst the base. 
His base didn't seem to understand that he was insulting them when he said that, but he was right. 

Yeah, there might be some venting in it, but I also think we need reminding just how nuts it is that million of Americans actually WANTED this man to be our president. I think many of them mistook his doltishness and lack of any real leadership skills as the "fresh voice of an outsider."

It's OK to want someone who isn't a career politician, but if you take it too far, THIS is what you end up with. 

Its a similar refrain in our household...

My wife fumes about POTUS, way more than I do (even though our vitriol for the man, his value equation and his policies are equal)

I tell her he is who he is, it's very transparent. But my dear, your anger is pointed at the wrong person. Be disappointed and upset with those that actually voted him in. I'm not convinced they got what they were hoping for either.

We'll see where the chips fall in November. 
Both are pieces of shit,  just the color of ties they choose to wear.  Biden is by no means a virtuous candidate to waive in the faces of trump supporters.  It will once again be a hold your nose and vote election.
You know you don't mean that. Biden isn't a perfect candidate. He's doddering, he's old, he sometimes gets things mixed up. But you can NOT compare him to the incompetent pig in the white house. Biden is not an imbecile. He's not a conman with the morals of a snake and an ego the size of the empire state. He's not going to be retweeting white supremacists or giving advice to teen hollywood from his toilet seat.

Trump is an embarrassment to the history of this once proud nation. The sooner our long national nightmare is over, the better for all of us. 
Damn near everything that the left holds over trump has been matched by biden in terms of character issues.  Trump is a bully,  Biden is a fool.  Neither would even be worth mentioning except that they are our choices and they both stink,  but I will take the one that will put Americas prosperity first and has proven such the last 4 years. 

It's not the presidents job to make sure the rest of  the world has it as good or better than Americans do.  it's not his job to make sure that its Uncle Sam to the rescue no matter what happens.  It's not his job to make us feel warm and fuzzy.  It's his job to strive for what's best for the majority of the country first and foremost and to work to make it the best place it can be for all Americans and that's in no way a reference to skin color, or anything else somebody might try to twist it.


Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@purplefaithful said:
@MaroonBells said:
@purplefaithful said:
@MaroonBells said:
Jon Gordon, best-selling author and leadership coach to the Clemson football team, LA Rams, TX Rangers and Dell Computer outlines the characteristics of great leaders. 

• Small ego, big mission.
• We before me.
• A lot of love and accountability.
• A lot of grace and truth.
• Demanding but not demeaning.
• Loving but not enabling.
• Shout praise. Whisper criticism.
• High standards, low tolerance for excuses.

There are millions of leaders in American business who have most if not all of these qualities. I've seen them. I work with them. How is it we managed to elect to the most important leadership position in the world a man with literally none of these?
It's not worth the key-strokes unless this is a healthy way for you to vent?

Honestly, I believe Trump when he said he could kill a man in broad daylight on 5th avenue in NY and not lose a vote amongst the base. 
His base didn't seem to understand that he was insulting them when he said that, but he was right. 

Yeah, there might be some venting in it, but I also think we need reminding just how nuts it is that million of Americans actually WANTED this man to be our president. I think many of them mistook his doltishness and lack of any real leadership skills as the "fresh voice of an outsider."

It's OK to want someone who isn't a career politician, but if you take it too far, THIS is what you end up with. 

Its a similar refrain in our household...

My wife fumes about POTUS, way more than I do (even though our vitriol for the man, his value equation and his policies are equal)

I tell her he is who he is, it's very transparent. But my dear, your anger is pointed at the wrong person. Be disappointed and upset with those that actually voted him in. I'm not convinced they got what they were hoping for either.

We'll see where the chips fall in November. 
Both are pieces of shit,  just the color of ties they choose to wear.  Biden is by no means a virtuous candidate to waive in the faces of trump supporters.  It will once again be a hold your nose and vote election.
You know you don't mean that. Biden isn't a perfect candidate. He's doddering, he's old, he sometimes gets things mixed up. But you can NOT compare him to the incompetent pig in the white house. Biden is not an imbecile. He's not a conman with the morals of a snake and an ego the size of the empire state. He's not going to be retweeting white supremacists or giving advice to teen hollywood from his toilet seat.

Trump is an embarrassment to the history of this once proud nation. The sooner our long national nightmare is over, the better for all of us. 
Damn near everything that the left holds over trump has been matched by biden in terms of character issues.  Trump is a bully,  Biden is a fool.  Neither would even be worth mentioning except that they are our choices and they both stink,  but I will take the one that will put Americas prosperity first and has proven such the last 4 years. 

It's not the presidents job to make sure the rest of  the world has it as good or better than Americans do.  it's not his job to make sure that its Uncle Sam to the rescue no matter what happens.  It's not his job to make us feel warm and fuzzy.  It's his job to strive for what's best for the majority of the country first and foremost and to work to make it the best place it can be for all Americans and that's in no way a reference to skin color, or anything else somebody might try to twist it.

American prosperity first indeed. These must be some real prosperity:
  1. The tax cut to the wealthy
  2. The failed trade war with China
  3. The submission to Putin
  4. The new inexistent health plan
  5. The terrible job with the corona virus
  6. The demolition of the DOJ
  7. The heightened division in the country
  8. Stealing from a charity
  9. Unqualified cabinet appointments
  10. The unprecedented golfing outings using tax payer dollars
Note, I have not even mentioned his despicable character traits

While you are at it please tell what vision Trump has for the country the next four years. He could not even answer the soft ball question his friends at fox asked him.
Like I said both people are not comparable. It's very telling that you have to use that as an excuse to support trump. I don't remember  you ever saying he stunk (except when its convenient for you while comparing with Biden). But I guess that will be asking for too much given in your eyes he has "proven" it.
By the way, whatever happened to your "he was joking" statement about stopping testing? I bet you still have not had the time to watch it or you just conveniently forgot you uttered such a statement.

Even trump says he is not working for the majority of Americans. So you must be in an alternate universe.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@mblack said:
@JimmyinSD said:

Its a similar refrain in our household...

My wife fumes about POTUS, way more than I do (even though our vitriol for the man, his value equation and his policies are equal)

I tell her he is who he is, it's very transparent. But my dear, your anger is pointed at the wrong person. Be disappointed and upset with those that actually voted him in. I'm not convinced they got what they were hoping for either.

We'll see where the chips fall in November. 
Both are pieces of shit,  just the color of ties they choose to wear.  Biden is by no means a virtuous candidate to waive in the faces of trump supporters.  It will once again be a hold your nose and vote election.
Im not tossing the virtuosity of Biden in the face of anyone...I can only obviously speak for myself on this.

I absolutely believe 4 more years of Trump will continue the erosion of moral decency in the country, accelerate harming our planet, further erode our influence in the world and poison the relationships with our key allies. Ones formed fighting fascism and the alt right 75 years ago. 
Perhaps our "allies" needed to be shaken up a little,  our position as the global funding agency and the country that takes most of the risk and doesnt get the appreciation it deserves,  hell yes it was time to equal the playing field,  even if that meant pissing off a bunch of countries that have their own shiitty closest but instead want to piss and moan about trump.  

Trump  has screwed up plenty,  but our global image is the least of my concerns considering what American blood has done for this world and how poorly we have been viewed for far longer than the last 4 years. 

They dont like him because he called them out on their shit and how they have abused their relationship with our country. 

At the bold.. talk about drinking the Trump koolaid. Trump has a long history of failed initiatives and questionable dealings yet you have no problem giving him a shot time and time again but you cant stand how  "badly" we have been viewed by "this world".
Talk about hypocrisy.
Lastly the notion that the US has been viewed badly is something cooked by Trump and spread by his cronies so talk about creating something that never existed and then pretending to fix it. A story of the Trump administration.

I've heard for my entire adult life about how poorly the rest of the world views the US and its citizens.  The Europeans look down their noses at us,  the muslim parts of the world hate our guts,  this isn't koolaid and it's certainly not shit cooked up by trump.
Just like there are many here who have heard opposite and why other people want to come to America to live the American dream. 
The "muslims parts of the world" (how convenient of you) don't hate us- radical Islamic groups do (for obvious reasons)  please learn history. And since you can't  tell the difference just like trump you ( I assume) subscribe to the stupidity below...
  1. Calling muslims terrorists.
  2. Labeled Obama as Muslim and insinuated that in itself was a crime
  3. Calling other countries shithole countries (trump)
  4. Withdrew the US from multiple international agreements (trump)
Again Trump and his gang  created a nonexistent problem and tried to fix it and failed.

When asked about the violence after MLK's assassination, RFK said: "What we need in the United States is not division; what we need in the United States is not hatred; what we need in the United States is not violence and lawlessness, but is love, and wisdom, and compassion toward one another, and a feeling of justice toward those who still suffer within our country, whether they be white or whether they be black."

Yesterday, when asked why so many blacks are being killed by police, Donald Trump said: "That's a terrible are White people. So are White people. What a terrible question to ask. So are White people. More White people, by the way. More White people! "
I can't decide if he's a bigger idiot or a bigger racist, but someone needs to put a white hood on this man. 


Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@purplefaithful said:
@MaroonBells said:
@purplefaithful said:
@MaroonBells said:
Jon Gordon, best-selling author and leadership coach to the Clemson football team, LA Rams, TX Rangers and Dell Computer outlines the characteristics of great leaders. 

• Small ego, big mission.
• We before me.
• A lot of love and accountability.
• A lot of grace and truth.
• Demanding but not demeaning.
• Loving but not enabling.
• Shout praise. Whisper criticism.
• High standards, low tolerance for excuses.

There are millions of leaders in American business who have most if not all of these qualities. I've seen them. I work with them. How is it we managed to elect to the most important leadership position in the world a man with literally none of these?
It's not worth the key-strokes unless this is a healthy way for you to vent?

Honestly, I believe Trump when he said he could kill a man in broad daylight on 5th avenue in NY and not lose a vote amongst the base. 
His base didn't seem to understand that he was insulting them when he said that, but he was right. 

Yeah, there might be some venting in it, but I also think we need reminding just how nuts it is that million of Americans actually WANTED this man to be our president. I think many of them mistook his doltishness and lack of any real leadership skills as the "fresh voice of an outsider."

It's OK to want someone who isn't a career politician, but if you take it too far, THIS is what you end up with. 

Its a similar refrain in our household...

My wife fumes about POTUS, way more than I do (even though our vitriol for the man, his value equation and his policies are equal)

I tell her he is who he is, it's very transparent. But my dear, your anger is pointed at the wrong person. Be disappointed and upset with those that actually voted him in. I'm not convinced they got what they were hoping for either.

We'll see where the chips fall in November. 
Both are pieces of shit,  just the color of ties they choose to wear.  Biden is by no means a virtuous candidate to waive in the faces of trump supporters.  It will once again be a hold your nose and vote election.
You know you don't mean that. Biden isn't a perfect candidate. He's doddering, he's old, he sometimes gets things mixed up. But you can NOT compare him to the incompetent pig in the white house. Biden is not an imbecile. He's not a conman with the morals of a snake and an ego the size of the empire state. He's not going to be retweeting white supremacists or giving advice to teen hollywood from his toilet seat.

Trump is an embarrassment to the history of this once proud nation. The sooner our long national nightmare is over, the better for all of us. 
Damn near everything that the left holds over trump has been matched by biden in terms of character issues.  Trump is a bully,  Biden is a fool.  Neither would even be worth mentioning except that they are our choices and they both stink,  but I will take the one that will put Americas prosperity first and has proven such the last 4 years. 

It's not the presidents job to make sure the rest of  the world has it as good or better than Americans do.  it's not his job to make sure that its Uncle Sam to the rescue no matter what happens.  It's not his job to make us feel warm and fuzzy.  It's his job to strive for what's best for the majority of the country first and foremost and to work to make it the best place it can be for all Americans and that's in no way a reference to skin color, or anything else somebody might try to twist it.

Trump doesn’t put America first, he puts Trump first.

If that were true, we wouldn’t have 130,000 dead Americans.  Trump was more worried about his fucking re-election chances than protecting Americans.  Where’s his federal plan for Covid - oh there is none, it’s the state level problem now.  Still no healthcare plan?  Infrastructure plan?   Republicans have spent 11 years bitching about Obamacare but STILL can’t even come up with a better plan.

At some point the koolaid has to wear off, right?  Nah some of you boys on the SS Trump-Titanic will just continue to deny hitting the iceberg and think the water around your ankles is just a little leak ... by the time you’re bobbing up and down in the Atlantic like frozen popsicles with red hats, you’re going to continue to tell us Trump’s MAGA plan for swimming back to NY is totally better than using the Democrats lifeboats to save your dumb asses.


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