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By the book
Barr is at least pragmatist, he kept his boy in the office, but won’t jump at every fantasy the schlub dreams up.   

Comparing the use of 1 line of comments “I’m his wingman” vs sending a 20 page unsolicited  “I promise to shield you from any obstruction charges if I was AG”  memo


The comedy writes itself.  At the very least, Barr barged his way into office with unabashed bias without ever seeing any evidence from the case and at a minimum should have recused himself from the investigation, and no way in hell should have been nominated to begin with after sending a 20 page promise note to protect POTUS regardless of the facts:

The document elicited questions over whether Barr would need to recuse himself from overseeing the investigation as attorney general, along with outrage from congressional Democrats: both Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and Sen. Mark Warner, the ranking member on the Senate intelligence committee, have demanded that Trump withdraw Barr’s nomination. Sen. Dianne Feinstein of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary described the memoas “troubling.”
But the legal quality of the memo itself is a different question. Over at Just Security, Marty Lederman has what he describes as a “first take” on Barr’s memo, which is to say a detailed critique of it on both constitutional and statutory grounds. On National Review’s website, by contrast, Andrew McCarthy declares the memo a “commendable piece of lawyering” and “exactly what we need and should want in an attorney general of the United States.”
Whatever Barr’s memo is, it is not that. Because whether one agrees with his view of the law (as does McCarthy) or recoils at it (as does Lederman), one thing attorneys general of the United States should certainly not do is make up facts. And ironically for a memo laying out the argument that Bob Mueller has made up a crime to investigate, the document is based entirely on made-up facts. Lederman mentions this point at the outset of his analysis:



Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
@NorthernCalVike said:
@SFVikeFan said:
Who exactly is going down the path of Communism?  

All I read was a long winded rant, angry that Obama told his people to go by the book while Trump is insisting on some bullshit fabricated crimes that Obama ordered that Trump can’t even explain what the crimes were.

Keep pretending Flynn is innocent in all this too.  When you decide to contact the Russian Ambassador about the sanctions out in place as a penalty for Russian interference, don’t be surprised the FBI is listening.

And when you turn around and lie to the FBI about it, don’t be surprised to be charged with a crime.

Who knew the right had so many Russian sympathizers while railing on about socialism and communism.

And for the record, democratic socialism has done just fine across Scandinavia and western Europe for the last 50 years and I don’t see any of them slipping into Communism or losing any freedoms.

But the outrage is comical.  I can assume all you boys returned your stimulus checks right?  Wouldn’t want you to embrace that big bad socialism bailout ....
Didn't get a stimulus check - and won't be getting one. But Thanks for asking! 

Amazing how blinded you are to ANY possible idea that Obama and his staff had any corruption in their veins. Oh well. Thats cool. We will both go deaf and blind arguing between each other on those matters, and neither of us will convince the other one to change their view. At least not on a Football Team forum page. We all have our opinions and what we see as truths.

BUT for the record, when I wrote about Socialism, I refer to true Socialism in places like Venezuala, Nicaragua, Cuba etc. where real socialism takes  place - where the Govt. exerts control or ownership of businesses, as opposed to "Socialist Scandinavia and Western Europe" where your really describing a type of welfare state where the Govt. provides a social safety net / generous govt. entitlement programs funded by very high taxes in a mostly free market economy. Remember, its not the Govt. welfare benefits that created the Nordic countries wealth, rather it was the wealth of a very robust/successful free market that have allowed the very generous govt. programs. 

 Nordic countries can afford these benefits because of their Free market economies. The Govt. is not choosing winners / losers in business. They don't take control of industries (with one exception I know of, which is that Norway owns their oil industry). But lets be real, Norway has a population of 5.3 million / under a third of what New York city is (almost 19 million).

If you want to use the term "Democratic Socialism" in reference to the Nordic countries etc., I can't stop you. I simply disagree in calling them 'Socialist" - I heard of a better way I would describe these countries: more of a Kinder, gentler form of capitalism. But, If you must use the word "social", then I suppose I could go with calling them a "Social Democracy". And there is a difference between "Democratic Socialism" and  "Social Democracy".

Basically, These countries have not given up large swaths of freedoms. And that was what I was referring to when I wrote about  "Socialism / Communism" - the loss of personally liberty and freedoms, and being controlled by the Govt. in all sorts of ways. I was not referring to the social safety nets and the likes that Govt. provides - Governments need to provide those things - as long as it lets the Free Market Economy do its natural thing. Because that is the only way a Govt. can afford to offer entitlement programs etc. If you Crush the Free Market (Such as in real Socialism - or by keeping people from working) you can say goodbye to having the ability to help people in need. 

So what freedoms are disappearing?

What losses of liberty are being threatened by mean old Democrats?  Are you saying we are closer to becoming Venezuela than Norway?

And until there is actual PROOF of corruption by Obama on the same level as Trump or anywhere close for that matter, I am not inclined to assume anything nefarious by him.  I go by people’s track records rather than by words.  And compared to Trump, Obama is a fucking saint.  

The lying by Trump has been proven thousands of times.  The fraud - Trump University and his “charity” aka personal piggy bank, has been proven - bith resulted in being dissolved and multi-million dollar fines.  Thousands of lawsuits vs contractors, businesses partners has been proven.  Trump is the only POTUS in history to personally benefit from every taxpayer-funded golf vacation to his own resorts.  He has systemically destroyed any oversight and checks and balances on his administration ... from hiring a lapdog AG in Barr, to firing 4 Inspector Generals.   Trump accused Obama of not being a US citizen and having a fake birth certificate.  He claimed to send a team of investigators who found “amazing things, believe me”.  Hillary’s emails, he’s gonna lock her up.  What the fuck gives him any credibility?

Yeah, if you guys want to keep falling for this predictable Trump accusing others bullshit that this asshole has been spewing for decades, that’s your own perogative.  Fool me once ... fool me a 100x and still believe it then you’re in cult worship territory.

If Obama had some track record of corruption, lying, deceit then I’d be willing to listen. The facts are we have the most corrupt administration in history in power, and forgive me that I don’t believe a fucking thing they say anymore.  So if Obama tried to stay above the fray and not interfere and tell his people “do it by the book”, yeah I believe him.

What freedoms and liberties are being destroyed?  

You made the statement how leftists and Dems are headed towards socialism and Communism.  All I asked for were examples, who is saying that and what are they proposing to steer us away from a free market economy.  Because some want national healthcare?  Or for the extreme left like Bernie, free college and tuition?  Both systems found in Nordic countries.  Not seeing anything on the road to Venezuela.

I mean we could discuss the subsidies for the oil industry, the farmers subsidies, the farmers bailouts, all added together are in the hundreds of billions if not trillions, not to mention the tax loopholes that give many big corporations making billions, free use of our infrastructure and paying $0 in federal taxes that should be taken away if you want a true free market economy ... 

But usually conservatives tend to forget who is really getting the socialist bailouts in our economy.  

(Been trying to post this for days from my iPhone to no avail - this is in response to your response where you go off on Trump University black blah blah)

Obsess with Trump much? I wasnt even talking about him. yet you obsessivly turn the convo about him. And turn a blind eye to Obama. Exactly why we can have no decent dialogue. Your very upset. I have no perogative. I get you dont believe “ a fucking thing” they say anymore. I would suggest your getting a bit unrational however. 

And trust me, I worship no man/woman/leader. Do you worship Obama?Are leftist ideals your religion? Do you lay your soul at the alter of “my way or the highway, and all opposing thoughts must be crushed?” I honestly think you dont, but your so angry it blinds you to other truths that are all around you. Just because your belief that Trump is the most corrupt guy ever to hold Potis, does not mean that his opposition is not equally corrupt, Two things can be  true, correct? 

Did you read above about what I think of Trump? My comments were hardly of flatery or worship, but of rational thought. My fear is that the Lefts hate for Trump blinds them to other truths that should not be ignored. Hatred of Trump and all he does or says does not justify turning your back to the fact that corrupton at the highest level is happening across the political border of the Democrat wing. 

And yes, my LONG Term fear is that we become a Banana Republic like Venezuala, cuz when the Govt creates fear, it moves to control everthing, Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but down the road. It all starts with an all cunsuming issue which the Govt says that letting  them take over and order us to accept what is essential and what is not is the only way to survive, well, lets just say it raises my eyebrow as to what is going on. I worry about this. Dems say “ dont let a tragedy go to waste” or something like that. Beliefs like that Make me question things. Just does. 

Continue keeping your faith in your Obama and others, they love blind faith. I have faith in no man, but do believe in our Constitution. So Ill question all our elected officials, and worship no one. Im sure Ill be disappointed in some that I supported, but thats life. Im not obsessed with cult of personality or the likes. I know humans will let you down, and sometimes pick you up! Politicians are just like you or me, imperfect. And if your heart says that Obama and his staff, Dems in power etc are simply too wonderful and caring to ever possibly be a bit corrupt, ok. Thats your path of belief. Not mine though, for Dems, Repiblicans or any other political offiliation. 

Quote: @NorthernCalVike said:
(Been trying to post this for days from my iPhone to no avail - this is in response to your response where you go off on Trump University black blah blah)

Obsess with Trump much? I wasnt even talking about him. yet you obsessivly turn the convo about him. And turn a blind eye to Obama. Exactly why we can have no decent dialogue. Your very upset. I have no perogative. I get you dont believe “ a fucking thing” they say anymore. I would suggest your getting a bit unrational however. 

And trust me, I worship no man/woman/leader. Do you worship Obama?Are leftist ideals your religion? Do you lay your soul at the alter of “my way or the highway, and all opposing thoughts must be crushed?” I honestly think you dont, but your so angry it blinds you to other truths that are all around you. Just because your belief that Trump is the most corrupt guy ever to hold Potis, does not mean that his opposition is not equally corrupt, Two things can be  true, correct? 

Did you read above about what I think of Trump? My comments were hardly of flatery or worship, but of rational thought. My fear is that the Lefts hate for Trump blinds them to other truths that should not be ignored. Hatred of Trump and all he does or says does not justify turning your back to the fact that corrupton at the highest level is happening across the political border of the Democrat wing. 

And yes, my LONG Term fear is that we become a Banana Republic like Venezuala, cuz when the Govt creates fear, it moves to control everthing, Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but down the road. It all starts with an all cunsuming issue which the Govt says that letting  them take over and order us to accept what is essential and what is not is the only way to survive, well, lets just say it raises my eyebrow as to what is going on. I worry about this. Dems say “ dont let a tragedy go to waste” or something like that. Beliefs like that Make me question things. Just does. 

Continue keeping your faith in your Obama and others, they love blind faith. I have faith in no man, but do believe in our Constitution. So Ill question all our elected officials, and worship no one. Im sure Ill be disappointed in some that I supported, but thats life. Im not obsessed with cult of personality or the likes. I know humans will let you down, and sometimes pick you up! Politicians are just like you or me, imperfect. And if your heart says that Obama and his staff, Dems in power etc are simply too wonderful and caring to ever possibly be a bit corrupt, ok. Thats your path of belief. Not mine though, for Dems, Repiblicans or any other political offiliation. 
All that rambling, and still no examples of this corruption by Obama or the Dems ... nor any examples of any Dem leadership proposing policies that put us on the path to Venezuela.

You call it blind faith, but my eyes are wide open.  No scandals, no corruption, no arrests after 8 years and when I ask repeatedly what exactly am I missing, you don’t bring up anything.

You claim to believe in the Constitution and yet only one party has destroyed our core foundations:  undermining the free press vs propaganda of state run media that Fox News has devolved into, eliminating any oversight by refusing subpoenas or calling witnesses in an impeachment Senate hearing, hiring an AG who only serves the POTUS interests and not the people, firing FOUR Inspector Generals that help safeguard our democracy before we turn into a banana republic.  Honestly under Trump, we are already there.  

See, thise are specific examples.  You talk in vague generalizations about the Dems, but have failed to do the same and provide how and who is doing all these evil deeds when Dems have zero political power right now.

And no I’m not a leftist.  I am a centrist.  I own guns, I fish and hunt.  I believe in a woman’s right to choose.  I believe in fiscal conservatism.  What used to be the GOP is now the party of Trump and gone are family values, gone is fiscal conservatism, limited government.  In comes Trump’ism:  socialism but under the guise of corporate welfare and bailouts for the rich, insert big government fucking up free trade, fucking up supply chains, fucking up agricultural markets by trying to out-manuever China and instead losing our place in the globe as a superpower while China takes over.

You don’t even realize how the roles are reversed for what has upset you ... Trump’s got you on a path to Venezeula more than any Democrat.


And just today Trump attacked Twitter, threatening to shut it down for the audacity to fact check his dumb ass after violating their TOS.  A private company.

But yes, I see you lemmings laughing about my comments because you can’t smell your own shit.  You don’t care the govenment is trying to force its influence on a private company and allow the POTUS to do whatever HE wants on their platform.

What’s the word for that again?  It’s definitely not “free market economy” and I recall someone mentioning something about communism and Venezuela ...

It sucks to keep bringing up specific examples of which party is destroying all these platforms, institutions and freedoms you all pretend to care so deeply about and blame the other side for doing it, but if Trump and GOP do it you suddenly can’t recognize it.

I know you guys are smarter than that, you’re just noseblind to his shit for some reason ...

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
And just today Trump attacked Twitter, threatening to shut it down for the audacity to fact check his dumb ass after violating their TOS.  A private company.

But yes, I see you lemmings laughing about my comments because you can’t smell your own shit.  You don’t care the govenment is trying to force its influence on a private company and allow the POTUS to do whatever HE wants on their platform.

What’s the word for that again?  It’s definitely not “free market economy” and I recall someone mentioning something about communism and Venezuela ...

It sucks to keep bringing up specific examples of which party is destroying all these platforms, institutions and freedoms you all pretend to care so deeply about and blame the other side for doing it, but if Trump and GOP do it you suddenly can’t recognize it.

I know you guys are smarter than that, you’re just noseblind to his shit for some reason ...
Crickets . .  .

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
And just today Trump attacked Twitter, threatening to shut it down for the audacity to fact check his dumb ass after violating their TOS.  A private company.

But yes, I see you lemmings laughing about my comments because you can’t smell your own shit.  You don’t care the govenment is trying to force its influence on a private company and allow the POTUS to do whatever HE wants on their platform.

What’s the word for that again?  It’s definitely not “free market economy” and I recall someone mentioning something about communism and Venezuela ...

It sucks to keep bringing up specific examples of which party is destroying all these platforms, institutions and freedoms you all pretend to care so deeply about and blame the other side for doing it, but if Trump and GOP do it you suddenly can’t recognize it.

I know you guys are smarter than that, you’re just noseblind to his shit for some reason ...
I simply too tiresd to keep this up, maybe you can but not me. your ramblings are exhausting, and you say the same thing over and over and over again. im not blind , just a different fucking opinion. Your arogance is suffocating. All you do is yell and scream, no discussion since you belittle any difference in opinion. must be nice to have such clarity, insite to everything. Look. i dont hang and post here like im going to change the world with my opinions. I can see this could go on and on and on with no resolution, just you and I CONSTANTLY disagreeing and posting our counter points.
Funny though, i agree that China is our biggest issue, and I dont believe in this Tarrif shit as well. We probably agree more than we know, but going back and forth here trying to prove whos smarter and whos opinion on things is correct is simply futile. Your a very intelligent person, as am I, just differ on certain things. And thats ok. Yiu may enjoy going back and forth, but it now seems pointless to me. I bow out. Sorry for voicing my opinion that triggered you. But i do still have my beliefs, just different than yours.  I dont think ill ever post politically again. But will speak my opinions in one on one situations / ie face to face. I think ive learned that its just a waste of time arguing on a forum. Thanks for that lesson. 

But dont think I wont enjoy hearing your takes on the Vikings! Our common love!!!

And please know this SF, i may disagree with you, and i admit you irritated me, and got my juices flowing to counter punch, but I realize this is just stupid - a waist of your time and mine. But I do respect your passion and opinions. But damn dude, i guess you wore me down, I coukd argue back but why? LOL!!! You dont let up!! As I said, no  more political forum talk for me- ill leave that to you and others. good God what a can of worms I opened. Im too tired to keep up a political argument, and have better thngs to do than argue about things that lead to no where. Nothing will change here. And we will only piss each other off at some point. Which is pointless. Your more relentless than I am as far as posting opinions on a forum 

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