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Declassified Horowitz Footnotes Show Obama Officials Knew Steele Dossier Was Russian Disinformation

Attorney General William Barr said last week that “the evidence shows that we’re not dealing with just mistakes or sloppiness” in the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. Rather, “there is something far more troubling here.”
“Without any basis,” Barr added in his sit-down interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham, “they started this investigation of [Trump’s] campaign, and even more concerning actually is what happened after the campaign, a whole pattern of events while he was president to sabotage his presidency — or at least have the effect of sabotaging the presidency.”
Good read. 

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@Skodin said:
@A1Janitor said:
Back to the russian collusion and spying bullshit that you all bought!  Hahaha 

Let’s see you all discuss that topic.  The redacted footnotes tell the truth!
He got us guys.

A1, just tell me, I really want to know . . .

how bad do you want to fuck Hunter Biden?  Seriously?  Is it a daily fantasy or this some around the clock type of obsession?
grow up already.

anymore juvenile shit like this and you will be out.
So trolling a troll with his obsession is juvenile, but peddling conspiracy theories about the world is acceptable.  When have you asked these clowns to grow up already with their OAN sponsored Alex Jones drivel?  When have you enacted their banning?

Quote: @Skodin said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Skodin said:
@A1Janitor said:
Back to the russian collusion and spying bullshit that you all bought!  Hahaha 

Let’s see you all discuss that topic.  The redacted footnotes tell the truth!
He got us guys.

A1, just tell me, I really want to know . . .

how bad do you want to fuck Hunter Biden?  Seriously?  Is it a daily fantasy or this some around the clock type of obsession?
grow up already.

anymore juvenile shit like this and you will be out.
So trolling a troll with his obsession is juvenile, but peddling conspiracy theories about the world is acceptable.  When have you asked these clowns to grow up already with their OAN sponsored Alex Jones drivel?  When have you enacted their banning?
on this board, yep.   crazy takes are fine, as long as they arent offensive.   if you want me to start discounting posts due to the credibility of the source... we might as well shut this forum down now.

and I have moderated both sides of this shit show as equal as I am able,  if you have an issue I ask you to report me to the other moderators,  honestly.

Bullshit.  This is NEWS!  The government is starting to declassify documents. 

Read the TRANSCRIPTS.  Read the unredacted FOOTNOTES.

Not going to let partisans intentionally misinterpret what I am posting. 

I am confining this stuff to one thread.  Not trolling.  Don’t read the thread if you are afraid what it reveals. 

Hahaha Tell CBS that this is conspiracy theories and not news.  She is the lead journalist on these matters. 

Even more now reported found regarding that declassification from last Wed. :

Steele Source Voiced ‘Strong Support’ For Hillary Clinton, Had Ties To Kremlin
  • A source for information that ended up in the Steele dossier voiced “strong support” for Hillary Clinton and had contacts to someone who worked in the Russian Presidential Administration, or Kremlin. 
  • The bombshell information was declassified and released Wednesday. 
  • Other evidence released Wednesday shows that the FBI was aware that Russian operatives fed disinformation to Christopher Steele, the former British spy who wrote the dossier. 
A source of information for the Steele dossier had contacts with a Kremlin insider in early summer 2016, and also voiced “strong support” for Hillary Clinton, according to information declassified Wednesday.
Other declassified information shows that the U.S. intelligence community told the FBI in 2017 that two Russian intelligence officers were aware as of July 2016 that Christopher Steele, the author of the dossier, was investigating Donald Trump.
The FBI also received evidence in early 2017, just after the dossier was published, that Russian operatives might have fed disinformation that ended up in the dossier.
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence declassified the information along with multiple other footnotes from the Justice Department office of inspector general’s (IG) report of the FBI’s surveillance of the Trump campaign. (RELATED: Russian Intelligence Knew That Steele Was Probing Trump)
The footnote regarding the pro-Clinton Steele source does not tie the individual to the possible Russian disinformation campaign, but it shows for the first time that one of Steele’s sources might have had a political axe to grind against Donald Trump.
Steele himself was working indirectly for the Clinton campaign. An opposition research firm working for the presidential candidate and DNC hired Steele in June 2016 to investigate Trump’s possible ties to Russia.
Steele relied on just one source, dubbed “Primary Sub-Source” in the IG report, for information published in the dossier. The source collected information from a network of contacts, or sub-sources, and passed them along to Steele.
The Primary Sub-Source has disputed portions of Steele’s reporting. He told the FBI in a series of meetings in early 2017 that Steele misrepresented or embellished information in the dossier.
The IG report said that the pro-Clinton sub-source also disputed information in the dossier. The person told the FBI in an interview in August 2017 that the information attributed to him or her in the document had been “exaggerated.”
“He/she did not recognize anything as originating specifically from him/her,” the IG report stated.
The FBI received information in June 2017 revealing that Steele’s primary source had “personal and business ties” to the sub-source. The bureau also received information of “contacts between the sub-source and an individual in the Russian Presidential Administration in June/July 2016,” the newly declassified footnote stated.
The footnote is heavily redacted before a section that reads, “and the sub-source voicing strong support for candidate Clinton in the 2016 U.S. elections.”
The IG report does not say how the FBI obtained that tidbit of information, but clues in the footnote suggest it could have been through electronic surveillance of the Steele sub-source.
The footnote said that an FBI supervisory intelligence analyst told IG investigators “that the FBI did not have Section 702 coverage on any other Steele sub-source.”
Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) allows the government to collect communications from foreigners outside the United States.
[Image: Screen-Shot-2020-04-16-at-8.24.51-AM-620x87.jpg]Footnote 347 from the Justice Department inspector general’s report on FBI surveillance of the Trump campaign
The FBI relied heavily on Steele’s information to obtain FISA orders to conduct surveillance against Carter Page, a former Trump campaign aide.
Steele, a former MI6 officer, reported in the dossier that Page was part of a “well-developed conspiracy of cooperation” between the Trump campaign and Russian government.
The IG footnotes also said that the FBI received evidence on Jan. 12, 2017, two days after the dossier was published, that information regarding former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen was likely the product of Russian disinformation. Steele had claimed that Cohen visited Prague in August 2016 to meet with Kremlin operatives and pay off Russian hackers.

I saw a report that indicated Carter Page was a CIA asset planted into the Trump campaign.

When that comes out - it’t over.  They pretended the Trump campaign was connected to Russia through Page - the subject of the FISA applications.  Yet he was an asset the CIA used in Russia.

Obama approved it for Brennan.  

Worse than Watergate.  

So someone from the CIA, DNC or Hillary/Obama forced Trump to hire Carter Page to his campaign staff?   And why do you think Page’s known ties to the Kremlin were viewed as an asset to Trump’s staff ... or are you claiming they were too stupid to do any due diligence and weren’t aware if it?

Do explain the details of how Trump’s too stupid to do a background check before hiring “only the best people ...” or how the deep state tricked Trump into hiring a CIA asset.


Fucking looney tunes

You do realize he was a low level guy. You assume why he was hired by the campaign for his “russian ties”?

You do know he was a CIA employee working for the US in Russia before, during and after the campaign, and they got warrants to spy on him knowing he was CIA but lying to the FISA court that he wasn’t?

You can’t be this naive.  

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
You do realize he was a low level guy. You assume why he was hired by the campaign for his “russian ties”?

You do know he was a CIA employee working for the US in Russia before, during and after the campaign, and they got warrants to spy on him knowing he was CIA but lying to the FISA court that he wasn’t?

You can’t be this naive.  
You didn’t answer my question, because you can’t figure out how to make it fit your narrative.

Try again - who forced Trump to hire Page in this diabolical plan you envision.

Oh and so now he just a coffee boy too?


It’s impressive how you can channel Trump’s stupidity and excuses into your replies.


Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
So someone from the CIA, DNC or Hillary/Obama forced Trump to hire Carter Page to his campaign staff?   And why do you think Page’s known ties to the Kremlin were viewed as an asset to Trump’s staff ... or are you claiming they were too stupid to do any due diligence and weren’t aware if it?

Do explain the details of how Trump’s too stupid to do a background check before hiring “only the best people ...” or how the deep state tricked Trump into hiring a CIA asset.


Fucking looney tunes
you are on notice here,  no more insults or  you will be removed from this thread and repeated violations will have you removed from this forum.

please adhere to the rules.

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