04-05-2020, 09:35 PM
Quote: @A1Janitor said:Substantiating opinions is like single play toilet paper, they arent even worth wiping your ass with these days. Any wingnut loon can find support for any opinion in today's information era. There are so many so called "sources" these days to support any drivel anybody wants to spread.
I didn’t take it as an attack on Trump by you at all.
I am merely stating my opinion that Trump’s policies do help the poor and middle class compared to the dems and republicans that held office.
It doesn’t matter to me what you think about Trump and the poor. He has done good shit for veterans. He has created jobs. All while being attacked by the left.
I would prefer you focus on what policies Trump could do that would indicate helping the poor? Attacking illegal drugs? Lowering drug prices? Prison reform?
Your unsubstantiated opinions aren’t worth much. Back it up.
We are all judged solely by our opinions and actions, not some bull shit we come up with to support our opinions.
In this era of mis-information, history will be the only judge of our ideas and opinions that matters.