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Sondland bombshell: Trump, Giuliani directed the quid pro quo
Quote: @A1Janitor said:

Mark Sandy, an official at the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB), testified earlier this month that he was told U.S. security assistance to Ukraine had been held up because of President Donald Trump’s concerns that other countries were not giving enough.The House Intelligence Committee released a transcriptof Sandy’s closed-door deposition on Tuesday afternoon, which had not been made available before recent public hearings in the impeachment inquiry.

And for the never breitbarters ... there is a link to the transcript.  
Schiff is running scared. Wink
But I thought 2nd hearsay didn't fly with Trumpers ....

Suddenly it does?

Funny how people with first hand knowledge are being blocked by the White House from testifying... because Trump's totally transparent ya know.

It's cute you boys think Mueller was a nothing burger with yet another Trump lemming heading to jail as a result, and that there's nothing going to come of these hearings ... except for a likely impeachment of Trump.


Looks like the Ukrainian charged with felony campaign fraud for illegally donating to Trump's campaign, Lev Parnas, has now testified about working for Rudy G and handed over voice recordings and video evidence to the House Intelligence Committee regarding Rudy and Trump.  There's also more evidence already in possession by the SDNY.

No worries, I'm sure there's nothing interesting and it's all a big nothingburger too


Oh and Ruuuuuudy ... that Trump freight train is coming for you next:

Asked point-blank if Giuliani was acting on his behalf in trying to dig up dirt on former vice president Joe Biden—an issue now at the heart of an impeachment inquiry—Trump said,

“No, I didn’t direct him, but he is a warrior, he is a warrior...I know that he was going to go to Ukraine and I think he cancelled the trip. But Rudy has other clients, other than me. He’s done a lot of work in Ukraine over the years.”

choooo-chooo Ruuuudy look out


OMG what a cluster these “impeachment” investigations have become.  they start with three of the most partisan experts ever who have no evidence just opinions.  BTW these are exactly what show trial witnesses in dictatorships look like this is laughable.  As much as Trump has been investigated with ZERO impeachable evidence I am inclined to think that even though the Democrats have spent millions He may be the cleanest president ever since Jimmy Carter.  I am going to start referring to Trump as Jimmy cause he is so clean.  

Thank the founding fathers for establishing a constitution with the legal framework of innocent until proven guilty with proper limits on hearsay and the requirements of actual evidence.

if this ends up being the basis for impeaching a president and becomes the precedent then any political party that controls congress with rumors and a call they dont like  can get rid of a president they hate for the least of reasons political.

Quote:@"JonathanTurley" in 1998 said:

In a government of laws, existence of the government will be imperiled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. Our Government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the Government becomes a lawbreaker; it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. The allegations against President Clinton go to the very heart of the legitimacy of his office and the integrity of the political system. As an individual, a president may seek spiritual redemption in the company of friends and family. Constitutional redemption, however, is found only in the company of representatives of all three branches in the well of the Senate. It is there that legitimacy, once recklessly lost, can be regained by a president.

Quote:@"JonathanTurley" in 2019 said:

That is why this is wrong. It's not wrong because President Trump is right. His call was anything but perfect. It's not wrong because the House has no legitimate reason to investigate Ukrainian controversy. Point's not wrong because we're in an election year. There is no good time for an impeachment. No, it's wrong because this is not how you impeach an American president. This case is not a case of the unknowable. It's a case of the peripheral. We have a record of conflicts, defenses that have not been fully considered, unsubpoenaed witness with material evidence. To impeach a president on this record would expose every future president to the same time of inchoate impeachment.

 He was all for impeaching Clinton because he had an affair and lied about it but not for impeaching Trump even though Trump. He wants the Dems to gather more evidence. The same evidence Trump has refused to produce (72 document requested and zero provided. Multiple people asked to testify and they refused. Yet he wants the Dems to go fight it in court. Has he wondered why the president has been stonewalling? But he is non partisan because he said so. Right?

I think people miss the obvious.  Nixon and Clinton started with crimes.  

These guys have pushed impeachment for three years without an underlying crime.  Investigation after investigation in search of a crime. 

Obama spygate is coming Monday.  

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
I think people miss the obvious.  Nixon and Clinton started with crimes.  

These guys have pushed impeachment for three years without an underlying crime.  Investigation after investigation in search of a crime. 

Obama spygate is coming Monday.  
This is so funny. And Nixon just like Clinton never thought they committed crimes till they were impeached. 
The craziness here is that what Clinton was impeached for is way less than what Trump "will" be impeached for yet the Trump supporters still with a straight face say Trump committed no crime.

Isnt it just grasping at straws when the Republican scholar did not even have the courage to say Trump did not commit a crime. He spent all day yesterday saying there is not enough proof to impeach that the Democrats need to provide more proof. Even that excuse falls flat when you realize the reason there is not enough proof is because Trump and his cronies have refused providing the documents.

Then there is Kellyanne who says if the Bidens have nothing to hide they should testify in the Senate when called. Has she been living under a rock? Someone please tell her to tell Pompeo, Mulvaney etc to do same?

While we are at it, what is Gulliani calling the OMB for?

But let me guess... nevermind

I cant wait for the democrats to uncover where Trump seduced a 21 year old intern #metoo had sex with her in the White House and then lie about it under oath. man if we only had that evidence we could really nail him! 

Quote: @PSBLAKE said:
I cant wait for the democrats to uncover where Trump seduced a 21 year old intern #metoo had sex with her in the White House and then lie about it under oath. man if we only had that evidence we could really nail him! 
Since you are still stuck in the 90s here are some things that will soon happen....
  1. Trump will revealed he grabs women by the....
  2. Trump will cheat on his wife with a pornstar called Stormy Daniel's and then "pay" her to stay quiet
  3. Trump will cheat on his wife with a playmate called Karen McDougal and then pay her to stay quiet
  4. Trump will become president of the USA beating the "predicted" candidate Hillary Clinton after a "contentious" election where the Russians meddle in it
  5. The intelligence community, both Republicans and Democrats will reveal that the Russians meddled  in the elections
  6. An investigation will be launched on the Russian meddling which will produce a report called "The Mueller Report" named after the head of the investigation.
  7. Trump will take the side of Russia on every possible major issue even disagreeing with his own intelligence community and congress.
  8. The Democrats will take control of the house of congress in 2018.
  9. In 2019 Trump will ask a foreign country to help in a US domestic matter before an upcoming election
  10. Trump supporters and officials will blame the "deep state" and conspiracy theory for every ethical or criminal act Trump does
  11. The democrats will launch an investigation and subsequently impeach Trump
  12. Trump allies will be stuck in past blaming former presidents and career professionals for every wrong doing Trump does

LOL Russia!

Quote: @mblack said:
@PSBLAKE said:
I cant wait for the democrats to uncover where Trump seduced a 21 year old intern #metoo had sex with her in the White House and then lie about it under oath. man if we only had that evidence we could really nail him! 
Since you are still stuck in the 90s here are some things that will soon happen....
  1. Trump will revealed he grabs women by the....
  2. Trump will cheat on his wife with a pornstar called Stormy Daniel's and then "pay" her to stay quiet
  3. Trump will cheat on his wife with a playmate called Karen McDougal and then pay her to stay quiet
  4. Trump will become president of the USA beating the "predicted" candidate Hillary Clinton after a "contentious" election where the Russians meddle in it
  5. The intelligence community, both Republicans and Democrats will reveal that the Russians meddled  in the elections
  6. An investigation will be launched on the Russian meddling which will produce a report called "The Mueller Report" named after the head of the investigation.
  7. Trump will take the side of Russia on every possible major issue even disagreeing with his own intelligence community and congress.
  8. The Democrats will take control of the house of congress in 2018.
  9. In 2019 Trump will ask a foreign country to help in a US domestic matter before an upcoming election
  10. Trump supporters and officials will blame the "deep state" and conspiracy theory for every ethical or criminal act Trump does
  11. The democrats will launch an investigation and subsequently impeach Trump
  12. Trump allies will be stuck in past blaming former presidents and career professionals for every wrong doing Trump does
this is a great narrative and reasons to not vote for Trump but  no evidence in this whole diatribe of anything remotely impeachable.  you may not like him I don’t like him either I did not vote for him but these side show investigations are only the Democrats pandering to their unhinged base.  If you don’t like a guy vote him out period.  I wish the Democrats had a mainstream electable candidate.  They don’t so these constant sideshows dominate the politics and set a horrible precedent for the future.  Stop the bickering and get something done for the people who elected you.

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