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Sondland bombshell: Trump, Giuliani directed the quid pro quo
Quote: @greediron said:
Seems a bit like premature...
perhaps we can go back to crickets.  That seems a better approach.
Until there is something to actually crow about at least,  this "in your face" shit over sound bites that lead to nothing is futile at best,  and unproductive for either side.

What we do know - Huber has been investigsting the Clinton Foundation and Durham has grand juries looking at the Russian Hoax start, and the IG report is close to 1,000 pages and will call for criminal indictments.  

We also know that Ukraine just announced billions tied to democrats needs to be investigated.

Keep dreaming.

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
Isnt it crazy that the alternative was so deplorable that voters still turned up to vote for Trump?  

Look we both know 40% are going to vote Red and 40% are going to vote Blue regardless of who it is and yet Hildabeast couldnt even get 1/2 that remaining 20%  to vote for her all while doubling the spending in advertising that Trump did.  

Blue would have the presidency 99/100 times had yall not nominated the least ellectible person on Earth. 

Still crickets.  Rep Turner kinda turned that CNN headline into more wishful thinking by the TDS crowd.
“So, you really have no testimony today that ties President Trump to a
scheme to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for these
investigations?” Turner pressed.
“Other than my own presumption,” Sondland replied.


So what are we supposed to do when a timeline is made (by presumably a conservative writer) that sure sounds really shitty for the democrats and more specifically the bidens. 

After reading that it certainly makes someone question if the motivation of going after Trump is more to run cover for the crimes committed by the previous folks in power.

Quote: @AGRforever said:
So what are we supposed to do when a timeline is made (by presumably a conservative writer) that sure sounds really shitty for the democrats and more specifically the bidens. 

After reading that it certainly makes someone question if the motivation of going after Trump is more to run cover for the crimes committed by the previous folks in power.
Gee.  I wonder who has been saying this all along.  

The amounts are huge.  All the loud mouth chirpers are part of it.  

That woman testifying last week met with Chalupa.  A DNC operative who went to Ukrainian embassy and met with Yovanovitch - and started the Russian dossier for Christopher Steele with Nellie Ohr.  

The Russian Hoax started in corrupt Ukraine. Hillary Clinton paid Fusion GPS ... as did FBI under Comey.  You know - using foreign actors to influence 2016 election.

Billions.  Pelosi’s kid.  Romney’s kid.  Kerry’s kid and stepkid.  Clinton Foundation (largest single donor to CF was Ukraine).  Off shore accounts with Templeton.  

Evidence.  Not conspiracy. 

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
... and everyone knew it - Trump, Pompeo, Mulvaney. 

Get your popcorn,  Republicans are going to need a new excuse after screaming about no quid pro quo last month.

If Trump wanted the Bidens investigated for corruption there were official, legal channels to use and not the President's personal attorney dictating foreign policy. 

What an unmitigated disaster for team Trump, yet I still don't see Senate Republicans doing anything but enabling the trainwreck to continue. 
11:03 first break of the hearings (previously timed for the press, btw)
Yes, there was a "quid pro quo".  For a WH meeting (not aid).  lol

"Cross examination is the greatest legal engine for the discovery of truth".  
I bet you long for the days of closed-door one-sided hearings with spoon-fed witnesses you hope remember what they said in closed-door hearings, not witnessed by the MSM.  

Shot yer wad, too early there, Counselor Comrade SFVF.  
Later, after your breathless bombshell proclamation: 

Sondman: "No one told me the aid was tied to anything.  I was presuming it was." 

"No quid pro quo, according to Sondland...who was the source to Kent....who was the source to Vindman...yadda, yadda, yadda"


Savannah - you can get the beer that is owed to me from whoever owes it.  

Handcuffs are coming.  

Too bad they won’t treat Brennan and Comey they way Stone and Flynn were treated. 


Quote: @MaroonBells said:
Oh jeez.  DEBUNKED.  

Trump used the same mannerism in deriding bank regulators, liberal military, and Cruz.  
Yet, it was a paralyzed reporter (who can't spastically spasm, by definition)  that cemented you're ire.  

Fake News: Trump Did Not Mock Disabled Reporter And Other Lies From The Left
Meryl Streep, who makes millions of dollars doing what preschoolers do on the playground every day, has dragged up again the accusations that Donald Trump mocked a disabled reporter.
While making an acceptance speech earlier this month at the Golden Globe Awards, Streep said it broke her heart that "the person asking to sit in the most respected seat in our country imitated a disabled reporter, someone he outranked in privilege, power, and the capacity to fight back."
Fake tough guy Robert De Niro followed with a letter telling her he shared her "sentiments about punks and bullies." Trump is no delicate blossom but it's a bit amusing watching the mafia of popular culture censure others as if it's a bastion of geniality and tolerance.
But back to the charges against Trump: Is it asking too much for these people who are constantly attacking him to actually know what they are talking about? To be honest brokers of information? To be just a bit judicious?
Quite clearly the only response has to be yes, it is too much. Because if they were to deal with the facts, their meme would collapse.
The incident in question is Trump supposedly mocking New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski, whose hand and arm movement on his right side is impaired due to arthrogryposis. Video from 2015 seems to indicate that Trump was indeed cruelly imitating the man.
But the media are too lazy and those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome are too nasty and small-minded to look deeper. The truth is, Trump has often used those same convulsive gestures to mimic the mannerisms of people, including himself, who are rattled and exasperated.
Why couldn't the mainstream media look this up? Gavin McInnes of and Taki's Magazine did, and he has the video evidence to show that Trump has a history of flailing his arms to make a point. It isn't something he reserved for Kovaleski.
McInnes wasn't alone — Catholics 4 Trump ably made the same case. So have others. If these people could do the research, why couldn't the legacy media, with all its resources, do the same?
And here's another point: Why have we seen no images of Kovaleski moving the way Trump is moving? In every video and photograph of Kovaleski we've seen, he is calmly standing still with his right arm held firm against his chest. He's not waving his arms uncontrollably.
Why would Trump imitate a man who has difficulty moving at least one of his limbs by madly thrashing his own?
The answer to all these questions is this: The media and their political handlers constructed a fake news talking point against Trump and ran with it. The truth would have derailed their anti-Trump, anti-Republican, anti-conservative agenda.
This, of course, is not the only Trump lie the media and the TDR sufferers have tried to immortalize. McInnes, a controversial and provocative fellow who has described himself as a "western chauvinist" and "anarchist," covered the Top 10 Trump Myths last week. It's a skillful takedown of the narrative that was carefully crafted to vilify Trump — and by extension the deplorables who voted for him or against Hillary Clinton — and delegitimize his presidency.
The lesson here is while the Democrats, and the branch of the DNC that's also known as the media, are doing all they can to smear Trump as a depraved, crude and hateful man, the people who best fit under those terms are his accusers.


Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
If Trump wanted the Bidens investigated for corruption there were official, legal channels to use and not the President's personal attorney dictating foreign policy. 
Why would Trump want to trust these folks?  
The 2016/2017 Ukrainians that were pro-Hillary?  According to left- Politico

And anyway, there is nothing illegal about a POTUS having a foreign emissary, conduct his affairs.   (Cuz surely you're talking 'Ghouliani', yes?) 

Have you heard of FDR's Harry Hopkins?  If >
Or Obama's Jesse Jackson?  If >

The practice is neither novel nor illegal.  Except, of course, if you're name is Trump.  Right?   

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