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Mueller? Mueller?
Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
"The Justice Department declined to pursue charges against Comey over his handling of the memos after the inspector general passed his findings to Barr."

Wake me when all the arrests start you promised.
ST testing:  1, 2....check. 

(Don't worry Schticky, Bullazin.... I'm not a troll.  Hard to be a troll when I was  one of the first to help launch this site....unlike you.   Smile )
But as promised I'll keep my involvement on this site to my thread, here.  I'll finish this thread, and be outta yo hair.    Smile

Anywho...@ SFVF: 

Interesting how you've been a "Barr is a Trump-stooge" hack...and yet Barr declined to prosecute on INDEPENDENT IG HOROWITZ'S criminal referral.  
Wouldn't a wild-eyed Trump-stooge ideologue like Barr (you're description) take such a referral and automatically prosecute?  

INDEPENDENT (Obama appointee) IG Horowitz's report was SCATHING, towards Comey.   "nothing burger", lol.  

Comey criminal referrals from investigative bodies?  1.  Trump criminal referrals?  0.  

What to Expect When You're Expecting FISA Abuse
Now that James Comey’s corruption of the FBI has been exposed, the country awaits the next report from Inspector General Michael Horowitz. This one will deal with government misrepresentations to the special court that grants secret surveillance warrants on foreign agents in the United States.
To launch a counter-intelligence investigation on an American citizen, like Carter Page, the Department of Justice applies to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. All warrants require accuracy and integrity, but those to the FISA court should meet an even-higher standard. Why? Because, unlike criminal warrants, FISA warrants remain hidden. The goal is to “spy on spies,” not haul them into court, so the application will remain secret, never challenged by a defense attorney at trial.
That’s why the DoJ and FBI must certify, in writing, that the FISA application is truthful and complete and that the evidence it presents has been thoroughly vetted by the bureau. That’s what the Obama administration’s top law-enforcement officials did when they wanted to spy on Carter Page. It is becoming increasingly clear they were lying.
Apparently, the court turned down the initial application — a very rare event — so the FBI and DoJ tried again. This time they bulked up the application with details from Christopher Steele’s dirty dossier. The dossier was paid for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee, using two cut-outs (the DNC’s law firm, Perkins Coie, and the opposition research firm it hired, Glenn Simpson’s FusionGPS). The FBI’s second-in-command, Andrew McCabe, told Congress that the warrant would not have been granted without the dossier.
The FBI, which also paid Steele as a “confidential human source,” never verified the dossier and did not even try until after the warrant was issued. The bureau hid the Clinton campaign’s involvement in a murky footnote. It said the informant, former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele, was reliable. What it didn’t say was that he was virulently anti-Trump and the FBI had fired him for leaking. The law required the bureau to say so to the court.
Even today, the Steele dossier has not been verified — and almost certainly cannot be. The author himself testified in Britain that he doesn’t know how much is truthful. The New York Times has suggested that it may be filled with Russian disinformation. Remember, this dodgy material was solicited and paid for by the Clinton campaign, Democratic National Committee, and the FBI.
This essential background was hidden from the FISA Court when it granted four successive warrants to spy on a U.S. citizen because he was purportedly a foreign agent. That citizen, Page, had actually been cooperating with American law enforcement and intelligence for years. He came to them on his own and spoke freely after his occasional business trips to Russia.
The decision to spy on Page came, conveniently, when the CIA, FBI, DoJ, and their political bosses wanted to know a lot more about the Trump campaign. That, almost certainly, is why they tried to entrap George Papadopoulos and spy on Page. When their initial FISA application was rejected, they added the Steele dossier, covered up its gaping problems, and certified the whole hot mess to the FISA Court.
The highest levels of the FBI and DoJ must have known it wasn’t true. They were certainly told so, in advance. We know the warnings were correct because Robert Mueller’s team investigated Page intensively, hardly mentioned him in its report, and did not indict him (or any other American) for collaborating with Russia in the 2016 election.
This sinkhole of FISA abuse is what the looming Horowitz report will detail. Although the IG cannot issue indictments, he can refer them to Attorney General Bill Barr and is very likely to do so.
We don’t know how Barr’s team will handle those referrals or the avalanche sure to come from U.S. Attorney John Durham, who is leading a criminal investigation into how the anti-Trump investigation began and how it morphed into a criminal inquiry.
Who dropped this bouquet of E-coli into the punch bowl? We know some of the culprits. It was James Comey’s FBI, including Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, James Baker, and several others on their hand-picked team. It was Loretta Lynch’s DoJ, where John P. Carlin headed the national security team. It was the intel agencies run by John Brennan and James Clapper. It was Susan Rice’s national security team at the White House, busy unmasking hundreds of names of U.S. citizens picked up in foreign surveillance. Still more surveillance was outsourced to friendly foreign intel agencies, which didn’t need warrants to spy on U.S. citizens. Those agencies relayed their findings to the CIA, a backdoor trick to spy on Americans.
These actions look like political surveillance masquerading as national security, executed by political appointees across the executive branch. So ... who authorized it? Who coordinated it? How high up did it go? We need answers, under oath. for rest of great synopsis, to date.  

Stick around.  Smile


Perer Strzok and Lisa Page weren’t lovers I suspect. Interesting that they called for the FBI to infiltrate the white house ... and two FBI spies were planted there. 

I also think Carter Page was a western asset and that has been covered up.  USNA grad - intelligence.  Worked for CIA in past.  Met with FBI without an attorney.  

The truth will come out.  And the MSM will continue to not cover the truth. 

Keep your eyes on Clinton Foundation.  And the Iranian deal.  And the blackmailing of foreign officials.  

I'm sorry, wasn't there something imminent I was supposed to be watching for?   What happened, did I miss it?  Oh a report that was SCATHING!!  So scathing that IG said Comey didn't mishandle classified intel and therefore didn't get charged with anything. 


Clinton Foundation, Iranian deal, blackmail rawrrrrr ... more like a broken record of debunked conspiracy theory stupidly. 

I was promised arrests several months ago.  Barr didn't bring up charges for Comey, just like the last AG Sessions didn't bring up charges against Hillary, although that was promised too.  I wonder what the two situations have in common ... ??

Maybe a pesky thing called evidence?

Wake me when you boys have something more than a SCATHING report and some dingbat Q-anon stories.


Wow that is a sad response.  He was recommended for prosecution but Barr opted out.  

The FISA report is next.  Keep watching. 

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
I'm sorry, wasn't there something imminent I was supposed to be watching for?   What happened, did I miss it?  Oh a report that was SCATHING!!  So scathing that IG said Comey didn't mishandle classified intel and therefore didn't get charged with anything. 


Clinton Foundation, Iranian deal, blackmail rawrrrrr ... more like a broken record of debunked conspiracy theory stupidly. 

I was promised arrests several months ago.  Barr didn't bring up charges for Comey, just like the last AG Sessions didn't bring up charges against Hillary, although that was promised too.  I wonder what the two situations have in common ... ??

Maybe a pesky thing called evidence?

Wake me when you boys have something more than a SCATHING report and some dingbat Q-anon stories.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
I'm sorry, wasn't there something imminent I was supposed to be watching for?   What happened, did I miss it?  Oh a report that was SCATHING!!  So scathing that IG said Comey didn't mishandle classified intel and therefore didn't get charged with anything. don't like "scathing".  Ok cool.  

Howz about:
"violated FBI policy"
"not safe-guarding sensitive information"
"dangerous example"
"“What was not permitted was the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive investigative information, obtained during the course of FBI employment, in order to achieve a personally desired outcome,” it (IG report) adds.
--Time (right-wing, fo sure **rolls eyes**!  There's other liberal sources, echoing Horowitz's conclusions) 


Clinton Foundation, Iranian deal, blackmail rawrrrrr ... more like a broken record of debunked conspiracy theory stupidly. 

I was promised arrests several months ago.  Barr didn't bring up charges for Comey, just like the last AG Sessions didn't bring up charges against Hillary, although that was promised too.  I wonder what the two situations have in common ... ??

Maybe a pesky thing called evidence?

Could be.  <<  but those were words never uttered by ya'll ensuring us of Trump's imminent demise, during the (now dis-credited/defunct) Mueller investigation, were they? 
Well, Sessions recused himself from the matter(s) 2 days into the job. 

"But, but....Barr is a wild-eyed ideologue...ready to pounce on ANYTHING! He wrote Trump a love letter! Barr sucks!"  (So SFVF guaranteed us).  

Yet conveniently, SFVF doesn't give Barr credit/or admit he was wrong.... for Barr's non-prosecution of Comey's "indiscretions".  
SFVF will pretend those (anti-Barr) comments never happened...and ride Barr's decision not to prosecute as ammo/as a sound decision.  

Wake me when you boys have something more than a SCATHING report and some dingbat Q-anon stories.

We woke.  Rest assured.  
I'll remind....IG Horowitz did not have subpoena power.  Barr & Durham, do.
We'll be hearing from them, soon


Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@SFVikeFan said:
I'm sorry, wasn't there something imminent I was supposed to be watching for?   What happened, did I miss it?  Oh a report that was SCATHING!!  So scathing that IG said Comey didn't mishandle classified intel and therefore didn't get charged with anything. 


Clinton Foundation, Iranian deal, blackmail rawrrrrr ... more like a broken record of debunked conspiracy theory stupidly. 

I was promised arrests several months ago.  Barr didn't bring up charges for Comey, just like the last AG Sessions didn't bring up charges against Hillary, although that was promised too.  I wonder what the two situations have in common ... ??

Maybe a pesky thing called evidence?

Wake me when you boys have something more than a SCATHING report and some dingbat Q-anon stories.

[Image: giphy.gif]
You used to have erstwhile comments to add I paid attention to.
Now your fodder is  reduced to obscure gifs/Bono references.  

I think ^^ that's Alex Jones/InfoWars? 

You won't find a reference to him/his site from any of us (arguing for Trump)...but you keep being you.  
I try to make sense of yo blatherings.....but it's a challenge.  

Say where’s your cohort Barrnone?  I miss his likes of your posts.  Did he leave this “varsity” site for a JV site?

asking for a friend. Wink


These four walls, are closing in.

Brennan & Clapper lawyer up.  Ruh-roh.

It seems the effects of the Mueller report are just about to be felt. The report itself and testimony might have been a diversion. The arrests may be the real avenue. Roger Stone and Trump had a really bad day in court today. And that's just the opening statement.
Add that to the fact that Rudy has now hired criminal lawyers, its going to be really interesting. And then there is the impeachment. Yikes!


Quote: @savannahskol said:

These four walls, are closing in.

Brennan & Clapper lawyer up.  Ruh-roh.
It's astonishing what you believe...and don't believe.

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