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People of Earth; We need to protect our planet better
Quote: @KingBash said:
@A1Janitor said:
@Skodin said:
you do not have to be a libtard to know climate change is a thing and religious bullshit like this is not.

Btw you know how pathetic you look trying to down play the death of the amazon and the millions of things (including potentially millions of new medicines) that are infinitely more fascinating than our species.  you god loving fucks seem to love two things, yourselves and your god who thinks is obsessed with you.  nothing else
Go fuck yourself cunt.  

You are a meaningless piece of shit. 

I am certainly no bible thumper. 

If man-made climate change was real, scientists wouldn’t have to change data.  they do because they want more grant money.  If mad-made climate change was real, these hypocrites wouldn’t be flying around in private jets, owning 5 houses, with a huge carbon footprint.

Talk about hypocrites.  

Yet almost every conservative that I know - believe in conservation and preserving mother earth. 

You cocksucking libtards just try to make money off it. 

Tell me what is different now than when Obama was in office?  You stupid fuck. 
Temper tantrum!

Trump supporters are fucking useless stains on this country. *sigh* Just go away. Us smart people will clean up your mess.

Hahah man made climate change isn't real. Yes, you backwoods simpleton Christians read a few Fox News articles and you're smarter than decades of research from SCIENTISTS. You're laughable.
LOL Don’t start again with me stupid.  


Quote: @A1Janitor said:
@KingBash said:
@A1Janitor said:
@Skodin said:
you do not have to be a libtard to know climate change is a thing and religious bullshit like this is not.

Btw you know how pathetic you look trying to down play the death of the amazon and the millions of things (including potentially millions of new medicines) that are infinitely more fascinating than our species.  you god loving fucks seem to love two things, yourselves and your god who thinks is obsessed with you.  nothing else
Go fuck yourself cunt.  

You are a meaningless piece of shit. 

I am certainly no bible thumper. 

If man-made climate change was real, scientists wouldn’t have to change data.  they do because they want more grant money.  If mad-made climate change was real, these hypocrites wouldn’t be flying around in private jets, owning 5 houses, with a huge carbon footprint.

Talk about hypocrites.  

Yet almost every conservative that I know - believe in conservation and preserving mother earth. 

You cocksucking libtards just try to make money off it. 

Tell me what is different now than when Obama was in office?  You stupid fuck. 
Temper tantrum!

Trump supporters are fucking useless stains on this country. *sigh* Just go away. Us smart people will clean up your mess.

Hahah man made climate change isn't real. Yes, you backwoods simpleton Christians read a few Fox News articles and you're smarter than decades of research from SCIENTISTS. You're laughable.
LOL Don’t start again with me stupid.  

Yeah, you cracked it. It's all been exposed! It's the deep state! Conspiracy! Libs! Clinton! Vince Foster! 

Nah, pretty sure you're just fucking stupid. 

conservatives are huge proponents of o and g as well as cutting environmental regulations. dont step in the ring with me on this one, bc this my forte, its how i make my bones.  the dept of interior, real conservatives are looking to sell our public lands for fossil fuel companies under the guise of using the founding fathers brilliance.  

sad bc at one point you were right, now conservatives are being torn apart between the republican classic model and the new religious right, the trump thumpers.   George Will, David Frum, Bret Stephens all agree. the mess after trump just in the gop will end the republican party

your temper tantrum really shows that this isnt about climate change, its about YYYOOOUUUU 

again no one has answered why you and pumpf have a such a stake in this.  why defend something with such vitrol that you take it personally.  do also believe in flat earth and chemtrails too?  bc the proportion of the general public of climate deniers and these people are roughly the same.  

if the fight against climate change works ( a realistic plan, not the green new deal) we all win. if it doesn’t work and we all go to shit, it would have happened regardless. but to sit here and want to do nothing seems like your trying to piss people off on purpose

"I think I know more about our environment than most people." -Trump at the G7 Summit

No you don't. You're a wildly uneducated boob, you're proud of it, and you attract these exact kinds of people for your supporters. Willfully ignorant loud mouths.

Quote: @Skodin said:
conservatives are huge proponents of o and g as well as cutting environmental regulations. dont step in the ring with me on this one, bc this my forte, its how i make my bones.  the dept of interior, real conservatives are looking to sell our public lands for fossil fuel companies under the guise of using the founding fathers brilliance.  

sad bc at one point you were right, now conservatives are being torn apart between the republican classic model and the new religious right, the trump thumpers.   George Will, David Frum, Bret Stephens all agree. the mess after trump just in the gop will end the republican party

your temper tantrum really shows that this isnt about climate change, its about YYYOOOUUUU 

again no one has answered why you and pumpf have a such a stake in this.  why defend something with such vitrol that you take it personally.  do also believe in flat earth and chemtrails too?  bc the proportion of the general public of climate deniers and these people are roughly the same.  

if the fight against climate change works ( a realistic plan, not the green new deal) we all win. if it doesn’t work and we all go to shit, it would have happened regardless. but to sit here and want to do nothing seems like your trying to piss people off on purpose
We don’t all win.  I don’t want a fake economy created at taxpayers expense ... where the Democrat Party, fake liberal scientists at universities, and politicians like Al Fucking Gore rob us blind.  

I do not accept everything being so wrong.  AOC said we will be dead in 12 years.  In the 70s, we were facing an ice age.  In the 90s, it became global warming.  In the 2000s, that didn’t work so it is climate change. 

Tell me what the ideal is.  What should we be?  What range of temperatures by month is ideal?  No matter if a volcano erupts, a fire starts, a hurricane, a really cold month in the winter - EVERYTHING is because what Trump has done in 2 years?   Fuck off.

Use our oil.  You know why?  Because that oil negates the oil that came from somewhere else, balancing the inputs and outputs in the world. 

All the steps the US takes - isn’t done by the rest of the world like China.  Why should the US fund this shit for the world?  Fuck the Paris bullshit.  

So what steps should Trump take to appease you people so that no matter when mother earth farts, you fucking weirdos don’t blame him.  

I am not mad.  I just won’t tolerate liberals anymore.  I hate them.  See - I am not a bible thumper.  

Your fake science doesn’t impress me.  You make your bones in this industry?  Shame on you.  I hope no taxpayers fund you.

Still waiting for the assholes to explain the Russia shit.  And the Obama illegal spying.  And the hillary emails.  The NSA have them.  

Pay attention hypocrites.  The guys at NYT calling trump racist - apparently wrote racist shit. 

But you know.  Hollywood.  They are silent when the left sins.  How is Harvey doing?  And all the pedos in the Democrat party?  Epstein?  Clinton?  Casting couch?

LGBQRSTV.  Fuck off.  There are two genders.  Or do we want to exclude science in this discussion?  

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
@Skodin said:
conservatives are huge proponents of o and g as well as cutting environmental regulations. dont step in the ring with me on this one, bc this my forte, its how i make my bones.  the dept of interior, real conservatives are looking to sell our public lands for fossil fuel companies under the guise of using the founding fathers brilliance.  

sad bc at one point you were right, now conservatives are being torn apart between the republican classic model and the new religious right, the trump thumpers.   George Will, David Frum, Bret Stephens all agree. the mess after trump just in the gop will end the republican party

your temper tantrum really shows that this isnt about climate change, its about YYYOOOUUUU 

again no one has answered why you and pumpf have a such a stake in this.  why defend something with such vitrol that you take it personally.  do also believe in flat earth and chemtrails too?  bc the proportion of the general public of climate deniers and these people are roughly the same.  

if the fight against climate change works ( a realistic plan, not the green new deal) we all win. if it doesn’t work and we all go to shit, it would have happened regardless. but to sit here and want to do nothing seems like your trying to piss people off on purpose
We don’t all win.  I don’t want a fake economy created at taxpayers expense ... where the Democrat Party, fake liberal scientists at universities, and politicians like Al Fucking Gore rob us blind.  

I do not accept everything being so wrong.  AOC said we will be dead in 12 years.  In the 70s, we were facing an ice age.  In the 90s, it became global warming.  In the 2000s, that didn’t work so it is climate change. 

Tell me what the ideal is.  What should we be?  What range of temperatures by month is ideal?  No matter if a volcano erupts, a fire starts, a hurricane, a really cold month in the winter - EVERYTHING is because what Trump has done in 2 years?   Fuck off.

Use our oil.  You know why?  Because that oil negates the oil that came from somewhere else, balancing the inputs and outputs in the world. 

All the steps the US takes - isn’t done by the rest of the world like China.  Why should the US fund this shit for the world?  Fuck the Paris bullshit.  

So what steps should Trump take to appease you people so that no matter when mother earth farts, you fucking weirdos don’t blame him.  

I am not mad.  I just won’t tolerate liberals anymore.  I hate them.  See - I am not a bible thumper.  

Your fake science doesn’t impress me.  You make your bones in this industry?  Shame on you.  I hope no taxpayers fund you.

Still waiting for the assholes to explain the Russia shit.  And the Obama illegal spying.  And the hillary emails.  The NSA have them.  

Pay attention hypocrites.  The guys at NYT calling trump racist - apparently wrote racist shit. 

But you know.  Hollywood.  They are silent when the left sins.  How is Harvey doing?  And all the pedos in the Democrat party?  Epstein?  Clinton?  Casting couch?

LGBQRSTV.  Fuck off.  There are two genders.  Or do we want to exclude science in this discussion?  
You're seriously one angry, unstable individual. 

ALL the tens of thousands of climate scientists are all part of some grand conspiracy, all faking their data to draw the same conclusions?

And then you pivot back to whackadoodle conspiracy theory land of Obama spying, Hillary's emails ... regular as clockwork. 

It would be funny as fuck if it weren't so pathetically sad.

You're just a crazy, sad fuck that should be locked up in a looney bin before you hurt someone.  Seriously dude, you clearly have some deep-seeded anger issues you should get therapy for.   You sound like the crazy nutjob living in the van full of anti-media, pro Trump stickers that sent explosives to some reporters.  

Quote: @Skodin said:

Brazil . .  is this a real issue or a conspiracy theory?  
Amazonia  AFIRE!  ABLAZE!   as caused-by/proof-of   MMGW?  
Conspiracy?  yes!  (Happy, now?)

Even the NYT's and CNN (aka the liberal intelligentsia)  have reeled that claim back, last few days after the initial mania.

"Did climate change cause these fires, and how will they affect climate change?
These fires were not caused by climate change. "  (ouch....gotta hurt) ^^ these admissions found in A1's  Forbes link none of you read.  
The Amazonia Burning  hullaballoo will be a non-story soon, with those admissions.  

Quote: @Skodin said:
dont step in the ring with me on this one, bc this my forte, its how i make my bones.  
[Image: giphy.gif]

Sorry, had to.   B)
So why don't you post your bona-fides, so we charlatans won't feel the need to out-smart an expert?   Smile

Quote: @Skodin said:

Brazil . .  is this a real issue or a conspiracy theory? 
The better question is:  "Which was the bigger hoax?  The Mueller "Trump collusion hoax" or the "Amazon is Toast" hoax?  
Too soon?   Smile  
(I know the Mueller failure to indict Trump is still raw) 

Quote: @Skodin said:

Btw you know how pathetic you look trying to down play the death of the amazon....
"the death of the Amazon".  Really?  It's gone?  Well, RIP, Amazon.   
I remember as a US middle-schooler (in the mid-70's)...reading from the "Weekly Reader" magazine that the "Amazon was under distress (construction), and would not last until 2000." 
I remember it distinctly, because it troubled me greatly and I wrote an essay/response on it.  Well at least we got 19 bonus yrs.  
I actually google-searched it, and found the exact reference a few yrs ago....but cannot find/post it tonite.  

Quote: @KingBash said:
Us smart people will clean up your mess.


"We" smart people will clean up your mess.  

Trick to Remember the Difference[Image: Define-us-and-define-we.png]Although we and us are both first person plural pronouns, they cannot be freely interchanged.
  • We is a subject pronoun. 
  • Us is an object pronoun.

This shit is two easy.   Wink

Quote: @savannahskol said:
@KingBash said:
Us smart people will clean up your mess.


"We" smart people will clean up your mess.  

Trick to Remember the Difference[Image: Define-us-and-define-we.png]Although we and us are both first person plural pronouns, they cannot be freely interchanged.
  • We is a subject pronoun. 
  • Us is an object pronoun.

This shit is two easy.   Wink
Ha you really wanna claim victory over incorrect grammar? 

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
@A1Janitor said:
@Skodin said:
conservatives are huge proponents of o and g as well as cutting environmental regulations. dont step in the ring with me on this one, bc this my forte, its how i make my bones.  the dept of interior, real conservatives are looking to sell our public lands for fossil fuel companies under the guise of using the founding fathers brilliance.  

sad bc at one point you were right, now conservatives are being torn apart between the republican classic model and the new religious right, the trump thumpers.   George Will, David Frum, Bret Stephens all agree. the mess after trump just in the gop will end the republican party

your temper tantrum really shows that this isnt about climate change, its about YYYOOOUUUU 

again no one has answered why you and pumpf have a such a stake in this.  why defend something with such vitrol that you take it personally.  do also believe in flat earth and chemtrails too?  bc the proportion of the general public of climate deniers and these people are roughly the same.  

if the fight against climate change works ( a realistic plan, not the green new deal) we all win. if it doesn’t work and we all go to shit, it would have happened regardless. but to sit here and want to do nothing seems like your trying to piss people off on purpose
We don’t all win.  I don’t want a fake economy created at taxpayers expense ... where the Democrat Party, fake liberal scientists at universities, and politicians like Al Fucking Gore rob us blind.  

I do not accept everything being so wrong.  AOC said we will be dead in 12 years.  In the 70s, we were facing an ice age.  In the 90s, it became global warming.  In the 2000s, that didn’t work so it is climate change. 

Tell me what the ideal is.  What should we be?  What range of temperatures by month is ideal?  No matter if a volcano erupts, a fire starts, a hurricane, a really cold month in the winter - EVERYTHING is because what Trump has done in 2 years?   Fuck off.

Use our oil.  You know why?  Because that oil negates the oil that came from somewhere else, balancing the inputs and outputs in the world. 

All the steps the US takes - isn’t done by the rest of the world like China.  Why should the US fund this shit for the world?  Fuck the Paris bullshit.  

So what steps should Trump take to appease you people so that no matter when mother earth farts, you fucking weirdos don’t blame him.  

I am not mad.  I just won’t tolerate liberals anymore.  I hate them.  See - I am not a bible thumper.  

Your fake science doesn’t impress me.  You make your bones in this industry?  Shame on you.  I hope no taxpayers fund you.

Still waiting for the assholes to explain the Russia shit.  And the Obama illegal spying.  And the hillary emails.  The NSA have them.  

Pay attention hypocrites.  The guys at NYT calling trump racist - apparently wrote racist shit. 

But you know.  Hollywood.  They are silent when the left sins.  How is Harvey doing?  And all the pedos in the Democrat party?  Epstein?  Clinton?  Casting couch?

LGBQRSTV.  Fuck off.  There are two genders.  Or do we want to exclude science in this discussion?  
You're seriously one angry, unstable individual. 

ALL the tens of thousands of climate scientists are all part of some grand conspiracy, all faking their data to draw the same conclusions?

And then you pivot back to whackadoodle conspiracy theory land of Obama spying, Hillary's emails ... regular as clockwork. 

It would be funny as fuck if it weren't so pathetically sad.

You're just a crazy, sad fuck that should be locked up in a looney bin before you hurt someone.  Seriously dude, you clearly have some deep-seeded anger issues you should get therapy for.   You sound like the crazy nutjob living in the van full of anti-media, pro Trump stickers that sent explosives to some reporters.  
Yep, he is. Ive mentioned it numerous times and he's more bitter the last year or so than ever. Its so bad that I find myself wishing him some kind of happiness because no way you get this angry without BEING utterly unhappy. 

I'm sorry you are so unhappy, A1. I mean that. Peace.

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