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Which Act Is More Repugnant?
Quote: @KingBash said:
And call today what it is: somebody sent bombs to George Soros, the Clintons, and the Obamas.

This was a terrorist attack that was stopped. Most likely a domestic one. And we all know the kind of person/people who was/were behind it. The Trump folks. The proud "nationalists."
Is that your guess or is there evidence behind that?


Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
@"freeBezerker88" said:
Obama spied on reporters. 

And right on cue, you turn around and try to make an argument about Obama spied on reporters.  As if that's anywhere near the realm of what Trump has done in his relentless assaults on the "fake news" media, calling the media the enemy of the people, encouraging violence against reporters.  

Thanks for making my point yet again.  If Trump applauds violence, rather than call him out for it, well I better accuse Obama of doing something bad too, even if it's nowhere near as bad as Trump's relentless assault of a free press and our fucking Constitution.  You're a joke trying to make false equivalency after false equivalency to justify Trump's dangerous, despicable behavior.

You are a microcosm of what's wrong with America.  But but but Obama spied on a fox news reporter, but but but Hillary said to be uncivil, blah blah blah.  It's not just you, you're one of tens of millions with this same tribal, partisan mindset that prevents you from being objective.  You're so brainwashed with GOP propaganda you can't even admit what Trump is doing isn't just wrong it's fucking dangerous ... without trying to desperately find some false equivalency about the Dems to help you feel better about normalizing and accepting what Trump is doing, because in your  mind the Dems are doing things just as bad, even if they're not.  
You said something about "Obama never spewed as much lies or treated the press so bad"... so I listed some examples and then you cry about how I had to drag Obama into this "right on cue"...  Classic.   

Assault on our Constitution happened years ago and with Bush's reaction to 9/11 did the most damage with the stupid Patriot Act.  You blindly attack me for pointing out things you did not like but ignore the fact that I've said Trump's an ass.  I have never voted for Trump.  I voted for Obama the first time... he promised transparency and let me down(he promised a lot of things and didn't deliver).  In fact he had one of the worst administrations when it came to transparency.  You brought Obama into this by saying he wasn't as bad, not me. 

Labeling me "tribal" without addressing your own is laughable. 

1. You said the Dems don't support Antifa.  I showed that the number 2 Dem in the DNC does.  You say that's the first one you've heard of, yet the story is from January 2018.  How could you miss it for 10 months?  Unless your "news" source isn't covering it, only covering what they want you to know or you did not want to know.  It took me one google search to find it.

2. You say Obama never attacked the press or Fox news.  I showed that he did. 

3. You said Trump doesn't attack Putin or Kim.  I showed that he did.(actually I said he did and you didn't dispute otherwise I would have provided links for that too.) 

Yet you still cling to your version of the story by blaming me for being brainwashed and tribal.  Once again, I didn't vote for Trump, voted for Obama, still registered as a Democrat, but with the Socialist Democrats taking over the party I'm not sure how long I'll stay.  Tribal is not a word I'd think Democrat backers would want to throw around right now... what with Warren faux pas and all.  Did you watch that TedTalk? 


Quote: @KingBash said:
@SFVikeFan said:
@StickyBun said:
We aren't on the verge of any civil war. Don't get caught up in the hyperbole and hype. 

Take a walk. Breath the air. Hug somebody you love. Read a book. Pour yourself a glass of wine and listen to some good music. Step away from social media, the news, the internet and realize that life is good. 

Its beer thirty somewhere and I'm ready for a cheeseburger in paradise. Have a great weekend. 
Sorry sticky but this is why I am alarmed.  Trump's relentless assault on the truth, on the media, and his fueling of conspiracy theories about Soros, Hillary and others ... now look what happened.  Mail bombs sent to his favorite enemies.  

Trump's insanity has spread like wildfire, he is literally encouraging domestic terrorism against the media and Dems and this is the result.  Some angry nutjobs are going to act on it.  
As I've said from day one, he's scaring stupid people.

And make no mistake about it: Trump will blame this on the Democrats somehow. And somehow, someway, his idiots will buy into it.

The "left wing" media needs to start doing their jobs. Stop covering this stupid caravan non-story and focus 100% of their attention on what's important. It's time for the adults to act like adults and start agenda-setting. That's their job.
He doesn't need to.  If you're on Facebook, just read the horrifying comments on the articles.  Republican supporters by the thousands are already accusing the Dems of sending bombs to themselves to gain sympathy before the election.  

This mindset is also a direct result when your entire belief system is built on fake news, alternative facts, and conspiracy theories.   Trump already laid the groundwork by undermining the credibility of the media to breed this insanity, now a ridiculous amount of his cult can choose to blame the Dems with zero proof, because what's one more conspiracy theory in their world where they can't separate fact from fiction?  

This is the point I keep driving home, too many GOP supporters live in a totally different world devoid of fact & truth and have created this fantasyland where they can create their own version of reality that matches their own prejudices and allows them to blame Dems for everything.

Nazi propaganda wasn't this effective, the Germans didn't have access to outside information like we do.  Trump has festered enough distrust and resentment of the media many won't believe anything anymore if it disagrees with their political beliefs.  

Quote: @KingBash said:
@greediron said:
@KingBash said:
@pumpf said:
@KingBash said:
@pumpf said:
You know, for people who are deathly afraid of Trump taking away their "free speech", you guys don't seem too afraid to bitch about him constantly.  

What point are you trying to make? I'm not trying to be a dick, but that isn't really a "got ya" comment. Yeah, he's trying to silence people and we're calling bullshit. Your point?

Of course, I seem to remember it was "you guys" who said- about 20 years ago- that character didn't matter.  The only thing that mattered was whether or not they "did their job". 

I'll concede here, I suppose. Twenty years ago, I was twelve.

... ohhh, I see where you're going. Bill Clinton got a blowjob from an intern behind his wife's back. Yeah, who cares. His fuck-up was doing a shitty job of lying about it. That was truly embarrassing. I LIKE the fact Trump fucks porn stars and marries models. I just wish his politics were more like (Bill) Clinton's. A little. Not all of Bill's politics have aged well, but he was a generally decent man... on paper at least. I don't remember when Clinton mocked a disabled reporter.

Pumpf: you're the Christian here. Maybe I'm misinterpreting what you guys are about, but Trump's infidelities should be real red flags to you. Meanwhile, Pat Robertson (BIG Christian) excuses the murder of a journalist because it could jeopardize an arms deal. Leave it to Christians! You guys are always a hoot.

Well, Trump is still the same repugnant guy he was when I didn't vote for him... but there does seem to be alot of good things going on in the country.  

Some. Thank President Obama for a lot of that. Like Donald with his father, he's riding Obama's coattails on a lot of it and taking credit. Oh, sure. I don't disagree he's sped things up some. But I like a little regulation if it means a slightly worse economy but our rivers aren't polluted. But I digress...

Meanwhile, the Democrats have (somehow) become even more repugnant than Trump.

No. You're wrong and you need to be told that more often. It won't help, but you need to hear it. 
I'll end with this tonight. I actually think you're a genuinely good dude who'd do that whole shirt off your back thing for anybody of any color/religion/orientation regardless of what they've done. But it seriously fascinates me how you can be so wrong on so many things that are simply moral. Fleecing the taxpayer your entire life is bad. Hateful rhetoric on the media is bad. ... WHITE SUPREMACISTS are shit.

Perhaps that red hat truly is magic.
For the umpteenth time: I didn't vote for Trump... and I don't recall excusing anything that he's done.  What I HAVE tried to do is point out the hypocrisy of those who suddenly think that character matters- when it never did before.  I have no problem saying that Trump is NOT a good person.  But- in my opinion- there ARE some good things going on in our country right now.  Some are biased by my view of life... some seem pretty universally obvious.  I just do not happen to give Obama credit for the relatively sudden turn-around of our economy.  IF Obama was the cause, why did it take more than 8 years for his "plan" to kick in?

As for the Democrats- yes, what they've done is as (if not more) repugnant than the Donald.  You and I won't agree on this: but since I believe that each unborn child is a unique human life (which science backs up), I cannot consider abortion as anything other than a modern-day holocaust.  And the Democrats support it with all of their might.
Welp, this was a pointless discussion.

We won't agree. But I suppose that's fine. I've tried to remain tactful towards you, and I meant what I said about you being a good guy. But as far as your beliefs, you're not a true Christian. You're simply not. Read your book and think, "Am I living this way?"

There's a silver lining to this for both us of (at least for now): we don't live near one another. I live near like-minded people I mostly get along with and I guarantee you do too. Maybe it's time for Americans to realize we want different things? Nobody wants to have that discussion, but it's about time.
I have to laugh at that line.  Utterly ridiculous.  We all are sinners.  But for a guy who doesn't believe in this "superstition" to define what believing in this "superstition" means, that is laughable.
Well, I don't believe in the tenets of Christianity. That shit is Harry Potter laughable. 

But Christ's teachings? Kindness, compassion, denouncing excessive wealth...

All pumpf gives a shit about is unborn babies. Until they turn into Democrats/liberals/gays/etc. Then they're shit in his eyes.

EDIT: Oh yeah: pumpf also said there are good people on both sides of Charlottesville. Exactly how Jesus would handle it.
anti-Christians are the experts on what Jesus would have said and done.  They don't care or believe it, but they are the experts on it.  Trouble is, you probably believe the garbage you spout about Pumpf. 

Done and out.  Shit is way too deep in here.

Quote: @KingBash said:
@Caactorvike said:
Explosive devises sent to bith Clintons, Obama, Soros and CNN New York.  Last week Trump praises a congressman for “ body slamming a reporter.” Think those things are not connected?  Remember how he championed violence while on the campaign trail, after Charlottesville he said there were “good people on both sides” ( and then, in case people missed his meaning, reiterated “on BOTH sides”) He claims Soros and the Democratic party were “involved in funding” the caravan.  totally made up—as was his assertion that amongst the people in the caravan “you will find Middle Eastern”. Note—not Middle Eastern PEOPLE just “Middle Eastern.” 

It is the atmosphere of hatred he creates, the condoning of violence he gives voice to that fosters what we woke up to this morning.  

btw Naziis not an acronism as some conservatives have stated-  its short for the German word for “nationalism.”
You'll hear silence from the "nationalists" on this board, I predict. Not a peep. Until a random illegal immigrant commits a crime. Or antifa turns over a car in the middle of nowhere and Fox runs it as a riot. Then they'll all lose their minds again.
Fuck that.  I'm a nationalist.  Whoever did this whether they be a republican, democrat, nationalist, globalist, white, black, male, female is a domestic terrorist.  I hope they find who ever is guilty...hopefully soon....and punish them to the full extent of the law.  So don't throw all us "bad apples" in with some terrorist.  Doing so makes you the asshole not me. 

Quote: @medaille said:
@KingBash said:
And call today what it is: somebody sent bombs to George Soros, the Clintons, and the Obamas.

This was a terrorist attack that was stopped. Most likely a domestic one. And we all know the kind of person/people who was/were behind it. The Trump folks. The proud "nationalists."
Is that your guess or is there evidence behind that?

I guess Kingbash needs to talk to the FBI.  I don't see anything on someone being caught yet. 

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
@KingBash said:
@SFVikeFan said:
@StickyBun said:
We aren't on the verge of any civil war. Don't get caught up in the hyperbole and hype. 

Take a walk. Breath the air. Hug somebody you love. Read a book. Pour yourself a glass of wine and listen to some good music. Step away from social media, the news, the internet and realize that life is good. 

Its beer thirty somewhere and I'm ready for a cheeseburger in paradise. Have a great weekend. 
Sorry sticky but this is why I am alarmed.  Trump's relentless assault on the truth, on the media, and his fueling of conspiracy theories about Soros, Hillary and others ... now look what happened.  Mail bombs sent to his favorite enemies.  

Trump's insanity has spread like wildfire, he is literally encouraging domestic terrorism against the media and Dems and this is the result.  Some angry nutjobs are going to act on it.  
As I've said from day one, he's scaring stupid people.

And make no mistake about it: Trump will blame this on the Democrats somehow. And somehow, someway, his idiots will buy into it.

The "left wing" media needs to start doing their jobs. Stop covering this stupid caravan non-story and focus 100% of their attention on what's important. It's time for the adults to act like adults and start agenda-setting. That's their job.
He doesn't need to.  If you're on Facebook, just read the horrifying comments on the articles.  Republican supporters by the thousands are already accusing the Dems of sending bombs to themselves to gain sympathy before the election.  

This mindset is also a direct result when your entire belief system is built on fake news, alternative facts, and conspiracy theories.   Trump already laid the groundwork by undermining the credibility of the media to breed this insanity, now a ridiculous amount of his cult can choose to blame the Dems with zero proof, because what's one more conspiracy theory in their world where they can't separate fact from fiction?  

This is the point I keep driving home, too many GOP supporters live in a totally different world devoid of fact & truth and have created this fantasyland where they can create their own version of reality that matches their own prejudices and allows them to blame Dems for everything.

Nazi propaganda wasn't this effective, the Germans didn't have access to outside information like we do.  Trump has festered enough distrust and resentment of the media many won't believe anything anymore if it disagrees with their political beliefs.  
Dude, you could literally flip every identifying word in your post to the other side and it would read just the same.  It isn't just republicans who have bought what their side is selling hook line and sinker. 

Maybe we should stop blaming each other for everything and try to figure this out. 

Quote: @KingBash said:
Well, I don't believe in the tenets of Christianity. That shit is Harry Potter laughable. 

But Christ's teachings? Kindness, compassion, denouncing excessive wealth...

All pumpf gives a shit about is unborn babies. Until they turn into Democrats/liberals/gays/etc. Then they're shit in his eyes.

EDIT: Oh yeah: pumpf also said there are good people on both sides of Charlottesville. Exactly how Jesus would handle it.
Actually, the primary teaching of Jesus was that there is a heaven and a hell; and that no one gets to heaven except through faith in Him.  All the other stuff (about being "good") are the fruits of faith that should be seen in those who claim to have saving faith.

As for caring about unborn babies, I'll own that.  I do.  I care about each human life- even those with whom I disagree... and even those who hate me.  If someone suggested that we should kill all Democrats because they are inconvenient to our country, I'd be the first in line to denounce that.  And all those folks that you listed?  Every one of them was created in the image of God, which is why each one of them has infinite value.  I don't want any of them to be killed- at any stage of life.  Just because I don't like what people do, that doesn't make them any less precious in God's eyes- or in mine.  

I appreciate your willingness to put words into my mouth; but here are my ACTUAL words.  You can believe them or not.

EDIT: Actually, Jesus died for the sins of all people- because there isn't anyone who is good... and all are equally in need of His forgiveness.

Quote: @medaille said:
@KingBash said:
And call today what it is: somebody sent bombs to George Soros, the Clintons, and the Obamas.

This was a terrorist attack that was stopped. Most likely a domestic one. And we all know the kind of person/people who was/were behind it. The Trump folks. The proud "nationalists."
Is that your guess or is there evidence behind that?

It certainly could be a false flag operation by GEORGE SOROS HIMSELF!!!

Holy SHIT! It'd be funnier if you hadn't all lost your collective minds. 

Quote: @greediron said:
@KingBash said:
@greediron said:
@KingBash said:
@pumpf said:
@KingBash said:
@pumpf said:
You know, for people who are deathly afraid of Trump taking away their "free speech", you guys don't seem too afraid to bitch about him constantly.  

What point are you trying to make? I'm not trying to be a dick, but that isn't really a "got ya" comment. Yeah, he's trying to silence people and we're calling bullshit. Your point?

Of course, I seem to remember it was "you guys" who said- about 20 years ago- that character didn't matter.  The only thing that mattered was whether or not they "did their job". 

I'll concede here, I suppose. Twenty years ago, I was twelve.

... ohhh, I see where you're going. Bill Clinton got a blowjob from an intern behind his wife's back. Yeah, who cares. His fuck-up was doing a shitty job of lying about it. That was truly embarrassing. I LIKE the fact Trump fucks porn stars and marries models. I just wish his politics were more like (Bill) Clinton's. A little. Not all of Bill's politics have aged well, but he was a generally decent man... on paper at least. I don't remember when Clinton mocked a disabled reporter.

Pumpf: you're the Christian here. Maybe I'm misinterpreting what you guys are about, but Trump's infidelities should be real red flags to you. Meanwhile, Pat Robertson (BIG Christian) excuses the murder of a journalist because it could jeopardize an arms deal. Leave it to Christians! You guys are always a hoot.

Well, Trump is still the same repugnant guy he was when I didn't vote for him... but there does seem to be alot of good things going on in the country.  

Some. Thank President Obama for a lot of that. Like Donald with his father, he's riding Obama's coattails on a lot of it and taking credit. Oh, sure. I don't disagree he's sped things up some. But I like a little regulation if it means a slightly worse economy but our rivers aren't polluted. But I digress...

Meanwhile, the Democrats have (somehow) become even more repugnant than Trump.

No. You're wrong and you need to be told that more often. It won't help, but you need to hear it. 
I'll end with this tonight. I actually think you're a genuinely good dude who'd do that whole shirt off your back thing for anybody of any color/religion/orientation regardless of what they've done. But it seriously fascinates me how you can be so wrong on so many things that are simply moral. Fleecing the taxpayer your entire life is bad. Hateful rhetoric on the media is bad. ... WHITE SUPREMACISTS are shit.

Perhaps that red hat truly is magic.
For the umpteenth time: I didn't vote for Trump... and I don't recall excusing anything that he's done.  What I HAVE tried to do is point out the hypocrisy of those who suddenly think that character matters- when it never did before.  I have no problem saying that Trump is NOT a good person.  But- in my opinion- there ARE some good things going on in our country right now.  Some are biased by my view of life... some seem pretty universally obvious.  I just do not happen to give Obama credit for the relatively sudden turn-around of our economy.  IF Obama was the cause, why did it take more than 8 years for his "plan" to kick in?

As for the Democrats- yes, what they've done is as (if not more) repugnant than the Donald.  You and I won't agree on this: but since I believe that each unborn child is a unique human life (which science backs up), I cannot consider abortion as anything other than a modern-day holocaust.  And the Democrats support it with all of their might.
Welp, this was a pointless discussion.

We won't agree. But I suppose that's fine. I've tried to remain tactful towards you, and I meant what I said about you being a good guy. But as far as your beliefs, you're not a true Christian. You're simply not. Read your book and think, "Am I living this way?"

There's a silver lining to this for both us of (at least for now): we don't live near one another. I live near like-minded people I mostly get along with and I guarantee you do too. Maybe it's time for Americans to realize we want different things? Nobody wants to have that discussion, but it's about time.
I have to laugh at that line.  Utterly ridiculous.  We all are sinners.  But for a guy who doesn't believe in this "superstition" to define what believing in this "superstition" means, that is laughable.
Well, I don't believe in the tenets of Christianity. That shit is Harry Potter laughable. 

But Christ's teachings? Kindness, compassion, denouncing excessive wealth...

All pumpf gives a shit about is unborn babies. Until they turn into Democrats/liberals/gays/etc. Then they're shit in his eyes.

EDIT: Oh yeah: pumpf also said there are good people on both sides of Charlottesville. Exactly how Jesus would handle it.
anti-Christians are the experts on what Jesus would have said and done.  They don't care or believe it, but they are the experts on it.  Trouble is, you probably believe the garbage you spout about Pumpf. 

Done and out.  Shit is way too deep in here.
Time to clear up some stuff.

Anti-Christian? I literally just said I support most of Christ's teachings. So you're wrong.

I never once claimed to be an expert on it. So you're wrong.

I believe everything I'm saying about pumpf because of everything he's literally said on this board.

You should get a job at Fox News. Excellent job of spouting nonsense!

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