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Traitor in Chief Trump Has His Buddy's Back
(03-18-2025, 09:24 AM)badgervike Wrote: Seriously Z.  Doesn't this Orange Boi nonsense ever get old.  You used to spew endlessly the same about Trump abandoning NATO...well he looked pretty chummy with the NATO head last week...and more importantly, the Europeans are finally starting to step up and contribute to their own defense commitments.  Again, all the attacks against Ukraine were under Obama or Biden...but all you can do is a lot of yabutts and try to turn it on Trump.  Had Trump continued Obama's course...all of the Ukraine would have fallen.  Those Stinger missiles authorized under Trump 45 are what pushed Russia back from Kyiv.  This whole thing should have been dealt with immediately when Russia invaded Donbas and broke their treaty obligations...but Biden and the Europeans were too feckless to fight back.  They figured a good "Don't" would work.  They didn't engage with Russia in any way to try to end this conflict including militarily. 

Trump is talking to Putin today.  It can go one of two ways.  Either Putin agrees to a cease fire and moves forward..or the US and Europeans impose maximum sanctions and pushes other Countries including the UN to do the same.  Part of the reason for getting Zelensky to shut up with his defiance was to isolate Russia.  Now..everybody can say they tried and Russia, the Aggressor, won't stop the killing.  I expect that's the likely outcome of the call today but I may be surprised.

The reality is that Trump was harder on Putin than any President likely since Reagan.  The sanctions crippled Russia until they were softened by the Europeans and Biden
The US and Trump can now look like they did everything possible to negotiate peace but were unsuccessful...opening the door for further action.

I get it Z.  You want to go back to the Biden days.  Where we talked tough...and did very little.  The Russians are perfectly willing to fight a war of attrition under Putin.  This is a war that Ukraine can't win.  They're losing territory.  All they can do is slowly die.  They're already forcing conscripts into service.  The brave and the willing are becoming fewer and fewer.

Don't you get tired of lying? You have a borderline fetish for trying to speak for me, for declaring political positions I don't have or take, and...well, your "points" fall apart without your fiction assigned to me, so I guess that explains it. Pathetic and spineless, but consistent.

I guess you must really have worked hard to both ignore and forget the many, many times I was pretty horrible about ol' Sleepy Joe here...because this is hardly the first time your fictional babble has come up. It's still kind of amazing, are horse blinders involved, or...?

I've stated clearly on this board that I wanted the US to actually join NATO in showing a unified front against the wannabe Stalin II, which is NOT the same as "start massive tariff wars against allies" or "insult everyone that's lost lives next to our soldiers". Maybe you find the language confusing?

Trump's friendship with Putin is a bragging point for some of his administration (motto: must have at least one sexual assault charge to be appointed!), and I can't agree that it's about "isolating Russia" when we're among the countries refusing to assign the obvious responsibility for the attack/, no, we don't agree. I'm basing my position on clear and recent facts, I have no idea where you're coming from.

I want Russia stopped, and out, and paying horribly for the crimes they've been committing. I have zero respect for the draft-dodging narcissist and sexual assaulting fraud in our highest office, and I don't pretend otherwise. I've also been clear about the previous Oval Office embarrassment, the mattress-actress twit that failed to succeed him, and others in that party including my current state's former s**thead governor that allowed crime to get completely insane. I assume, as a liar, you'll choose to ignore and forget that again, but I'll keep posting my positions for the sake of clarity....
Build on 14-3, take back the NFCN, break the ****ing curse. Simple.

(03-18-2025, 09:36 AM)Zanary Wrote: Don't you get tired of lying? You have a borderline fetish for trying to speak for me, for declaring political positions I don't have or take, and...well, your "points" fall apart without your fiction assigned to me, so I guess that explains it. Pathetic and spineless, but consistent.

I guess you must really have worked hard to both ignore and forget the many, many times I was pretty horrible about ol' Sleepy Joe here...because this is hardly the first time your fictional babble has come up. It's still kind of amazing, are horse blinders involved, or...?

I've stated clearly on this board that I wanted the US to actually join NATO in showing a unified front against the wannabe Stalin II, which is NOT the same as "start massive tariff wars against allies" or "insult everyone that's lost lives next to our soldiers". Maybe you find the language confusing?

Trump's friendship with Putin is a bragging point for some of his administration (motto: must have at least one sexual assault charge to be appointed!), and I can't agree that it's about "isolating Russia" when we're among the countries refusing to assign the obvious responsibility for the attack/, no, we don't agree. I'm basing my position on clear and recent facts, I have no idea where you're coming from.

I want Russia stopped, and out, and paying horribly for the crimes they've been committing. I have zero respect for the draft-dodging narcissist and sexual assaulting fraud in our highest office, and I don't pretend otherwise. I've also been clear about the previous Oval Office embarrassment, the mattress-actress twit that failed to succeed him, and others in that party including my current state's former s**thead governor that allowed crime to get completely insane. I assume, as a liar, you'll choose to ignore and forget that again, but I'll keep posting my positions for the sake of clarity....


You're one upping yourself in spewing nonsense here.  It's obvious you can't even think beyond a simple level to understand how negotiations work and how this president both avoided wars and makes progress to ending them.   You're simply outmatched here and confused.   I'm being charitable.

(03-18-2025, 10:00 AM)Waterboy Wrote: Senator,

You're one upping yourself in spewing nonsense here.  It's obvious you can't even think beyond a simple level to understand how negotiations work and how this president both avoided wars and makes progress to ending them.   You're simply outmatched here and confused.   I'm being charitable.

No, you're proving that you can't quit posting at me...period.

I haven't seen much of a rational point from you, ever, and Badger lies to make great threat from either of you. In terms of debate skills, you're both absentees.
Build on 14-3, take back the NFCN, break the ****ing curse. Simple.

How do I "lie" Z? You really want to pretend you offer the same biting criticism of Biden as Trump? Let's see...what's the title of this thread that you started? You'll offer up your standard Sleepy Joe dig...which is not the same as traitorous, shitstain, felonious....blah, blah, blah. About the meanest thing you can say about Biden is the dude needs a nap every once in a while.

Like I said, the NATO head had nothing but praise for Trump...but sure...let's pretend differently. The Europeans for the first time since WW2 are ponying up for their defense.

For the Russia thing, if you go into this negotiation having taken an adversarial/hostile position, you don't have as much leverage if the negotiations fall through. Same goes for that ill timed UN letter. Trump can say that the Ukrainians were willing partners but Russia was...well Russia..and we tried. Like I said, I'd be surprised if anything comes from the call today. I expect there will be a call for worldwide condemnation and actions against Russia. Hope I'm wrong. People need to stop dying over there. Trump's unpredictability worries Putin.

(03-18-2025, 10:52 AM)badgervike Wrote: How do I "lie" Z?  You really want to pretend you offer the same biting criticism of Biden as Trump?  Let's see...what's the title of this thread that you started?  You'll offer up your standard Sleepy Joe dig...which is not the same as traitorous, shitstain, felonious....blah, blah, blah.  About the meanest thing you can say about Biden is the dude needs a nap every once in a while.

Like I said, the NATO head had nothing but praise for Trump...but sure...let's pretend differently.  The Europeans for the first time since WW2 are ponying up for their defense. 

For the Russia thing, if you go into this negotiation having taken an adversarial/hostile position, you don't have as much leverage if the negotiations fall through.  Same goes for that ill timed UN letter.  Trump can say that the Ukrainians were willing partners but Russia was...well Russia..and we tried.  Like I said, I'd be surprised if anything comes from the call today.  I expect there will be a call for worldwide condemnation and actions against Russia.  Hope I'm wrong.  People need to stop dying over there.  Trump's unpredictability worries Putin.

You've lied repeatedly, calling me a democrat (a position I've never taken/voted in my life) and/or told me I wanted Bidenisms...again, not a position I've taken here or anywhere. Your word, as presented, is trash...and should be mocked and marginalized as a result.

Our prez has maybe, just maybe, given me much more material...on a constant basis...for 3 decades. Sleepy Joe never worked a tenth as hard to make headlines as the orange clown, even during his ridiculous presidency. He also wasn't publicly cuddling Putin for several years, he wasn't accusing everyone of being the security failure on January 6th, he didn't just tank our economy $5 trillion in 3 weeks.

I've said, again, clearly, that I've seen "the Donald" as a s**tstain for a very long time...and he works at giving constant material to that effect. As much as I hate and hated Biden's manipulations in both the senate and his clueless time in the Oval Office, he didn't boot a ton of veterans out of VA positions, he didn't let his pet DOGE dufus fire nuclear arsenal personnel (among MANY embarrassing mistakes, rehires), and while his disastrous handling of Afghanistan, immigration (both of which I commented a good bit on, as I spent 3 decades on our Southern border), and more...he doesn't seem determined to "one down" his previous failures like 45/47 does.

The bullying, lying, and manipulations...on top of insistence that he's immune to prosecution, etc...are really obvious, constant red flags. This is hardly unreasonable.

I doubt much will come from the call, either, mostly because I don't think Putin is nearly as worried as you do. I fully agree that people need to stop dying over there, but the bizarre assumption that Trump has a magic wand for that is purely whacko. All we've heard from him is what Ukraine has to give up, plus that bullshit media ambush...where's the calling out of his "VERY GOOD FRIEND" (see the link a few posts up!) for annexation and mass rape/murder, again?

The same stain that had an entire fraudulent university is playing with millions of lives. That's pretty terrifying.
Build on 14-3, take back the NFCN, break the ****ing curse. Simple.

(03-17-2025, 09:08 PM)Zanary Wrote: Approaching a million dead, and you just put it down as "whining". You're on quite the roll, lately, surpassing even my dismal expectations for you...
...but, hey, we know that our traitor-in-chief is all about the bestie!

“We have two leaders of two great countries who are very good friends and very focused on how we can strengthen the shared objectives and shared interests,” Gabbard said in an interview with India’s NDTV, portions of which were released Monday ahead of its broadcast.

Yeah, power mongering...massive lies...shameless manipulation...and flocks of human drones, believing whatever they're told. They have LOTS in common...!

Oopsie.  Retracted.

Honest AP error, I’m sure.

(03-18-2025, 11:07 AM)Zanary Wrote: You've lied repeatedly, calling me a democrat (a position I've never taken/voted in my life) and/or told me I wanted Bidenisms...again, not a position I've taken here or anywhere. Your word, as presented, is trash...and should be mocked and marginalized as a result.

Our prez has maybe, just maybe, given me much more material...on a constant basis...for 3 decades. Sleepy Joe never worked a tenth as hard to make headlines as the orange clown, even during his ridiculous presidency. He also wasn't publicly cuddling Putin for several years, he wasn't accusing everyone of being the security failure on January 6th, he didn't just tank our economy $5 trillion in 3 weeks.

I've said, again, clearly, that I've seen "the Donald" as a s**tstain for a very long time...and he works at giving constant material to that effect. As much as I hate and hated Biden's manipulations in both the senate and his clueless time in the Oval Office, he didn't boot a ton of veterans out of VA positions, he didn't let his pet DOGE dufus fire nuclear arsenal personnel (among MANY embarrassing mistakes, rehires), and while his disastrous handling of Afghanistan, immigration (both of which I commented a good bit on, as I spent 3 decades on our Southern border), and more...he doesn't seem determined to "one down" his previous failures like 45/47 does.

The bullying, lying, and manipulations...on top of insistence that he's immune to prosecution, etc...are really obvious, constant red flags. This is hardly unreasonable.

I doubt much will come from the call, either, mostly because I don't think Putin is nearly as worried as you do. I fully agree that people need to stop dying over there, but the bizarre assumption that Trump has a magic wand for that is purely whacko. All we've heard from him is what Ukraine has to give up, plus that bullshit media ambush...where's the calling out of his "VERY GOOD FRIEND" (see the link a few posts up!) for annexation and mass rape/murder, again?

The same stain that had an entire fraudulent university is playing with millions of lives. That's pretty terrifying.


I love how you turn allegations that have been disproven into hard-core facts as you present your insane rants.  You have the most severe case of TDS I've ever witnessed.  And that says a lot.  Who's really playing with millions of lives?   Just think a little bit, even though that probably won't really help you.

(03-18-2025, 11:28 AM)savannahskol Wrote: Oopsie.  Retracted.

Honest AP error, I’m sure.

Beat me to it Sav.  The AP added this to the article that Z posted:

Eds: This story was updated on Mar. 17, 2025, to delete erroneous reporting that U.S. Director of National Intelligence Tulsi Gabbard said President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin “are very good friends.” Gabbard was talking about Trump and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Funny...they didn't modify the article.

Yep, legit...story retracted.

That said, how many years of the fawning "very smart guy, brillant, etc" did we see before the story?

There's no shortage of that, and assurances that they back each others' BS left and right.
Build on 14-3, take back the NFCN, break the ****ing curse. Simple.

(03-18-2025, 01:03 PM)Waterboy Wrote: Senator,

I love how you turn allegations that have been disproven into hard-core facts as you present your insane rants.  You have the most severe case of TDS I've ever witnessed.  And that says a lot.  Who's really playing with millions of lives?   Just think a little bit, even though that probably won't really help you.

All the times we're asked to leave each other be, and you can't quit posting at me.

It's much creepier than stalking, at this point.

You can't make a point, you can't defend anything without "sources" wrapped in tinfoil, and you follow my posts around like a drooling puppy.

It's pretty...gross. Just sayin'.
Build on 14-3, take back the NFCN, break the ****ing curse. Simple.

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