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OT: Matt Lauer canned at NBC for inappropriate workplace behavior
Quote: @AGRforever said:
@Vikergirl said:
@AGRforever said:
Watch this smug bastard interview O'Reilly

O'Reilly is a smug bastard with sexual harassment issues as well. They both suck. 
Totaly agree. its just funny to watch Lauer talk $hit about others knowing hes doing the same things. 
Hypocritical to the max & I don't think the pussy grabber in chief should judge either
I don't remember the creature from the black lagoon cleaning any swamps
Rep, Dem,Fox,NBC does not matter
Bad is non partisan 

Quote: @AGRforever said:
Watch this smug bastard interview O'Reilly

That might just be the funniest thing I've ever read on this board. Calling the guy interviewing O'Reilly "the smug bastard." LOL

Quote: @SFVikingFan said:
@pumpf said:
@medaille said:
@greediron said:
@medaille said:
I think the real issue here (well in general) has less to do
with the sexual harassment itself and more to do with it being covered up for
so long to the point that you end up with a situation that could be considered “The
Swamp” that would need to be drained. 
While Trump has typically referred to Washington as the Swamp, I think
the media and Hollywood could very well be lumped into that category given how
much influence they have over people. 
What we are seeing here is just the first part of the draining of the
Agreed.  Our culture is a swamp.  The amount of porn consumed can't not have an affect on how we treat each other.  Our society has no moral baseline anymore, so people think they can just do what feels right. 
I don’t agree with the notion that our culture (defined as
all of us) is a swamp.  I think people are
generally confused with how to act with people intimately.  I think people are
mostly just awkward, because we, as a society, have completely ignored
socialization skills and make people figure it out on their own.  I don’t believe that watching porn is going
to make most guys start to grope women or try to abuse a position of power, just like playing video games doesn't make you want to kill people.  I don’t think that the sexual harassment/assault/etc.
that comes from lack of socialization is the same thing as someone who has a
position of power and is now trying to use that power to force other people to
do their bidding.

I think the swamp is a small group (relative to the size of
our population) that controlled a lot of key political and media positions and
could ensure that neither the law nor the media could affect them as they preyed
upon others.  But that game is over now.  What they used to be able to keep hidden is
no longer going to be able to be kept hidden.

Although we agree that it might be a small minority of people comprising "the swamp", there are a number of laws (that govern all of us) that are the result of the moral relativism that Greed was talking about.  I'm not sure it started with gay marriage... but that certainly accelerated things.  Now you've got laws (not suggestions, mind you) that make it legal for boys to compete in girls' events... not to mention be in their locker-rooms- and the schools have to go along with it.  You have schools that- by choice or compulsion- are celebrating (promoting) all kinds of "lifestyles" that are not only  (generally speaking) rejected as wrong/immoral by the majority of the people in our country... but also completely incompatible with science and reason. And all of these things are predicated on the notion that you should do whatever makes you happy.  There are no (established and protected) boundaries any more.  Instead, those things that led to the common good are being mocked and torn down as out-dated and "immoral" (ironic, really, to call it that).  I'm not excusing what any of these folks have done; but it's hard to sit by and listen to certain folks "moralize" about things... when they have supported this downward slide all along.  
Or you could say that we actually live in a MORE moral time where people are free to live and love as they choose (as long as it doesn't hurt someone else) without feeling ostracized and excluded.

Plus, you can't tell me this sexual harassment by people in power has only begun recently.  Maybe it's another good sign that these perpetrators are now being exposed and punished instead of having it all swept under the rug and covered up like it has been forever.

But having said all of that, it's good to see you posting here again pumpf.

I like your 2nd comment; you're right: in the past, this kind of stuff went on (and probably alot more than it does now), but there wasn't much the victims could do about it.  So, that's a good thing.

But I don't agree that more "freedom" = more "morality".  

Thirdly: thanks!  I don't post often (usually people have already said what I was going to say)... but it's always good to be among friends! 

Quote: @medaille said:
I think the real issue here (well in general) has less to do
with the sexual harassment itself and more to do with it being covered up for
so long to the point that you end up with a situation that could be considered “The
Swamp” that would need to be drained. 
While Trump has typically referred to Washington as the Swamp, I think
the media and Hollywood could very well be lumped into that category given how
much influence they have over people. 
What we are seeing here is just the first part of the draining of the
I think that the "draining" will be increasingly widespread, but will have a TON of hitches as more opinions actually get heard.

The resounding consistency I've found, in life/experience as well as in my recent teachings, is that human sexuality is a complete mess.  No one should have to deal with unwanted contact or any advances beyond the polite...but even politeness gets very subjective.  Some people are more forward and/or blunt while others come across like encounter group counselors in Seattle.

One one side, it's reasonable to expect polite discourse.  On the other, coping skills were assumed to be part of one's personality.  I see damaging tendencies in both overly brutish come-ons and people that decide to take on victim mentalities at any given slight.

Yes, this was a ton of fun to argue in the psych/communication classes!

Older generations will have a harder time adjusting to the societal changes, but the younger generations will be less able to brush off momentary lapses...turning a moment's overly brusque/familiar slight into weeks of therapy and/or massive social media wailing.  I do NOT see much of that as improvement or evolution in our society.

In the case of Keillor, it sounds like a second of bad aim, followed by multiple apologies that were "accepted"...until they could be added to a trending national discussion, ending a man's career.  If he reported the event accurately, I find this kind of knee-jerk overreaction far more damaging than a moment's skin leaps and bounds.

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
Watch this smug bastard interview O'Reilly

That might just be the funniest thing I've ever read on this board. Calling the guy interviewing O'Reilly "the smug bastard." LOL
I think everyone can agree that there is ample smugness in both Lauer and OReily to get us to Mars and back.  This topic however was Lauer's and that interview when watched knowing Matt was doing the same things is hilarious. 

Quote: @Maple Surple said:
@AGRforever said:
@Vikergirl said:
@AGRforever said:
Watch this smug bastard interview O'Reilly
O'Reilly is a smug bastard with sexual harassment issues as well. They both suck. 
Totaly agree. its just funny to watch Lauer talk $hit about others knowing hes doing the same things. 
Hypocritical to the max & I don't think the pussy grabber in chief should judge either
I don't remember the creature from the black lagoon cleaning any swamps
Rep, Dem,Fox,NBC does not matter
Bad is non partisan 

Quote: @Zanary said:

In the case of Keillor, it sounds like a second of bad aim, followed by multiple apologies that were "accepted"...until they could be added to a trending national discussion, ending a man's career.  If he reported the event accurately, I find this kind of knee-jerk overreaction far more damaging than a moment's skin leaps and bounds.
I could care less about Keillor staying or going from a personal standpoint.  I've never watched/listened to any of his stuff.  However, it certainly didn't sound like what he did was sexual harassment.  He touched her back and profusely apologized.  Where does this end?  Do we all need to have our own little safe spaces where we have no contact with other humans?  Maybe we can all roll around in gerble spheres at work so as not to accidentally touch someone?

I always tell my wife "love ya" at the end of a phone conversation.  I once said it in routine to one of my former assistants.  Obviously she knew I did it out of habit from talking to my wife but in todays world I'm sure she could have taken me to the cleaners over it. 

Where does all of this end?  Are guys even allowed to ask women out on dates anymore?  Where do you draw the line in the sand for harassment and life?

Disclaimer:  None of the above is to take away from the Lauer conversation.  It sounds like he is a creep and deserves what he's getting. 


Quote: @AGRforever said:
@Zanary said:

In the case of Keillor, it sounds like a second of bad aim, followed by multiple apologies that were "accepted"...until they could be added to a trending national discussion, ending a man's career.  If he reported the event accurately, I find this kind of knee-jerk overreaction far more damaging than a moment's skin leaps and bounds.
I could care less about Keillor staying or going from a personal standpoint.  I've never watched/listened to any of his stuff.  However, it certainly didn't sound like what he did was sexual harassment.  He touched her back and profusely apologized.  Where does this end?  Do we all need to have our own little safe spaces where we have no contact with other humans?  Maybe we can all roll around in gerble spheres at work so as not to accidentally touch someone?

I always tell my wife "love ya" at the end of a phone conversation.  I once said it in routine to one of my former assistants.  Obviously she knew I did it out of habit from talking to my wife but in todays world I'm sure she could have taken me to the cleaners over it. 

Where does all of this end?  Are guys even allowed to ask women out on dates anymore?  Where do you draw the line in the sand for harassment and life?

Disclaimer:  None of the above is to take away from the Lauer conversation.  It sounds like he is a creep and deserves what he's getting. 

in a world where everybody is supposed to be walking on egg shells... what else can you do but turn into a soul-less person,  show no emotion towards another human just to make sure that you dont offend their fucked up sensibilities.  I once got an ear full for opening a door for a woman,  she informed me that she didnt need me to do that and she was perfectly capable of opening a door for herself.... okay then...

I dont know whats going to come out of all this,  but if they insist on condemning and allowing some of these ridiculous claims to destroy peoples reputations its not going to end well for any of us.

I had a contractor tell me yesterday that the way its going he will risk a law suit for not hiring women before he would expose his ass to getting a bull shit harassment claim against himself.  he said it will be easier to explain why he didnt hire women than to prove that he wasnt doing something immoral in a she said/ he said type of situation. 

its about time!!  Hollyweird has been getting away with it for years with the infamous "casting couch"   Corey Haim and Macauley Culkin have been telling these stories for years and no one did anything.  now the Clintons and Pizzagate and Sex Island gets pushed aside.  Bring them all down !!!  Hollyweird, Rs Ds doesn't matter!!!!  

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