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Trump declares himself a dictator
Watching this would be well worth your time.


Scott Adams, fwiw, is anti Trump. 

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
Scott Adams, fwiw, is anti Trump. 
Scott Adams is not anti-Trump.  Scott Adams admires Trumps persuasion techniques a lot, but he doesn't agree with his politics.  His viewership is conservative because he says a lot of pro-Trump things from a neutral type of perspective and he can see the lefts cognitive dissonance and explains it.

Quote: @medaille said:
@A1Janitor said:
Scott Adams, fwiw, is anti Trump. 
Scott Adams is not anti-Trump.  Scott Adams admires Trumps persuasion techniques a lot, but he doesn't agree with his politics.  His viewership is conservative because he says a lot of pro-Trump things from a neutral type of perspective and he can see the lefts cognitive dissonance and explains it.
He attacked the dems for not putting out a better candidate. 

He recently said he won’t vote for him on twitter.  

Call it what you want. 

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
[Image: guys-read-constitution-10-times-nothing-...C639&ssl=1]

So according to this cartoon...that i found on the internet ( so you know its accurate )  it wasnt Trumps fault that states didnt shut down,  it really wasnt in his scope of power... and conversely it cant be his say to make them open back up... again a local matter.   so for those that were killing him a week ago for not forcing a nation wide shut down... but are now saying he doesnt have the power to force states to be open....  you really can only have it one way or the other.   ( this train of thought works both ways as well,   you cant defend states rights for not shutting down, and support Trump saying he can force states to reopen... although it wouldnt be the first time a president or congress has forced states to toe a line that really shouldnt have been theirs to draw.)
You expect them to remember talking points from last week? 


Quote: @"BarrNone55" said:
@JimmyinSD that's all well and good, but it's a pattern of behavior going back to 2017...and now with talk of adjouring congress? I mean, Jesus fucking Christ, what does the man have to do or say for the needle to move for some folks? 

About 4 years ago, I joked with a friend that trump could open fire on a bus load of school kids, and his acolytes would say he's solving school overcrowding. We aren't far from this.
so again to the dems I say,  put up somebody better... but alas they still cant find somebody with a blue tie (or dress/pantsuit) that is able to come to the middle even a little bit.  the thing that trump did was to appeal to the people that both parties ignored and that is the middle of the country,  whether that is viewed as middle class,  middle income, middle geographically... he appeals to the blue collar working man,   and even the white collars and no collars that relate as such.

you say that trump supporters are blind to him,  I felt the same way with Obama and absolutely that way with hillary... I am convinced she is the devils whore child.  we are all going to see what we want to see but in trumps case.. the media doesnt even give the impression of trying to be honest.   I dont expect people to change,  but its pretty jaded to be called blind, ignorant etc because I dont gnash my teeth and snarl at anybody in a red hat when the left has but up equally despised people but they dont see the similarities.

i want trump to act better,  to say the right things more often than not.. and definitely to stop acting so childish,  but I also acknowledge that when a person doesnt get a fair shake, they will act this way.  i dont expect those that opposed him before he was elected to come around to him... not with the picture the media paints and paint,canvas, and subject that he provides daily,  but I do expect people to start treating each other better and maybe try and see why the other person feels the way they do.   

I see it Barr,  I really do.

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
He has been unfairly treated by the fake russian investigation.  And the complicit and duplicitous hollywood and media.  

I wonder why Trump acts as he does.  

Can’t wait for the indictments.  
Your pathetic excuse is even worse than Jimmy’s

An investigation by a Republican, started by Republicans is the reason Trump claims he is a dictator?

Because Hollywood!

Because the media!

Derp derp derp 

Do you ever listen to yourself how fucking crazy you sound?  

You guys use the same pathetic excuses in every Trump fuckup like a security blanket

Do you have anything else to contribute other than the same one note tune you have been whistling for years?


Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
@A1Janitor said:
He has been unfairly treated by the fake russian investigation.  And the complicit and duplicitous hollywood and media.  

I wonder why Trump acts as he does.  

Can’t wait for the indictments.  
Your pathetic excuse is even worse than Jimmy’s

An investigation by a Republican, started by Republicans is the reason Trump claims he is a dictator?

Because Hollywood!

Because the media!

Derp derp derp 

Do you ever listen to yourself how fucking crazy you sound?  

You guys use the same pathetic excuses in every Trump fuckup like a security blanket

Do you have anything else to contribute other than the same one note tune you have been whistling for years?

I'm just going to repost this since it's still applicable

@medaille said:

Just out of curiousity.  Are you saying that liberals and conservatives alike are both suffering from the same thing (TDS for antiTrumpers or antiTDS for proTrumpers)?  Just wondering if you agree that TDS is a thing?
But what you described is exactly how most conservatives feel about you.
What you describe as "the most fucking bizarre psychological phenomenon I have ever seen" is very, very, very normal.  Almost everyone is subject to this, albeit about different topics.  Part of the phenomena is called "Cognitive Dissonance"

Scott Adams is doing a great job showcasing this in his livestreams.


Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
@A1Janitor said:
He has been unfairly treated by the fake russian investigation.  And the complicit and duplicitous hollywood and media.  

I wonder why Trump acts as he does.  

Can’t wait for the indictments.  
Your pathetic excuse is even worse than Jimmy’s

An investigation by a Republican, started by Republicans is the reason Trump claims he is a dictator?

Because Hollywood!

Because the media!

Derp derp derp 

Do you ever listen to yourself how fucking crazy you sound?  

You guys use the same pathetic excuses in every Trump fuckup like a security blanket

Do you have anything else to contribute other than the same one note tune you have been whistling for years?

why are you so angry?  you know I think your anger really fuels the forgiveness that some show to Trump.   this whole fucking mess is like looking at a trick coin with heads on both sides... the exact same shit you find to fume about can be found from the opposition,  but of course you dont smell your own shit or see your own mess,  its a lot easier to point out the filth and complain about the odors coming from your neighbors yard.... and you both keep it going,   and thats the way your party wants you .... and my former party wants me.... if we are pointing fingers at each others shit and feuding with each other... we dont realize why they want us at each others throats.

this whole thing is kind of like when I am moving cattle that are a little wild... if I try to load one on a trailer it wont go,  but if i get the whole works whipped up and heading in that direction they just plow in and follow blindly.  we are all cattle,  the medias role is that of the cowboy (sometimes they sort us,  sometimes they work us,  sometimes they feed us a little)  and the pols are the ones driving the trucks... its just a matter of which slaughter house they take us to.


Quote: @"BarrNone55" said:
@JimmyinSD that's all well and good, but it's a pattern of behavior going back to 2017...and now with talk of adjouring congress? I mean, Jesus fucking Christ, what does the man have to do or say for the needle to move for some folks? 

About 4 years ago, I joked with a friend that trump could open fire on a bus load of school kids, and his acolytes would say he's solving school overcrowding. We aren't far from this.
Nothing Barr.   It doesn’t matter what he says or does anymore.  This is not the first time or second that he has destroyed checks and balances.  It is an ongoing pattern of behavior they are blind to, like they can’t admit what he has been doing and saying is wrong.

The media is mean!  

Well Trump calls reporters “nasty”,  accuses reporters from PBS, NPR of asking “nasty questions”.  Not CNN, PBS and NPR for fuck’s sake!   My God will you lemmings open your fucking eyes how this asshole has berated the media for years, you think Trump brow-beating them will force them to stop asking tough questions he doesn’t like?  Why the fuck should he deserve any respect from them after he has called them “the enemy of the people”?

This is a cult, not a political party.  There is no behavior, no crime he can’t commit that won’t be excused.  The line in the sand that exists for most rational people doesn’t exist with the cult.  

Notice Jimmy keeps harping on the press conference but says nothing about his Tweets.  Did CNN force him to Tweet shit too?

Trump can’t do anything wrong in their eyes, because no matter how immoral or illegal or anti-Constitutional he says/acts, they have ONE standby:

“Well Hillary or a Dem has done, or would have done, worse.”

Gone are GOP values:  family values, fiscal conservatism, small government.  In 3-4 years they have all totally flip-flopped into a 180.  

It is the party of Trump now.  GOP is dead.  We have a brainwashed cult who is so huper partisan they can’t bare to admit their dude is a fucking moron that the entire world thinks is a complete embarrassment but somehow they think some rich asshole from NYC stands for blue collar and middle class people, when he has a track record of decades of fucking over those people.  

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