02-09-2020, 02:52 AM
Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
Oh jeez. "Severe rebuke", eh?@JimmyinSD said:
Maybe if he had actually committed a crime, which apparently he didnt. But he did commit a crime Jimmy.
When are you guys going to stop with your hollow "Citizen's arrest, Citizen's arrest!"- type charges?
Are you ever embarrassed by losing so much?
Like just last Friday, again at the federal appeals court on the Emoluments? Thanks for capping-off a tremendous GOP week, just in time for happy hour!
Crime? He didn't even break a rule.h ttps://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/1217838619630530561
- The GAO report was a non-binding "opinion", requested by rival partisans (Dems) in charge of it (the GAO), on the eve of the Senate trial
- Disputed immediately by the executive branch OMB; never "litigated"
- https://www.wsj.com/articles/despite-the...1579726123 (BTW, Georgetown Law would be the place to study law, imo. Turley & Charnovitz are libs. but they're right)
h ttps://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/1217854268918550528
And not to "but what about"....but damn, there they are again.
7 times Obama admin was found to have "violated GAO law" https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/doub...deral-law/
In retrospect, ya'll keep up with this harassment of the POTUS.
Latest Gallup poll has Trump and the GOP up bigly. https://news.gallup.com/poll/284156/trum...-best.aspx
Now that impeachment's over...we'll see if any more news on the GAO's reported "crime".