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Can You Spot The Hypocrisy?
Quote: @A1Janitor said:
@StickyBun said:
@A1Janitor said:
@savannahskol said:
@pumpf said:
  Of all the things that I didn't like about Trump, racism was never a concern of mine.  It's too bad that the Left has so abused that allegation that it has ceased to have any meaning.  
**golf clap**

If Trump's latest (Ballymore) tweet comments were racist, ostensibly because they were directed at a black man.... and "infested" is a dog-whistle loaded term (so sez he MSM)...
here's racist Elijah Cummings, 20 years ago.  Describing his own Ballymore as "infested" and his citizens as "zombies".  

You're exactly right.  The charge of racism is so used/abused, it's meaningless.  
It is not meaningless.  

Their goal is to win the election.  They (including a few posters on this sote) use partial quotes to  support a narrative that is bullshit.  

Trunp isn’t racist.  The democrats that pull this bullsht are. 

Can’t wait for Trump to clean the blue cities up - let’s look at the money. 

Cummings is a criminal. And it is his actions that make him a criminal not his skin color. 
I will say this: the Left does themselves zero favors by accusing Trump of racism on every single thing he says or does. Hell, the far Left does that for everything and to everyone. Its stupid and its too extreme. It undermines any point they are trying to make.
Are there more racists in the GOP and with those that identify Republican? I definitely think so. Is everything any Republican says or does racist? Of course not. 
There are real racists on both sides.  I think it is crazy to pretend there are more racists on the right than left. 

Its not crazy, its what I see and hear personally. There's really no pretending. I can unequivocally say that its been my experience. But if you want to 'pretend' that its equal, go for it. You have opinions also. 

Quote: @StickyBun said:
@A1Janitor said:
@StickyBun said:
@A1Janitor said:
@savannahskol said:
@pumpf said:
  Of all the things that I didn't like about Trump, racism was never a concern of mine.  It's too bad that the Left has so abused that allegation that it has ceased to have any meaning.  
**golf clap**

If Trump's latest (Ballymore) tweet comments were racist, ostensibly because they were directed at a black man.... and "infested" is a dog-whistle loaded term (so sez he MSM)...
here's racist Elijah Cummings, 20 years ago.  Describing his own Ballymore as "infested" and his citizens as "zombies".  

You're exactly right.  The charge of racism is so used/abused, it's meaningless.  
It is not meaningless.  

Their goal is to win the election.  They (including a few posters on this sote) use partial quotes to  support a narrative that is bullshit.  

Trunp isn’t racist.  The democrats that pull this bullsht are. 

Can’t wait for Trump to clean the blue cities up - let’s look at the money. 

Cummings is a criminal. And it is his actions that make him a criminal not his skin color. 
I will say this: the Left does themselves zero favors by accusing Trump of racism on every single thing he says or does. Hell, the far Left does that for everything and to everyone. Its stupid and its too extreme. It undermines any point they are trying to make.
Are there more racists in the GOP and with those that identify Republican? I definitely think so. Is everything any Republican says or does racist? Of course not. 
There are real racists on both sides.  I think it is crazy to pretend there are more racists on the right than left. 

Its not crazy, its what I see and hear personally. There's really no pretending. I can unequivocally say that its been my experience. But if you want to 'pretend' that its equal, go for it. You have opinions also. 
not trying to say one way or the other, and having never met your or really knowing little about your life, and assuming you are white.....( lots of assumptions here I know) but how many minorities do you spend time with frequently and know well enough that you could say that they would be comfortable enough with you to show their true feelings towards those of a differing race?  Ive got friends that are racist,  but they didnt show their true colors for quite a while after we started to hang out together.  

If i based my perceptions of racism on what I see personally I would say there are more whites,  but I am not naive enough to ignore the fact that there are far more whites in my day to day life than blacks, hispanics, asians, or indians,  I would bet if we could get people to be honest,  there are likely proportionately equal numbers of true racists of any color.  and I am sure there are plenty of affluent Dems that would never allow their white daughter to date a black man even though they would campaign to the contrary.

Quote: @StickyBun said:
@A1Janitor said:
@StickyBun said:
@A1Janitor said:
@savannahskol said:
@pumpf said:
  Of all the things that I didn't like about Trump, racism was never a concern of mine.  It's too bad that the Left has so abused that allegation that it has ceased to have any meaning.  
**golf clap**

If Trump's latest (Ballymore) tweet comments were racist, ostensibly because they were directed at a black man.... and "infested" is a dog-whistle loaded term (so sez he MSM)...
here's racist Elijah Cummings, 20 years ago.  Describing his own Ballymore as "infested" and his citizens as "zombies".  

You're exactly right.  The charge of racism is so used/abused, it's meaningless.  
It is not meaningless.  

Their goal is to win the election.  They (including a few posters on this sote) use partial quotes to  support a narrative that is bullshit.  

Trunp isn’t racist.  The democrats that pull this bullsht are. 

Can’t wait for Trump to clean the blue cities up - let’s look at the money. 

Cummings is a criminal. And it is his actions that make him a criminal not his skin color. 
I will say this: the Left does themselves zero favors by accusing Trump of racism on every single thing he says or does. Hell, the far Left does that for everything and to everyone. Its stupid and its too extreme. It undermines any point they are trying to make.
Are there more racists in the GOP and with those that identify Republican? I definitely think so. Is everything any Republican says or does racist? Of course not. 
There are real racists on both sides.  I think it is crazy to pretend there are more racists on the right than left. 

Its not crazy, its what I see and hear personally. There's really no pretending. I can unequivocally say that its been my experience. But if you want to 'pretend' that its equal, go for it. You have opinions also. 
We both are entitled to our opinions.  We both need to understand the difference between what we have experienced and how that shapes our beliefs vs. projecting that very small sample size to the country in general. 

I am a democrat that votes conservative every time and I have absolutely no racist thoughts in my head.  I love every black person I have met except the bastard who pulled a knife on me and robbed me in Philly.  

In fact I almost got into a fist fight with a former boss for calling Michael Jordan the n word.  He also put down a black gynecologist in our community.  Years later, after that black gynecologist assisted in the delivery of my daughter and hugged me and told me she was the best looking baby he ever delivered - I found a different job and quit. 

Quote: @"BarrNone55" said:
@pumpf said:
Although I absolutely hate what Barr is doing to OUR board (using it as his personal kitty litter box), I will agree with him on this: if Trump has not "repented" of his past sins (of adultery, among other things) then yes: this is hypocritical.  Of course, the word "repent" means "change"... so if Trump is CURRENTLY committing adultery, he can't- technically- repent of it.  But it would be nice if he would recognize that what he did was just as sinful as what Pete is doing- rather than singling out homosexuality (as though it was a worse sin than any other form of adultery).
Lol, I'm sorry if my political positions bother you. Maybe you're ok with kids in cages, pedophiles keeping company with trump, the debt that trump pledged to eliminate in eight years. I guess if a Democrat was in office doing the same thing your be stone silent. I can spot the hypocrisy.  I didn't see it at first.  The "cages" were installed in the Obama didn't seem to have a problem with them at that time Barr.  You realize they're not really cages don't you?...and you realize they put them there for their protection versus leaving them in the general population.

The Epstein stuff?  Really?  The Russian hoax didn't work out so you have to go with this nonsensical innuendo?  I saw your buddies edited the Clinton connection out of Wikipedia and added the Trump stuff from the late 90s when Trump was dating Melania...and possibly had his real hair color???? (OK...I said possibly..not sure he even knows)  You have Clinton and Prince Andrew among others have much more recent...and more creepy connections...
Here's a Washington Post article (so you don't have to call out bias) on their "relationship".
Epstein is a slimeball that needs to spend the rest of his life as the party favor for Cell Block B. 

Debt?  I went to candidate Obama's speech here in Madison with the faux Presidential seal and the Roman columns where he called the US debt a failure of moral leadership and promised to halve the US debt before the end of his first term.  How'd that turn out?  About as well as his promises to reach across the aisle...there are no blue states or red states..only the United States..remember that one.  He then got elected and told us that elections had consequences.  How about those promises of transparency? 

Obama had the opportunity to put issues of race clearly in the rear view mirror...and instead brought up race at every opportunity as a way to consolidate his base.  When asked why people opposed him on various policy issues, he would often invoke race.  He interjected himself into local issues such as the Harvard professor, Trayvon, Ferguson...and Baltimore...usually on the wrong side of history.  I volunteer at the local shelter primarily working with minorities.  I can tell you from the front lines that race relations were at a high point during Obama's run.  Between Obama's race baiting and the BLM anti-police rhetoric, we've set race relations back 40 years.  And continues on.  Evidently, if you're a person of color or are beyond reproach these days.  Members of the so called squad can utter any racist or anti-semitic rant they want...but any response means you're a racist...not them.
In terms of shithole countries, have you ever been to any of those places?  I have on various aid missions.  The term shithole pretty well describes the living conditions in many of those countries.  You know what...take the black people out of those countries...and replace them with white people living in the same conditions...and they'd still be shithole countries. 


Quote: @badgervike said:
@"BarrNone55" said:
@pumpf said:
Although I absolutely hate what Barr is doing to OUR board (using it as his personal kitty litter box), I will agree with him on this: if Trump has not "repented" of his past sins (of adultery, among other things) then yes: this is hypocritical.  Of course, the word "repent" means "change"... so if Trump is CURRENTLY committing adultery, he can't- technically- repent of it.  But it would be nice if he would recognize that what he did was just as sinful as what Pete is doing- rather than singling out homosexuality (as though it was a worse sin than any other form of adultery).
Lol, I'm sorry if my political positions bother you. Maybe you're ok with kids in cages, pedophiles keeping company with trump, the debt that trump pledged to eliminate in eight years. I guess if a Democrat was in office doing the same thing your be stone silent. I can spot the hypocrisy.  I didn't see it at first.  The "cages" were installed in the Obama didn't seem to have a problem with them at that time Barr.  You realize they're not really cages don't you?...and you realize they put them there for their protection versus leaving them in the general population.

The Epstein stuff?  Really?  The Russian hoax didn't work out so you have to go with this nonsensical innuendo?  I saw your buddies edited the Clinton connection out of Wikipedia and added the Trump stuff from the late 90s when Trump was dating Melania...and possibly had his real hair color???? (OK...I said possibly..not sure he even knows)  You have Clinton and Prince Andrew among others have much more recent...and more creepy connections...
Here's a Washington Post article (so you don't have to call out bias) on their "relationship".
Epstein is a slimeball that needs to spend the rest of his life as the party favor for Cell Block B. 

Debt?  I went to candidate Obama's speech here in Madison with the faux Presidential seal and the Roman columns where he called the US debt a failure of moral leadership and promised to halve the US debt before the end of his first term.  How'd that turn out?  About as well as his promises to reach across the aisle...there are no blue states or red states..only the United States..remember that one.  He then got elected and told us that elections had consequences.  How about those promises of transparency? 

Obama had the opportunity to put issues of race clearly in the rear view mirror...and instead brought up race at every opportunity as a way to consolidate his base.  When asked why people opposed him on various policy issues, he would often invoke race.  He interjected himself into local issues such as the Harvard professor, Trayvon, Ferguson...and Baltimore...usually on the wrong side of history.  I volunteer at the local shelter primarily working with minorities.  I can tell you from the front lines that race relations were at a high point during Obama's run.  Between Obama's race baiting and the BLM anti-police rhetoric, we've set race relations back 40 years.  And continues on.  Evidently, if you're a person of color or are beyond reproach these days.  Members of the so called squad can utter any racist or anti-semitic rant they want...but any response means you're a racist...not them.
In terms of shithole countries, have you ever been to any of those places?  I have on various aid missions.  The term shithole pretty well describes the living conditions in many of those countries.  You know what...take the black people out of those countries...and replace them with white people living in the same conditions...and they'd still be shithole countries. 

If Barr doesnt respond hes not ignoring you or unwilling to respond.   I believe he is taking some time away from this part of the board.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@badgervike said:
@"BarrNone55" said:
@pumpf said:
Although I absolutely hate what Barr is doing to OUR board (using it as his personal kitty litter box), I will agree with him on this: if Trump has not "repented" of his past sins (of adultery, among other things) then yes: this is hypocritical.  Of course, the word "repent" means "change"... so if Trump is CURRENTLY committing adultery, he can't- technically- repent of it.  But it would be nice if he would recognize that what he did was just as sinful as what Pete is doing- rather than singling out homosexuality (as though it was a worse sin than any other form of adultery).
Lol, I'm sorry if my political positions bother you. Maybe you're ok with kids in cages, pedophiles keeping company with trump, the debt that trump pledged to eliminate in eight years. I guess if a Democrat was in office doing the same thing your be stone silent. I can spot the hypocrisy.  I didn't see it at first.  The "cages" were installed in the Obama didn't seem to have a problem with them at that time Barr.  You realize they're not really cages don't you?...and you realize they put them there for their protection versus leaving them in the general population.

The Epstein stuff?  Really?  The Russian hoax didn't work out so you have to go with this nonsensical innuendo?  I saw your buddies edited the Clinton connection out of Wikipedia and added the Trump stuff from the late 90s when Trump was dating Melania...and possibly had his real hair color???? (OK...I said possibly..not sure he even knows)  You have Clinton and Prince Andrew among others have much more recent...and more creepy connections...
Here's a Washington Post article (so you don't have to call out bias) on their "relationship".
Epstein is a slimeball that needs to spend the rest of his life as the party favor for Cell Block B. 

Debt?  I went to candidate Obama's speech here in Madison with the faux Presidential seal and the Roman columns where he called the US debt a failure of moral leadership and promised to halve the US debt before the end of his first term.  How'd that turn out?  About as well as his promises to reach across the aisle...there are no blue states or red states..only the United States..remember that one.  He then got elected and told us that elections had consequences.  How about those promises of transparency? 

Obama had the opportunity to put issues of race clearly in the rear view mirror...and instead brought up race at every opportunity as a way to consolidate his base.  When asked why people opposed him on various policy issues, he would often invoke race.  He interjected himself into local issues such as the Harvard professor, Trayvon, Ferguson...and Baltimore...usually on the wrong side of history.  I volunteer at the local shelter primarily working with minorities.  I can tell you from the front lines that race relations were at a high point during Obama's run.  Between Obama's race baiting and the BLM anti-police rhetoric, we've set race relations back 40 years.  And continues on.  Evidently, if you're a person of color or are beyond reproach these days.  Members of the so called squad can utter any racist or anti-semitic rant they want...but any response means you're a racist...not them.
In terms of shithole countries, have you ever been to any of those places?  I have on various aid missions.  The term shithole pretty well describes the living conditions in many of those countries.  You know what...take the black people out of those countries...and replace them with white people living in the same conditions...and they'd still be shithole countries. 

If Barr doesnt respond hes not ignoring you or unwilling to respond.   I believe he is taking some time away from this part of the board.
It's all good Jim...I saw Barr's message.  I just came over from the other board to see what was up and say hi to some old friends.  I'll see ya on the other side.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@badgervike said:
@"BarrNone55" said:
@pumpf said:
Although I absolutely hate what Barr is doing to OUR board (using it as his personal kitty litter box), I will agree with him on this: if Trump has not "repented" of his past sins (of adultery, among other things) then yes: this is hypocritical.  Of course, the word "repent" means "change"... so if Trump is CURRENTLY committing adultery, he can't- technically- repent of it.  But it would be nice if he would recognize that what he did was just as sinful as what Pete is doing- rather than singling out homosexuality (as though it was a worse sin than any other form of adultery).
Lol, I'm sorry if my political positions bother you. Maybe you're ok with kids in cages, pedophiles keeping company with trump, the debt that trump pledged to eliminate in eight years. I guess if a Democrat was in office doing the same thing your be stone silent. I can spot the hypocrisy.  I didn't see it at first.  The "cages" were installed in the Obama didn't seem to have a problem with them at that time Barr.  You realize they're not really cages don't you?...and you realize they put them there for their protection versus leaving them in the general population.

The Epstein stuff?  Really?  The Russian hoax didn't work out so you have to go with this nonsensical innuendo?  I saw your buddies edited the Clinton connection out of Wikipedia and added the Trump stuff from the late 90s when Trump was dating Melania...and possibly had his real hair color???? (OK...I said possibly..not sure he even knows)  You have Clinton and Prince Andrew among others have much more recent...and more creepy connections...
Here's a Washington Post article (so you don't have to call out bias) on their "relationship".
Epstein is a slimeball that needs to spend the rest of his life as the party favor for Cell Block B. 

Debt?  I went to candidate Obama's speech here in Madison with the faux Presidential seal and the Roman columns where he called the US debt a failure of moral leadership and promised to halve the US debt before the end of his first term.  How'd that turn out?  About as well as his promises to reach across the aisle...there are no blue states or red states..only the United States..remember that one.  He then got elected and told us that elections had consequences.  How about those promises of transparency? 

Obama had the opportunity to put issues of race clearly in the rear view mirror...and instead brought up race at every opportunity as a way to consolidate his base.  When asked why people opposed him on various policy issues, he would often invoke race.  He interjected himself into local issues such as the Harvard professor, Trayvon, Ferguson...and Baltimore...usually on the wrong side of history.  I volunteer at the local shelter primarily working with minorities.  I can tell you from the front lines that race relations were at a high point during Obama's run.  Between Obama's race baiting and the BLM anti-police rhetoric, we've set race relations back 40 years.  And continues on.  Evidently, if you're a person of color or are beyond reproach these days.  Members of the so called squad can utter any racist or anti-semitic rant they want...but any response means you're a racist...not them.
In terms of shithole countries, have you ever been to any of those places?  I have on various aid missions.  The term shithole pretty well describes the living conditions in many of those countries.  You know what...take the black people out of those countries...and replace them with white people living in the same conditions...and they'd still be shithole countries. 

If Barr doesnt respond hes not ignoring you or unwilling to respond.   I believe he is taking some time away from this part of the board.
You mean like 3-4 years ago when he dropped the "I'm a Liberal and proud of it" thread and called the other side all sorts of names and then left for a month, although he did lurk a lot. And then come back a month later like nothing happened???  Yeah. Many of us remember that. That was the beginning of the end of the community here.   Sorry if a bunch of us still feel anger of it....  But it's with good reason. 

Quote: @Sir Viking Bob VWO said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@badgervike said:
@"BarrNone55" said:
@pumpf said:
Although I absolutely hate what Barr is doing to OUR board (using it as his personal kitty litter box), I will agree with him on this: if Trump has not "repented" of his past sins (of adultery, among other things) then yes: this is hypocritical.  Of course, the word "repent" means "change"... so if Trump is CURRENTLY committing adultery, he can't- technically- repent of it.  But it would be nice if he would recognize that what he did was just as sinful as what Pete is doing- rather than singling out homosexuality (as though it was a worse sin than any other form of adultery).
Lol, I'm sorry if my political positions bother you. Maybe you're ok with kids in cages, pedophiles keeping company with trump, the debt that trump pledged to eliminate in eight years. I guess if a Democrat was in office doing the same thing your be stone silent. I can spot the hypocrisy.  I didn't see it at first.  The "cages" were installed in the Obama didn't seem to have a problem with them at that time Barr.  You realize they're not really cages don't you?...and you realize they put them there for their protection versus leaving them in the general population.

The Epstein stuff?  Really?  The Russian hoax didn't work out so you have to go with this nonsensical innuendo?  I saw your buddies edited the Clinton connection out of Wikipedia and added the Trump stuff from the late 90s when Trump was dating Melania...and possibly had his real hair color???? (OK...I said possibly..not sure he even knows)  You have Clinton and Prince Andrew among others have much more recent...and more creepy connections...
Here's a Washington Post article (so you don't have to call out bias) on their "relationship".
Epstein is a slimeball that needs to spend the rest of his life as the party favor for Cell Block B. 

Debt?  I went to candidate Obama's speech here in Madison with the faux Presidential seal and the Roman columns where he called the US debt a failure of moral leadership and promised to halve the US debt before the end of his first term.  How'd that turn out?  About as well as his promises to reach across the aisle...there are no blue states or red states..only the United States..remember that one.  He then got elected and told us that elections had consequences.  How about those promises of transparency? 

Obama had the opportunity to put issues of race clearly in the rear view mirror...and instead brought up race at every opportunity as a way to consolidate his base.  When asked why people opposed him on various policy issues, he would often invoke race.  He interjected himself into local issues such as the Harvard professor, Trayvon, Ferguson...and Baltimore...usually on the wrong side of history.  I volunteer at the local shelter primarily working with minorities.  I can tell you from the front lines that race relations were at a high point during Obama's run.  Between Obama's race baiting and the BLM anti-police rhetoric, we've set race relations back 40 years.  And continues on.  Evidently, if you're a person of color or are beyond reproach these days.  Members of the so called squad can utter any racist or anti-semitic rant they want...but any response means you're a racist...not them.
In terms of shithole countries, have you ever been to any of those places?  I have on various aid missions.  The term shithole pretty well describes the living conditions in many of those countries.  You know what...take the black people out of those countries...and replace them with white people living in the same conditions...and they'd still be shithole countries. 

If Barr doesnt respond hes not ignoring you or unwilling to respond.   I believe he is taking some time away from this part of the board.
You mean like 3-4 years ago when he dropped the "I'm a Liberal and proud of it" thread and called the other side all sorts of names and then left for a month, although he did lurk a lot. And then come back a month later like nothing happened???  Yeah. Many of us remember that. That was the beginning of the end of the community here.   Sorry if a bunch of us still feel anger of it....  But it's with good reason. 
It appears that he has walked away.  I wish everyone else would kinda do the same and just leave it alone.  At the very least, stop "attacking" him behind his back.  He did the right thing; why not just leave it at that?

By the way, YOU had just as much to do with the lack of "community" as anyone.  So be careful about the stones yer tossing around; you're house ain't exactly brick and mortar.

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
@StickyBun said:
@A1Janitor said:
@savannahskol said:
@pumpf said:
  Of all the things that I didn't like about Trump, racism was never a concern of mine.  It's too bad that the Left has so abused that allegation that it has ceased to have any meaning.  
**golf clap**

If Trump's latest (Ballymore) tweet comments were racist, ostensibly because they were directed at a black man.... and "infested" is a dog-whistle loaded term (so sez he MSM)...
here's racist Elijah Cummings, 20 years ago.  Describing his own Ballymore as "infested" and his citizens as "zombies".

You're exactly right.  The charge of racism is so used/abused, it's meaningless.  
It is not meaningless.  

Their goal is to win the election.  They (including a few posters on this sote) use partial quotes to  support a narrative that is bullshit.  

Trunp isn’t racist.  The democrats that pull this bullsht are. 

Can’t wait for Trump to clean the blue cities up - let’s look at the money. 

Cummings is a criminal. And it is his actions that make him a criminal not his skin color. 
I will say this: the Left does themselves zero favors by accusing Trump of racism on every single thing he says or does. Hell, the far Left does that for everything and to everyone. Its stupid and its too extreme. It undermines any point they are trying to make.
Are there more racists in the GOP and with those that identify Republican? I definitely think so. Is everything any Republican says or does racist? Of course not. 
There are real racists on both sides.  I think it is crazy to pretend there are more racists on the right than left. 

Yep, just like it's crazy to think there are more conservatives on the right than the left.  As I said before, I suspect that somewhere over the rainbow there are pockets progressive racists.... folks who scream "white power," all the while supporting liberal issues like LGBTQ, reparations and affirmative action. Somewhere. 

How you see things just might be the most puzzling on this board.

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@A1Janitor said:
@StickyBun said:
@A1Janitor said:
@savannahskol said:
@pumpf said:
  Of all the things that I didn't like about Trump, racism was never a concern of mine.  It's too bad that the Left has so abused that allegation that it has ceased to have any meaning.  
**golf clap**

If Trump's latest (Ballymore) tweet comments were racist, ostensibly because they were directed at a black man.... and "infested" is a dog-whistle loaded term (so sez he MSM)...
here's racist Elijah Cummings, 20 years ago.  Describing his own Ballymore as "infested" and his citizens as "zombies".

You're exactly right.  The charge of racism is so used/abused, it's meaningless.  
It is not meaningless.  

Their goal is to win the election.  They (including a few posters on this sote) use partial quotes to  support a narrative that is bullshit.  

Trunp isn’t racist.  The democrats that pull this bullsht are. 

Can’t wait for Trump to clean the blue cities up - let’s look at the money. 

Cummings is a criminal. And it is his actions that make him a criminal not his skin color. 
I will say this: the Left does themselves zero favors by accusing Trump of racism on every single thing he says or does. Hell, the far Left does that for everything and to everyone. Its stupid and its too extreme. It undermines any point they are trying to make.
Are there more racists in the GOP and with those that identify Republican? I definitely think so. Is everything any Republican says or does racist? Of course not. 
There are real racists on both sides.  I think it is crazy to pretend there are more racists on the right than left. 

Yep, just like it's crazy to think there are more conservatives on the right than the left.  As I said before, I suspect that somewhere over the rainbow there are pockets progressive racists.... folks who scream "white power," all the while supporting liberal issues like LGBTQ, reparations and affirmative action. Somewhere. 

How you see things just might be the most puzzling on this board.

Are hou suggesting only conservative whites are racist and not liberal blacks like Sharpton or Farakhan?

No.  I am saying that there are as many racist Al Sharptons on the left than there are racists on the right.  I am not talking about loser skinheads which everyone agrees are racist assholes.  I do not consider them republicans or conservatives.  I consider them assholes and I don’t care who they support or vote for. 

Yes there are more conservatives on the right.  You tell me the next time a conservative shows up on a ballot from the left.  Joe Lieberman is moderate to conservatice. 

If a Christian disagrees with gay marriage ... he isnt a racist.  He isn’t prejudiced.  Obama and Clinton, for God’s sakes were anti-gay marriage like ten years ago at the same Trump was pro gay marriage.  

I have relatives who are anti-gay marriage.  They have friends and relatives that are gay - and love them and treat them the same way they treat everyone.  I personally believe support gay marriage - always have.  Not from a Christian perspective - from a constitutional one.

People can be against reparations as I am.  There are real legitomate reasons why you can be against them that isn’t racist.  There are many black conservativees against them.  Are they racist?

Here is another whacky belief of mine. Both sides basically want tne same results.  They just disagree kn how to get there. 

Be fair and honest - who has been a better president through policy for minorities - Obama or Trump.  I am happy to defend my position.

You were all the ones that bought the Russian hoax.  Keep paying attention.  

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