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Zim Says Rhodes Needs To Play Up To His Contract
Quote: @StickyBun said:
@njvike said:
@jargomcfargo said:
LMAO! How does Zim saying X needs to play better morph into the topics in this thread?
My thoughts exactly!

Back on topic, the Zimster doesn't have the resume to call out ANYONE publicly. He needs to worry about getting HIS shit together. You want to talk to one of your players about expectations? Do it face to face, NOT through the media. Mikey has shown an alarming propensity for PUBLICLY calling out players and coaches. He needs to STOP following the L'il Ricky guide for finding scapegoats to cover your own ass, and figure out how to make sure his team is prepared for "big" games. 

I agree with this. He's got the shortest of short leashes with me as a fan this year. I'm finding the curmudgeon act wearing thin now. 
I agree with both of you. What exactly has he accomplished other then being better then the last few guys record wise. He actually has only 1 playoff win. For 5 years worth of effort.  Same as Tice and Chilly, one more then Les. great word sticky. However this sounds more like an actual description then an act.

  1. a bad-tempered person, especially an old one.
    synonyms:bad-tempered person; 
    crank; informalcrosspatch, sourpuss, old trout;informala bear with a sore head; informalkvetch, sorehead


Quote: @suncoastvike said:
@prairieghost said:
@suncoastvike said:
@prairieghost said:
@Purplewhizz said:
I have zero problem with these snowflakes being called out when they are getting paid huge contracts and not producing.  Why shouldn't it come with the territory?
Agree...the last time we coddled a star player it didn’t go so well. Please see the notorious case of #28 for further details.

I can’t understand why anyone would get on a coach’s case for publically calling out a high dollar, underperforming player. What should he do?? Praise the guy? Shit would hit the fan on ol’ Vikefans if that happened too...damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

Maybe it’s a better idea to instead listen to the player call out the coach publically. That worked well for Mike McCarthy and the Packers front office didn’t it?
By not going well you mean winning his 3rd rushing title after being banished for a year. That kinda not well. 
Nope, I’m talking about the drama, endless drama and how he threw the team under the bus even after getting paid that season, 12 million plus I believe...for 75 yards of work. Also, that rushing title he got didn’t translate to a SB appearance for the team.
I wouldn't begin to argue about the drama. I won't even argue that he didn't earn his money some years or was overpaid even on years he did perform. However the gist of this thread is if Rhodes is playing at a level he is capable of. I can't think of a season he (AP) wasn't injured or banned that he didn't play at amongst the highest levels in the league. Or history of it even. 
Edit: for the record not translating to SB then every great player we've had for the last 40 years has failed us. Why single out him?
Well, the title of the thread is “Zim says Rhodes needs to play up to his contract.” People started responding that they don’t believe Zim should call out a player publicly like that. I agreed with Whizz that players shouldn’t be above that, then put forth an example ( Adrian’s drama) of what happens when the player gets coddled. 

Agree, Adrian played at the highest level. But should he have been bigger than the team? His highest level wasn’t enough to get the team a championship. And, he should never have been catered to the way he was during his “hiatus.” 

I take the case of Anthony Barr as a little proof that Zim isn’t quite the ogre the media wants to make him out to be.

Quote: @prairieghost said:
Well, the title of the thread is “Zim says Rhodes needs to play up to his contract.” People started responding that they don’t believe Zim should call out a player publicly like that. I agreed with Whizz that players shouldn’t be above that, then put forth an example ( Adrian’s drama) of what happens when the player gets coddled. 

Agree, Adrian played at the highest level. But should he have been bigger than the team? His highest level wasn’t enough to get the team a championship. And, he should never have been catered to the way he was during his “hiatus.” 

I take the case of Anthony Barr as a little proof that Zim isn’t quite the ogre the media wants to make him out to be.

Yup.  Young star player takes less to show that old curmudgeon what for.  Oh wait.  No this is the narrative that Zim is too soft and doesn't call out his player that take plays off.  I am so confused.

Quote: @prairieghost said:
@suncoastvike said:
@prairieghost said:
@suncoastvike said:
@prairieghost said:
@Purplewhizz said:
I have zero problem with these snowflakes being called out when they are getting paid huge contracts and not producing.  Why shouldn't it come with the territory?
Agree...the last time we coddled a star player it didn’t go so well. Please see the notorious case of #28 for further details.

I can’t understand why anyone would get on a coach’s case for publically calling out a high dollar, underperforming player. What should he do?? Praise the guy? Shit would hit the fan on ol’ Vikefans if that happened too...damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

Maybe it’s a better idea to instead listen to the player call out the coach publically. That worked well for Mike McCarthy and the Packers front office didn’t it?
By not going well you mean winning his 3rd rushing title after being banished for a year. That kinda not well. 
Nope, I’m talking about the drama, endless drama and how he threw the team under the bus even after getting paid that season, 12 million plus I believe...for 75 yards of work. Also, that rushing title he got didn’t translate to a SB appearance for the team.
I wouldn't begin to argue about the drama. I won't even argue that he didn't earn his money some years or was overpaid even on years he did perform. However the gist of this thread is if Rhodes is playing at a level he is capable of. I can't think of a season he (AP) wasn't injured or banned that he didn't play at amongst the highest levels in the league. Or history of it even. 
Edit: for the record not translating to SB then every great player we've had for the last 40 years has failed us. Why single out him?
Well, the title of the thread is “Zim says Rhodes needs to play up to his contract.” People started responding that they don’t believe Zim should call out a player publicly like that. I agreed with Whizz that players shouldn’t be above that, then put forth an example ( Adrian’s drama) of what happens when the player gets coddled. 

Agree, Adrian played at the highest level. But should he have been bigger than the team? His highest level wasn’t enough to get the team a championship. And, he should never have been catered to the way he was during his “hiatus.” 

I take the case of Anthony Barr as a little proof that Zim isn’t quite the ogre the media wants to make him out to be.
Fair enough. He was bigger then the team by their choice. In how they treated him his whole career. Most years though we didn't have much of a team. I agree everything changed with me as well after the hiatus. I never viewed him the same and worse non Viking fans had ammo to take down one of our greats. That is kinda the way it goes for us. He had to throw an asterisk by his greatness. Like most our nice things. Before the child abuse he was viewed as the smiling yet ferrous warrior. He took so much more away from us then some lost games with hid actions. I would have been ok with the choice of not bring him back after. I still want him to continue in his career. I hope he has another 1000 this year. Some day he will be in the HOF. We will still hear the negative but he will go in as a Viking and hopefully in the top 5 all time. That's my consolation prize I guess.

Quote: @suncoastvike said:
@prairieghost said:
@suncoastvike said:
@prairieghost said:
@suncoastvike said:
@prairieghost said:
@Purplewhizz said:
I have zero problem with these snowflakes being called out when they are getting paid huge contracts and not producing.  Why shouldn't it come with the territory?
Agree...the last time we coddled a star player it didn’t go so well. Please see the notorious case of #28 for further details.

I can’t understand why anyone would get on a coach’s case for publically calling out a high dollar, underperforming player. What should he do?? Praise the guy? Shit would hit the fan on ol’ Vikefans if that happened too...damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

Maybe it’s a better idea to instead listen to the player call out the coach publically. That worked well for Mike McCarthy and the Packers front office didn’t it?
By not going well you mean winning his 3rd rushing title after being banished for a year. That kinda not well. 
Nope, I’m talking about the drama, endless drama and how he threw the team under the bus even after getting paid that season, 12 million plus I believe...for 75 yards of work. Also, that rushing title he got didn’t translate to a SB appearance for the team.
I wouldn't begin to argue about the drama. I won't even argue that he didn't earn his money some years or was overpaid even on years he did perform. However the gist of this thread is if Rhodes is playing at a level he is capable of. I can't think of a season he (AP) wasn't injured or banned that he didn't play at amongst the highest levels in the league. Or history of it even. 
Edit: for the record not translating to SB then every great player we've had for the last 40 years has failed us. Why single out him?
Well, the title of the thread is “Zim says Rhodes needs to play up to his contract.” People started responding that they don’t believe Zim should call out a player publicly like that. I agreed with Whizz that players shouldn’t be above that, then put forth an example ( Adrian’s drama) of what happens when the player gets coddled. 

Agree, Adrian played at the highest level. But should he have been bigger than the team? His highest level wasn’t enough to get the team a championship. And, he should never have been catered to the way he was during his “hiatus.” 

I take the case of Anthony Barr as a little proof that Zim isn’t quite the ogre the media wants to make him out to be.
Fair enough. He was bigger then the team by their choice. In how they treated him his whole career. Most years though we didn't have much of a team. I agree everything changed with me as well after the hiatus. I never viewed him the same and worse non Viking fans had ammo to take down one of our greats. That is kinda the way it goes for us. He had to throw an asterisk by his greatness. Like most our nice things. Before the child abuse he was viewed as the smiling yet ferrous warrior. He took so much more away from us then some lost games with hid actions. I would have been ok with the choice of not bring him back after. I still want him to continue in his career. I hope he has another 1000 this year. Some day he will be in the HOF. We will still hear the negative but he will go in as a Viking and hopefully in the top 5 all time. That's my consolation prize I guess.
Yes, agreed, the team did make him bigger by their choice. I take nothing away from Adrian the player; he has had a Hall of Fame career and I loved watching him play. I just lost a lot of my fandom for him over the drama when he wanted to be traded.

As for Rhodes, I guess my take on him is that he’s definitely one of Zim’s favorites. Maybe he does’t love the quotes from Zim but he’s a leader of this team and in the locker room and I believe he’ll take it in stride and get to work. To me, he got the Barr treatment, which apparently didn’t cause Barr to flip the team the bird during free agency Smile

jeeeus some people are ready to spin the coaching carousel without thinking about what they have to work with

For me, its do or die for Zimmer and Spielman in 2019, I mean this will be his 7th season, correct? Whether you realize it or not, some Viking's fans are SO willing to settle for less than great. So many rationalizations about this or that....its never been easier for me to distance myself from my Viking fandom as it is now. Same shit, different day until its PROVEN otherwise. Its all wash, rinse and repeat here year after year. 

Quote: @StickyBun said:
For me, its do or die for Zimmer and Spielman in 2019, I mean this will be his 7th season, correct? Whether you realize it or not, some Viking's fans are SO willing to settle for less than great. So many rationalizations about this or that....its never been easier for me to distance myself from my Viking fandom as it is now. Same shit, different day until its PROVEN otherwise. Its all wash, rinse and repeat here year after year. 
By that logic ownership are the ones willing to settle.   They are the ones that could can the evil Ricky L'il Spieldork or the hated Mickey Curmudgeon Zimturd.   

Here's your likely reality:  this team wins 10-12 games this year, probably wins a playoff game then loses in the division or championship round.   Wilf extends the evil duo for another 2-3 years and the message board complaints continue to roll in.    

But to reiterate - it's not the fans "settling", it's ownership.   They probably think they are settling for being contenders albeit ones who never win the big one.  Judging on their track record of hiring, they were hopeless prior to evil Rick hiring incompetent Mike, which might be why they'd just assume stick with the current pair.   

15 years of Wilfball has not produced any real contenders outside of renting Brett Favre for a year.   They don't have much in the way of football owner mojo despite the mystifying hero-worship they receive from many in the fanbase.   They built stuff!  They "want" to win!  Hooray!   Yeah o.k. that's great but they don't win when it counts.   The team has it's worst playoff appearance rate in Viking history under their watch. 

That's just what we're stuck with and all the complaining in the world won't change it because they will never sell the team, their plan was stated from day one as inter-generational ownership ala the Mara family who own the Giants.   So get used to Wilfball if you haven't already - aka playoffs?  playoffs?  You're talking about playoffs?!?!   Yes we are Jim Mora, but talk is mostly all we've got here in Viking land.

Quote: @StickyBun said:
For me, its do or die for Zimmer and Spielman in 2019, I mean this will be his 7th season, correct? Whether you realize it or not, some Viking's fans are SO willing to settle for less than great. So many rationalizations about this or that....its never been easier for me to distance myself from my Viking fandom as it is now. Same shit, different day until its PROVEN otherwise. Its all wash, rinse and repeat here year after year. 
I was totally bought into Mike after the 2015 season. I remember this quote below.
The 2016 season I seen a different side to him. When we start 5-0  I thought we were well into step 3. Then as things unraveled he started changing. Public shaming the O-line as soft. They were not soft they were bad and mostly shuffled and out of position. The stuffed animal thing. The mid season walk out by Norv. Yet that year his defense gave up late scores that lost games. Detroit :25 left and no time outs gets in field goal range comes to mind. Great coaches use adversity to motivate. Our adversity always seem to turn into drama and a lost season. We seem to be stuck bouncing in between step 2 and 3. We know HOW to win we just never follow up the next year. That's handling winning.
So as comet52 just said if pattern holds we might win enough to get them one more contract. 2017 season seemed like it was more Case, Adam, Diggs and Pat just making magic. Mike felt more just along for the ride...imo. 
We need to get to step 4. If we fail to get to the playoff next year or perform terrible if we do. Someone else might have to try and I'd be fine with that. Mike is getting up there in age. Not like we had a coach that was going to be here 15 years when they signed him. Rick already picked 2. It's rare a GM gets to pick a 3rd.
You are right it's do or die.
We need #4 badly. The teams and it's fans identity is stuck at learning to handle winning. Then making excuses and handling the heart break of all the almost's.“1. First you learn how to compete.
“2. Then you learn how to win.
“3. Then you learn how to handle winning.
“4. And then you learn how to be a champion.”


Quote: @StickyBun said:
For me, its do or die for Zimmer and Spielman in 2019, I mean this will be his 7th season, correct? Whether you realize it or not, some Viking's fans are SO willing to settle for less than great. So many rationalizations about this or that....its never been easier for me to distance myself from my Viking fandom as it is now. Same shit, different day until its PROVEN otherwise. Its all wash, rinse and repeat here year after year. 
Welcome to the "Missouri" club. I've been a card-carrying member since January, 1999. 

I was lured back in late in the 2009 season, but that changed after I attended and witnessed first hand the Vikings getting handled, rather easily I might add, by the eventual 8-8 Carolina Panthers. 

It's ALWAYS something....injuries, schedule, OC, DC, STC, Kicker, WR, RB, OL, QB, the refs, the league, the weather, legal issues, stadium issues, roof collapses, eye-ball's popping, death, taxes, etc. It has to be fucking EXHAUSTING for the blind allegiance homers to feel the need to CONSTANTLY EXCUSE this team for their failures. But, with the ability to finally observe this team without emotion,  I've learned THAT is where the issue really lies. Fans have been soooooo conditioned to make EXCUSES, they've blurred the lines between an excuse, and a REASON. 

Take this upcoming season, for example : They need major O-line help, but are hamstrung by the cap (and perhaps, by player availability) and did not do so, thus far. Is that really an EXCUSE? Absolutely NOT, because the Vikings CREATED the situation they are in, it wasn't as if a random act of nature placed them in this situation without them being able to control it. Did people care or excuse BP's difficulties in cleaning up the massive oil-spill in he Gulf? Of course not..... because THEY CREATED the mess to begin with, you don't get a pass because it's difficult fixing your OWN fuck up. (NOTE - I'm NOT suggesting the Viking's and the BP oil spill are of equal consequence, simply using it as an illustration) Until the Wilf's feel the fans' apathy in their wallets, NOTHING is gonna change. I've stated many times that, while I do not doubt the family's sincerity in wanting to win a Super Bowl, their PRIMARY driver is, was and will ALWAYS be $$$$$$. 

I'm already prepped for the inevitable excuses for another patented Schpielman Special (0 playoff wins) this season : New OC + Kubiaks system takes a while to "gel", X number of new players and/or players in different positions on the OL, Kirk "acclimating" to a new system, Zimmer (a 4 decades-long NFL coaching veteran) "learning" how to manage his players, a new ST coach/philosophy, so-and-so coming back from an injury, the schedule, rookies need 2-3 years to adapt to the NFL, yadda-yadda-yadda. I'm positive that there will be a few NEW excuses to add to the Vikings Fan Excuse Handbook.....that's the only thing that seems to be as inexhaustible as the Vikings' ability to find new and creative ways to kick their fan base in their collective toolbag.... spouting lame excuses to PROVE that it's not the Vikings' fault they crapped the bed.....AGAIN. Wash, rinse, repeat indeed.  

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