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Which Act Is More Repugnant?
Quote: @pumpf said:
You know, for people who are deathly afraid of Trump taking away their "free speech", you guys don't seem too afraid to bitch about him constantly.  
Of course, I seem to remember it was "you guys" who said- about 20 years ago- that character didn't matter.  The only thing that mattered was whether or not they "did their job". 
Well, Trump is still the same repugnant guy he was when I didn't vote for him... but there does seem to be alot of good things going on in the country.  
Meanwhile, the Democrats have (somehow) become even more repugnant than Trump.
I don't think you're following this at all.  Nowhere did anyone mention Trump taking away free speech.   It's the relentless assault on the press, the constant bashing of their credibility, the constant accusing the press of lying when they fact-check Trump's statements for accuracy and report that he lied yet again, that's concerning. That's exactly what the Nazis did - they didn't take away free speech until much later in the regime, what they did was undermine the credibility of the press by calling them the "Luegepresse" (Lying Press).   Once they planted enough doubt that the media couldn't be trusted, they convinced reasonable Germans to no longer believe their own journalists.  Once they created that doubt, the Nazi press could change the narrative and re-write their own version of the truth - and that's EXACTLY what's happening right now here - Trump on a daily basis is at war with undermining the press, the judicial system, the FBI investigations ... he is chipping away at the foundations of our democracy and his cult cheers it on.  From birther conspiracies to crowd sizes to blaming the Dems for colluding with Russians when his team is hosting them in the Trump Tower and then getting caught lying about it, it's not even the amount of batshit crazy lies coming out of Trump's mouth that has stunned the world.  What truly scares everyone who isn't Republican, it's the fact so many of you actually BELIEVE this horseshit when it's so easy to fact-check on what's the actual truth .... THAT is the problem.  Reasonable, educated people have turned completely gullible just because Trump is assaulting the same people you've been groomed to hold grudges against:  the media, the Dems, Hillary, liberals, immigrants ... you have a laundry list of "enemies" that's all part of some vast anti-American conspiracy and only the honorable Trump and rightwing press are the noble beacons of virtue you can trust ... and it seems you just can't hit rock bottom and admit "hey that's taking it too far that's not right", because no amount of lies or size of a lie sways your opinion away from supporting this trainwreck - even when you know damn well he's full of shit you just don't care because ... Hillary!  Obama!  Benghazi!  Emails!  Uranium One!  Look over here!  

And you have your point about Dems saying character didn't matter completely wrong.  It was the REPUBLICANS who insisted that character DID matter and what a horrible person Bill Clinton was for his Lewinsky affair. You had Clinton impeached because he lied about a fucking affair.  Jesus, imagine if that same standard held true today you could take your pick about which lie and which affair with Trump.  Oh but now it's different ... 20 years later it's the GOP who changed YOUR tunes to suit your new agenda.  Don't try to flip this around, it's the GOP guilty of flip-flopping their values - this entire dysfunctional clusterfuck of a White House administration is due to the fact that Republicans were the ones who spent decades touting their superior morals, their holier than thou family values, that they were so much better than the Bill Clinton types .... and then they elected a serial adulterer that cheated on all 3 wives and bragged about grabbing women by the pussy, a compulsive liar that cheats on his taxes, a man who degrades and treats women like shit, a man of such moral fiber he raw dogs porn stars while his wife is home with his baby, and even stoops to the sicko incest level about his own daughter being "a hot piece of ass" that he would probably date if she wasn't his daughter ... yet strangely enough none of that seems to bother the average GOP supporter anymore.  You can't write a more looney tunes flip-flop of morals, sell your soul for votes, fall from grace any more ludicrous than the reality of current events.  How the evangelicals continue to support this guy will be a case study for psychologists for centuries to come.

And please, the laughable assertion that Dems are somehow even more repugnant than this 3-ring circus of a White House with Trump inviting BFF Kanye West over so he can drop "motherfuckers" in the oval office, the relentless media-assaulting & bashing, the inviting of White Supremacists for guest speakers, the Russians having private meetings in the White House with the American press BANNED from witnessing it but hey Russian press come on in, Saudi Arabia terrorist-supporting Cult of Trump is a pretty ridiculous statement to make without any kind of reasoning behind it. 

Let me guess, was it that horrifying statement of the audacity of the Dems threatening to be uncivil that just put it over the top for you?


Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
@pumpf said:
You know, for people who are deathly afraid of Trump taking away their "free speech", you guys don't seem too afraid to bitch about him constantly.  
Of course, I seem to remember it was "you guys" who said- about 20 years ago- that character didn't matter.  The only thing that mattered was whether or not they "did their job". 
Well, Trump is still the same repugnant guy he was when I didn't vote for him... but there does seem to be alot of good things going on in the country.  
Meanwhile, the Democrats have (somehow) become even more repugnant than Trump.
I don't think you're following this at all.  Nowhere did anyone mention Trump taking away free speech.   It's the relentless assault on the press, the constant bashing of their credibility, the constant accusing the press of lying when they fact-check Trump's statements for accuracy and report that he lied yet again, that's concerning. That's exactly what the Nazis did - they didn't take away free speech until much later in the regime, what they did was undermine the credibility of the press by calling them the "Luegepresse" (Lying Press).   Once they planted enough doubt that the media couldn't be trusted, they convinced reasonable Germans to no longer believe their own journalists.  Once they created that doubt, the Nazi press could change the narrative and re-write their own version of the truth - and that's EXACTLY what's happening right now here - Trump on a daily basis is at war with undermining the press, the judicial system, the FBI investigations ... he is chipping away at the foundations of our democracy and his cult cheers it on.  From birther conspiracies to crowd sizes to blaming the Dems for colluding with Russians when his team is hosting them in the Trump Tower and then getting caught lying about it, it's not even the amount of batshit crazy lies coming out of Trump's mouth that has stunned the world.  What truly scares everyone who isn't Republican, it's the fact so many of you actually BELIEVE this horseshit when it's so easy to fact-check on what's the actual truth .... THAT is the problem.  Reasonable, educated people have turned completely gullible just because Trump is assaulting the same people you've been groomed to hold grudges against:  the media, the Dems, Hillary, liberals, immigrants ... you have a laundry list of "enemies" that's all part of some vast anti-American conspiracy and only the honorable Trump and rightwing press are the noble beacons of virtue you can trust ... and it seems you just can't hit rock bottom and admit "hey that's taking it too far that's not right", because no amount of lies or size of a lie sways your opinion away from supporting this trainwreck - even when you know damn well he's full of shit you just don't care because ... Hillary!  Obama!  Benghazi!  Emails!  Uranium One!  Look over here!  

And you have your point about Dems saying character didn't matter completely wrong.  It was the REPUBLICANS who insisted that character DID matter and what a horrible person Bill Clinton was for his Lewinsky affair. You had Clinton impeached because he lied about a fucking affair.  Jesus, imagine if that same standard held true today you could take your pick about which lie and which affair with Trump.  Oh but now it's different ... 20 years later it's the GOP who changed YOUR tunes to suit your new agenda.  Don't try to flip this around, it's the GOP guilty of flip-flopping their values - this entire dysfunctional clusterfuck of a White House administration is due to the fact that Republicans were the ones who spent decades touting their superior morals, their holier than thou family values, that they were so much better than the Bill Clinton types .... and then they elected a serial adulterer that cheated on all 3 wives and bragged about grabbing women by the pussy, a compulsive liar that cheats on his taxes, a man who degrades and treats women like shit, a man of such moral fiber he raw dogs porn stars while his wife is home with his baby, and even stoops to the sicko incest level about his own daughter being "a hot piece of ass" that he would probably date if she wasn't his daughter ... yet strangely enough none of that seems to bother the average GOP supporter anymore.  You can't write a more looney tunes flip-flop of morals, sell your soul for votes, fall from grace any more ludicrous than the reality of current events.  How the evangelicals continue to support this guy will be a case study for psychologists for centuries to come.

And please, the laughable assertion that Dems are somehow even more repugnant than this 3-ring circus of a White House with Trump inviting BFF Kanye West over so he can drop "motherfuckers" in the oval office, the relentless media-assaulting & bashing, the inviting of White Supremacists for guest speakers, the Russians having private meetings in the White House with the American press BANNED from witnessing it but hey Russian press come on in, Saudi Arabia terrorist-supporting Cult of Trump is a pretty ridiculous statement to make without any kind of reasoning behind it. 

Let me guess, was it that horrifying statement of the audacity of the Dems threatening to be uncivil that just put it over the top for you?

Amazingly written, much better than anything my bar-hopping-all-afternoon brain can conjure up at this hour.

I'd like to hear pumpf and others discuss your points that I bolded in the quoted above. A very succinct assessment of the last 20 years.

Pumpf, I'm truly sorry if you don't see what trump is doing regarding basic freedoms. 

I don't remember when Clinton mocked a disabled reporter.

So tired of this claim.  Trump's an ass and makes fun of people that he disagrees with.  All people.  If anything he treated that disabled reporter just like a person without a disability.  Here a video backing this claim.  It shows him mocking people while moving his arms around.  It's his MO.  He did not just move his arms around to single out the disabled reporter.  If you can't admit that then you're ignoring facts just to argue.  He mocked him yes, he did not mock his disability.  People with disabilities want to treated like people without and that's what Trump did or are you and yours claiming that people with disabilities shouldn't be treated equal?  

I could go on about the Clinton vs Trump affairs and which party "changed their opinion on things"(hint, they both did) or Dems calling for violence and violence actually happening, but why bother...  So please continue the rants in this thread about how repugnant somethings are while completely ignoring the post about two GOP candidates getting physically attacked in Minnesota in the "Trump hates free speech" thread, because that doesn't fall into the "Dems are SO much better than the Reps" group think here.  

Enjoy the game. 


My disconnect comes from those that cannot or will not recognize what kind of shit person Trump is personally. He's a despicable individual. 

And this is a prime example of exactly what I mean.  Bezerker, the fact you are trying to defend Trump from him blatantly mocking a reporter with a disability is beyond words.  Deep down inside you know what Trump did was wrong, but luckily Fox News has put together a mish-mash of clips to help you think "hey, this Fox News clip makes it seem that mocking people with a disability is not so bad, just because Trump treats other people this way ... so it's all good because he thinks everyone is retarded - yay for equality!"  

Face it - you wouldn't accept that disgusting behavior nor use that pitiful fucking excuse if that was a Democrat behaving that way and you fucking know it, but because he is YOUR guy and you think he is doing a great job for you, it's no big deal.  Wonderful, wonderful message to teach our children.  So tell your son that it's okay to find the Special Ed department and mock the disabled kids in there by flailing your arms and stuttering, just as long as he finds OTHER kids to pick on and treat them like they are mentally retarded too ... because our new message is as long as you treat everyone you don't like, like shit equally, then it's okay.   

Just ... wow.

This is exactly my entire point in this thread, Republican supporters have become so dangerously tribal and partisan that you are no longer able to, or at least WILLING to discern right from wrong regardless of party.  No moral compass whatsoever.  The good news is that you're not alone, there are millions of brainwashed people out there that also think this is now okay too as long as it's there party doing it, but God forbid those other guys try to "act uncivil" or "push back" at your party's abhorrent behavior, because that would be just flat out wrong and violent.  So there's that.  

And this why myself and the rest of the world is scared shitless watching this country spiraling out of control ...obviously the 1/3 hasn't hit rock bottom yet, so at what point will you be willing to draw a line in the sand - or can you anymore?  


Hey SFVikeFan... I'm a registered Dem but been voting 3rd party lately because both parties are shit.  I will never look up to a Politician as an example of how to live my life.  I will never blindly follow anyone.  But keep on arguing without knowing the facts or ignoring them.  Whatever works for you.  My son has disabled friends and gives them shit just like the rest of his friends, he treats them equal so knock off the virtue signaling bullshit.  It doesn't work.  Oh it will rally your "like minded" friends, I guess, but it's a pointless way to discus things.   

Calling out one party's "tribal behavior" without acknowledging one's own is hypocritical and pointless to try to speak to. 

Enjoy the game.   

Quote: @Bezerker88 said:
I don't remember when Clinton mocked a disabled reporter.

So tired of this claim.  Trump's an ass and makes fun of people that he disagrees with.  All people.  If anything he treated that disabled reporter just like a person without a disability.  Here a video backing this claim.  It shows him mocking people while moving his arms around.  It's his MO.  He did not just move his arms around to single out the disabled reporter.  If you can't admit that then you're ignoring facts just to argue.  He mocked him yes, he did not mock his disability.  People with disabilities want to treated like people without and that's what Trump did or are you and yours claiming that people with disabilities shouldn't be treated equal?  

I could go on about the Clinton vs Trump affairs and which party "changed their opinion on things"(hint, they both did) or Dems calling for violence and violence actually happening, but why bother...  So please continue the rants in this thread about how repugnant somethings are while completely ignoring the post about two GOP candidates getting physically attacked in Minnesota in the "Trump hates free speech" thread, because that doesn't fall into the "Dems are SO much better than the Reps" group think here.  

Enjoy the game. 

Okay. I'll admit I hadn't seen that. It DOES look like he makes that motion a lot and - perhaps - wasn't singling out that reporter. Perhaps.

That's great you took the time to defend him. He's still - as you admit - an ass. Luckily you're here to clear up the important stuff.

Care to take a gander at everything else in the thread that he's done wrong and enlighten myself and others as to how we're incorrectly interpreting it?

Quote: @KingBash said:
@Bezerker88 said:
I don't remember when Clinton mocked a disabled reporter.

So tired of this claim.  Trump's an ass and makes fun of people that he disagrees with.  All people.  If anything he treated that disabled reporter just like a person without a disability.  Here a video backing this claim.  It shows him mocking people while moving his arms around.  It's his MO.  He did not just move his arms around to single out the disabled reporter.  If you can't admit that then you're ignoring facts just to argue.  He mocked him yes, he did not mock his disability.  People with disabilities want to treated like people without and that's what Trump did or are you and yours claiming that people with disabilities shouldn't be treated equal?  

I could go on about the Clinton vs Trump affairs and which party "changed their opinion on things"(hint, they both did) or Dems calling for violence and violence actually happening, but why bother...  So please continue the rants in this thread about how repugnant somethings are while completely ignoring the post about two GOP candidates getting physically attacked in Minnesota in the "Trump hates free speech" thread, because that doesn't fall into the "Dems are SO much better than the Reps" group think here.  

Enjoy the game. 

Okay. I'll admit I hadn't seen that. It DOES look like he makes that motion a lot and - perhaps - wasn't singling out that reporter. Perhaps.

That's great you took the time to defend him. He's still - as you admit - an ass. Luckily you're here to clear up the important stuff.

Care to take a gander at everything else in the thread that he's done wrong and enlighten myself and others as to how we're incorrectly interpreting it?
You guys are all able to look things up if you actually wanted to expand your(collective not just you) minds and look into things instead of just parroting whatever you've been told.  But most are comfortable in just believing what they want to and picking one side vs the other.  I do appreciate that you took the time to reply with a "perhaps" response... but no, I'm not going thru this thread to defend Trump.  

Besides it would just be ignored and/or attacked by most...  so once again, why bother?  

Enjoy the game   

Quote: @Bezerker88 said:
@KingBash said:
@Bezerker88 said:
I don't remember when Clinton mocked a disabled reporter.

So tired of this claim.  Trump's an ass and makes fun of people that he disagrees with.  All people.  If anything he treated that disabled reporter just like a person without a disability.  Here a video backing this claim.  It shows him mocking people while moving his arms around.  It's his MO.  He did not just move his arms around to single out the disabled reporter.  If you can't admit that then you're ignoring facts just to argue.  He mocked him yes, he did not mock his disability.  People with disabilities want to treated like people without and that's what Trump did or are you and yours claiming that people with disabilities shouldn't be treated equal?

I could go on about the Clinton vs Trump affairs and which party "changed their opinion on things"(hint, they both did) or Dems calling for violence and violence actually happening, but why bother...  So please continue the rants in this thread about how repugnant somethings are while completely ignoring the post about two GOP candidates getting physically attacked in Minnesota in the "Trump hates free speech" thread, because that doesn't fall into the "Dems are SO much better than the Reps" group think here.  

Enjoy the game. 

Okay. I'll admit I hadn't seen that. It DOES look like he makes that motion a lot and - perhaps - wasn't singling out that reporter. Perhaps.

That's great you took the time to defend him. He's still - as you admit - an ass. Luckily you're here to clear up the important stuff.

Care to take a gander at everything else in the thread that he's done wrong and enlighten myself and others as to how we're incorrectly interpreting it?
You guys are all able to look things up if you actually wanted to expand your(collective not just you) minds and look into things instead of just parroting whatever you've been told.  But most are comfortable in just believing what they want to and picking one side vs the other.  I do appreciate that you took the time to reply with a "perhaps" response... but no, I'm not going thru this thread to defend Trump.  

Besides it would just be ignored and/or attacked by most...  so once again, why bother?  

Enjoy the game   
Because most of the time, there's no excuse for anything he says or does. That's why you won't bother (and it's game day, sure). Siding with the Saudis, with Putin, disparaging our CIA/FBI... the list could literally never end. THAT stuff you have nothing to retort with. 


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