Quote: @greediron said:
@ JimmyinSD said:
@ Bullazin said:
@ JimmyinSD said:
@ Bullazin said:
@ greediron said:
@ Bullazin said:
@ greediron said:
@ Bullazin said:
this thread is scary. i understand the idea but the underlying message is we are encouraging judgement and demeaning others. not good practice as our societal bonds are being ripped away already
sort of difficult to point out flaws while perched precariously on a high horse, isn't it?
Oh the tired old elitist argument rears its ugly head. As usual you and Jim dont get it. Look i understand that clannish behavior is comforting, when we all swill beer around the campfire, slap each other on the back and form a beautiful little circle for whatever may come next  . but why practice it knowing that you are not only drawing further from the common bonds of society you are alienating others who might not be charmed by the practice.
The only high horses here are the ones you and the others that cant stand to pause or doubt their own actions for a second are riding
If you will notice, I said nothing in this thread other than to delight in the irony of your post. Seems you enjoy pointing out (mistakenly) of how you are so different and so much smarter. Sounds rather elitist. Perhaps someone so concerned would work to repair the societal bonds.
Just be careful up there, probably shouldn't take a selfie or pat your back too hard whilst standing on a high horse.
you love to quarrel but you fail miserably. there was no irony. just a post on a message board. it didnt jive with your obsessive selfaggrandizing need to comfort yourself so you attack me. perfect
You are such a fraud. You yourself judge us in our postings, thumbs up, thumbs down, stupid faces, and your responses in this thread are judgmental. I admitted I do stupid things at times, when are you going to admit that you are full of shit and society is no worse for wear?
Maybe you do live in a better place than the rest of us, but here's a tip for you....when they bring around the free koolaid...pass on it, you'll thank me later.
Whos the fraud Jim? you JUST argued that your (and other) judgement was a fact of existence. Who is US? you mean the circle J clan? I made an observation, directed at no one, and i am attacked by two moderaters
You FEEL judged because you are uncomfortable with your own behavior but like an defiant infant you just have to make it all better by attacking something or someone else rather than look at your own ingrained behavior.
And such a tiresome, tiresome trait trying to project your superiority complex onto someone that differs with you. Look in the mirror for one second of your life
And no i do not troll with emoticons as you suggest, just another fabrication to relieve your own guilt. I am just as real as you son. been on these boards longer than you if i remember right. Just because Mike made you a mod doesnt mean you are right or without fault
I admit, you were right about the emoticons in as the recent post I was thinking of you using emotis was not yours. I apologize.
however your psycho babble bull shit is fooling nobody. you can try and twist this around and make it about me, and when I make the news for trying to have my picture taken with a wounded bear please feel free to throw it in my face, I have admitted that I do stupid things at times, you however are still full of shit.
I feel judged because I am judged, you are judging me right now as you read this, its apparent in your responses. I am OK with that, its entirely in your right to form opinions on me based on my words and actions, just as I was doing and will continue to do.
as far as my being a mod, what does that have to do with anything here? what have I done in this conversation to show that I am somehow superior to you or any other poster because of some online title of adult baby sitter? Mike asked me to moderate because I am fairly active on the board and understand how he and others involved typically wants it run.
speaking of superiority complex.... well thats already been covered enough, dont forget to brush and water your horse when you get done with it. have a good day.
It is called Projection Jimmy. his posts are full of projection. Superiority complex, defiant, attacking others for what he feels guilty about. Pretty standard stuff from his circle really.
now dont you start the psychobabble with me... :p
Quote: @greediron said:
@ JimmyinSD said:
@ Bullazin said:
@ JimmyinSD said:
@ Bullazin said:
@ greediron said:
@ Bullazin said:
@ greediron said:
@ Bullazin said:
this thread is scary. i understand the idea but the underlying message is we are encouraging judgement and demeaning others. not good practice as our societal bonds are being ripped away already
sort of difficult to point out flaws while perched precariously on a high horse, isn't it?
Oh the tired old elitist argument rears its ugly head. As usual you and Jim dont get it. Look i understand that clannish behavior is comforting, when we all swill beer around the campfire, slap each other on the back and form a beautiful little circle for whatever may come next  . but why practice it knowing that you are not only drawing further from the common bonds of society you are alienating others who might not be charmed by the practice.
The only high horses here are the ones you and the others that cant stand to pause or doubt their own actions for a second are riding
If you will notice, I said nothing in this thread other than to delight in the irony of your post. Seems you enjoy pointing out (mistakenly) of how you are so different and so much smarter. Sounds rather elitist. Perhaps someone so concerned would work to repair the societal bonds.
Just be careful up there, probably shouldn't take a selfie or pat your back too hard whilst standing on a high horse.
you love to quarrel but you fail miserably. there was no irony. just a post on a message board. it didnt jive with your obsessive selfaggrandizing need to comfort yourself so you attack me. perfect
You are such a fraud. You yourself judge us in our postings, thumbs up, thumbs down, stupid faces, and your responses in this thread are judgmental. I admitted I do stupid things at times, when are you going to admit that you are full of shit and society is no worse for wear?
Maybe you do live in a better place than the rest of us, but here's a tip for you....when they bring around the free koolaid...pass on it, you'll thank me later.
Whos the fraud Jim? you JUST argued that your (and other) judgement was a fact of existence. Who is US? you mean the circle J clan? I made an observation, directed at no one, and i am attacked by two moderaters
You FEEL judged because you are uncomfortable with your own behavior but like an defiant infant you just have to make it all better by attacking something or someone else rather than look at your own ingrained behavior.
And such a tiresome, tiresome trait trying to project your superiority complex onto someone that differs with you. Look in the mirror for one second of your life
And no i do not troll with emoticons as you suggest, just another fabrication to relieve your own guilt. I am just as real as you son. been on these boards longer than you if i remember right. Just because Mike made you a mod doesnt mean you are right or without fault
I admit, you were right about the emoticons in as the recent post I was thinking of you using emotis was not yours. I apologize.
however your psycho babble bull shit is fooling nobody. you can try and twist this around and make it about me, and when I make the news for trying to have my picture taken with a wounded bear please feel free to throw it in my face, I have admitted that I do stupid things at times, you however are still full of shit.
I feel judged because I am judged, you are judging me right now as you read this, its apparent in your responses. I am OK with that, its entirely in your right to form opinions on me based on my words and actions, just as I was doing and will continue to do.
as far as my being a mod, what does that have to do with anything here? what have I done in this conversation to show that I am somehow superior to you or any other poster because of some online title of adult baby sitter? Mike asked me to moderate because I am fairly active on the board and understand how he and others involved typically wants it run.
speaking of superiority complex.... well thats already been covered enough, dont forget to brush and water your horse when you get done with it. have a good day.
It is called Projection Jimmy. his posts are full of projection. Superiority complex, defiant, attacking others for what he feels guilty about. Pretty standard stuff from his circle really.
haha. more twisted shit from the master of conjecture. Thats whats the most hilarious thing, you try identify me with groups that you despise, when i belong to none. Im just a guy with an opinion that challenges your worldview, so you attack me. And we had a real shrink here, good poster but you let your circle-Circle J Clan run him off because you refuse to call bullshit on both sides
Quote: @Bullazin said:
@ greediron said:
@ JimmyinSD said:
@ Bullazin said:
@ JimmyinSD said:
@ Bullazin said:
@ greediron said:
@ Bullazin said:
@ greediron said:
@ Bullazin said:
this thread is scary. i understand the idea but the underlying message is we are encouraging judgement and demeaning others. not good practice as our societal bonds are being ripped away already
sort of difficult to point out flaws while perched precariously on a high horse, isn't it?
Oh the tired old elitist argument rears its ugly head. As usual you and Jim dont get it. Look i understand that clannish behavior is comforting, when we all swill beer around the campfire, slap each other on the back and form a beautiful little circle for whatever may come next  . but why practice it knowing that you are not only drawing further from the common bonds of society you are alienating others who might not be charmed by the practice.
The only high horses here are the ones you and the others that cant stand to pause or doubt their own actions for a second are riding
If you will notice, I said nothing in this thread other than to delight in the irony of your post. Seems you enjoy pointing out (mistakenly) of how you are so different and so much smarter. Sounds rather elitist. Perhaps someone so concerned would work to repair the societal bonds.
Just be careful up there, probably shouldn't take a selfie or pat your back too hard whilst standing on a high horse.
you love to quarrel but you fail miserably. there was no irony. just a post on a message board. it didnt jive with your obsessive selfaggrandizing need to comfort yourself so you attack me. perfect
You are such a fraud. You yourself judge us in our postings, thumbs up, thumbs down, stupid faces, and your responses in this thread are judgmental. I admitted I do stupid things at times, when are you going to admit that you are full of shit and society is no worse for wear?
Maybe you do live in a better place than the rest of us, but here's a tip for you....when they bring around the free koolaid...pass on it, you'll thank me later.
Whos the fraud Jim? you JUST argued that your (and other) judgement was a fact of existence. Who is US? you mean the circle J clan? I made an observation, directed at no one, and i am attacked by two moderaters
You FEEL judged because you are uncomfortable with your own behavior but like an defiant infant you just have to make it all better by attacking something or someone else rather than look at your own ingrained behavior.
And such a tiresome, tiresome trait trying to project your superiority complex onto someone that differs with you. Look in the mirror for one second of your life
And no i do not troll with emoticons as you suggest, just another fabrication to relieve your own guilt. I am just as real as you son. been on these boards longer than you if i remember right. Just because Mike made you a mod doesnt mean you are right or without fault
I admit, you were right about the emoticons in as the recent post I was thinking of you using emotis was not yours. I apologize.
however your psycho babble bull shit is fooling nobody. you can try and twist this around and make it about me, and when I make the news for trying to have my picture taken with a wounded bear please feel free to throw it in my face, I have admitted that I do stupid things at times, you however are still full of shit.
I feel judged because I am judged, you are judging me right now as you read this, its apparent in your responses. I am OK with that, its entirely in your right to form opinions on me based on my words and actions, just as I was doing and will continue to do.
as far as my being a mod, what does that have to do with anything here? what have I done in this conversation to show that I am somehow superior to you or any other poster because of some online title of adult baby sitter? Mike asked me to moderate because I am fairly active on the board and understand how he and others involved typically wants it run.
speaking of superiority complex.... well thats already been covered enough, dont forget to brush and water your horse when you get done with it. have a good day.
It is called Projection Jimmy. his posts are full of projection. Superiority complex, defiant, attacking others for what he feels guilty about. Pretty standard stuff from his circle really.
haha. more twisted shit from the master of conjecture. Thats whats the most hilarious thing, you try identify me with groups that you despise, when i belong to none. Im just a guy with an opinion that challenges your worldview, so you attack me. And we had a real shrink here, good poster but you let your circle-Circle J Clan run him off because you refuse to call bullshit on both sides
actually pretty sure he left because he had some shit in his life go a little sideways for a while and needed to focus his attention on that IIRC. I didnt often agree with him on much politically speaking, but I dont think he was run off by anybody.
Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@ Bullazin said:
haha. more twisted shit from the master of conjecture. Thats whats the most hilarious thing, you try identify me with groups that you despise, when i belong to none. Im just a guy with an opinion that challenges your worldview, so you attack me. And we had a real shrink here, good poster but you let your circle-Circle J Clan run him off because you refuse to call bullshit on both sides
actually pretty sure he left because he had some shit in his life go a little sideways for a while and needed to focus his attention on that IIRC. I didnt often agree with him on much politically speaking, but I dont think he was run off by anybody.
Actually this is hilarious. I believe he frequents the uber conservative site the former members formed when this one hit a bump in the road. So I wouldn't worry about him being "run off". Seems he isn't quite as tender a snowflake as some want to ascribe to him. Not the first time this guy was wrong tho.
Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@ Bullazin said:
i dont practice psychobabble. its just another demeaning label that you use to protect your ego. same thing as calling me full of shit. Youve admitted you do stupid shit sometimes, and calling me full of shit puts me on an even plane with you then, so Im OK with that, but lets keep it real and stop projecting K?
edit* and since were keeping it real lets get one thing straight. i dont twist shit as you say, lets leave that to the experts like greed
you dont practice psychobabble, but yet you are telling me how I feel and why I type what I type.... ok.
as far as even plane, i dont know you, you dont really share much about yourself on here (which is fine) so I dont know if you can be a stupid as I have been at times, so maybe you are on a plane by yourself, or maybe you are seated 2 rows ahead of me in coach.
you want to battle with Greed, quote him and do it, there is no point in trying to make this into some sort of Mod vs martyr campaign. I made a thread, many others agreed with my premise or shared their own experiences, and you came in all high and mighty and essentially put yourself above everybody that had posted in the thread. (if you really were preaching from a higher plane, would you have really said anything? I dont think a person above this pettiness would have spoken up, but WTF do I know?) Greed called you out, I dont see the twist there?
The OP didnt bother me , the truth was it bothered me that people could laugh about someones demise, call them stupid, bring up Darwin references. i made an objective comment on the behavior and my perceived risks of that, directed at no one. I cannot figure out how that makes people think I think im better than them. So what happenned is Mods attacked me based on thier false perception of my intent. Then shit got real in the conversation. So, weve all known each other for years and developed our biases i suppose, causing the initial attack on me.
Quote: @Bullazin said:
this thread is scary. i understand the idea but the underlying message is we are encouraging judgement and demeaning others. not good practice as our societal bonds are being ripped away already
This... from the guy who posted THIS in a different thread, dedicated to wishing our former First Lady to RIP:
" wow i had really missed these circle jerks, so nice of savannah to troll by, and look who takes it and runs smh"
Then he followed it up with this: " savannah used to be reasonable but became a troll after the last election. something flipped his switch i guess. pumpf check your log bud, not my speck. and just so you are clear, ive never had my ass handed to me in anything. i dont believe that would be challenged by you on any subject, unless self righteousness becomes a popular activity." (I just LOVE the part where you tried to use the Bible to accuse me of being judgmental... and, dare I say it, hypocritical)
Tell you what, Bull: you lead the way... and maybe you'll get some folks to follow your example. Until then, maybe you shouldn't be self-righteously (see, I DO know what that phrase means) preaching to others about being "judgmental", much less about ripping apart our societal bonds.
If only you could have made your point without the hypocrisy and elitist self-righteousness... I might have agreed with you (to a point). But, alas... the tiger's stripes haven't changed...
Quote: @greediron said:
@ JimmyinSD said:
@ Bullazin said:
haha. more twisted shit from the master of conjecture. Thats whats the most hilarious thing, you try identify me with groups that you despise, when i belong to none. Im just a guy with an opinion that challenges your worldview, so you attack me. And we had a real shrink here, good poster but you let your circle-Circle J Clan run him off because you refuse to call bullshit on both sides
actually pretty sure he left because he had some shit in his life go a little sideways for a while and needed to focus his attention on that IIRC. I didnt often agree with him on much politically speaking, but I dont think he was run off by anybody.
Actually this is hilarious. I believe he frequents the uber conservative site the former members formed when this one hit a bump in the road. So I wouldn't worry about him being "run off". Seems he isn't quite as tender a snowflake as some want to ascribe to him. Not the first time this guy was wrong tho.
and it wont be the last time im wrong either, if you are correct. But what i am not is what you like to ascribe to me, thats the real issue here
Quote: @Bullazin said:
Whos the fraud Jim? you JUST argued that your (and other) judgement was a fact of existence. Who is US? you mean the circle J clan? I made an observation, directed at no one, and i am attacked by two moderaters
Sorry, Bull... but when you begin your post by saying, "this thread" it is inherently obvious that you are referring to the other posts in the thread. As I've already shown, you are as much (if not more) of an agitator as anyone else here. And then you get mad because very few people agree with you (and no one consistently agrees with you). Jimmy and Greed are not only intelligent posters, they are also well-liked and well-respected. And I think that that really gets under your skin, because you are way smarter than they are (and everyone else, for that matter). You might get some of us to believe it, too... if not for all the contrary evidence that you offer up on a regular basis.
Quote: @greediron said:
@ JimmyinSD said:
@ Bullazin said:
haha. more twisted shit from the master of conjecture. Thats whats the most hilarious thing, you try identify me with groups that you despise, when i belong to none. Im just a guy with an opinion that challenges your worldview, so you attack me. And we had a real shrink here, good poster but you let your circle-Circle J Clan run him off because you refuse to call bullshit on both sides
actually pretty sure he left because he had some shit in his life go a little sideways for a while and needed to focus his attention on that IIRC. I didnt often agree with him on much politically speaking, but I dont think he was run off by anybody.
Actually this is hilarious. I believe he frequents the uber conservative site the former members formed when this one hit a bump in the road. So I wouldn't worry about him being "run off". Seems he isn't quite as tender a snowflake as some want to ascribe to him. Not the first time this guy was wrong tho.
yup thats where you can find vikeshrink
Quote: @greediron said:
@ JimmyinSD said:
@ Bullazin said:
haha. more twisted shit from the master of conjecture. Thats whats the most hilarious thing, you try identify me with groups that you despise, when i belong to none. Im just a guy with an opinion that challenges your worldview, so you attack me. And we had a real shrink here, good poster but you let your circle-Circle J Clan run him off because you refuse to call bullshit on both sides
actually pretty sure he left because he had some shit in his life go a little sideways for a while and needed to focus his attention on that IIRC. I didnt often agree with him on much politically speaking, but I dont think he was run off by anybody.
Actually this is hilarious. I believe he frequents the uber conservative site the former members formed when this one hit a bump in the road. So I wouldn't worry about him being "run off". Seems he isn't quite as tender a snowflake as some want to ascribe to him. Not the first time this guy was wrong tho.
I might be wrong though, he did come by and say hi at one point IIRC and said his absence was due to something else in his life, I dont remember for sure what. It might not have been a bad thing, just something else he was focusing his attention on.
I think he has posted on the horn site though. He did enjoy the political banter and our ST board is not nearly as active as some others main boards but we dont seem to have as many main board dust ups so in the end I am going to call it a win, even if it doesnt get as much action as it would if some had stuck around and gave it a try.
either way I dont recall him saying he was pissed and leaving (he might have, some have) but some bounce back and forth as well.