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Let's Tax Meat
still waiting for the refusion of the many validated studies of antibiotic use in this country for animals.  

still waiting for these conservatives to respond to the affect poor health is having on the health care system that they dont want to pay for

still waiting for all these non personal nuanced positions to explain how eating meat on a mass scale is a good thing. 


One of my guilty pleasures is the reality show "Naked and Afraid"

The universal truth from that show over many seasons is protein is the key to not just survival but thriving.  The most efficient source of protein is animals.  If every person in the world ate only a plant based diet we would have to cultivate an enormous amount of currently uncultivated land.  

It's a ridiculous notion that animal protein in and of itself unhealthy, and don't even get me started on the delusional nature of vegans-they are mentally ill.

Quote: @NodakViking said:
One of my guilty pleasures is the reality show "Naked and Afraid"

The universal truth from that show over many seasons is protein is the key to not just survival but thriving.  The most efficient source of protein is animals.  If every person in the world ate only a plant based diet we would have to cultivate an enormous amount of currently uncultivated land.  

It's a ridiculous notion that animal protein in and of itself unhealthy, and don't even get me started on the delusional nature of vegans-they are mentally ill.

mentally ill is watching a tv show and basing your scientific beliefs off of it. especially one when they are in the wilderness for days on end. do you spend a month without food in the jungle?  no?  then get real man. be smarter than that. you do know that animals get protein from the plants they eat, right?  like understand protein is a chain of amino acids that is most widely found in plants.  do we need to go through reams of medical and nutritional data to prove this point. 

ive been plant based for 7 years, never once have my c reactive protein levels in my blood been low.  lets see your test scores. 7 years and i have yet to die from a protein deficiency, but i do know many people who have died from heart related illnesses in that period.  

you do know that many professional athletes are plant based right?  did you ask tony gonzalez where he got his protein from? how about a handful of Tennessee Titans?  maybe the gold winning weight lifter for the us in 2016 olympics?  

the oldest cultures in the world, Asia, have been a majority plant based, also have had the healthiest populations. must be that limited intake of meat that kept them going. 

but lets look at the science of protein intake. the animals you eat dont even capture the levels of protein that is delivered into their system. same for other plant eating animals on a nutrient scale, so essentially not only are you eating food that is a literal waste of space in comparison to other crops, but you are consuming all the negative shit that comes with it

yeah vegans are delusional.

kill a dog in this country you are an asshole,
kill a pig, mmm bacon,
kill nothing, youre delusional


Quote: @AGRforever said:
fyi the lions share of corn production is going into ethanhol not livestock.   
what is the definition of Lions Share?  because scientific american states that 40% of corn is used for ethanol. animal agriculture? 36%. 4% is not much a massive difference, definitely not disapportionate and sadly (for your point) isnt even 4% because the industry uses the left overs from ethanol production and feeds to cattle and pigs. 

its only a matter of time before soy beans, you know a bean like peas and other legumes, that “weird shit”, like eating pigs anus or cow intestine isnt weird, but soy will over take corn in us harvest.  oh wait it already happened, last year and looks to continue to grow as the monolith of corn and its wasted tax payer money and empty calories goes by the way side

Quote: @Skodin said:
@NodakViking said:
One of my guilty pleasures is the reality show "Naked and Afraid"

The universal truth from that show over many seasons is protein is the key to not just survival but thriving.  The most efficient source of protein is animals.  If every person in the world ate only a plant based diet we would have to cultivate an enormous amount of currently uncultivated land.  

It's a ridiculous notion that animal protein in and of itself unhealthy, and don't even get me started on the delusional nature of vegans-they are mentally ill.

mentally ill is watching a tv show and basing your scientific beliefs off of it. especially one when they are in the wilderness for days on end. do you spend a month without food in the jungle?  no?  then get real man. be smarter than that. you do know that animals get protein from the plants they eat, right?  like understand protein is a chain of amino acids that is most widely found in plants.  do we need to go through reams of medical and nutritional data to prove this point. 

ive been plant based for 7 years, never once have my c reactive protein levels in my blood been low.  lets see your test scores. 7 years and i have yet to die from a protein deficiency, but i do know many people who have died from heart related illnesses in that period.  

you do know that many professional athletes are plant based right?  did you ask tony gonzalez where he got his protein from? how about a handful of Tennessee Titans?  maybe the gold winning weight lifter for the us in 2016 olympics?  

the oldest cultures in the world, Asia, have been a majority plant based, also have had the healthiest populations. must be that limited intake of meat that kept them going. 

but lets look at the science of protein intake. the animals you eat dont even capture the levels of protein that is delivered into their system. same for other plant eating animals on a nutrient scale, so essentially not only are you eating food that is a literal waste of space in comparison to other crops, but you are consuming all the negative shit that comes with it

yeah vegans are delusional.

kill a dog in this country you are an asshole,
kill a pig, mmm bacon,
kill nothing, youre delusional

lighten up Francis

Let's not talk about the pesticides that are destroying our planet in countless ways to grow veggies.

Again... studies are going to be twisted to say whatever the person funding then wants them to say.  You clearly have an agenda so I am not going to waste my time with you.  Have a great weekend and Go Vikes.

Quote: @Skodin said:
National Chicken council states that in 2017 americans ate on average (mind you this is a low number on rhe average scale, many others had much higher consumption figures) 217 lbs of meat

217 lbs / 365 days = 0.59 pounds a day

A strip of bacon = 1 ounce, 4 strips = 4 ounces or a quarter pound a day

So Americans eat almost TWICE the amount that you say is only a small amount of population.  Again. You just validated my point. people have no idea how much meat and dairy they are consuming and a majority of science states it is poor for your health.   Unless you want this country to bankrupt itself due to poor health, then we need to have a conversation about wtf we are eating. 

Regarding your cancer stance, there are many items on that list that are less dangerous than cigarette smoking but i highly doubt you are willing to breath, drink, absorb them.  so based on your logic, i should better about having an asbestos surrounded enviroment, because technically it is not as bad as smoking
The original source you cited was talking about processed meat (smoked, preservatives added, etc). Now you're trying to conflate that with ALL meat, including things like chicken and fish.  So, yeah... is your position against processed meat or ALL meat?

Quote: @Skodin said:
National Chicken council states that in 2017 americans ate on average (mind you this is a low number on rhe average scale, many others had much higher consumption figures) 217 lbs of meat

217 lbs / 365 days = 0.59 pounds a day

A strip of bacon = 1 ounce, 4 strips = 4 ounces or a quarter pound a day

So Americans eat almost TWICE the amount that you say is only a small amount of population.  Again. You just validated my point. people have no idea how much meat and dairy they are consuming and a majority of science states it is poor for your health.   Unless you want this country to bankrupt itself due to poor health, then we need to have a conversation about wtf we are eating. 

Regarding your cancer stance, there are many items on that list that are less dangerous than cigarette smoking but i highly doubt you are willing to breath, drink, absorb them.  so based on your logic, i should better about having an asbestos surrounded enviroment, because technically it is not as bad as smoking
No, not at all, but nice straw man argument. My point was, and is, that there are degrees to everything. The degree to which processed meat (not ALL meat, as you seem to be confusing) is a carcinogen is orders of magnitude less than other things on that list. Which is why the researchers were very clear in their conclusions that the list does not recommend eliminating meat from diets.

You want a reason? It's delicious, and in moderation there is no ill effect on health. Before you say that isn't a good enough reason, you better be ready to take that argument to its logical conclusion.

this isnt a real argument for health,  this is an argument about somebody trying to take their personal feelings about animal rights and turn the argument into something they think will gather more support.   I always love this angle,  they talk about the suffering of the animals and that as living things they deserve a better life,   but will completely ignore the evidence that says that plants are living, breathing, and feeling living organisms and that they are no better for consuming those lives.

they talk about the extremes of the ag industry,  but completely forget the origins and pitfalls of their own food sources.

i honeslty dont give a shit if people choose not to eat animals,  its entirely a personal choice,  but when they get on their holier than though soap box...
F-em,  they are just twisted up in the head. 

(did you know that many vegans suffer from a lack of omega 3 fatty acids in their diet and this can lead to depression and personality disorders?  might mean something Wink  )

Processed meat is different than meat....  so “meat” is not listed on that link you provided.  

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