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Absentee Ballots, Calling the election...
Quote: @IDVikingfan said:
@SFVikeFan said:
It isn’t hard.  You know how Google works right?

Oh look, 10 seconds:

Devos family $200 million to GOP

Betsy DeVos just bought herself a nice little cabinet position. On Tuesday afternoon, most Senate Republicans – all but Maine’s Susan Collins and Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski – voted to confirm the billionaire Amway heiress as secretary of education.
It cost her $115,000 in personal donations to sitting Republican senators; $950,000 more has flowed in from the DeVos family over the last three-and-a-half decades. And another $8.3 million from the DeVoses has gone to Republican super PACs in the last two election cycles alone. Not cheap! But it got the job done.”

Oh wait, another 5 seconds

“Sondland million dollar donor to Trump campaign”

Now that I taught you how to access the information superhighway do you think you can handle it, or just too lazy?  Trump is surrounded by grossly unqualified, filthy rich pay to play assholes ... maybe you have spent the last 4 years living under a rock then my condolences, maybe it’s time to get caught up on current events.  
Alright, people donated to trump or GOP.  Really does not prove that their cabinet positions were bought and paid for.  If your supposition was true, then any and all big donors would have cabinet positions, but of course they don't.  Speculation, just as I thought.  Could have just said no clear evidence, just articles on line suggesting they bought and paid for a cabinet position.  Have a great day.  
Dude you asked for proof.  There it is.  You made me look all those articles and post it for you.  That article literally says Devod paid for her position.  What the fuck do you think happens when you donate obscene money to one party?

But now all of a sudden you don’t believe it?  Do you think thry make an announcement and hold an online auction for positions?

Your whole grasp of how things are bought and paid for in politics is non-existent.  How do you think lobbyists work?  You think big campaign contributors don’t want any favors in return?  You honestly don’t understand how a pay to play scheme works?


Devos, Sondland and many others bought their positions.  I know it’s hard to admit it with all thise facts, verified donations and articles literally stating they bought their positions with campaign donations ... and yet you still can’t connect the dots?  

LOL riiiiiiiiiight

I guess you can act like you’re that oblivious rather than just admit you were wrong.

If you want to be naive and ridiculous that’s cool but at the end of the day whatever non-reality realm of stupidity you choose to believe in is still flat out wrong and easily fact checked.

But you were right about one thing:  

it really was that easy

I mean clearly not for you but maybe you can ask a liberal friend to explain how it works.

Quote: @mblack said:

Here is what I don't get...
You say Biden is as bad as Trump (coin flip and figure head like Bush) and not an upgrade but at the same time you support Trump for "draining the swamp" and "responsible for the greater economic growth" since whenever.
So either
  1. Trump has been bad all along(and a figurehead like Bush) and you have been in denial or lying to us or 
  2. Biden is better than Trump and you are just creating a false comparison. 
Both can't be true so decide which one you will go with as presenting both arguements just shows how weak your case is.
You guys talked all along how Trump was a change of the status quo and also argue that Biden is the same as Trump and somehow come with the conclusion that Biden is a bad option. 
Can you lay out a comparison in how you think Trump and Biden compare?  Here's where I think Biden and Trump are comparable
  1. Economy:  Biden:  Primarily free trade.  Shipped Jobs to China and
    Mexico.  Converted Manufacturing jobs to service jobs and Silicon Valley
    jobs.  Hollowed out the middle class.  Bailed out wall street and left
    the citizens to fend for themselves after housing bubble caused by
    predatory lending.  Biden promotes foreign workers as integral part of economy. Trump:  Renegotiated previous deals. 
    Protectionist Tariffs.  Economy clearly climbing at a pace Obama said
    was impossible until Covid19.  Trump thinks foreign workers compete against current citizens for jobs.
  2. Borders:  Biden:  Biden built cages for children.  Biden deported more people on average than Trump did.   Biden is against the wall but for screening.  Trump:  Trump continued cages for children.  Trump has deported less people on average than Biden did.  Trump is verbally against illegal immigration.  Trump is for a wall.  Trump got Mexico to enforce its southern border.
  3. Racism:  Biden:  94 Crime Bill to get tough on "thugs".  Said Black people aren't black if they don't vote democrat.  Thinks solution to police brutality against blacks is to shoot people in legs not the heart.  Trump:  Primarily wants to keep non-Americans out.  Also wants to be tough on "thugs"
  4. Sexism:  Biden:  The many accusations and videos of touching and hair smelling female children and adults.  Accused of Sexual Assault by person with multiple evidence of support.  Paid $800k to organization thats supposed to help Times Up Sexual Assault, but wouldn't help his accuser. Multiple other accusations 8+.  Claimed kids like to play with his leg hair and he liked when little kids sat in his lap as a life guard.  Trump:  Likely had an affair with Stormy Daniels and paid hush money to keep it quiet.  Said statement that when you're rich women will let you grab them by the pussy.  Multiple accusations of sexual assault 20+
  5. Non-Presidential Comments:  Biden: Often antagonistic with reporters.  Will fly off the cuff.  Called voter Lying Dog Face Pony Soldier.  Trump:  Too many to count.  Insults all his opponents.  Very crude.
Feel free to add to both sides.  I only had so much time to dedicate to this.


LOL, I was pulling your chain SFVikeFan!  I was curious if you could give a short mature answer rather than a blistering, name calling, and lengthy post of blather!  You know I lost, I thought you could but alas not to be!  I should have known, your posting history is very clear.  Have a good day!  Go brag that you blistered a conservative that pulled your chain!  LOL, they'll be impressed with your maturity!


one of these candidates is the standard for modern US politicans (warts and all)

the other is not fit for leadership, toxic and compromised

you either want stability or you want chaos.  

im not judging what individuals want, just hope they know the consequences of the chaos

November needs to be a blood bath or there will be blood in the streets. Zero doubt

November 4th to January 20th will be the most fragile/fraught times in modern American history

Quote: @Skodin said:
one of these candidates is the standard for modern US politicans (warts and all)

the other is not fit for leadership, toxic and compromised

you either want stability or you want chaos.  

im not judging what individuals want, just hope they know the consequences of the chaos

November needs to be a blood bath or there will be blood in the streets. Zero doubt

November 4th to January 20th will be the most fragile/fraught times in modern American history
You do notice which side is spilling blood in riots, demonstrations, and in peace loving places like the Chaz in Seattle.  I am far more concerned from the left than the right if Trump is reelected.  I don't see a blood bath coming from the right if the dem candidate is elected, though could be triggered by a series of events, say evidence of election fraud.  I will say I am very happy to not live in a liberal city that is unwilling to maintain order, like Seattle and Minneapolis (early in the riots, much better when Walz took over). 

Lets just hope to hell none of that comes to fruition...

I think our reality is that the far right and far left have both been emboldened and energized, thats good for nobody...

Some how trying to blame Biden for the unrest is pretty funny, it's the failure at of leadership and the predictable reaction to Trumps continual agitation. 

Quote: @BigAl99 said:
Some how trying to blame Biden for the unrest is pretty funny, it's the failure at of leadership and the predictable reaction to Trumps continual agitation. 
Who was blaming Biden?  BLM and Antifa were main players in Seattle.  Antifa shot someone in UT for the crime of driving on the street and not stopping so they could damage his car.  BLM and Antifa were behind unrest in Portland as well.  It's extreme factions (L & R) that are the problem but also ones more likely to respond with violence.

Quote: @IDVikingfan said:
LOL, I was pulling your chain SFVikeFan!  I was curious if you could give a short mature answer rather than a blistering, name calling, and lengthy post of blather!  You know I lost, I thought you could but alas not to be!  I should have known, your posting history is very clear.  Have a good day!  Go brag that you blistered a conservative that pulled your chain!  LOL, they'll be impressed with your maturity!

The old “I knew I was wrong but I just wanted to pull your chain and then question your maturity” routine.

That’s totally believeable.  


Now go upstairs and brag to your Mom how you trolled a lib today, I’m sure she’ll be so proud she’ll make you an extra hot pocket.


Quote: @IDVikingfan said:
@Skodin said:
one of these candidates is the standard for modern US politicans (warts and all)

the other is not fit for leadership, toxic and compromised

you either want stability or you want chaos.  

im not judging what individuals want, just hope they know the consequences of the chaos

November needs to be a blood bath or there will be blood in the streets. Zero doubt

November 4th to January 20th will be the most fragile/fraught times in modern American history
You do notice which side is spilling blood in riots, demonstrations, and in peace loving places like the Chaz in Seattle.  I am far more concerned from the left than the right if Trump is reelected.  I don't see a blood bath coming from the right if the dem candidate is elected, though could be triggered by a series of events, say evidence of election fraud.  I will say I am very happy to not live in a liberal city that is unwilling to maintain order, like Seattle and Minneapolis (early in the riots, much better when Walz took over). 
i see americans.  Pissed off at injustices.  i see opportunists taking advantage of moments.  I see PDs doing right and wrong. 

this pointing fingers thing constantly is a joke, no side is completely innocent, no side can claim purity.  Neither you nor I can claim it

If Biden wins, Trump says its rigged, foreign intereference (something he asked for last election), mail in ballots (something he has done, along with the VP, and numerous others) it will get ugly. 

Trump wins close (the only way he can win), the left will be enraged and questioning of election authenticity.  With a pretty heinous AG, you could see why

the only way it doesnt get to that point? Biden wins in a landslide.

Seems unlikely so . . . 

This country will be a powder keg unlike we have ever see. considering COVID will most likely still be in force across the US, civil unrest will continue to fester bc no PD reform will happen before then, and we will still have millions unemployed, poor/ sick/evicted and angry

Civil War 2.0 on the horizon.  Going to be interesting since one side has all the guns, while the other has the largest economies

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