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So which is it? Public? Private?
Quote: @A1Janitor said:
I am merely waiting for the IG report and Durham reports.  

Tired of the insults against me.  I am well read on what’s coming. 
What does the IG report have to do with 2 Russians getting arrested who are partners with Ghouliani and donors for Trump who are already guilty in a pay to play scheme?

Would the IG report negate this particular case and this evidence??  How on Earth would that exonerate them?  These are 2 completely different situations. 

There's nothing to wait for.  It's cut and dry felony campaign fraud in a pay to play scheme.  You're always so eager to jump the gun on Democrats with outrage over rumors, but you're going to wait on Republicans already arrested for the same shit??

You continue to make zero sense, sorry if that's insulting.


Here is a good start for you to read.

Mueller said no Russian collusion.  Barr and Rosenstein said no obstruction.  Now we are on impeachment for a quid pro quo where aid wasn’t withheld, Trump improved military aid to Ukraine over what Obama did, and the Bidens were corrupt.  

Corruption under Obama.  It is being released soon.  Read the article.  That is bad shit.  

And after you read that, read this (evidence supports claims):

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:

No, you have your facts wrong:

2 Russians arrested for campaign fraud. 

No, according to your link, they're either Floridian (as ID'd in your link headline); or Ukrainian and Belarusian.  Check the tape. 
Criminy, who knows where these jamokes are from.  Nothing, however, says they're Russkies.
But I know ya'll Dems got Russki-fever on the brain, so you're forgiven for the over-sight.  
With ya'lls insistence on open borders, we can expect this kind of confusion from now on.  Smile 

Funded money into Trump's Super PAC.  
$325 thousand.  That's a lot, right?  
(Obama paid FINES higher than that)
If indeed this turns out to be true/worst case scenario for Trump...Trump is a piker as compared to BJ Clinton/DNC and the Chinese, where millions were involved.

 Were caught fleeing the country right after having lunch with Trump's personal attorney Ghouliani.  

No, according to your own link, suspects did not know of impending arrest, so could not have been "fleeing". 
From your very own link, "A law enforcement official says it would not be accurate to say the two were "fleeing" because there's no indication that they knew they were going to be indicted."

What did they want?  Ambassador to Ukraine fired.  What happened?  Trump fired the Ambassador to Ukraine. 

The indictment only mentions that peripherally.  Do you really think $325 large would be enough to influence/remove a sitting ambassador?  
One of the specific counts in the indictment SPECIFICALLY mentions an "effort" to influence legislation(legislators) for the nascent but potentially profitable  pro-pot movement. 
"The purpose of those donations was to help gain access to recreational marijuana licenses so that they could form a marijuana business in the United States, according to the document, but that venture did not ultimately come to fruition."

You mean like that kind of corruption and pay to play crimes???

As mentioned before.  If your "worse case scenario" (for Trump) proves true, this will result in fines.  

It's been all over the news, why do you ignore it? 

It's not we ignore it, but some of us have been around awhile.  (I'm sensing you're about 28 yo).  Some of us have been around a bit longer and have some perspective.  

More actual arrests directly linked to  yet another Trump attorney and you're blabbering about unproven conspiracy theories claiming you have evidence.

You're referencing Cohen, right?   How'd his arrest/conviction turn out in harming Trump during the Mueller investigation?  lol
BTW, amazing to watch the celebration of the end of the jurisprudential axiom 'attorney/client' privilege.  Which apparently, is no more.  Cuz Trump.   

If there was evidence, why hasn't Trump's own DOJ brought charges yet?

Well, shit.  Barr has only been on the job for a (relatively) short while. 
As A1 alluded to... democrat DOJ OIG Horowitz is dotting I's/crossing T's as we speak.  Patience, Padowan.  

And it's obvious this fact has eluded you.  
The fact that the FBI and the Virginia federal court is participating in the indictments in your OP, further undercuts your opinion DOJ AG Barr is a blind partisan. 
Both the FBI and the VA are under DOJ jurisdiction, and Barr has not stopped the indictments celebrated in your OP.  

So can you admit Trump and Republicans are already getting nailed for pay to play schemes?  

You can't even accurately  summarize your own OP correctly.  
Sorry if that's insulting.  


Quote: @A1Janitor said:
Here is a good start for you to read.

Mueller said no Russian collusion.  Barr and Rosenstein said no obstruction.  Now we are on impeachment for a quid pro quo where aid wasn’t withheld, Trump improved military aid to Ukraine over what Obama did, and the Bidens were corrupt.  

Corruption under Obama.  It is being released soon.  Read the article.  That is bad shit.  
I don't give a shit what you post, you continue to ignore the question. 

And now we circle back to Obama, because you can't explain or defend Trump's corruption.  

Which means this whole "I want corruption out of government" argument is pure horse shit.   It's only if Dems are caught, you don't care about Republicans doing it.

Completely predictable.  

Quote: @savannahskol said:
@SFVikeFan said:

No, you have your facts wrong:

2 Russians arrested for campaign fraud. 

No, according to your link, they're either Floridian (as ID'd in your link headline); or Ukrainian and Belarusian.  Check the tape. 
Criminy, who knows where these jamokes are from.  Nothing, however, says they're Russkies.
But I know ya'll Dems got Russki-fever on the brain, so you're forgiven for the over-sight.  
With ya'lls insistence on open borders, we can expect this kind of confusion from now on.  Smile 

Funded money into Trump's Super PAC.  
$325 thousand.  That's a lot, right?  
(Obama paid FINES higher than that)
If indeed this turns out to be true/worst case scenario for Trump...Trump is a piker as compared to BJ Clinton/DNC and the Chinese, where millions were involved.

 Were caught fleeing the country right after having lunch with Trump's personal attorney Ghouliani.  

No, according to your own link, suspects did not know of impending arrest, so could not have been "fleeing". 
From your very own link, "A law enforcement official says it would not be accurate to say the two were "fleeing" because there's no indication that they knew they were going to be indicted."

What did they want?  Ambassador to Ukraine fired.  What happened?  Trump fired the Ambassador to Ukraine. 

The indictment only mentions that peripherally.  Do you really think $325 large would be enough to influence/remove a sitting ambassador?  
One of the specific counts in the indictment SPECIFICALLY mentions an "effort" to influence legislation(legislators) for the nascent but potentially profitable  pro-pot movement. 
"The purpose of those donations was to help gain access to recreational marijuana licenses so that they could form a marijuana business in the United States, according to the document, but that venture did not ultimately come to fruition."

You mean like that kind of corruption and pay to play crimes???

As mentioned before.  If your "worse case scenario" (for Trump) proves true, this will result in fines.  

It's been all over the news, why do you ignore it? 

It's not we ignore it, but some of us have been around awhile.  (I'm sensing you're about 28 yo).  Some of us have been around a bit longer and have some perspective.  

More actual arrests directly linked to  yet another Trump attorney and you're blabbering about unproven conspiracy theories claiming you have evidence.

You're referencing Cohen, right?   How'd his arrest/conviction turn out in harming Trump during the Mueller investigation?  lol
BTW, amazing to watch the celebration of the end of the jurisprudential axiom 'attorney/client' privilege.  Which apparently, is no more.  Cuz Trump.   

If there was evidence, why hasn't Trump's own DOJ brought charges yet?

Well, shit.  Barr has only been on the job for a (relatively) short while. 
As A1 alluded to... democrat DOJ OIG Horowitz is dotting I's/crossing T's as we speak.  Patience, Padowan.  

And it's obvious this fact has eluded you.  
The fact that the FBI and the Virginia federal court is participating in the indictments in your OP, further undercuts your opinion DOJ AG Barr is a blind partisan. 
Both the FBI and the VA are under DOJ jurisdiction, and Barr has not stopped the indictments celebrated in your OP.  

So can you admit Trump and Republicans are already getting nailed for pay to play schemes?  

You can't even accurately  summarize your own OP correctly.  
Sorry if that's insulting.  

So let me get this straight ... you're more interested in whether these are Floridians, Ukrainians vs Russians?  So nationality is somehow a sticking point for you, while you're not realky interested in the fact they committed felonies with the help Ghouliani and Trump??

And that $300k isn't enough cheddar to qualify as a significant oay to play scheme?


Okay dude.  Excellent spin.  What a sad, pathetic defense you offer up.  

Oh but don't forget the crown jewel of your defense

"BUT OBAMA DID _________ ...!!"

I fucking called that shot didn't I?

Christ you boys need a new routine, it's as as predictable as Chilly's kick ass offense. 

And for the record I'm in my 40s, and remember a time Republicans were parading around on standards of family values and wanted Clinton impeached over his testimony about lying about a fucking blowjob.

Now you're too chicken shit to pit Trump under oath, blocking his aids from testifying, and welcome foreign influence into our elections and government because $325k isn't that much anyway.  And cheering on a trillion dollar deficit in a hot economy because rich people didn't get enough tax breaks.

Jesus Christ.

RIP fiscal conservatives and party of family values ...

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
@A1Janitor said:
Here is a good start for you to read.

Mueller said no Russian collusion.  Barr and Rosenstein said no obstruction.  Now we are on impeachment for a quid pro quo where aid wasn’t withheld, Trump improved military aid to Ukraine over what Obama did, and the Bidens were corrupt.  

Corruption under Obama.  It is being released soon.  Read the article.  That is bad shit.  
Barr is a partisan lapdog.  He said no obstruction, while Mueller outlined several instances for obstruction but said they can't press charges on a sitting President. 

Way to gloss over the actual facts, ignore what really happened.  Par for the course.

And now we circle back to Obama, because you can't explain or defend Trump's corruption.  Bravo.
The report left obstruction up to Barr.  Barr and Rosenstein said there was no obstruction.   The simple reason is there was a plausible explanation that wasn’t obstruction. 

Look - Russia was a hoax.  The proof is coming out.  

We circle back to Obama - because Russia was a hoax that involved FISA abuse by the Obama administration.  It worked with Ukraine with DNC and Hillary to use foreign intelligence to influence the election.  Biden and the other corrupt dems are the reason why they created the hoax and legally spied. 

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
@SFVikeFan said:
@A1Janitor said:
Here is a good start for you to read.

Mueller said no Russian collusion.  Barr and Rosenstein said no obstruction.  Now we are on impeachment for a quid pro quo where aid wasn’t withheld, Trump improved military aid to Ukraine over what Obama did, and the Bidens were corrupt.  

Corruption under Obama.  It is being released soon.  Read the article.  That is bad shit.  
Barr is a partisan lapdog.  He said no obstruction, while Mueller outlined several instances for obstruction but said they can't press charges on a sitting President. 

Way to gloss over the actual facts, ignore what really happened.  Par for the course.

And now we circle back to Obama, because you can't explain or defend Trump's corruption.  Bravo.
The report left obstruction up to Barr.  Barr and Rosenstein said there was no obstruction.   The simple reason is there was a plausible explanation that wasn’t obstruction. 

Look - Russia was a hoax.  The proof is coming out.  

We circle back to Obama - because Russia was a hoax that involved FISA abuse by the Obama administration.  It worked with Ukraine with DNC and Hillary to use foreign intelligence to influence the election.  Biden and the other corrupt dems are the reason why they created the hoax and legally spied. 
What does any of this have to do with 2 Russian/Ukrainian/foreign men from Florida arrested for felonies, trying to flee the country, after working with Ghouliani in a pay to play scheme involving Trump, and your refusal to acknowledge it?

Are you for or against corruption - yes or no?  Because right now you don't care about Republican corruption, just come out and admit it.

Stop changing the subject - your pathetic deflections are old.

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
Here is a good start for you to read.

Mueller said no Russian collusion.  Barr and Rosenstein said no obstruction.  Now we are on impeachment for a quid pro quo where aid wasn’t withheld, Trump improved military aid to Ukraine over what Obama did, and the Bidens were corrupt.  

Corruption under Obama.  It is being released soon.  Read the article.  That is bad shit.  
First off, aid was withheld, and on top of that - Ukraine knew it.

Second, Trump's not involved with determining how much aid to supply to Ukraine.  That's Congress.  So no, Trump did not improve aid over Obama because that's not what the POTUS does.  

You continue to prove you have literally ZERO understanding of the issues and invent shit out of thin air that you try to pass off  as fact.

You're basically a Trump Mini-Me.


I won’t waste my time talking to you anymore.  

The moderation here is a joke.  

Nothing but bait posts.  

Time will tell.  

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