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Californians line up to legally buy recreational pot

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@Vikergirl said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Vikergirl said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Vikergirl said:
Good for California. That is a boatload of cash. Marijuana has medicinal benefit as well as the recreational high. I look forward to seeing states continue to push to legalize it. 
it would be good as long as it was just pot,  but it wont stay that way IMO.   In SD we have seen an increase in pot usage which imo is no big deal,  except we are seeing an increase in other drug use as well.   dealers are lacing their pot with shit and then using that to get people hooked on other harder drugs.  I am not talking about every dealer,  but as first responders we are being made aware of these things as they are on the increase at an alarming rate.   people got pissy about tobacco because some brands were doing shit to make their cigs more addicting... I wonder if we will see the same outrage with this industry?  My bet is we wont because its become a darling to so many even though pot growers for years have been engineering their product for higher highs which will only increase the brains need for more the next time.
I think any sort of outrage will come from the pharmaceutical industry since it will eat into their profit margin because of the medical benefits. I hate that there is always someone that contaminates things that way. But of course, corruption and greed exist. Bath salts are scary because they ban one and they go back to the lab and change it. I keep watching the research with marijuana and ptsd as well as autism. There are great opportunities to help people. 
my question is why dont pharma identify the properties in the pot that help these issues,  and then isolate them as a pharmaceutical and make that an affordable product to counter the push by the legalize pot club?  seems that nothing would slow the growth of legalized pot faster than taking away the health benefit card.
That would be ideal but we have federal and state law butting heads. And as far as making it affordable, that is not big pharma's motivation. 
they are a business,  they will do what they have to do to protect profits.  they sell their drugs cheaper where they arent protected by their politicians,  they will realize that medical pot is cutting into their business and make adjustements, its just a matter of how soon.  I am betting pretty soon as their lobbying efforts to stop it arent paying off anymore.
you could ask the same question about HEMP, another substance of the cannabis plant with miniscule THC (psychoactive) qualities. HEMP has been prohibited on a mass scale for decades despites its massive industrial applications.  pathetic that this country has to import hemp from Canada to utilize it in the smallest of markets. 

people need to realize most of the laws created in this country, have been manipulated not to protect the people but to protect special interest of corporations. the one of the things the founding fathers feared the most


Quote: @NodakViking said:
Nobody is in prison for simply possessing or smoking pot.

I think Sessions is putting the ball back in the hands of actual law makers.  Obama governed by edict, memos, and EO and that is simply reversed as it should be when it contradicts established law.

Lobby Congress if you want  it  legalized, it can't be done with a simple memo..
i dont know about this, might want to check your facts. The ACLU (which despite the public opinion of their political leanings) did a study of a 10 year period showing that of the 8.2 million people arrested for marijuana, over 80% were solely for pot.  Lets cut that number in half, thats 3.2 million people who have to go through the court system, most cant pay a $200-300 fine because of a pot bust. Could fuck up someone’s personal record, limiting their ability in the future to be a productive person, off the welfarw system in the future. 

an arrest for this plant possession could be the first domino in the beginning of the end of someone’s life, someone we need to move up through the socio-economic ladder not down it

If somebody can't afford a $200 fine...perhaps they shouldn't be spending money on recreational weed.

Quote: @Skodin said:

@NodakViking said:
Nobody is in prison for simply possessing or smoking pot.

I think Sessions is putting the ball back in the hands of actual law makers.  Obama governed by edict, memos, and EO and that is simply reversed as it should be when it contradicts established law.

Lobby Congress if you want  it  legalized, it can't be done with a simple memo..
i dont know about this, might want to check your facts. The ACLU (which despite the public opinion of their political leanings) did a study of a 10 year period showing that of the 8.2 million people arrested for marijuana, over 80% were solely for pot.  Lets cut that number in half, thats 3.2 million people who have to go through the court system, most cant pay a $200-300 fine because of a pot bust. Could fuck up someone’s personal record, limiting their ability in the future to be a productive person, off the welfarw system in the future. 

an arrest for this plant possession could be the first domino in the beginning of the end of someone’s life, someone we need to move up through the socio-economic ladder not down it

Link it for me because we have pedo's and murders getting light sentences if they are taking up prison beds for a guy with a joint I'd like to see it and I'll become an advocate-most cops don't give a shit about the neighbor smoking a joint on his porch but it can be a reason to take a closer look at a shady character.  We are talking PRISON, not arrested for possession and spend a couple nights in city/county.  If they are in prison solely for possession it's because it was a large quantity and the intent to distribute.

Quote: @NodakViking said:
@Skodin said:

@NodakViking said:
Nobody is in prison for simply possessing or smoking pot.

I think Sessions is putting the ball back in the hands of actual law makers.  Obama governed by edict, memos, and EO and that is simply reversed as it should be when it contradicts established law.

Lobby Congress if you want  it  legalized, it can't be done with a simple memo..
i dont know about this, might want to check your facts. The ACLU (which despite the public opinion of their political leanings) did a study of a 10 year period showing that of the 8.2 million people arrested for marijuana, over 80% were solely for pot.  Lets cut that number in half, thats 3.2 million people who have to go through the court system, most cant pay a $200-300 fine because of a pot bust. Could fuck up someone’s personal record, limiting their ability in the future to be a productive person, off the welfarw system in the future. 

an arrest for this plant possession could be the first domino in the beginning of the end of someone’s life, someone we need to move up through the socio-economic ladder not down it

Link it for me because we have pedo's and murders getting light sentences if they are taking up prison beds for a guy with a joint I'd like to see it and I'll become an advocate-most cops don't give a shit about the neighbor smoking a joint on his porch but it can be a reason to take a closer look at a shady character.  We are talking PRISON, not arrested for possession and spend a couple nights in city/county.  If they are in prison solely for possession it's because it was a large quantity and the intent to distribute.
feel free to check it out.

im not standing fully behind these numbers but here they are.  the correctional system is the correctional system and for tax payers it all comes at a cost


Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
If somebody can't afford a $200 fine...perhaps they shouldn't be spending money on recreational weed.
exactly the type of response I (as I’m sure many others expect from you). You reek of the new GOP, clutching to hypocrisy and the bible. Its why and others are leaving the fucking shit hole party. 

Marijuana like gay marriage should have been political footballs the GOP should have picked up and ran with. They are nothing but representation of conservative small government ideals, personal responsibility, tax revenue (in the case
of weed). This GOP loves to salute the troops, but don’t want to give themaccess to the healthy substance that has proven to rid them of their opiod issues.  They love to protect the baby boomers but want to limit their access to a drug that can help them dramatically with neurological and brain issues. They believe in capitalism in the form of innovation, creativity, and small business for the every man yet they dont want this business to flourish because of some bullshit Nancy R pushed back in the early 80s. Despite your subjection, the war on drugs has been a massive failure (except for the private prision system, big pharma).

This should have been a GOP platform, less intrusion by the government, lower health care costs, and the growth of small business (including the impact on the flood of drugs through the southern border), but no. they much rather get in bed with the large institutions, stripping the power of the masses to take another step towards personal freedom. 

Fucking Sessions is another step in the party going ass backwarda. The GoP moved to the radical right, the purists and ultimately sold themselves out to a conman. The last piece pulled from this shitty jenga tower before the collapse. 

Quote: @Skodin said:

@JimmyinSD said:
If somebody can't afford a $200 fine...perhaps they shouldn't be spending money on recreational weed.
exactly the type of response I (as I’m sure many others expect from you). You reek of the new GOP, clutching to hypocrisy and the bible. Its why and others are leaving the fucking shit hole party. 

Marijuana like gay marriage should have been political footballs the GOP should have picked up and ran with. They are nothing but representation of conservative small government ideals, personal responsibility, tax revenue (in the case
of weed). This GOP loves to salute the troops, but don’t want to give themaccess to the healthy substance that has proven to rid them of their opiod issues.  They love to protect the baby boomers but want to limit their access to a drug that can help them dramatically with neurological and brain issues. They believe in capitalism in the form of innovation, creativity, and small business for the every man yet they dont want this business to flourish because of some bullshit Nancy R pushed back in the early 80s. Despite your subjection, the war on drugs has been a massive failure (except for the private prision system, big pharma).

This should have been a GOP platform, less intrusion by the government, lower health care costs, and the growth of small business (including the impact on the flood of drugs through the southern border), but no. they much rather get in bed with the large institutions, stripping the power of the masses to take another step towards personal freedom. 

Fucking Sessions is another step in the party going ass backwarda. The GoP moved to the radical right, the purists and ultimately sold themselves out to a conman. The last piece pulled from this shitty jenga tower before the collapse. 
Settle down cheech.  I have said forever that it should be legalized and taxed,  but until then if you can't do the time don't do the crime.  I don't care what the offense is I will have little sympathy for people who willingly break the law for no reason other than being stupid.  And pissing away money on booze, cigs, or pot when you can't scrape together a couple hundred is just plain retarded.... no matter who you vote for.  

Quote: @Skodin said:
@NodakViking said:
@Skodin said:

@NodakViking said:
Nobody is in prison for simply possessing or smoking pot.

I think Sessions is putting the ball back in the hands of actual law makers.  Obama governed by edict, memos, and EO and that is simply reversed as it should be when it contradicts established law.

Lobby Congress if you want  it  legalized, it can't be done with a simple memo..
i dont know about this, might want to check your facts. The ACLU (which despite the public opinion of their political leanings) did a study of a 10 year period showing that of the 8.2 million people arrested for marijuana, over 80% were solely for pot.  Lets cut that number in half, thats 3.2 million people who have to go through the court system, most cant pay a $200-300 fine because of a pot bust. Could fuck up someone’s personal record, limiting their ability in the future to be a productive person, off the welfarw system in the future. 

an arrest for this plant possession could be the first domino in the beginning of the end of someone’s life, someone we need to move up through the socio-economic ladder not down it

Link it for me because we have pedo's and murders getting light sentences if they are taking up prison beds for a guy with a joint I'd like to see it and I'll become an advocate-most cops don't give a shit about the neighbor smoking a joint on his porch but it can be a reason to take a closer look at a shady character.  We are talking PRISON, not arrested for possession and spend a couple nights in city/county.  If they are in prison solely for possession it's because it was a large quantity and the intent to distribute.
feel free to check it out.

im not standing fully behind these numbers but here they are.  the correctional system is the correctional system and for tax payers it all comes at a cost

Those are purely arrest numbers, the fact that only 52% of drug arrests are for Marijuana favors my contention also considering marijuana is much more widely used and used far more openly, if there were really a war on marijuana users it would scale more like 80-90%.

Secondly, of course the vast majority are "users not king pins", that is ridiculously obvious, how many users are there vs "king pins"

The infographic is nearly useless, much like the ACLU.

Quote: @Skodin said:

@JimmyinSD said:
If somebody can't afford a $200 fine...perhaps they shouldn't be spending money on recreational weed.
exactly the type of response I (as I’m sure many others expect from you). You reek of the new GOP, clutching to hypocrisy and the bible. Its why and others are leaving the fucking shit hole party. 

Marijuana like gay marriage should have been political footballs the GOP should have picked up and ran with. They are nothing but representation of conservative small government ideals, personal responsibility, tax revenue (in the case
of weed). This GOP loves to salute the troops, but don’t want to give themaccess to the healthy substance that has proven to rid them of their opiod issues.  They love to protect the baby boomers but want to limit their access to a drug that can help them dramatically with neurological and brain issues. They believe in capitalism in the form of innovation, creativity, and small business for the every man yet they dont want this business to flourish because of some bullshit Nancy R pushed back in the early 80s. Despite your subjection, the war on drugs has been a massive failure (except for the private prision system, big pharma).

This should have been a GOP platform, less intrusion by the government, lower health care costs, and the growth of small business (including the impact on the flood of drugs through the southern border), but no. they much rather get in bed with the large institutions, stripping the power of the masses to take another step towards personal freedom. 

Fucking Sessions is another step in the party going ass backwarda. The GoP moved to the radical right, the purists and ultimately sold themselves out to a conman. The last piece pulled from this shitty jenga tower before the collapse. 

The modern GOP is completely full of shit, and needs to either die or pull its head out.  They claim to want smaller government, but back stupidity that prohibition and any number of consistent statistics prove to be futile...unless one is addicted to Super PAC money from for-profit prisons and money from "big pharma".

In a country (theoretically) prioritizing liberty and equality, the GOP's positions on marriage equality are basically treasonous, and it costs them a ton of moderate votes every time around.  The recent surge of elected republicans will taper off, brutally, unless the party actually backs up these core messages for a change.  It's a losing game, in both the short and long terms, to keep shoring up the homophobe and weed-hater votes...because the will of the people is heading elsewhere.


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