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Let's Tax Meat

first, the meat of the last 50 years, the commercializTion on a massive scale, has lead to a different type of meat, with the inclusion of various bacteria, viruses, due to poor conditions.  one of the reasons we have ag - gag laws, so the general public doesn’t see the not only the inhumane treatment of animals, but really the horrific disgusting conditions these animals live in.  what man ate for the last 5000 years is vastly different than today.  Chickens have essentially been bred to lay a dozen off eggs a month, turkeys are twice their evolutionary scientific weight.  these are only great things for the seller of these meats, not to the consumer.  you are getting disturbingly unhealthy meat, not even discussin the lack of actual regulations of the usda.  what is allowable in your meat is frightening, contamination runs rampant, so they pump in ammonia, used to give animals arsenic, this is all in the stuff you consume.

second, the cocoa, chocolate, what ever version of the bean you want to blame, isn’t as negative to one’s impact on their health as processed meat.  seriously, it’s a level 1 CARCINOGEN, it’s right there on the World Health Organizations website, considered more dangerous than malaria, ddt, diesel exhaus particles.  putting this on a message board won’t turn anyone plant based today, but it will open viewers eyes to facts they were unaware of.  This being one pretty simple, straightforwrd example.  There are countless others (harvard, cornell, american cancer association, who, the UN) and before you say “hey but i saw an article that says chicken periods are good for me”, check the sponsor of the article, or study.  Sadly it’s usually sponsored BIG AG, which as a smart human being you have question the legitmacy.

sugar, no doubt is horrible for you. horrible in excess amounts, and you have to look at your labels to understand the amounts of sugar that are snuck in, into products.  The difference between sugar and meat would be the external impacts of too many cows, polluted waters, too much methane, land degredation, etc.  This isn’t subjective, these are the facts

there is such a great opportunity now to go plant based, try the beyond meat burger, it’s the equivalent of a regular burger yet without everything that will make you fat or run you to the grave,  There are many products that are just as good, replacing other meat products with overwhelming praise of meat and non meat eaters alike.  Check where the big money is going, big food companies are making animal free products daily, market share grows, and people’s lives are changing.

if the thread is still open later id be happy to respond to every single point youve talked yourself into.  if not we can do it via PM. 

PM me. I am open for conversation

I am at a convention today so no long responses,  but please keep it going.  I love to hear how I am poisoning the world from people who have never been on a farm or ranch and have no first and experience of what they are talking about.

Agr thanks for covering the high points...especially the BS about drugs in the meat and dairy.

Show me the link to where it says meat is a “stage 1 carcinogen”.


Quote: @Max said:
Show me the link to where it says meat is a “stage 1 carcinogen”.

first group, known carcinogens


Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
I am at a convention today so no long responses,  but please keep it going.  I love to hear how I am poisoning the world from people who have never been on a farm or ranch and have no first and experience of what they are talking about.

Agr thanks for covering the high points...especially the BS about drugs in the meat and dairy.
again, your personal experience doesnt speak
in totality for the industry. 

antibiotic use in animal agriculture industry

laymans explaination

if you are considering using the words fake news in response to these and the thousands of other non big profit driven studies, then do not respond because their is actual debate to be had here. 

getting back to the op, if we know that eating MORE plants over meat is better for your health in the long run (science overwhelming in favor of more if not all plants vs meat), then why are we bitching about health care costs in this country and not willing to discuss the subsidies of the animal agriculture industry.

Its obvious your food costs are not on an equal playing field here, which is a shame because many people choose less cost more quantity and slowly it is killing people and taking money out of your pockets paying for their slow agnozing death

Quote: @Skodin said:
@Max said:
Show me the link to where it says meat is a “stage 1 carcinogen”.

first group, known carcinogens
It seems like you missed this part:

For example, IARC considers there to be strong evidence that both tobacco smoking and eating processed meat can cause cancer, so both are listed as “carcinogenic to humans.” But smoking is much more likely to cause cancer than eating processed meat, even though both are in the same category.
Carcinogens do not cause cancer at all times, under all circumstances. Some may only be carcinogenic if a person is exposed in a certain way (for example, swallowing it as opposed to touching it). Some may only cause cancer in people who have a certain genetic makeup. Some of these agents may lead to cancer after only a very small exposure, while others might require intense exposure over many years. Again, you should refer to the agencies’ reports for specifics.

The amount of meat needed for it to cause a potential increase with some other genetic factors is about four strips of bacon every day. Every day over a long period of time. That's an argument against a small portion of the population.

National Chicken council states that in 2017 americans ate on average (mind you this is a low number on rhe average scale, many others had much higher consumption figures) 217 lbs of meat

217 lbs / 365 days = 0.59 pounds a day

A strip of bacon = 1 ounce, 4 strips = 4 ounces or a quarter pound a day

So Americans eat almost TWICE the amount that you say is only a small amount of population.  Again. You just validated my point. people have no idea how much meat and dairy they are consuming and a majority of science states it is poor for your health.   Unless you want this country to bankrupt itself due to poor health, then we need to have a conversation about wtf we are eating. 

Regarding your cancer stance, there are many items on that list that are less dangerous than cigarette smoking but i highly doubt you are willing to breath, drink, absorb them.  so based on your logic, i should better about having an asbestos surrounded enviroment, because technically it is not as bad as smoking


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