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We'll we have had the DNC & RNC...
I dont usually stick my proboscis into political banter....

However, when a long time friend and poster whom I have known since our PT days together PMs me, upset & frustrated then something is wrong. Although we may differ in some of our views, I nevertheless consider him (like all of you) my purple brothers.

A reminder that this is first and foremost a forum for Vikings football. During the offseason, in light of perhaps working from home, and subsequently more computer time: given the divisive political rhetoric, and recent examples of racial bigotry the “sensitive topics” portion of Vikefans seems to becoming more and more toxic. I know at least two moderators that are at “wits end”, and since many of us value ALL contributions to the board, we need to remember to be respectful to one another - otherwise we are no better than what we read in the headlines.  

Lets keep insults, name-calling, and all the other sophomoric crap to a minimum.  Lets take the high road, and build each other up. Say what you want to say, but be respectful.

Your Purple brother,


Former Bush and McCain advisor Steve Schmidt sums it up nicely...

The desecration of the White House for Trump’s perverse political use is an abomination. The question of whether voters care about the Hatch Act is beside the point. It is the law. Trump’s convention was a pageant of breathtaking dishonesty, racial incitement and demagoguery.

It was an exposition of lawlessness where the powerful symbols of State that belong to all of us were profoundly abused in the name of Trump’s personal vanity and political narcissism. The playing of Hail to the Chief and the use of USMC sentries attired in dress uniforms for political purposes was grotesque. Make no mistake about what Trump declared over these last four days. In essence he said, I AM THE TRUTH, I AM THE LAW, I AM THE STATE. The Republican Party’s platform has but one demand. One requirement. Obedience and loyalty to Trump. 

It is the definition of a cult of personality. This cult of personality is sustained by a vast, disaggregated and pernicious propaganda network that includes misinformation incepted and distributed by Russian Intelligence Services and other state actors, Fox News, OAN, Breitbart, a rancid collection of pundits and talk radio hosts , Internet trolls, Q Anon, and a thousand Facebook sites that teem and boil with conspiracy theories, extremism, menace, racism, antisemitism and misogyny. All of it together represents a grave danger to our national unity and democracy.

There is a war being waged on truth and it turns out truth like the concepts of duty and patriotism was surrounded by many faithless friends. The complicity through both deed and silence of Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Susan Collins and so many more in service to the maliced alternate reality of Trumpism seen this week isn’t just disgraceful, it’s tragic and deadly.

The RNC began with the appearance of the contemptible McCloskeys. Their awfulness was experienced by the children of the Synagogue who have the misfortune of worshipping God next door to the McCloskeys. The children established bee hives to curate honey for the Jewish holidays. The hives were accidentally placed inches over the property line. McCloskey took an axe to them. The only reason they were on television this week was for pointing weapons at Black people who were peacefully marching for justice and equality on their street. Their message speaks for itself. Their words had meaning. Matt Gaetz words had meaning. Kimberly Guilfoyles messianic blatherings of devotion had meaning.

A 17 year old heard the message. He lived in Indiana. He sat in the front row of a Trump rally. He heard it all. He took it all in. He was poisoned by it. He was converted by it. He was radicalized by Trumpism the same way young men in the Middle East are radicalized by extremism. He drove to Wisconsin with his AR-15 to join the fight. He became a killer there. We ignore this radicalization at our great peril. There is indisputable cause and effect. We do not have the luxury to pretend there is not.

This was another week of needless suffering and death in America. Thousands are dead since the gavel was struck on Monday. More families are shattered and more businesses are shuttered. That is the reality. School openings are in chaos and there is no plan.

This week was another putrid chapter in this ghastly Trump era. America knows the truth and the truth is this. Trump is untrustworthy and dishonest. He is a liar. He doesn’t care about anything or anyone but himself. He doesn’t care about your family or mine. He doesn’t care for our troops, and he doesn’t care for America. He lacks humanity and decency and processes none of the noble virtues that built our nation.

Quote: @Vanguard83 said:
I dont usually stick my proboscis into political banter....

However, when a long time friend and poster whom I have known since our PT days together PMs me, upset & frustrated then something is wrong. Although we may differ in some of our views, I nevertheless consider him (like all of you) my purple brothers.

A reminder that this is first and foremost a forum for Vikings football. During the offseason, in light of perhaps working from home, and subsequently more computer time: given the divisive political rhetoric, and recent examples of racial bigotry the “sensitive topics” portion of Vikefans seems to becoming more and more toxic. I know at least two moderators that are at “wits end”, and since many of us value ALL contributions to the board, we need to remember to be respectful to one another - otherwise we are no better than what we read in the headlines.  

Lets keep insults, name-calling, and all the other sophomoric crap to a minimum.  Lets take the high road, and build each other up. Say what you want to say, but be respectful.

Your Purple brother,
Its a nice sentiment, but that won't happen on the Internet. Its why I've always advocated for NOT having political talk on this board. It can't be done, not here or anywhere there's political debate online despite good intentions. So really its just wash, rinse and repeat. 

Quote: @IDVikingfan said:
I thought the DNC presentations were typical for their point of view as frequently expressed in the media.  I listened mostly to the main speakers during the evening presentations, not the total convention.  Being a conservative, they were not likely to change my opinion just as the liberals on this forum were not likely to change their opinion during the RNC.
You started by saying
  1. "I watched both conventions..." and then listed what you liked about the RNC (with quite a number of other speakers meaning you watched both main and other speakers)
  2. When asked what you liked about the DNC you then stated...
  3. "I listened mostly to the main speakers during the evening presentations" so you technically did not watch both conventions. You watched the RNC convention and some parts of the DNC convention
Anyway like you said "...[b]eing a conservative, they were not likely to change my opinion".

Food for thought...
Why would one make a conclusion about a convention one did not mostly watch and attempt to compare two conventions when one mostly watched just the RNC - the preferred convention (which in itself is not a problem I should add)? 
Just wondering out loud

It was fair to say I watched both conventions, the way most people that are currently employed.  We watch in the evening when we can.  

Mblack, food for thought.  In my OP, I simply stated talks that I especially liked from the RNC and did not make a comparison between the two conventions.  MB asked if I there were talks that from then DNC that I liked, at least that was my interpretation from his "and the DNC?" query.  None in particular, I listened to hear their viewpoint.

If I must be very specific, the main line speakers at the DNC did not convince me to consider voting for candidate Biden or supporting their platform. 

Quote: @IDVikingfan said:
It was fair to say I watched both conventions, the way most people that are currently employed.  We watch in the evening when we can.  

Mblack, food for thought.  In my OP, I simply stated talks that I especially liked from the RNC and did not make a comparison between the two conventions.  MB asked if I there were talks that from then DNC that I liked, at least that was my interpretation from his "and the DNC?" query.  None in particular, I listened to hear their viewpoint.

If I must be very specific, the main line speakers at the DNC did not convince me to consider voting for candidate Biden or supporting their platform. 

What do you particularly like about the Republican platform?

This is not the board for me, as a conservative, to discuss what I like about the RNC platform.  I'm not interested in debating.  As far as the RNC goes, I particularly enjoyed the presentations with personal stories and views expressed by the everyday Americans rather than the politicians.

Quote: @IDVikingfan said:
This is not the board for me, as a conservative, to discuss what I like about the RNC platform.  I'm not interested in debating.  As far as the RNC goes, I particularly enjoyed the presentations with personal stories and views expressed by the everyday Americans rather than the politicians.

I guess you missed that they don't have a new one. 

I thought this was interesting:

Report: New York tenants were not aware they would be featured at the Republican National ConventionJeanine Santucci
Tenants of New York City housing who were featured in a video at the Republican National Convention said they were not made aware how the video was going to be used, according to The New York Times.
Three of the four people featured in the video told the Times that they were misled into appearing before the convention. The video was used to criticize New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, a Democrat who also sought his party's nomination, and his handling of public housing, and to attribute funding and improvements to the Trump administration.
"I am not a Trump supporter,” Claudia Perez told the Times in an interview. She said she was upset about the deception but stood by her criticisms of the city's housing issues.
Story here:


Quote: @BigAl99 said:
@IDVikingfan said:
This is not the board for me, as a conservative, to discuss what I like about the RNC platform.  I'm not interested in debating.  As far as the RNC goes, I particularly enjoyed the presentations with personal stories and views expressed by the everyday Americans rather than the politicians.

I guess you missed that they don't have a new one. 
Yes, I was aware, due to the pandemic, there was not a new 2020 platform.

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