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Quote: @greediron said:
@medaille said:
@BigAl99 said:
Joe was talking policy, he wasn't confused.  Biden got too comfortable, cavalier, a little dismissive, not confused or cognitively challenged.  I would love to hear Trump in a similar format, not just being pandered by Fox or RT media
I do agree that in this situation he wasn't expressing confusion like he does in other times.  He does have the one moment of "confusion" where he claims “The NAACP’s endorsed me every time I’ve run. I mean, come on. Take a look at the record.”, which the NAACP has denied, since they don't endorse candidates.  I think this is more likely a minor lie, where some individual member of NAACP endorsed him and he made it sound more grandiose.
I also wonder, assuming this was clear thinking, what that implies.  I'm white and I think there's clearly some things that are 100% off the table to ever say.  There's zero percent chance I call one of my black friends the N-word, even if they were cool with it.  I think this is one of those times.  I think calling someone "not black enough" or "not really black" in pretty much any context, as a white person, is a 100% no go.  I also think that combining that with a "your not black enough ... if you don't do what I want" is pretty egregious.  I think it would have been less damning for Biden to have called him the N-Word in a friendly way, but obviously that's not for me to judge.

Regarding the format.  I do like this format.  I think Charlamagne da God was focused on the topics and policies that mattered to him.  I don't know where you exist in thinking that Trump is being pandered to, given that almost every press conference he's being baited into saying something stupid by an antagonistic media, and that Biden is mostly doing fluff pieces except that one interviewer that challenged him on his Tara Reid assault allegation.  I mostly think the only way this happens is through small independent media.  I don't think mainstream media will do this anymore.  They're too intertwined in the system to ask real questions that people care about.  The last thing the mainstream media wants to talk about is policies.  They just want to focus on scandals of their enemies and the few topics guaranteed to keep people divisive.  They won't rock the boat for anything that potentially rocks the boat of their corporate advertisers.
Well stated as usual Medaille.  To me, assuming to have dibs on an entire voting block because of their race is pretty much the epitome of racism.  Assuming that a race of people, based on the color of their skin can't think for themselves, need to be coerced, pushed back into line reveals Biden's racism. 

BigAl is right, this wasn't one of the many times Biden was confused, but indeed was too comfortable.  So comfortable and assuming that he let his racism escape his mouth.  To bad the interviewer wasn't clean, articulate and bright like Obama....  Maybe all of this would have just been ignored then.

he cant be racist... hes a democrat,  only those that dont follow that doctrine can be racists.

just like only Fox News is the only media that can be biased or have an agenda.

And old white conservatives are the one's best able to recognize it, and for the right reasons too.

Quote: @BigAl99 said:
And old white conservatives are the one's best able to recognize it, and for the right reasons too.

Biden doesn't seem like a conservative.  Odd connection to make there.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@greediron said:
@medaille said:
@BigAl99 said:
Joe was talking policy, he wasn't confused.  Biden got too comfortable, cavalier, a little dismissive, not confused or cognitively challenged.  I would love to hear Trump in a similar format, not just being pandered by Fox or RT media
I do agree that in this situation he wasn't expressing confusion like he does in other times.  He does have the one moment of "confusion" where he claims “The NAACP’s endorsed me every time I’ve run. I mean, come on. Take a look at the record.”, which the NAACP has denied, since they don't endorse candidates.  I think this is more likely a minor lie, where some individual member of NAACP endorsed him and he made it sound more grandiose.
I also wonder, assuming this was clear thinking, what that implies.  I'm white and I think there's clearly some things that are 100% off the table to ever say.  There's zero percent chance I call one of my black friends the N-word, even if they were cool with it.  I think this is one of those times.  I think calling someone "not black enough" or "not really black" in pretty much any context, as a white person, is a 100% no go.  I also think that combining that with a "your not black enough ... if you don't do what I want" is pretty egregious.  I think it would have been less damning for Biden to have called him the N-Word in a friendly way, but obviously that's not for me to judge.

Regarding the format.  I do like this format.  I think Charlamagne da God was focused on the topics and policies that mattered to him.  I don't know where you exist in thinking that Trump is being pandered to, given that almost every press conference he's being baited into saying something stupid by an antagonistic media, and that Biden is mostly doing fluff pieces except that one interviewer that challenged him on his Tara Reid assault allegation.  I mostly think the only way this happens is through small independent media.  I don't think mainstream media will do this anymore.  They're too intertwined in the system to ask real questions that people care about.  The last thing the mainstream media wants to talk about is policies.  They just want to focus on scandals of their enemies and the few topics guaranteed to keep people divisive.  They won't rock the boat for anything that potentially rocks the boat of their corporate advertisers.
Well stated as usual Medaille.  To me, assuming to have dibs on an entire voting block because of their race is pretty much the epitome of racism.  Assuming that a race of people, based on the color of their skin can't think for themselves, need to be coerced, pushed back into line reveals Biden's racism. 

BigAl is right, this wasn't one of the many times Biden was confused, but indeed was too comfortable.  So comfortable and assuming that he let his racism escape his mouth.  To bad the interviewer wasn't clean, articulate and bright like Obama....  Maybe all of this would have just been ignored then.

he cant be racist... hes a democrat,  only those that dont follow that doctrine can be racists.

just like only Fox News is the only media that can be biased or have an agenda.

He admitted his indiscretion and apologized, but it wasn't really racist remark, he was a little too casual comparing his policy position vs Trump's.  At least he didn't say covfeffe or we would have to be really concerned about his mental decline, which is what we were talking about.

Quote: @BigAl99 said:
It takes a fl
@greediron said:

It takes a flexible spine to assume that position.

So whats your take on this

I don’t think that’s going to distract much of the public
from Biden’s racist comments.  I think
Biden outTrumped Trump on this one.

Quote: @BigAl99 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@greediron said:
@medaille said:
@BigAl99 said:
Joe was talking policy, he wasn't confused.  Biden got too comfortable, cavalier, a little dismissive, not confused or cognitively challenged.  I would love to hear Trump in a similar format, not just being pandered by Fox or RT media
I do agree that in this situation he wasn't expressing confusion like he does in other times.  He does have the one moment of "confusion" where he claims “The NAACP’s endorsed me every time I’ve run. I mean, come on. Take a look at the record.”, which the NAACP has denied, since they don't endorse candidates.  I think this is more likely a minor lie, where some individual member of NAACP endorsed him and he made it sound more grandiose.
I also wonder, assuming this was clear thinking, what that implies.  I'm white and I think there's clearly some things that are 100% off the table to ever say.  There's zero percent chance I call one of my black friends the N-word, even if they were cool with it.  I think this is one of those times.  I think calling someone "not black enough" or "not really black" in pretty much any context, as a white person, is a 100% no go.  I also think that combining that with a "your not black enough ... if you don't do what I want" is pretty egregious.  I think it would have been less damning for Biden to have called him the N-Word in a friendly way, but obviously that's not for me to judge.

Regarding the format.  I do like this format.  I think Charlamagne da God was focused on the topics and policies that mattered to him.  I don't know where you exist in thinking that Trump is being pandered to, given that almost every press conference he's being baited into saying something stupid by an antagonistic media, and that Biden is mostly doing fluff pieces except that one interviewer that challenged him on his Tara Reid assault allegation.  I mostly think the only way this happens is through small independent media.  I don't think mainstream media will do this anymore.  They're too intertwined in the system to ask real questions that people care about.  The last thing the mainstream media wants to talk about is policies.  They just want to focus on scandals of their enemies and the few topics guaranteed to keep people divisive.  They won't rock the boat for anything that potentially rocks the boat of their corporate advertisers.
Well stated as usual Medaille.  To me, assuming to have dibs on an entire voting block because of their race is pretty much the epitome of racism.  Assuming that a race of people, based on the color of their skin can't think for themselves, need to be coerced, pushed back into line reveals Biden's racism. 

BigAl is right, this wasn't one of the many times Biden was confused, but indeed was too comfortable.  So comfortable and assuming that he let his racism escape his mouth.  To bad the interviewer wasn't clean, articulate and bright like Obama....  Maybe all of this would have just been ignored then.

he cant be racist... hes a democrat,  only those that dont follow that doctrine can be racists.

just like only Fox News is the only media that can be biased or have an agenda.

He admitted his indiscretion and apologized, but it wasn't really racist remark, he was a little too casual comparing his policy position vs Trump's.  At least he didn't say covfeffe or we would have to be really concerned about his mental decline, which is what we were talking about.
Biden is a joke of a candidate,  he is Trump in a blue tie with less concern for America IMO.   Everything that team blue has wet themselves over the last 3 years trying to get rid of Trump...  Biden has been associated with the same, ( foreign influence, sexual scandal, racist allegations, cheese sliding off the cracker,  the list goes on)   but for some reason Biden is the candidate that team blue has chosen despite the outrage over the same shit from Trump.. sorry,  I think its fucking hilarious and will have a hard time really hearing any defense of Biden from those that cant wait to attack Trump every time something new pops up.  To me this isnt about whats best for the country,  its about winning an election regardless of how.   

as a middle income, middle America, middle of the road political person,  I am willing to acknowledge that no party represents me,  what astonishes me is that so many people who are in a very similar position as I am still think that one of two parties actually has their best interests (or that of the country) in mind.

All I know is the current status quo is crap, and I honestly hope that something good comes out of 100,000 American deaths and it ain't for nothing.  The WH failed to lead and is now trying to normalize it all.   I like Joe and his story, Trump not at all.
"Biden has been associated with the same, ( foreign influence, sexual
scandal, racist allegations, cheese sliding off the cracker,  the list
goes on)"That's crap, those are the accusations of the twitter chief and his minion's to create a false equivalency.  Conspiracy piffle.


Quote: @BigAl99 said:
All I know is the current status quo is crap, and I honestly hope that something good comes out of 100,000 American deaths and it ain't for nothing.  The WH failed to lead and is now trying to normalize it all.   I like Joe and his story, Trump not at all.
"Biden has been associated with the same, ( foreign influence, sexual
scandal, racist allegations, cheese sliding off the cracker,  the list
goes on)"That's crap, those are the accusations of the twitter chief and his minion's to create a false equivalency.  Conspiracy piffle.
I'm not sure how you can dismiss it as mere twitter ramblings.
Biden literally bragged on video about getting the guy investigating his son fired.Tara Reade has the 1996 court case where her former husband stated that Reade told him about "a problem she was having at work regarding sexual harassment, in U.S. Senator Joe Biden's office."  There's the Larry King clip where her mother calls in referring to it.  There's multiple people that confirmed she told them about it.  There's multiple videos of him caressing and smelling both women and young girls in public and continuing to do it while they're clearly uncomfortable. There's the press conference where he tells everyone the story about how he liked kids playing with his leg hair and loved them jumping on his lap.
Trump didn't really say anything about Biden's racist comments.  Those are purely his own.  You can watch the videos posted above.
Biden is literally the status quo.  He's much more the status quo than Trump is.  I think it's fair to say that you prefer Biden over Trump, but Biden's problems are all documented outside of anything having to do with Trump, and Trump just points at them, because candidates should be pointing out their opponents flaws.

It's easy, facts are facts, acknowledge and be aware that you may have Confirmation bias, this is where I landed on Barisma.  Not the only source for my opinion, but representative of where I stand on it.
Tara Reade has some pretty big issues with veracity under oath.   I don't find her credible and pretty much an opportunist, getting traction with Bidens opponents not on her claims but for her functionality.

You are so quick to land on anything to support, Trump is the status quo i refer to.


Quote: @medaille said:
@BigAl99 said:
All I know is the current status quo is crap, and I honestly hope that something good comes out of 100,000 American deaths and it ain't for nothing.  The WH failed to lead and is now trying to normalize it all.   I like Joe and his story, Trump not at all.
"Biden has been associated with the same, ( foreign influence, sexual
scandal, racist allegations, cheese sliding off the cracker,  the list
goes on)"That's crap, those are the accusations of the twitter chief and his minion's to create a false equivalency.  Conspiracy piffle.
I'm not sure how you can dismiss it as mere twitter ramblings.
Biden literally bragged on video about getting the guy investigating his son fired.Tara Reade has the 1996 court case where her former husband stated that Reade told him about "a problem she was having at work regarding sexual harassment, in U.S. Senator Joe Biden's office."  There's the Larry King clip where her mother calls in referring to it.  There's multiple people that confirmed she told them about it.  There's multiple videos of him caressing and smelling both women and young girls in public and continuing to do it while they're clearly uncomfortable. There's the press conference where he tells everyone the story about how he liked kids playing with his leg hair and loved them jumping on his lap.
Trump didn't really say anything about Biden's racist comments.  Those are purely his own.  You can watch the videos posted above.
Biden is literally the status quo.  He's much more the status quo than Trump is.  I think it's fair to say that you prefer Biden over Trump, but Biden's problems are all documented outside of anything having to do with Trump, and Trump just points at them, because candidates should be pointing out their opponents flaws.
Really wish you would do more research on these so called issues.

Biden had a corrupt prosecutor removed with the blessing of the White House, the UK and numerous other allies, the UN, Democrats AND Republicans.  Shokin was fired for NOT pursuing and prosecuting corruption in the Ukraine and EVERYONE was on board with the decision.  Stop listening to rightwing media and get the facts straight.  It’s unreal how fucked up you guys get these stories because clearly you are reading rightwing sources and not getting any facts correct.  I could post 100 sources but here are two:

Tara Reade is a nutcase.  She claimed harrassment 27 years ago but never said who.  Last year she claimed it was Biden made her uncomfortable, touching her shoulders.  Now she claims he penetrated her.  Whoa, touching shoulders vs now she says he was fingering her pussy like Trump brags about doing?   Her attorney, working pro bono, is a huge Trump supporter who donated over $50k to his campaign.

She has changed her story drastically numerous times.  She has a trail of people she scammed and lied to over the last 10-15 years.  She has several other people she has accused of sexual harrassment with no evidence.

Biden is a flawed candidate.  He doesn’t understand personal space and clearly makes people uncomfortable with his  touching.  Doesn’t make him guilty of sexual assault.  


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