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You want to talk DeSantis?
Quote: @BigAl99 said:
@badgervike said:
@BigAl99 said:
Any opinions on the "No Labels Party/Movement"?  Have a real hesitancy to third party candidate, voted for John Anderson in 80.  Have only seen the impact as a spoiler, Perot, Nader, keeps me in the lesser of two evils voting block.  Not a big fan of Manchin's policies, respect his loyalty to his constituency.  Huntsman, has more appeal, but don't think either has a chance in hell of moving any republicans away from the party, let alone winning.  Last thing I want is the vote being sent to congress to determine.
I knew we'd eventually find some common political ground Al.  I was the Campus Campaign Director for John Anderson in 1980.  The key to third party viability is to find someone that can secure 5% of the vote to get Federal funding the next time through.  Perot did it but that crazy bastard (I voted for him) couldn't put a movement together to capitalize on the funding / debate availability going forward.  A viable third party would cause both major parties to move to the center instead of a both ideological poles.

My opinion was Perot, took just enough to defeat H.W. Bush and Nader enabled SCOTUS pick the "Dub".  Just too risky this time around, 40% could carry     the election and enable, what I consider, a very bad result. 
The way its looking the very bad result is already a given.

Quote: @Zanary said:
@Skodin said:
@Zanary said:
The redcaps are really gonna hate this, but:

"Orangeboi bad" set up the gop, and the country, really, for this quagmire.  Well, him and his pack of zealots.

He convinced much of the gop to ride or die with him, which meant that the party was splintered, brutally, by his victory.

By winning as a polarizing figure, he deepened divides as he's also refused to build bridges.

He's isolated himself as his activities, lies, and lapses draw the wrong attention.

That said, he's also made it clear that the path to the gop candidacy will involve beating him...which practically demands a bluster battle.  Moderates, the candidates that could actually pull many independents, will largely be repelled.

The party already looks to be reeling, with full-on embarrassments like Santos and MTG staining things even worse while bluster babbles and continuing election tinfoil headwear makes the whole club look like a better-dressed Little Rascals episode...only with more yelling.

Ron picks dumb fights, then fights them badly, and his awkward messes are the press that results.  The very man he wants to out-do, while a disaster, is a disaster with a far more devout pack of drones.

Idolators can really ruin everything.
Some have been saying this since the first debate of the 2016 GOP primaries.  Trump will come in and destroy the party.

It is only a matter of time.  MAGA doesn't want the Romney's of the world.  Classic conservatives don't want the MTG's of the world.  

It's pathetic and over

I was one of those people, shouting warnings as far back as 2015, as well as all my other anti-duopoly efforts.

I'm from a GOP family, but we have scientists, we're pretty "integrated", and we all hate the party's determination to be run by the most obnoxious, hateful, excluding, and dishonest trash they can find.  This isn't about any love for the dnc-they're as bad or worse, but are far better at optics.

Middle America is increasingly sick of, and angry at, the duopoly of diarrhea that's destroying the country...but the worst, most obnoxious political entities are hogging all of the stages, with the media loving the outrages...and resulting ratings.
Same, grew up surrounded by and as a Reagan GOP types.  Hard working rising middle Americans just looking to be left alone, be supportive of your community, and work for what you want.

You can see it and feel it how frustrated people are now.  They use their echo chambers to feel safety and relief from the political frustration, it is really sad.  Social media becomes the blowhorn for the inner disappointment, insecurity, worry, sadness.  

Division becomes the new sport, people take sides regardless if it is in their interest or not.

Let the political system start to fall.  The dems aren't ready to take a real position, they are pretty pathetic as well.  This could lead to more candidates like a Vivak or Marianne who might seem kooky but they actually represent the majority of the things Americans want.  

The conservative that comes out and admits they:
  • Believe in climate change and the impact of conservation and infrastructure spending.  That the US 21st century new economy can & will be powered by our response to it
  • Believe that what happens behind close doors (as long as it actually not hurting anyone) is their business, and not the government
  • Believes that war on drugs has been a fucking boondoggle and does not work.  Legalization & rehab works better than over stressed judicial systems and for profit prisons.  Give vets access to psychedelics
  • Admits that the church and state separation should stay in fucking place and not let theology lead policy
  • That the 1st amendment should stand for something and stop censoring books in schools, banning anything it disagrees with
  • Admits that the military industrial complex is the biggest form of welfare and we are NOT the world's cop
  • That UBI is a real platform that should be installed to keep the poorest from becoming dependent on the system.  The rise of AI only adds more reason to protect vulnerable Americans
  • Wants to put Congressional TERM LIMITS in place, for the benefit of the people supporting both parties
Will be the person who rises from the ashes.

Quote: @Skodin said:
@Skodin said:
@purplefaithful said:
@AGRforever said:
@Purplemachine said:
@AGRforever said:
@JimmyinSD said:
whats scary... he was the best they had to offer to make the middle ground voters turn blue... if Joe isnt the candidate,  how bad will the next option be?

.......................Still better then Trump???  (popcorn emoji)
You're right there with your Z buddy. A joke. Laughin at you both...
Teflon Don is set to be a felon anyway.  So, I guess we’re back to Desantis?
So he allegedly stored, showed-off and refused to return classified docs...

Did he put the safety of American soldiers/bases at risk?
Confidential sources?
Relations with foreign countries? Adversaries?

Sounds like it could be serious s hit, but I dont know enough yet. I suspect most to the 37 counts will go away and it'll be Teflon again...

Although I have to say, you really dont want to f'ck with that counsel; He's a bad asz

His respect for this country, its military, its power is a fucking joke.  Classified docs available for anyone to see while there have been confirmed foreign agents in and out of Mar-A-Lago.  

Potential nuclear secrets just laying around, why keep them?  Either he wanted them to show off with no respect for their importance or he wanted them for leverage and money.  Can you think of more valuable documents in the world?

He's a fucking grifter with no loyalty.  He is a treasonist if he sold one ounce of classified docs for $1.  

What happened to Julius and Ethel Rosenberg should be on the table if he is proven guilty.
Yeah real American you are Jimmy.  Defending a guy who most likely sold our American secrets.  If he sold secrets, gave access to foreign enemies, that's treason.

Even a hayseed like yourself can read the text book definition, can't you?

Fucking vital classified boxes of information sitting in "ball room #3"  . . . . "but her emails!"
You want to see who sold military secrets to our enemies look no farther than Clinton and Obama.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
This seems to sum up where I am at on the election at this point.  Except to add that neither the swing vote,  nor those running the elections, will allow Trump to get into the White House again,  he is the only way that Biden has an ice cubes chance in hell of getting re-elected.  I wouldnt be surprised if Biden were replaced if Trump were to drop out as the Dems know that he would get killed by anybody other than Trump.

What is funny is last weeks big news here in flyover country was ND Governor Burgum announced his candidacy for president,  although he doesnt make the list of also rans anywhere.

Prepare for Four More Years of BidenAttacks on Trump have been never ending, and since Ron DeSantis gained nationwide exposure, mainstream media has constantly looked for ways to also attack him. However, lately I’m seeing more and more attacks on both candidates coming from the Right, including a lot of fake memes showing DeSantis with globalists, Trump-Fauci hugs, and other such garbage. Shouldn’t it be obvious the Left wants a civil war on the Right so their puppet candidate can get another term? Desantis is like Trump without the personal attacks and as much of the baggage, but in what I believe is a leftist-engineered campaign, they’re trying to make him sound like another Establishment Republican along the lines of Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney. Please.  Would one of those RINOs have stood strong against Disney and what the media misbranded the “Dont Say Gay” bill? Would they have the courage to open Florida during peak Covid fascism months? Would they have brought on medical experts to question the Covid vaccine & mask worship? Would they have the courage to pursue legislation to counter Big Tech censorship and lack of parental choice in schools? As for Trump, I think the best argument in favor of his election is the enemies he has against him — RINOs, the media, Big Tech, Hollywood, corrupt DA’s, etc.
When primary season hits, it is fair for Trump & Desantis to debate & challenge each other, but if either of them pursues such a scorched Earth attack line that they guarantee another Biden term, they will lose my support. BTW, I don’t think you’ll find a single person in the country who believes Mike Pence or Chris Christie can win the Republican nomination, much less the Presidency. They’re purely members of the Establishment Republican hit squad designed to attack Trump, Desantis, and their supporters — anything to get us back to the Uniparty candidates that governed us most of the past few decades.
The ND gov is a Bill Gates lackey. He sold his software company to him for $$$. He is a rino. Hell I wouldn't vote for him if was the only one on the ticket. Total POS.

Quote: @purplefaithful said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Waterboy said:
@JimmyinSD said:
This seems to sum up where I am at on the election at this point.  Except to add that neither the swing vote,  nor those running the elections, will allow Trump to get into the White House again,  he is the only way that Biden has an ice cubes chance in hell of getting re-elected.  I wouldnt be surprised if Biden were replaced if Trump were to drop out as the Dems know that he would get killed by anybody other than Trump.

What is funny is last weeks big news here in flyover country was ND Governor Burgum announced his candidacy for president,  although he doesnt make the list of also rans anywhere.

Prepare for Four More Years of BidenAttacks on Trump have been never ending, and since Ron DeSantis gained nationwide exposure, mainstream media has constantly looked for ways to also attack him. However, lately I’m seeing more and more attacks on both candidates coming from the Right, including a lot of fake memes showing DeSantis with globalists, Trump-Fauci hugs, and other such garbage. Shouldn’t it be obvious the Left wants a civil war on the Right so their puppet candidate can get another term? Desantis is like Trump without the personal attacks and as much of the baggage, but in what I believe is a leftist-engineered campaign, they’re trying to make him sound like another Establishment Republican along the lines of Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney. Please.  Would one of those RINOs have stood strong against Disney and what the media misbranded the “Dont Say Gay” bill? Would they have the courage to open Florida during peak Covid fascism months? Would they have brought on medical experts to question the Covid vaccine & mask worship? Would they have the courage to pursue legislation to counter Big Tech censorship and lack of parental choice in schools? As for Trump, I think the best argument in favor of his election is the enemies he has against him — RINOs, the media, Big Tech, Hollywood, corrupt DA’s, etc.
When primary season hits, it is fair for Trump & Desantis to debate & challenge each other, but if either of them pursues such a scorched Earth attack line that they guarantee another Biden term, they will lose my support. BTW, I don’t think you’ll find a single person in the country who believes Mike Pence or Chris Christie can win the Republican nomination, much less the Presidency. They’re purely members of the Establishment Republican hit squad designed to attack Trump, Desantis, and their supporters — anything to get us back to the Uniparty candidates that governed us most of the past few decades.
The swing vote if fairly tabulated would favor Trump over Biden, imho.  But, like you said, the people running these elections in the swing states will do everything in their power to steal it from him.  The issue is, they'll do the same for whoever the Republican nominee is.  It's a massive and coordinated effort at this point that has the protection of the govt agencies who in turn are rewarded with even more power.  I don't know the answer, but I do know it only gets worse the more that people choose to look the other way.  Very frustrating and scary time in our nation right now.  
I think you under estimate the amount of people that Trump alienated.   
And that alienation has grown. Outside of the MAGA base, who wants to go back to that?

If there is one thing the red wave  (that never materialized in 22) teaches us is that swing voters dont align with extreme stances on abortion, LGBTQ+ or Woke.

This is especially true in the suburbs. 

IMO, this country is destined for another 4 years of Biden if DeSantis is not the team red winner. And it might still be destined for that if Ronnie doesnt find a way to evolve himself a bit the next year or so to appeal to a broader base outside of Fl. 

Edit - we have a long ways to go till the 24 elections. I hope everyone can double down on being respectful of differences of opinion and can focus on where we can find commonalities to get s hit done in the country. 
You haven't even started to see the crap that's going to come out. Buckle up folks. Things will get very bumpy.

Quote: @purplefaithful said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Waterboy said:
@JimmyinSD said:
This seems to sum up where I am at on the election at this point.  Except to add that neither the swing vote,  nor those running the elections, will allow Trump to get into the White House again,  he is the only way that Biden has an ice cubes chance in hell of getting re-elected.  I wouldnt be surprised if Biden were replaced if Trump were to drop out as the Dems know that he would get killed by anybody other than Trump.

What is funny is last weeks big news here in flyover country was ND Governor Burgum announced his candidacy for president,  although he doesnt make the list of also rans anywhere.

Prepare for Four More Years of BidenAttacks on Trump have been never ending, and since Ron DeSantis gained nationwide exposure, mainstream media has constantly looked for ways to also attack him. However, lately I’m seeing more and more attacks on both candidates coming from the Right, including a lot of fake memes showing DeSantis with globalists, Trump-Fauci hugs, and other such garbage. Shouldn’t it be obvious the Left wants a civil war on the Right so their puppet candidate can get another term? Desantis is like Trump without the personal attacks and as much of the baggage, but in what I believe is a leftist-engineered campaign, they’re trying to make him sound like another Establishment Republican along the lines of Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney. Please.  Would one of those RINOs have stood strong against Disney and what the media misbranded the “Dont Say Gay” bill? Would they have the courage to open Florida during peak Covid fascism months? Would they have brought on medical experts to question the Covid vaccine & mask worship? Would they have the courage to pursue legislation to counter Big Tech censorship and lack of parental choice in schools? As for Trump, I think the best argument in favor of his election is the enemies he has against him — RINOs, the media, Big Tech, Hollywood, corrupt DA’s, etc.
When primary season hits, it is fair for Trump & Desantis to debate & challenge each other, but if either of them pursues such a scorched Earth attack line that they guarantee another Biden term, they will lose my support. BTW, I don’t think you’ll find a single person in the country who believes Mike Pence or Chris Christie can win the Republican nomination, much less the Presidency. They’re purely members of the Establishment Republican hit squad designed to attack Trump, Desantis, and their supporters — anything to get us back to the Uniparty candidates that governed us most of the past few decades.
The swing vote if fairly tabulated would favor Trump over Biden, imho.  But, like you said, the people running these elections in the swing states will do everything in their power to steal it from him.  The issue is, they'll do the same for whoever the Republican nominee is.  It's a massive and coordinated effort at this point that has the protection of the govt agencies who in turn are rewarded with even more power.  I don't know the answer, but I do know it only gets worse the more that people choose to look the other way.  Very frustrating and scary time in our nation right now.  
I think you under estimate the amount of people that Trump alienated.   
And that alienation has grown. Outside of the MAGA base, who wants to go back to that?

If there is one thing the red wave  (that never materialized in 22) teaches us is that swing voters dont align with extreme stances on abortion, LGBTQ+ or Woke.

This is especially true in the suburbs. 

IMO, this country is destined for another 4 years of Biden if DeSantis is not the team red winner. And it might still be destined for that if Ronnie doesnt find a way to evolve himself a bit the next year or so to appeal to a broader base outside of Fl. 

Edit - we have a long ways to go till the 24 elections. I hope everyone can double down on being respectful of differences of opinion and can focus on where we can find commonalities to get s hit done in the country. 
Are you talking about the red wave where 90% of Trump backed folks won but was portrayed as a huge failure. Some of you folks crack me up. 

Quote: @Skodin said:
The conservative that comes out and admits they:
  • Believe in climate change and the impact of conservation and infrastructure spending.  That the US 21st century new economy can & will be powered by our response to it
  • Believe that what happens behind close doors (as long as it actually not hurting anyone) is their business, and not the government
  • Believes that war on drugs has been a fucking boondoggle and does not work.  Legalization & rehab works better than over stressed judicial systems and for profit prisons.  Give vets access to psychedelics
  • Admits that the church and state separation should stay in fucking place and not let theology lead policy
  • That the 1st amendment should stand for something and stop censoring books in schools, banning anything it disagrees with
  • Admits that the military industrial complex is the biggest form of welfare and we are NOT the world's cop
  • That UBI is a real platform that should be installed to keep the poorest from becoming dependent on the system.  The rise of AI only adds more reason to protect vulnerable Americans
  • Wants to put Congressional TERM LIMITS in place, for the benefit of the people supporting both parties
Will be the person who rises from the ashes.
So...if you find a Conservative that is really a Liberal...he'll rise from the

In order:

Climate Change - Probably deserves it's own thread.  We should all be good stewards of the's the only one we have.  It is not, however, settled science as no science is EVER settled.  The cult like following is causing unintended consequences, however, to the environment and to the economy.  How about we actually have a plan before we launch forward? 
Wind Turbines kill a million birds a year, have dramatically altered bird migratory patterns and will occupy  1/3 of our landfills because they can't be recycled. 
Where are we going to purchase the rare earths for all these EV batteries and how do we dispose of the toxic spent batteries?  We're creating an environmental disaster...all because we have to do  Where is all this power going to come from to charge all these batteries?  Let's get the technology first and than move on.  Increasing our dependence on foreign fossils fuel and technoloqy isn't the answer.  It's just like the Carter years except now it's Global Warming instead of the upcoming Ice Age you told us was coming.  And what about SMR Nuclear...probably the most environmentally friendly of them all? We can't do that...because the cult won't let us.  Again, worth discussion in another thread.

Behind Closed Doors - I assume this means gay relationships / marriage.  Approximately, 80% of the US supports Gay marriage...and even more support Gay relationships.  Gay marriage is recognized in all 50 States.  I agree completely that what happens in the home is people's own business and not the Governments.  So...why the Liberal obsession with raising our children?  Teacher's don't know what's best for our children...and should stay out of it.  You made a point further down stating that theology should not lead policy....but evidently liberal ideology should lead policy.  We have school districts making it legal to assist children in transitioning without parents permission.  We even have some jurisdictions that are fighting for the legal right to surgically transition children without parent's permission.  Were's the outrage from your side on this?

War on Drugs - I agree that Weed should be legalized in all States with age restrictions and penalties similar to alcohol.  We also need to get better field testing for DUI.  Legaliizing all drugs, however, is a different story.  How's that decriminalization doing in Cities like San Francisco, and Portland...and Seattle?  People and businesses are leaving the cities due to the humanitarian crisis.  You think those people on the streets are getting the help they need?  I do support some form of diversion program for drug offenses that features treatment and drug testing.  If you violate the terms of your sentence, you get some jail / in-patient time.  Another offense...more of the original sentence.  Isn't the purpose to get people off these drugs?

Separation of Church and State - I'm not sure why you're angry with half the Country...and feel a need to paint them with a broad brush...  The funny thing is the Constitution doesn't actually say anything about the Separation of Church and State.  That's a misnomer.  This is the closest mention:  “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”  That doesn't sound to me that the descendants of the Puritans who came to this Country to flee religious persecution...did so with the intent of establishing religious persecution.

Book banning - Okay...this one made me laugh.  Have you read any of the books that people are pushing to have banned?  I read "This Book is Gay" and "Gender Queer" just to see what the fuss was about.  I checked them out of the local library.  There's plenty of books in the library about Gay relationships so pretending these are being singled out due to Gay subject manner is deceitful.  Both books were sigificantly more graphic than they needed to be to make a point.  I could see where people would object to them at all ages and particularly in conjunction with school districts trying to deceive parents and take away parents rights in general.  As long as we're talking about book about the School Districts that have banned literary classics such as "The Adventures of Huck Finn" and "To Kill A Mockingbird".  I'm guessing every one of us has read those books and likely have the book report to show for it.  Again, if book banning is bad...why is this ok with you?  The funniest part of your statement was the "banning anything it disagrees with".  The Dems are pressuring Tech companies to ban information they don't like.  We are renaming anything and everything related to any Founding Father who owned slaves or anybody who fought in the Civil War. We're rewriting American History Text books to reduce or eliminate the mention of these Founding Fathers.  We're taking down statues.  Here in enlightened Madison, we've renamed our schools, we tore down a Civil War statue (sure it was a Union General..but we didn't want to miss all the fun).  We even removed an offensive rock from the UW Campus (yea...look it up).  

Military as Welfare - Welfare is the largest welfare state.  How about we implement policies that create a safety net for those that need it...and eliminate it for those that don't which leads me to the next point

UBI (Universal Basic Income) - C'mon Skodin.  You're smarter than that.  Only a true believer could say that guaranteeing basic income for all would reduce welfare.  Workforce participation rates haven't come back post Covid. want to offer people Universal Income to make it better.  We have our coddled children that don't want to leave their parent's basement.  How about we give them a little extra cash in their pocket to make it easy?

Term Limits - I agree wholeheartedly but good luck finding enough politicians to vote themselves out of work.  This needs to be done through Constitutional Convention.

Anyhow...just my two bits. 

DeSantis has nobody to blame but his campaign strategy for this, he had solid momentum just 6 months ago. There definitely was a place for a more moderate version of Trump and he decided to try and out-Trump Trump. Dumb move. I also think its smart for Trump to skip this debate....there's only potential downside. 


Quote: @StickyBun said:

DeSantis has nobody to blame but his campaign strategy for this, he had solid momentum just 6 months ago. There definitely was a place for a more moderate version of Trump and he decided to try and out-Trump Trump. Dumb move. I also think its smart for Trump to skip this debate....there's only potential downside. 
Yep,  DeSantis downfall is very sad.  He had the best chance to take out Trump but didn't have the plan to do it.  I think once things heat up he will likely make a small surge, but he's definitely coming out of the gate later than I thought he would and that will likely hurt him in the end.

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