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You want to talk DeSantis?
Quote: @StickyBun said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@StickyBun said:
Swing and a miss for Ronnie. Not sure what his campaign team was trying to accomplish, but everything he's tried has failed miserably.
RDs problem is he is in a battle with a caged wolf, Disney is backed into a corner,  they are bleeding as bad or worse than Bud from their terrible Woke decisions,  but they still have the resources to make his life miserable and will do it until there are changes at the top of the company or DeSantis is out of the picture.
I really don't give a shit about Disney, but lets not pretend this wasn't a political move by DeSantis. This wasn't some kind of altruistic bringing down of an out of control corporate entity, he did it for ratings points and votes....which he'll get neither of. My point is strategically, it backfired. Which a lot of the very extreme shit he's pulling has done to him. He tried to out extreme Trump and it failed miserably. I thought he'd be a more moderate version of Trump, which I could get behind but that hasn't been the case at all. He's done.
just curious, how was it not a political move if he did it for ratings and votes?

sadly I suspect you are right about him being done, there just doesnt seem to be a good out for this country right now.  no way we can go another term of brandon,  and the dip shit from CA wouldnt be any better.  no real 3rd party option until things are changed with our election process... so it will be choose the lesser of 2 criminals once again.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@StickyBun said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@StickyBun said:
Swing and a miss for Ronnie. Not sure what his campaign team was trying to accomplish, but everything he's tried has failed miserably.
RDs problem is he is in a battle with a caged wolf, Disney is backed into a corner,  they are bleeding as bad or worse than Bud from their terrible Woke decisions,  but they still have the resources to make his life miserable and will do it until there are changes at the top of the company or DeSantis is out of the picture.
I really don't give a shit about Disney, but lets not pretend this wasn't a political move by DeSantis. This wasn't some kind of altruistic bringing down of an out of control corporate entity, he did it for ratings points and votes....which he'll get neither of. My point is strategically, it backfired. Which a lot of the very extreme shit he's pulling has done to him. He tried to out extreme Trump and it failed miserably. I thought he'd be a more moderate version of Trump, which I could get behind but that hasn't been the case at all. He's done.
just curious, how was it not a political move if he did it for ratings and votes?

sadly I suspect you are right about him being done, there just doesnt seem to be a good out for this country right now.  no way we can go another term of brandon,  and the dip shit from CA wouldnt be any better.  no real 3rd party option until things are changed with our election process... so it will be choose the lesser of 2 criminals once again.

Honestly, with the number of voters now listed as "independent" (guilty!), leaving the 2 treason clubs in droves, a brutal display of non-confidence by the voters could upend the generations of "lesser evil" stupidity pretty quickly.  Just by NOT supporting the choices forced on them, voters could change the dynamic by not voting or supporting anyone but the "big 2"...not with a real chance of winning, but by sending a very clear message that the public isn't just going to line up behind poor choices, anymore.

If districts show terrible voter attendance and/or a large vote for "anyone but traitors 1 and 2", the representatives will react and turn on their party leadership in pure, greedy self-interest.  If a president takes office with the underlying theme being "won a majority of a tiny turnout", there will be changes.

The voters just have to claim their power, and quit choosing "evils", period.


Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@StickyBun said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@StickyBun said:
Swing and a miss for Ronnie. Not sure what his campaign team was trying to accomplish, but everything he's tried has failed miserably.
RDs problem is he is in a battle with a caged wolf, Disney is backed into a corner,  they are bleeding as bad or worse than Bud from their terrible Woke decisions,  but they still have the resources to make his life miserable and will do it until there are changes at the top of the company or DeSantis is out of the picture.
I really don't give a shit about Disney, but lets not pretend this wasn't a political move by DeSantis. This wasn't some kind of altruistic bringing down of an out of control corporate entity, he did it for ratings points and votes....which he'll get neither of. My point is strategically, it backfired. Which a lot of the very extreme shit he's pulling has done to him. He tried to out extreme Trump and it failed miserably. I thought he'd be a more moderate version of Trump, which I could get behind but that hasn't been the case at all. He's done.
just curious, how was it not a political move if he did it for ratings and votes?

Not sure you read that right.....that's what I said. 

Quote: @Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@StickyBun said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@StickyBun said:
Swing and a miss for Ronnie. Not sure what his campaign team was trying to accomplish, but everything he's tried has failed miserably.
RDs problem is he is in a battle with a caged wolf, Disney is backed into a corner,  they are bleeding as bad or worse than Bud from their terrible Woke decisions,  but they still have the resources to make his life miserable and will do it until there are changes at the top of the company or DeSantis is out of the picture.
I really don't give a shit about Disney, but lets not pretend this wasn't a political move by DeSantis. This wasn't some kind of altruistic bringing down of an out of control corporate entity, he did it for ratings points and votes....which he'll get neither of. My point is strategically, it backfired. Which a lot of the very extreme shit he's pulling has done to him. He tried to out extreme Trump and it failed miserably. I thought he'd be a more moderate version of Trump, which I could get behind but that hasn't been the case at all. He's done.
just curious, how was it not a political move if he did it for ratings and votes?

sadly I suspect you are right about him being done, there just doesnt seem to be a good out for this country right now.  no way we can go another term of brandon,  and the dip shit from CA wouldnt be any better.  no real 3rd party option until things are changed with our election process... so it will be choose the lesser of 2 criminals once again.

Honestly, with the number of voters now listed as "independent" (guilty!), leaving the 2 treason clubs in droves, a brutal display of non-confidence by the voters could upend the generations of "lesser evil" stupidity pretty quickly.  Just by NOT supporting the choices forced on them, voters could change the dynamic by not voting or supporting anyone but the "big 2"...not with a real chance of winning, but by sending a very clear message that the public isn't just going to line up behind poor choices, anymore.

If districts show terrible voter attendance and/or a large vote for "anyone but traitors 1 and 2", the representatives will react and turn on their party leadership in pure, greedy self-interest.  If a president takes office with the underlying theme being "won a majority of a tiny turnout", there will be changes.

The voters just have to claim their power, and quit choosing "evils", period.

when do you accept the fact that until you get a viable third party established at the state and local level you wont have a hope in hell of seeing a viable presidential candidate ( or even house or senate) ?  

The deck is stacked so far against a third party that while its noble to sit and wave that flag,  real politicians will that you are doing so in vain.  I listened to a Tulsi Gabbard pod cast recently and she laid it out exactly why your third parties have no chance on the national scene,  so keep casting your protest vote if you want,  but the real change has to start smaller and work its way up.  Unless you can somehow get somebody with a shit ton of personal wealth,  a desire to do right by the country,  and a name that can withstand both major parties,  their PACS,  and their affiliate news and government agencies working against them.

as far as "independent voters"  that is largely a ploy to get off call lists for pollsters and campaign finance shit.

if you want to bang a table,   bang the campaign reform table,  lets get the deep foreign money out of our elections and start there,  that will hurt the worst of the candidates hopefully the most.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@StickyBun said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@StickyBun said:
Swing and a miss for Ronnie. Not sure what his campaign team was trying to accomplish, but everything he's tried has failed miserably.
RDs problem is he is in a battle with a caged wolf, Disney is backed into a corner,  they are bleeding as bad or worse than Bud from their terrible Woke decisions,  but they still have the resources to make his life miserable and will do it until there are changes at the top of the company or DeSantis is out of the picture.
I really don't give a shit about Disney, but lets not pretend this wasn't a political move by DeSantis. This wasn't some kind of altruistic bringing down of an out of control corporate entity, he did it for ratings points and votes....which he'll get neither of. My point is strategically, it backfired. Which a lot of the very extreme shit he's pulling has done to him. He tried to out extreme Trump and it failed miserably. I thought he'd be a more moderate version of Trump, which I could get behind but that hasn't been the case at all. He's done.
just curious, how was it not a political move if he did it for ratings and votes?

sadly I suspect you are right about him being done, there just doesnt seem to be a good out for this country right now.  no way we can go another term of brandon,  and the dip shit from CA wouldnt be any better.  no real 3rd party option until things are changed with our election process... so it will be choose the lesser of 2 criminals once again.

Honestly, with the number of voters now listed as "independent" (guilty!), leaving the 2 treason clubs in droves, a brutal display of non-confidence by the voters could upend the generations of "lesser evil" stupidity pretty quickly.  Just by NOT supporting the choices forced on them, voters could change the dynamic by not voting or supporting anyone but the "big 2"...not with a real chance of winning, but by sending a very clear message that the public isn't just going to line up behind poor choices, anymore.

If districts show terrible voter attendance and/or a large vote for "anyone but traitors 1 and 2", the representatives will react and turn on their party leadership in pure, greedy self-interest.  If a president takes office with the underlying theme being "won a majority of a tiny turnout", there will be changes.

The voters just have to claim their power, and quit choosing "evils", period.

when do you accept the fact that until you get a viable third party established at the state and local level you wont have a hope in hell of seeing a viable presidential candidate ( or even house or senate) ?  

The deck is stacked so far against a third party that while its noble to sit and wave that flag,  real politicians will that you are doing so in vain.  I listened to a Tulsi Gabbard pod cast recently and she laid it out exactly why your third parties have no chance on the national scene,  so keep casting your protest vote if you want,  but the real change has to start smaller and work its way up.  Unless you can somehow get somebody with a shit ton of personal wealth,  a desire to do right by the country,  and a name that can withstand both major parties,  their PACS,  and their affiliate news and government agencies working against them.

as far as "independent voters"  that is largely a ploy to get off call lists for pollsters and campaign finance shit.

if you want to bang a table,   bang the campaign reform table,  lets get the deep foreign money out of our elections and start there,  that will hurt the worst of the candidates hopefully the most.
When will you learn that you're missing the problem, utterly and completely?

There have been plenty of viable third party candidates, but the problem is...treason.  The debate commission is run by the two power-mongering traitor clubs, and they don't like to let anyone else spoil their duopoly.  They're in a mutual reach-around relationship with the larger media factories, who then do THEIR part to both simplify their jobs and keep their relationships secure by barely acknowledging anyone outside the "big 2".

It's a borderline freeze-out, and yes, it's treason against the American people...treason that every supporter of said entities supports, knowingly or otherwise.

No, I don't just grab my ankles and accept things, and I support possible candidates at many levels...not just discussions here.  Jo Jorgensen would have likely been exponentially better than either our drooling power monger in office or the babbling liar that preceded him, but when she was given 0.001% of the interview time of the "main" filth.

Therefore, it starts by attacking at all levels.  Make people aware of the sh*t they've been enabling, call out media, push the good candidates (which I do in this area), and show something besides the bovine-like obedience to the powers that are fleecing the country in more ways every hour.

Quote: @Zanary said:
The redcaps are really gonna hate this, but:

"Orangeboi bad" set up the gop, and the country, really, for this quagmire.  Well, him and his pack of zealots.

He convinced much of the gop to ride or die with him, which meant that the party was splintered, brutally, by his victory.

By winning as a polarizing figure, he deepened divides as he's also refused to build bridges.

He's isolated himself as his activities, lies, and lapses draw the wrong attention.

That said, he's also made it clear that the path to the gop candidacy will involve beating him...which practically demands a bluster battle.  Moderates, the candidates that could actually pull many independents, will largely be repelled.

The party already looks to be reeling, with full-on embarrassments like Santos and MTG staining things even worse while bluster babbles and continuing election tinfoil headwear makes the whole club look like a better-dressed Little Rascals episode...only with more yelling.

Ron picks dumb fights, then fights them badly, and his awkward messes are the press that results.  The very man he wants to out-do, while a disaster, is a disaster with a far more devout pack of drones.

Idolators can really ruin everything.
Some have been saying this since the first debate of the 2016 GOP primaries.  Trump will come in and destroy the party.

It is only a matter of time.  MAGA doesn't want the Romney's of the world.  Classic conservatives don't want the MTG's of the world.  

It's pathetic and over

Quote: @Skodin said:
@Zanary said:
The redcaps are really gonna hate this, but:

"Orangeboi bad" set up the gop, and the country, really, for this quagmire.  Well, him and his pack of zealots.

He convinced much of the gop to ride or die with him, which meant that the party was splintered, brutally, by his victory.

By winning as a polarizing figure, he deepened divides as he's also refused to build bridges.

He's isolated himself as his activities, lies, and lapses draw the wrong attention.

That said, he's also made it clear that the path to the gop candidacy will involve beating him...which practically demands a bluster battle.  Moderates, the candidates that could actually pull many independents, will largely be repelled.

The party already looks to be reeling, with full-on embarrassments like Santos and MTG staining things even worse while bluster babbles and continuing election tinfoil headwear makes the whole club look like a better-dressed Little Rascals episode...only with more yelling.

Ron picks dumb fights, then fights them badly, and his awkward messes are the press that results.  The very man he wants to out-do, while a disaster, is a disaster with a far more devout pack of drones.

Idolators can really ruin everything.
Some have been saying this since the first debate of the 2016 GOP primaries.  Trump will come in and destroy the party.

It is only a matter of time.  MAGA doesn't want the Romney's of the world.  Classic conservatives don't want the MTG's of the world.  

It's pathetic and over

I was one of those people, shouting warnings as far back as 2015, as well as all my other anti-duopoly efforts.

I'm from a GOP family, but we have scientists, we're pretty "integrated", and we all hate the party's determination to be run by the most obnoxious, hateful, excluding, and dishonest trash they can find.  This isn't about any love for the dnc-they're as bad or worse, but are far better at optics.

Middle America is increasingly sick of, and angry at, the duopoly of diarrhea that's destroying the country...but the worst, most obnoxious political entities are hogging all of the stages, with the media loving the outrages...and resulting ratings.

Any opinions on the "No Labels Party/Movement"?  Have a real hesitancy to third party candidate, voted for John Anderson in 80.  Have only seen the impact as a spoiler, Perot, Nader, keeps me in the lesser of two evils voting block.  Not a big fan of Manchin's policies, respect his loyalty to his constituency.  Huntsman, has more appeal, but don't think either has a chance in hell of moving any republicans away from the party, let alone winning.  Last thing I want is the vote being sent to congress to determine.

Quote: @BigAl99 said:
Any opinions on the "No Labels Party/Movement"?  Have a real hesitancy to third party candidate, voted for John Anderson in 80.  Have only seen the impact as a spoiler, Perot, Nader, keeps me in the lesser of two evils voting block.  Not a big fan of Manchin's policies, respect his loyalty to his constituency.  Huntsman, has more appeal, but don't think either has a chance in hell of moving any republicans away from the party, let alone winning.  Last thing I want is the vote being sent to congress to determine.
I knew we'd eventually find some common political ground Al.  I was the Campus Campaign Director for John Anderson in 1980.  The key to third party viability is to find someone that can secure 5% of the vote to get Federal funding the next time through.  Perot did it but that crazy bastard (I voted for him) couldn't put a movement together to capitalize on the funding / debate availability going forward.  A viable third party would cause both major parties to move to the center instead of a both ideological poles.

Quote: @badgervike said:
@BigAl99 said:
Any opinions on the "No Labels Party/Movement"?  Have a real hesitancy to third party candidate, voted for John Anderson in 80.  Have only seen the impact as a spoiler, Perot, Nader, keeps me in the lesser of two evils voting block.  Not a big fan of Manchin's policies, respect his loyalty to his constituency.  Huntsman, has more appeal, but don't think either has a chance in hell of moving any republicans away from the party, let alone winning.  Last thing I want is the vote being sent to congress to determine.
I knew we'd eventually find some common political ground Al.  I was the Campus Campaign Director for John Anderson in 1980.  The key to third party viability is to find someone that can secure 5% of the vote to get Federal funding the next time through.  Perot did it but that crazy bastard (I voted for him) couldn't put a movement together to capitalize on the funding / debate availability going forward.  A viable third party would cause both major parties to move to the center instead of a both ideological poles.

My opinion was Perot, took just enough to defeat H.W. Bush and Nader enabled SCOTUS pick the "Dub".  Just too risky this time around, 40% could carry     the election and enable, what I consider, a very bad result. 

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