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So which is it? Public? Private?
Quote: @A1Janitor said:

Trump was under investigation for the Russian hoax.  There is evidence that Ukraine is involved ... they put together the false dossier for Steele paid for by HRC.  Fusion GPS, Nellie Ohr working with Ukraine.

Ukraine was trying to give evidence of corruption with Hunter Biden - the DOJ refused to accept it.  

Burisma was under investigation for corruption in Ukraine.  They went to Kerry as Sec of State.  Kerry and Biden got involved and had the prosecutor removed ... IN EXCHANGE FOR ... money to Biden and Kerry’s sons.  Quid pro quo.  

Trump was going after corruption in 2016.  

Hillary.  Biden.  A lot of people made illegal profits with corrupt Ukraine.  Of course Trump had to fire the ambassador and clean up the corruption.  

That isn’t a crime.  He is the chief executive officer.  He has that right.  He didn’t withhold aid.  He didn’t threaten to withhold aid.
The “whistleblowers” and dems and deep state crooks should have kept quiet about this phone call.  If Biden is guilty of these serious allegations - “going after his political opponent” is nonsense.  Only if he was innocent and Trump wanted a public, unfair investigation would there be a problem.  

Bidens are guilty.  And the dems know it and are letting him fail.   His campaign is over.  

I never said it doesn’t matter if he is guilty.  First, what is the crime?  And, if he broke the law, it does matter if he is guilty.  But they can’t name the crime.  

Russia hoax failed.  Transcript shows the call is not what the “whistleblower” said it was.  The deep state scumbags like the army guy, and the fired crooked ambassador, or war hawks with an agenda don’t matter.

Don’t like pulling troops out of syria?  Vote him out.  He promised to wipe out ISIS and end the needless and endless wars.  Years ago the left would have applauded that.  The left have become hawks and the right are now the doves?  Weird.  No wonder Jane Fonda is not fighting stupid wars now - and os focused on fake man made climate hoaxes.  

Years ago dems like Schumer, Clintons, Obama ... called for building a wall.  But not when the orange bad man wants it. 

Don’t want the wall?  Vote him out. 

He is the sole person that makes foreign policy.  What others think about it doesn’t matter.  

In the meantime, produce the evidence about the Bidens.  

And I meant all presidents hold back aid.  Obama did it.  Trump never connected aid to Obama.  Read the transcript.  Trump talked about the Europeans not paying their fair share of aid. He didn’t day to hold aid.  

As for the ambassador and directors - LMAO - they are crooks protecting the deep state. 

Brennan was a bad man. 

At the bold... that's the subject under discussion. If you had stated the underlined part we would have been done.
By you replying to my quote and trying to defend the indefensible (that it doesn't matter if he is guilty) means you agree with that view and you did not have to say it explicitly.
You went off on multiple subjects to avoid stating you don't agree with that view point (the bold part I hilighted). I am glad it does matter to you if he is guilty. That's all I was wondering about.

As to the rest of your post, I am sorry to say it's just more rambling and deflection. You are giving an account of something irrelevant to my original question.

Lastly, as to what is the crime, I am sure you have read or heard about the extortion Trump and co tried to pull off on Ukraine or should I say "quid pro quo". If you have not please try google.

It is just crazy that sleeping with an intern is an impeachable offense but blocking aid that congress had unanimously approved (that cannot be withheld by ANYONE once approved) for a foreign country unless a personal political favour is done for him is not an impeachable offense.
What's the crime? Instead try using the "deep state" excuse. Even the Trump aides stopped using the "what's the crime" excuse and others and are now back to 'read the transcript". I know you know what the crime is so I I'll leave it at that.

Read the transcript.  That is not what was said or done. 

Then go and look at the whistleblower and his attorney.   All a fucking lie.  

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
The whole process is a hoax.  It will be exposed as such.  

Certainly secret testimony, where the president is not allowed an attorney or to cross examine witnesses, is a joke.  

Public testimony is necessary.  And due process for the president is required. 

Let’s bring in the evidence of Biden corruption. Of course it needs to be investigated. 
The process was voted on and approved by REPUBLICANS .... back when Trey Gowdy was going apeshit for a true nothingburger in Benghazi.  

Everything to you is a hoax, it's why you're a joke who doesn't believe in the real world.

Time to find another angle to spin.  

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
Read the transcript.  That is not what was said or done. 

Then go and look at the whistleblower and his attorney.   All a fucking lie.  
The "transcript" is nothing more than a fluff piece summary, not a verbatim of the phone call.

Why is it you have such a boner on pay to play schemes that are only conspiracy theories, but when a REAL pay to play scheme involving Russians, Republicans, Trump, and throwing out the Ambassador to the Ukraine are PROVEN IN A COURT OF LAW AND PEOPLE ACTUALLY GO TO FUCKING JAIL YOU HAVE NOTHING TO SAY?

STFU with your selective outrage.  You don't give 2 squirts about corruption or pay to play, you're ONLY interest is targeting Democrats with conspiracy theories while ignoring actual proven, real crimes by Republicans.

I am not sure why you are personally attacking me. 

I do think you have your facts wrong, and believe you will be surprised shortly. 

Biden was corrupt.  The evidence is overwhelming.  

And you are wrong - the republicans and democrats involved in corruption need to be arrested.  

I believe this goes back to all
presidents starting with GHWB ... we need to end these needless unnecessary wars that both sides have made huge $$$ from.  

Here is an excellent read:

Quote: @mblack said:
@AGRforever said:
It doesnt matter if hes guilty. The senate wont impeach. This is and has been nothing more then political theater. 

At the bold... that's where we are now where being guilty does not matter. How is it political theater when the President and his own people have acknowledged it. The stories the president's aides have used to defend the call have changed so many times we cant count them all. Even a senator (Graham) is OK saying he will not read the transcript - a transcript one of their own prepared. Yet that same senator will vote and represent his constituents. And yep... we are ok with that too.
When I reread what you said I was really sad at how far we have regressed... that as you said, being guilty does not matter. Really? If guilt does not matter and we are rationalizing that then what good is the judicial system? What good is the constitution? Is everything really a conspiracy theory?
I said “it doesnt matter” as more of a inditment of the whole process more so then I think this or that in terms of Trumps guilt or lack there of.

The Democrats know without a doubt they dont have the votes in the senate.  The game ends there even if they find photage of him admmiting it like we currently have of Joe Biden.  Yet yall seem ready willing and able to excuse what Joe and his son did vs what youre accusing Trump of doing?  If Trump is guilty and unfit, Joe sure as shit shouldnt be running for president. Do you not see the hypocricy of impeaching trump for the exact same thing your front runner is caught proudly on film doing/saying?

The Democrats are rabidly pissed that she lost and still havent gotten over it and have been screaming impeach him since before he took office.  Why should anyone take their word that “this time he’s guilty” When the last 95 times theyve come up short??

I think youll find a lot of apathy in people like me who didnt vote for trump the first time but are so damn sick of you guys trying to undo an election that we just might vote for the guy the second time around. 

The economy is rolling.  Wages are up. Trade deals are being negotiated. I wish he’d shut his pie hole most days but so far its been a sucessful presidency if you’d quite screaming long enough to realize how great things actually are.  

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
I am not sure why you are personally attacking me. 

I do think you have your facts wrong, and believe you will be surprised shortly. 

Biden was corrupt.  The evidence is overwhelming.  

And you are wrong - the republicans and democrats involved in corruption need to be arrested.  

I believe this goes back to all
presidents starting with GHWB ... we need to end these needless unnecessary wars that both sides have made huge $$$ from.  

Here is an excellent read:
No, you have your facts wrong:

2 Russians arrested for campaign fraud.  Funded money into Trump's Super PAC.  Were caught fleeing the country right after having lunch with Trump's personal attorney Ghouliani.  

What did they want?  Ambassador to Ukraine fired.  What happened?  Trump fired the Ambassador to Ukraine. 

You mean like that kind of corruption and pay to play crimes???

It's been all over the news, why do you ignore it?  More actual arrests directly linked to  yet another Trump attorney and you're blabbering about unproven conspiracy theories claiming you have evidence.

If there was evidence, why hasn't Trump's own DOJ brought charges yet?

So can you admit Trump and Republicans are already getting nailed for pay to play schemes?  

Keep watching.  The truth is near.  

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
Keep watching.  The truth is near.  
In other words you can pretend to act outraged about corruption and pay to play schemes, yet when it's actually proven in a court of law and people are arrested - BUT IT'S THE WRONG TEAM GETTING ARRESTED THAT YOU SUPPORT - you can't bring yourself to admit what they did was wrong.  All because a simple, proven fact disagrees with the alternative reality you choose to believe in.

That's the difference between Trump supporters and the rest of us.  Normal people can say well he broke the law and should be punished regardless of party.  Trump cult is so brainwashed you can't fathom a reality where your team is corrupt, so you'll go to insane lengths to justify corruption in your own party, accuse others of something else, and pretend real crimes aren't happening because it's the deep state, a coup, liberals, or Democrats who must be behind it all.

Psychologists will have a field day of case studies for centuries with this level of sickness infecting the country.  You're not the only one, there's millions just as deep into the koolaid, sad thing is some of you are trying to reinvent some alternative reality to avoid acknowledging truth and facts that you don't like, which is literally mental illness.

On a positive note I hope the Vikings have won multiple Super Bowls in your world. 


I am merely waiting for the IG report and Durham reports.  

Tired of the insults against me.  I am well read on what’s coming. 

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