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My Blue Heaven...
Quote: @AGRforever said:
The more any one party is in charge the worse things get regardless of which party it is.  I just hope that we remain in a 2/3s branches of .gov one way and 1/3 the other. 

What I imagine will happen is the pendulum will swing hard towards blue.  They F it up like they normally do and by 2022 there will be a red wave.  Then team red will F it up like they normally do and we'll rinse and repeat. 
This is how it typically goes. As they say, every action has a reaction equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. 

The good news for the country is that Democrats would never elect the left's version of Donald Trump. What Democrats consider the opposite of Trump is just someone decent and smart, someone with morals and authenticity. 


Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
The more any one party is in charge the worse things get regardless of which party it is.  I just hope that we remain in a 2/3s branches of .gov one way and 1/3 the other. 

What I imagine will happen is the pendulum will swing hard towards blue.  They F it up like they normally do and by 2022 there will be a red wave.  Then team red will F it up like they normally do and we'll rinse and repeat. 
This is how it typically goes. As they say, every action has a reaction equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. 

The good news for the country is that Democrats would never elect the left's version of Donald Trump. What Democrats consider the opposite of Trump is just someone decent and smart, someone with morals and authenticity

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL   Sure............whatever lets you sleep at night........Democrats don't give one more or less shit about this country and its people then republicans.  They'll elect whomever get them in control and not look back for one second. 

If there is anyone left in this country who can't see that Republicans and Democrats are exactly the same they're not paying attention.  They both successfully use wedge issues like abortion, guns and healthcare to keep us fighting while they both screw us from behind without using vaseline. 


Quote: @savannahskol said:
@pumpf said:
This is getting sad...
Easy now....lest you be chastened, as I have been. Wink

Mike Olson said: 
Meanwhile I pay the fucking bills. So kiss my ass if you don’t like what I post.
You choose to post here and I allow you to. That's the arrangement. 

Just posting a reminder of how things work around here.   Smile 

Edit:  and actually, I have NO problem with his first sentence. He's right about that. 
         the second sentence...

Edit:  Just sent a donation to this site.  I did (often) early on.  I remember when Ritchie, Nibes and KB were fishing for members at the inception of this site. I think I joined as the 4th original member. 
         But haven't (donated) in awhile, until now.  

Edit:  If KB is under suspension (idk), let him free.  A true original member (the only one left) should never be banished.  

Well, if he's paying the bills, he certainly does have the right to run the site as he wants (and post what he wants).
But Mike is a good poster.  And I think he's a good guy.   I hate to see him reduced to a 2-bit poster with a 1-track mind (like another poster who only show up after the Vikings lose).  

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
The more any one party is in charge the worse things get regardless of which party it is.  I just hope that we remain in a 2/3s branches of .gov one way and 1/3 the other. 

What I imagine will happen is the pendulum will swing hard towards blue.  They F it up like they normally do and by 2022 there will be a red wave.  Then team red will F it up like they normally do and we'll rinse and repeat. 
This is how it typically goes. As they say, every action has a reaction equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. 

The good news for the country is that Democrats would never elect the left's version of Donald Trump. What Democrats consider the opposite of Trump is just someone decent and smart, someone with morals and authenticity. 

Unless lightening strikes and Buttigieg catches fire, it sure is looking like Biden. I dont see Warren or Bernie getting the nod. And if they run independently? It'll just siphon votes from the Blue Team. 

Not sure this country is going to vote Biden in over Emperor Cheetoh...


Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
The more any one party is in charge the worse things get regardless of which party it is.  I just hope that we remain in a 2/3s branches of .gov one way and 1/3 the other. 

What I imagine will happen is the pendulum will swing hard towards blue.  They F it up like they normally do and by 2022 there will be a red wave.  Then team red will F it up like they normally do and we'll rinse and repeat. 
This is how it typically goes. As they say, every action has a reaction equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. 

The good news for the country is that Democrats would never elect the left's version of Donald Trump. What Democrats consider the opposite of Trump is just someone decent and smart, someone with morals and authenticity. 

Decent?  Like someone who is OK with infanticide?  While the pro-abortion Democrats will say that no additional legislation was necessary, over 40 (known) cases have been reported of children being born alive- and then left to die (or killed after birth).  Sorry, but anyone who is OK with that... cannot be said to have "morals".  

As for "smart", well... they might be book smart.  But it sure does seem like none of them have ever run a business.  In fact, I'm guessing they've never even had a family budget to worry about.  Their economic polices (which are- unfortunately- tied to their other ideological boondoggles, like Global Warming) are pure insanity.  

Authenticity?  You mean like how they say "believe all women"... unless the woman is accusing a Democrat of wrong-doing?  Or how they all fight to "help the poor"- by raising taxes on others- but donate very little of their own money towards charity?  Or is it their political support for public schools (or, more accurately, teachers' unions)- and opposing vouchers to help give poor people a better option for their own kids- all the while sending their own kids to private schools? 

Donald Trump has ALOT of flaws.  I was one of his most out-spoken critics before (and after) the election.  But no matter how bad he is... he's better than any candidate the Democrats have put forth.  If the Democrats weren't so busy with intersectionality... and dividing people to increase their own power... they might have someone worth voting for.  But the far-left now owns the party.  And if they were to ever gain full control of all 3 branches, the whole US would look like Detroit... or San Francisco... or LA... or NY.  No thanks.  

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
The more any one party is in charge the worse things get regardless of which party it is.  I just hope that we remain in a 2/3s branches of .gov one way and 1/3 the other. 

What I imagine will happen is the pendulum will swing hard towards blue.  They F it up like they normally do and by 2022 there will be a red wave.  Then team red will F it up like they normally do and we'll rinse and repeat. 
This is how it typically goes. As they say, every action has a reaction equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. 

The good news for the country is that Democrats would never elect the left's version of Donald Trump. What Democrats consider the opposite of Trump is just someone decent and smart, someone with morals and authenticity

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL   Sure............whatever lets you sleep at night........Democrats don't give one more or less shit about this country and its people then republicans.  They'll elect whomever get them in control and not look back for one second.  
You don't really believe that and you know it. The truth is that while many of us thought (myself included) that the Dems would want someone who would get in the pen with Fat Nixon and match him tweet for tweet, mudsling for mudsling--someone who would play the game... turns out that's not at all what they want. That candidate was probably Kamala Harris and she's done. Listen to what they're saying in Iowa. They want someone who will end the juvenile divisiveness. They want a president they can be proud of again. 

Quote: @pumpf said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
The more any one party is in charge the worse things get regardless of which party it is.  I just hope that we remain in a 2/3s branches of .gov one way and 1/3 the other. 

What I imagine will happen is the pendulum will swing hard towards blue.  They F it up like they normally do and by 2022 there will be a red wave.  Then team red will F it up like they normally do and we'll rinse and repeat. 
This is how it typically goes. As they say, every action has a reaction equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. 

The good news for the country is that Democrats would never elect the left's version of Donald Trump. What Democrats consider the opposite of Trump is just someone decent and smart, someone with morals and authenticity. 

Decent?  Like someone who is OK with infanticide?  While the pro-abortion Democrats will say that no additional legislation was necessary, over 40 (known) cases have been reported of children being born alive- and then left to die (or killed after birth).  Sorry, but anyone who is OK with that... cannot be said to have "morals".  

As for "smart", well... they might be book smart.  But it sure does seem like none of them have ever run a business.  In fact, I'm guessing they've never even had a family budget to worry about.  Their economic polices (which are- unfortunately- tied to their other ideological boondoggles, like Global Warming) are pure insanity.  

Authenticity?  You mean like how they say "believe all women"... unless the woman is accusing a Democrat of wrong-doing?  Or how they all fight to "help the poor"- by raising taxes on others- but donate very little of their own money towards charity?  Or is it their political support for public schools (or, more accurately, teachers' unions)- and opposing vouchers to help give poor people a better option for their own kids- all the while sending their own kids to private schools? 

Donald Trump has ALOT of flaws.  I was one of his most out-spoken critics before (and after) the election.  But no matter how bad he is... he's better than any candidate the Democrats have put forth.  If the Democrats weren't so busy with intersectionality... and dividing people to increase their own power... they might have someone worth voting for.  But the far-left now owns the party.  And if they were to ever gain full control of all 3 branches, the whole US would look like Detroit... or San Francisco... or LA... or NY.  No thanks.  

Sure there are radical elements of team blue, just as there are of team red.

One of them happens to be in the White House right now preaching Nationalism among many other ism's. 

We just need to be wary of painting with too broad a brush. I dont ascribe to the theory the far left owns team blue - as team red wants the country to believe.  

I think at the end of the day? Team blue nominates Biden (not Sanders or Warren). 

Quote: @purplefaithful said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
The more any one party is in charge the worse things get regardless of which party it is.  I just hope that we remain in a 2/3s branches of .gov one way and 1/3 the other. 

What I imagine will happen is the pendulum will swing hard towards blue.  They F it up like they normally do and by 2022 there will be a red wave.  Then team red will F it up like they normally do and we'll rinse and repeat. 
This is how it typically goes. As they say, every action has a reaction equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. 

The good news for the country is that Democrats would never elect the left's version of Donald Trump. What Democrats consider the opposite of Trump is just someone decent and smart, someone with morals and authenticity. 

Unless lightening strikes and Buttigieg catches fire, it sure is looking like Biden. I dont see Warren or Bernie getting the nod. And if they run independently? It'll just siphon votes from the Blue Team. 

Not sure this country is going to vote Biden in over Emperor Cheetoh...

I don't know about that. Biden has a chance but not a very good one. Forget the national polls. It's all about Iowa. Remember, Obama was polling well below Clinton nationally (rank and file dems didn't know much about him) but he won in Iowa and that sent him through the roof. The latest poll there shows Warren at 20%, Buttigieg at 19%, Sanders at 17% and Biden at 15%. Pete is coming on very strong there and if he wins, look out.


Biden is done.  

Sanders and Sanders are not electable.  

Buttigieg and Gabbard are the best candidates left.  


Quote: @pumpf said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
The more any one party is in charge the worse things get regardless of which party it is.  I just hope that we remain in a 2/3s branches of .gov one way and 1/3 the other. 

What I imagine will happen is the pendulum will swing hard towards blue.  They F it up like they normally do and by 2022 there will be a red wave.  Then team red will F it up like they normally do and we'll rinse and repeat. 
This is how it typically goes. As they say, every action has a reaction equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. 

The good news for the country is that Democrats would never elect the left's version of Donald Trump. What Democrats consider the opposite of Trump is just someone decent and smart, someone with morals and authenticity. 

Decent?  Like someone who is OK with infanticide?  While the pro-abortion Democrats will say that no additional legislation was necessary, over 40 (known) cases have been reported of children being born alive- and then left to die (or killed after birth).  Sorry, but anyone who is OK with that... cannot be said to have "morals".  

As for "smart", well... they might be book smart.  But it sure does seem like none of them have ever run a business.  In fact, I'm guessing they've never even had a family budget to worry about.  Their economic polices (which are- unfortunately- tied to their other ideological boondoggles, like Global Warming) are pure insanity.  

Authenticity?  You mean like how they say "believe all women"... unless the woman is accusing a Democrat of wrong-doing?  Or how they all fight to "help the poor"- by raising taxes on others- but donate very little of their own money towards charity?  Or is it their political support for public schools (or, more accurately, teachers' unions)- and opposing vouchers to help give poor people a better option for their own kids- all the while sending their own kids to private schools? 

Donald Trump has ALOT of flaws.  I was one of his most out-spoken critics before (and after) the election.  But no matter how bad he is... he's better than any candidate the Democrats have put forth.  If the Democrats weren't so busy with intersectionality... and dividing people to increase their own power... they might have someone worth voting for.  But the far-left now owns the party.  And if they were to ever gain full control of all 3 branches, the whole US would look like Detroit... or San Francisco... or LA... or NY.  No thanks.  
Yeah, I know, we'll all burn in the fires of hell. Thanks Reverend Phelps. 

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