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Just an average day in today’s news media.
A shocking number of these voices were former intelligence officers who joined Clapper in becoming paid news contributors. Op-ed pages and news networks are packed now with ex-spooks editorializing about stories in which they had personal involvement: Michael MorellMichael HaydenAsha Rangappa, and Andrew McCabeamong many others, including especially all four of the original “intel chiefs”: Clapper, RogersComey, and MSNBC headliner John Brennan
Russiagate birthed a whole brand of politics, a government-in-exile, which prosecuted its case against Trump via a constant stream of “approved” leaks, partisans in congress, and an increasingly unified and thematically consistent set of commercial news outlets.
These mechanisms have been transplanted now onto the Ukrainegate drama. It’s the same people beating the public drums, with the messaging run out of the same congressional committees, through the same Nadlers, Schiffs, and Swalwells. The same news outlets are on full alert. 
The sidelined “intel chiefs” are once again playing central roles in making the public case. Comey says “we may now be at a point” where impeachment is necessary. Brennan, with unintentional irony, says the United States is “no longer a democracy.” Clapper says the Ukraine whistleblower complaint is “one of the most credible” he’s seen. 
As a reporter covering the 2015–2016 presidential race, I thought Trump’s campaign was disturbing on many levels, but logical as a news story. He succeeded for class reasons, because of flaws in the media business that gifted him mass amounts of coverage, and because he took cunning advantage of long-simmering frustrations in the electorate. He also clearly catered to racist fears, and to the collapse in trust in institutions like the news media, the Fed, corporations, NATO, and, yes, the intelligence services. In enormous numbers, voters rejected everything they had ever been told about who was and was not qualified for higher office. 
Trump’s campaign antagonism toward the military and intelligence world was at best a millimeter thick. Like almost everything else he said as a candidate, it was a gimmick, designed to get votes. That he was insincere and full of it and irresponsible, at first at least, when he attacked the “deep state” and the “fake news media,” doesn’t change the reality of what’s happened since. Even paranoiacs have enemies, and even Donald “Deep State” Trump is a legitimately elected president whose ouster is being actively sought by the intelligence community. 
Trump stands accused of using the office of the presidency to advance political aims, in particular pressuring Ukraine to investigate potential campaign rival Joe Biden. He’s guilty, but the issue is how guilty, in comparison to his accusers. 
Trump, at least insofar as we know, has not used section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to monitor political rivals. He hasn’t deployed human counterintelligence “informants” to follow the likes of Hunter Biden. He hasn’t maneuvered to secure Special Counsel probes of Democrats. 
And while Donald Trump conducting foreign policy based on what he sees on Fox and Friends is troubling, it’s not in the same ballpark as CNN, MSNBC, the Washington Post and the New York Times engaging in de facto coverage partnerships with the FBI and CIA to push highly politicized, phony narratives like Russiagate. 
Trump’s tinpot Twitter threats and cancellation of White House privileges for dolts like Jim Acosta also don’t begin to compare to the danger posed by Facebook, Google, and Twitter – under pressure from the Senate – organizing with groups like the Atlantic Council to fight “fake news” in the name of preventing the “foment of discord.” 
I don’t believe most Americans have thought through what a successful campaign to oust Donald Trump would look like. Most casual news consumers can only think of it in terms of Mike Pence becoming president. The real problem would be the precedent of a de facto intelligence community veto over elections, using the lunatic spookworld brand of politics that has dominated the last three years of anti-Trump agitation. 
CIA/FBI-backed impeachment could also be a self-fulfilling prophecy. If Donald Trump thinks he’s going to be jailed upon leaving office, he’ll sooner or later figure out that his only real move is to start acting like the “dictator” MSNBC and CNN keep insisting he is. Why give up the White House and wait to be arrested, when he still has theoretical authority to send Special Forces troops rappelling through the windows of every last Russiagate/Ukrainegate leaker? That would be the endgame in a third world country, and it’s where we’re headed, unless someone calls off this craziness. Welcome to the Permanent Power Struggle.


My thought while reading this... was how much fun (I use that term sarcastically) it's going to be for our country... when the next Democrat gets elected... and Republicans do all these things to try to get that president ousted (rather than just accepting the will of the voters).  I'll say this: both sides are guilty of escalating things.  When one side does it... the other says, "Well, I guess we can do that too, now."  When McConnell says that he'll nominate and confirm a new judge for the SCOTUS- even if it's an election year... after what he said during Obama's last year in office... his justification is simple: the Democrats would do it... so he might as well do it, too.  I think he's wrong (mostly just for not being consistent)... but this is the game now: do whatever it takes (even if it's morally wrong) to "win".  It sucks... and it's bad for our country.  But the first side to take the "high road" (and do the right thing for a change) will be the party that loses it's majority first.

Quote: @pumpf said:
My thought while reading this... was how much fun (I use that term sarcastically) it's going to be for our country... when the next Democrat gets elected... and Republicans do all these things to try to get that president ousted (rather than just accepting the will of the voters).  I'll say this: both sides are guilty of escalating things.  When one side does it... the other says, "Well, I guess we can do that too, now."  When McConnell says that he'll nominate and confirm a new judge for the SCOTUS- even if it's an election year... after what he said during Obama's last year in office... his justification is simple: the Democrats would do it... so he might as well do it, too.  I think he's wrong (mostly just for not being consistent)... but this is the game now: do whatever it takes (even if it's morally wrong) to "win".  It sucks... and it's bad for our country.  But the first side to take the "high road" (and do the right thing for a change) will be the party that loses it's majority first.
I don't think this is partisan politics.  This is a deep state supported establishment that is trying to maintain control against a country that is moving against them.  I think you can clearly see the democrats strong arming Bernie Sanders in 2016 and subverting his entire campaign.  He was being normal Bernie, and then just bowed out and shifted to more mainstream ideologies.  It looked like someone promised to murder his family, and it was just too deep for him.  They thought Bernie supporters were going to vote for Hillary, but they just stayed home.  You can see it now in all of the more populist candidates being "left off" MSM reports, or not being allowed to go to debates, or Google blacklisting Tulsi Gabbert when she was most popular, etc.  You can clearly see that they have the candidates that are going to be allowed to win the democrat side, and which ones won't have a chance.

Quote: @pumpf said:
My thought while reading this... was how much fun (I use that term sarcastically) it's going to be for our country... when the next Democrat gets elected... and Republicans do all these things to try to get that president ousted (rather than just accepting the will of the voters).  I'll say this: both sides are guilty of escalating things.  When one side does it... the other says, "Well, I guess we can do that too, now."  When McConnell says that he'll nominate and confirm a new judge for the SCOTUS- even if it's an election year... after what he said during Obama's last year in office... his justification is simple: the Democrats would do it... so he might as well do it, too.  I think he's wrong (mostly just for not being consistent)... but this is the game now: do whatever it takes (even if it's morally wrong) to "win".  It sucks... and it's bad for our country.  But the first side to take the "high road" (and do the right thing for a change) will be the party that loses it's majority first.
I keep thinking and saying the same things. Now that this form of pissing match about losing an election is OK, what in the world is it going to look like when a Democrat gets elected?

It won’t happen again.  

We need to get out of needless never ending wars.  We need to expose the people who profited from them.  We need to hold the CIA and FBI accountable for what they did to other countries and to our citizens. 

We need to go after the tremendous wealth congress makes.  They shouldn’t be unethically profiting from their votes.  

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
It won’t happen again.  

We need to get out of needless never ending wars.  We need to expose the people who profited from them.  We need to hold the CIA and FBI accountable for what they did to other countries and to our citizens. 

We need to go after the tremendous wealth congress makes.  They shouldn’t be unethically profiting from their votes.  
Well no shit but what kind of dumb ass congressman goes against their own pyramid money making scheme.  We as voters are never going to get corruption voted out of politics.

So does Trump know Lev Parnas? I ask cos when they were arrested, Trump said "I don't know them".
Well, thanks to Mr Parnas Instagram the relationship goes way back including Trump kids and a "friendship" letter.
Could it be another media conspiracy?


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