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OT: College entrance cheating scandal
That is straight up bullshit.  My daughter went to college for 5 years, earning both a Bachelor's degree (Communications) and a Master's degree (Phycology) cost me absolutely NOTHING!!  She earned several academic scholarships, received a couple of grants and some financial aid, plus she had a full-time job.  She paid for everything out of her own pocket.  When she graduated and entered law school, I paid for that as her graduation present.

Quote: @ArizonaViking said:
That is straight up bullshit.  My daughter went to college for 5 years, earning both a Bachelor's degree (Communications) and a Master's degree (Phycology) cost me absolutely NOTHING!!  She earned several academic scholarships, received a couple of grants and some financial aid, plus she had a full-time job.  She paid for everything out of her own pocket.  When she graduated and entered law school, I paid for that as her graduation present.
Yep, its really an affront to those of us that parented the right way and kids that worked hard. My son got a B.S. in Physics in 4 years and did paid undergrad research at the same time. He also TA'd some classes for extra money. Worked very hard. He had a partial scholarship but my wife and I paid for the rest of his education as a gift, but any spending money was left for him to work for. He was genuinely grateful and rewarded us by his work ethic and finishing school on time. He's kicking ass and taking names out in the real job world now, couldn't be prouder. He has the skills to excel, he's an independent-minded person and can persevere thru adversity. Haven't given the kid one dime since his college education, he hasn't needed it.

Quote: @StickyBun said:
@suncoastvike said:
@StickyBun said:
@BigAl99 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
Shouldn't the  bigger concern be over "student athletes" getting relaxed admission standards?

Honestly the fact that these schools are propped up with tax dollars and the costs are still sky rocketing it really pisses me off that some Jack wagon that likely cheats and gets slid through the public school system "because the team needs him active" gets a better chance to get into a college that they will never graduate from than a kid who busted his ass academically, but can't hit a 15' J.

Maybe it's time to level the playing field and make all kids earn their way I to college through their academics and really put the student back into student athlete?

Also put in financial penalties for kids who take scholarships and then try and leave early for  the pros. If they are that good they will make great money...make them pay back that scholarship with significant interest so that more kids in other areas can have the same opportunity to an affordable education.  What does a free ride for playing basketball for Duke really do for a kid when they are there at 2 years tops?
Like in China or Japan?  Your whole life is dependent on your entrance exams, unless your folks can afford to send you to another country.
In India, this bribery and fraud to get into colleges is well known and been going on forever. Bottom line: rich kids learn that the rules don't apply to them. Their parents lay down the golden path and they just have to move forward. They'll then use their connections to get them a great job once they graduate. No matter what, they'll be taken care of. 

I live in east Boca Raton, Florida, one of the richest enclaves of wealth in the country. The entitlement by the teenagers is mind blowing. Its an assault on my Midwest sensibilities. They spend money like they are wealthy adults without restriction (Daddy's credit cards). They get realistic fake I.D.s and drink unabashedly in expensive outdoor dining places at 16 years old. Drive Mercedes, Range Rovers and Maseratis. Eat sushi every day. Very expensive clothes and purses/jewelry. Vape marijuana in the open. 
Guess I picked the wrong
Over here my neighbors in the north county they are just as likely to smoke meth and drive camo 4wheeler's. 
Wealth doesn't always ensure success. It's definitely an advantage. Sooner or later someone has to pay them for that degree. Employer's want results not signatures on a paper.
That's where the rubber meets the road for most that cheat their way to a degree, have no coping skills and have been handed everything (you don't have to be super rich for parents to act like this). But for the uber rich, they'll just keep finding different jobs for their kids to shift to.....that's if they have them work at all. They just want the prestige of a degree from Stanford from a parent's standpoint, to brag. Its called social capital in the wealthy set for kids: meaning I have a Master's degree from Stanford but I'm not using it for a career, but I COULD if I were so inclined (riiiight). Most of these ultra wealthy kids don't do shit after college. 
Which leads me back to my earlier post. Hopefully they make nothing of their life. After years of enabling by the parents they then squander their inheritance. It's a lifestyle and wealth bracket that I will never know. 
Maybe the parents are finally going to learn a lesson that they can pass on. 

Quote: @suncoastvike said:
@StickyBun said:
@suncoastvike said:
@StickyBun said:
@BigAl99 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
Shouldn't the  bigger concern be over "student athletes" getting relaxed admission standards?

Honestly the fact that these schools are propped up with tax dollars and the costs are still sky rocketing it really pisses me off that some Jack wagon that likely cheats and gets slid through the public school system "because the team needs him active" gets a better chance to get into a college that they will never graduate from than a kid who busted his ass academically, but can't hit a 15' J.

Maybe it's time to level the playing field and make all kids earn their way I to college through their academics and really put the student back into student athlete?

Also put in financial penalties for kids who take scholarships and then try and leave early for  the pros. If they are that good they will make great money...make them pay back that scholarship with significant interest so that more kids in other areas can have the same opportunity to an affordable education.  What does a free ride for playing basketball for Duke really do for a kid when they are there at 2 years tops?
Like in China or Japan?  Your whole life is dependent on your entrance exams, unless your folks can afford to send you to another country.
In India, this bribery and fraud to get into colleges is well known and been going on forever. Bottom line: rich kids learn that the rules don't apply to them. Their parents lay down the golden path and they just have to move forward. They'll then use their connections to get them a great job once they graduate. No matter what, they'll be taken care of. 

I live in east Boca Raton, Florida, one of the richest enclaves of wealth in the country. The entitlement by the teenagers is mind blowing. Its an assault on my Midwest sensibilities. They spend money like they are wealthy adults without restriction (Daddy's credit cards). They get realistic fake I.D.s and drink unabashedly in expensive outdoor dining places at 16 years old. Drive Mercedes, Range Rovers and Maseratis. Eat sushi every day. Very expensive clothes and purses/jewelry. Vape marijuana in the open. 
Guess I picked the wrong
Over here my neighbors in the north county they are just as likely to smoke meth and drive camo 4wheeler's. 
Wealth doesn't always ensure success. It's definitely an advantage. Sooner or later someone has to pay them for that degree. Employer's want results not signatures on a paper.
That's where the rubber meets the road for most that cheat their way to a degree, have no coping skills and have been handed everything (you don't have to be super rich for parents to act like this). But for the uber rich, they'll just keep finding different jobs for their kids to shift to.....that's if they have them work at all. They just want the prestige of a degree from Stanford from a parent's standpoint, to brag. Its called social capital in the wealthy set for kids: meaning I have a Master's degree from Stanford but I'm not using it for a career, but I COULD if I were so inclined (riiiight). Most of these ultra wealthy kids don't do shit after college. 
Which leads me back to my earlier post. Hopefully they make nothing of their life. After years of enabling by the parents they then squander their inheritance. It's a lifestyle and wealth bracket that I will never know. 
Maybe the parents are finally going to learn a lesson that they can pass on. 
In some of the cases in this scandal, the kids didn't know this was going on behind the scenes. The parents didn't want them to find out. So now the kids are going to take the brunt of the fallout on social media. Its just ugly all around. Felicity Huffman was considered a very down to earth person and good parent before this, shows what happens behind closed doors. 

Quote: @BigAl99 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
Shouldn't the  bigger concern be over "student athletes" getting relaxed admission standards?

Honestly the fact that these schools are propped up with tax dollars and the costs are still sky rocketing it really pisses me off that some Jack wagon that likely cheats and gets slid through the public school system "because the team needs him active" gets a better chance to get into a college that they will never graduate from than a kid who busted his ass academically, but can't hit a 15' J.

Maybe it's time to level the playing field and make all kids earn their way I to college through their academics and really put the student back into student athlete?

Also put in financial penalties for kids who take scholarships and then try and leave early for  the pros. If they are that good they will make great money...make them pay back that scholarship with significant interest so that more kids in other areas can have the same opportunity to an affordable education.  What does a free ride for playing basketball for Duke really do for a kid when they are there at 2 years tops?
Like in China or Japan?  Your whole life is dependent on your entrance exams, unless your folks can afford to send you to another country.
what does china and japan have to do with our fucked up college educational  system?  unless theirs is better I dont see the relavancy?

Quote: @suncoastvike said:
I view this differently then the real student athletes cheating. Maybe I shouldn't but I do. The football and basketball players at college generate millions and get little more then thousands. They are at least paying their way. These entitled brats are simply just having their way paid. For the betterment of only their parent's likely. If they're this lazy and unmotivated they won't succeed in life. So it become nothing more then bragging rights for these rich parents. My kid got into _ _ _ _ where's your jr going? Sadly they will be supporting that kid the rest of their lives and in the end that kid will only squander the inheritance.
At least that's what I hope. If there's any justice.
a few generate millions,  the rest of the required title 9 programs cost the states/universities millions annually.   I would love to see a study that shows all true costs associtated with college athletics across the country vs the revenue generated by all those athletic programs.

everybody wants a separation of Church and State,  I think our country would be way better off going forward if we could separate Sports and Education.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@suncoastvike said:
I view this differently then the real student athletes cheating. Maybe I shouldn't but I do. The football and basketball players at college generate millions and get little more then thousands. They are at least paying their way. These entitled brats are simply just having their way paid. For the betterment of only their parent's likely. If they're this lazy and unmotivated they won't succeed in life. So it become nothing more then bragging rights for these rich parents. My kid got into _ _ _ _ where's your jr going? Sadly they will be supporting that kid the rest of their lives and in the end that kid will only squander the inheritance.
At least that's what I hope. If there's any justice.
a few generate millions,  the rest of the required title 9 programs cost the states/universities millions annually.   I would love to see a study that shows all true costs associtated with college athletics across the country vs the revenue generated by all those athletic programs.

everybody wants a separation of Church and State,  I think our country would be way better off going forward if we could separate Sports and Education.
I won't disagree with this. Level the playing field as well if you made them actually be students who play sports. These factories of championships already have too big of advantage in the "recruitment" areas. They aren't making better leaders only better teams.

Maybe we need more parents like these "Back to School"
Tough but fair. I put one kid through college the other through a wall.
[Image: 7vj8g9vizao0.jpg]

Quote: @suncoastvike said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@suncoastvike said:
I view this differently then the real student athletes cheating. Maybe I shouldn't but I do. The football and basketball players at college generate millions and get little more then thousands. They are at least paying their way. These entitled brats are simply just having their way paid. For the betterment of only their parent's likely. If they're this lazy and unmotivated they won't succeed in life. So it become nothing more then bragging rights for these rich parents. My kid got into _ _ _ _ where's your jr going? Sadly they will be supporting that kid the rest of their lives and in the end that kid will only squander the inheritance.
At least that's what I hope. If there's any justice.
a few generate millions,  the rest of the required title 9 programs cost the states/universities millions annually.   I would love to see a study that shows all true costs associtated with college athletics across the country vs the revenue generated by all those athletic programs.

everybody wants a separation of Church and State,  I think our country would be way better off going forward if we could separate Sports and Education.
I won't disagree with this. Level the playing field as well if you made them actually be students who play sports. These factories of championships already have too big of advantage in the "recruitment" areas. They aren't making better leaders only better teams.
I would start at grade school and go up from there.  I hate the arguement that we need sports in school to get some of the kids to come to school... that is so stupid it isnt funny.  maybe once in a while there is a shining example of a kid who would have fell through the cracks without sports,  but how many other kids have their education experience sacrificed because of these kids that are only there for the sports?

if parents and alums want a sport,  they will have a sport,  but it should all be club sports with zero tax dollars going into the programs or the facilites (including coaching and transportation)  Hockey and Baseball in SD are perfect examples,  we went decades without those sports having any ties to the school systems,  but now they are becoming so due to a few parents thinking their kids would get recognition from colleges if our programs are suddenly associated with the local schools.  (more like the parents want to cut their costs by getting the school sytems to pick up parts of the tab)

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@BigAl99 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
Shouldn't the  bigger concern be over "student athletes" getting relaxed admission standards?

Honestly the fact that these schools are propped up with tax dollars and the costs are still sky rocketing it really pisses me off that some Jack wagon that likely cheats and gets slid through the public school system "because the team needs him active" gets a better chance to get into a college that they will never graduate from than a kid who busted his ass academically, but can't hit a 15' J.

Maybe it's time to level the playing field and make all kids earn their way I to college through their academics and really put the student back into student athlete?

Also put in financial penalties for kids who take scholarships and then try and leave early for  the pros. If they are that good they will make great money...make them pay back that scholarship with significant interest so that more kids in other areas can have the same opportunity to an affordable education.  What does a free ride for playing basketball for Duke really do for a kid when they are there at 2 years tops?
Like in China or Japan?  Your whole life is dependent on your entrance exams, unless your folks can afford to send you to another country.
what does china and japan have to do with our fucked up college educational  system?  unless theirs is better I dont see the relavancy?
In my wife's dept. She has fewer in state grad students than foreign.  This has been a gradual change since the regents have been de-funding the universities and making it more dependent on out state tuition.  There is no reason to bring in an in state student for 20k per year when you can have an out stater at 40K  or a foreign student at 80k or the child of some one that can make donation, perhaps.   

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