Yeah, not so much for Nazis, pedophiles, and their ilk...but if they're your type of good folk, have at it...
Quote: @pumpf said:
@"BarrNone55" said:
This is the GOP...religious zealots, neo Nazis, pedophiles...
So... you found the most extreme (and repulsive) Republican you could find... and then stated that ALL Republicans / Conservatives think just like he did. That's about as intellectually dishonest as saying that all Christians believe the same things that Fred Phelps did.
OK. Does this make you feel better about yourself?
While nobody thinks ALL Republicans and their supporters fall into those categories, the stark reality is that the Republicans are being supported by a LOT of those people who either agree or don't care.
Roy Moore - should have never even ran as a pedophile. But he did, Trump even endorsed him, and a LOT of people voted for him despite his sicko acts with Teen girls as a 30+ yr old man and DA. And now this dirtbag from Washington wants Christian sharia law. Steve King from Iowa has spewed the most disgusting, racist crap for several years and he just got reelected in Iowa. This isn't just ONE isolated incident ... there are numerous GOP wackos who have tremendous support, some won their elections with these views. So where are the "good" Republicans condemning these idiots? Democrats kicked Al Franken to the curb over a goofy photo, Republicans almost refuse to police their own.
Not all GOP and supporters belong to or support the racists, but, the problem is your side doesn't take a stand against them either. They've been welcomed into the flock. The Neo Nazis groups, the racists, the rightwing Christian groups NONE are voting Democrat. That's what Barrnone is saying - you might not personally be one but as long as you keep voting and supporting that side and they continue, and you supporters continue to be silent while hate groups flourish under the GOP, you're enabling and accepting their views.
Republicans lost their moral standards under Trump, showing they will accept any candidate and any voter base as long as they vote straight GOP ticket. After preaching about superior morals and what a bad man Bill Clinton was for his affair in office, you cheered a serial adulterer with 5 kids from 3 moms, cheats on all his wives and bangs playboy bunnies and porn stars - because suddenly morals don't matter to you anymore. The few Republicans who had the balls to speak up for common decency like McCain, Flake were slammed and chastised by your own party and base as RINO's, and are now leaving the former GOP party to hand it over to the Trumpists cult.
I dont recognize the GOP anymore, it's morphed into a Cult of Trump that embraces racism, sexism, xenophobia, anti-Semitic views and pushes conspiracy theories. Gone are morals and fiscal responsibility. We no longer have differences in just policy, we have differences in morals and what is truth and facts vs fake news. So until we see a Republican or their base grow a spine and speak up, shout down these hate groups and extremists ... well as the saying goes if the shoe fits ...
Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
@ pumpf said:
@"BarrNone55" said:
This is the GOP...religious zealots, neo Nazis, pedophiles...
So... you found the most extreme (and repulsive) Republican you could find... and then stated that ALL Republicans / Conservatives think just like he did. That's about as intellectually dishonest as saying that all Christians believe the same things that Fred Phelps did.
OK. Does this make you feel better about yourself?
While nobody thinks ALL Republicans and their supporters fall into those categories, the stark reality is that the Republicans are being supported by a LOT of those people who either agree or don't care.
Roy Moore - should have never even ran as a pedophile. But he did, Trump even endorsed him, and a LOT of people voted for him despite his sicko acts with Teen girls as a 30+ yr old man and DA. And now this dirtbag from Washington wants Christian sharia law. Steve King from Iowa has spewed the most disgusting, racist crap for several years and he just got reelected in Iowa. This isn't just ONE isolated incident ... there are numerous GOP wackos who have tremendous support, some won their elections with these views. So where are the "good" Republicans condemning these idiots? Democrats kicked Al Franken to the curb over a goofy photo, Republicans almost refuse to police their own.
Not all GOP and supporters belong to or support the racists, but, the problem is your side doesn't take a stand against them either. They've been welcomed into the flock. The Neo Nazis groups, the racists, the rightwing Christian groups NONE are voting Democrat. That's what Barrnone is saying - you might not personally be one but as long as you keep voting and supporting that side and they continue, and you supporters continue to be silent while hate groups flourish under the GOP, you're enabling and accepting their views.
Republicans lost their moral standards under Trump, showing they will accept any candidate and any voter base as long as they vote straight GOP ticket. After preaching about superior morals and what a bad man Bill Clinton was for his affair in office, you cheered a serial adulterer with 5 kids from 3 moms, cheats on all his wives and bangs playboy bunnies and porn stars - because suddenly morals don't matter to you anymore. The few Republicans who had the balls to speak up for common decency like McCain, Flake were slammed and chastised by your own party and base as RINO's, and are now leaving the former GOP party to hand it over to the Trumpists cult.
I dont recognize the GOP anymore, it's morphed into a Cult of Trump that embraces racism, sexism, xenophobia, anti-Semitic views and pushes conspiracy theories. Gone are morals and fiscal responsibility. We no longer have differences in just policy, we have differences in morals and what is truth and facts vs fake news. So until we see a Republican or their base grow a spine and speak up, shout down these hate groups and extremists ... well as the saying goes if the shoe fits ...
I dont consider myself a republucans. Though Im sure I get put in that group here. I didnt vote for “bad orange man”.
How is picking out extreme results and trying to lable the 40% that do consider themselves GOP constructive in any way? Just saying “not all repbs are bad” and then going on to paint a dark picture anyway is pointless. I can easily find just as extreme wackados across all political lines.
Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
@ pumpf said:
@"BarrNone55" said:
This is the GOP...religious zealots, neo Nazis, pedophiles...
So... you found the most extreme (and repulsive) Republican you could find... and then stated that ALL Republicans / Conservatives think just like he did. That's about as intellectually dishonest as saying that all Christians believe the same things that Fred Phelps did.
OK. Does this make you feel better about yourself?
While nobody thinks ALL Republicans and their supporters fall into those categories, the stark reality is that the Republicans are being supported by a LOT of those people who either agree or don't care.
Roy Moore - should have never even ran as a pedophile. But he did, Trump even endorsed him, and a LOT of people voted for him despite his sicko acts with Teen girls as a 30+ yr old man and DA. And now this dirtbag from Washington wants Christian sharia law. Steve King from Iowa has spewed the most disgusting, racist crap for several years and he just got reelected in Iowa. This isn't just ONE isolated incident ... there are numerous GOP wackos who have tremendous support, some won their elections with these views. So where are the "good" Republicans condemning these idiots? Democrats kicked Al Franken to the curb over a goofy photo, Republicans almost refuse to police their own.
Not all GOP and supporters belong to or support the racists, but, the problem is your side doesn't take a stand against them either. They've been welcomed into the flock. The Neo Nazis groups, the racists, the rightwing Christian groups NONE are voting Democrat. That's what Barrnone is saying - you might not personally be one but as long as you keep voting and supporting that side and they continue, and you supporters continue to be silent while hate groups flourish under the GOP, you're enabling and accepting their views.
Republicans lost their moral standards under Trump, showing they will accept any candidate and any voter base as long as they vote straight GOP ticket. After preaching about superior morals and what a bad man Bill Clinton was for his affair in office, you cheered a serial adulterer with 5 kids from 3 moms, cheats on all his wives and bangs playboy bunnies and porn stars - because suddenly morals don't matter to you anymore. The few Republicans who had the balls to speak up for common decency like McCain, Flake were slammed and chastised by your own party and base as RINO's, and are now leaving the former GOP party to hand it over to the Trumpists cult.
I dont recognize the GOP anymore, it's morphed into a Cult of Trump that embraces racism, sexism, xenophobia, anti-Semitic views and pushes conspiracy theories. Gone are morals and fiscal responsibility. We no longer have differences in just policy, we have differences in morals and what is truth and facts vs fake news. So until we see a Republican or their base grow a spine and speak up, shout down these hate groups and extremists ... well as the saying goes if the shoe fits ...
It is the same on both sides. They are both religions masquerading as political parties. The reason for the party “bases” supporting the fringe crazies is because the other side for each is worse (in those bases’ opinions). When there are only two choices (which is what most voters believe), EVERY person is guilty of hypocrisy and compromising beliefes.