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Strzok by the truth
Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@greediron said:
@MaroonBells said:
@greediron said:
True, I do have a pretty low opinion of the twit Strzok.  So maybe I am biased against innate stupidity.
What do you have against him? He called Trump a "loathsome human," a "douche" and a "fucking idiot." So where is he wrong? Isn't that the opinion we ALL have of him? I mean, my goodness, his own Secretary of State called him a "fucking moron." I don't know...maybe that whole "not for Trump but against Hillary" stuff was just BS. 

I have said similar about Trump, so you may have to find a different straw man.

Strzok patient is an idiot because he sought to use his position to influence an election and bragged about it on twitter.  I have to laugh at those claiming the Russian interfered with the election but ignore the actual interference by those such as this idiot.  Of course, maybe he is Russian and then there would be some meat to those concerns.
Surely you're not suggesting that the Russians didn't try to influence the election.
Surely you aren't suggesting that Trump was the only one influenced by external forces?  Hillary has ties to Russian interests.  Hillary has ties to Saudi interests.  But anyone suggesting that line of investigations was just on a witch hunt.

And to my point.  An FBI agent trying to sway and influence an election through corrupt methods, that is much more nefarious than what the Russians had in helping Trump. 

Oh, and Facebook has quite a list of investors as well and they have been shown to be up to the task of manipulating data.

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
i dont understand the outrage over the whole election influence thing?  does anybody think that we, as voters, arent getting played by dozens and dozens of outside special interest groups all the time?  I mean in our state elections we have so much outside influence from other states special interest groups... how is that not any different than foreign countries meddling with our national elections?

IMO its a lot of crying and chest pounding about nothing... its happened for years and its never been an issue in the past,  why now?

not to mention,  does anybody think for a second that our govt is not involved in influencing or flat out rigging elections and political decisions in other countries?
Jimmy, sometimes I just have to shake my head to make sure I'm not in an episode the twilight zone. So, you're basically saying that Russian and American election interferences are morally equivalent. Wow. Look, I don't want to insult your intelligence by reminding you that our interventions have largely been to challenge dictators and promote democracy. Russia does it for the opposite reason. 

I know you're no fan of our baby-in-chief, but the length to which I've seen Team Red go to make excuses for him, in light of what we know, is just astonishing to me. When the red/blue fight comes before our values and institutions--our very democracy--then we're in big trouble. 
I dont think our country's actions have been dictated by morals in long damn time...  I think team red... team blue.... its all one team when you get to the core and that is team green.   If our country is messing with another country its because some major campaign contributors or the politicians themselves stand to either make or lose a shit ton of cash.  they can always come up with some sort of humanitarian reason for meddling here or there,  but one thing is consistent with where they meddle... theres money to be made.  the genocide in africa and south east asia with minimal or no US involvement says to me that there is nothing there to protect or fight for from a financial stand point.

This is a very good question, Mr. Brennan....
Top officials in Washington call Former CIA Director John Brennan slammed President Donald Trump on Twitter after his Monday press conference with Vladimir Putin, claiming that his unwillingness to blame Russia for meddling in the 2016 U.S. election “rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” “It was nothing short of treasonous,” Brennan continued. “Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???

Sen. John McCain called President Trump “disgraceful,” naive, and egoistical after meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday in Finland. “Today’s press conference in Helsinki was one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory,” McCain said in a statement. “The damage inflicted by President Trump’s naiveté, egotism, false equivalence, and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate.” McCain continued, “Trump proved not only unable, but unwilling to stand up to Putin. ... These were the deliberate choices of a president who seems determined to realize his delusions of a warm relationship with Putin’s regime....” House Speaker Paul Ryan said in statement, “The president must appreciate that Russia is not our ally.” Sen. Jeff Flake called the meeting “shameful.” Sen. Lindsey Graham said Trump's statements were a “sign of weakness. ”

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
This is a very good question, Mr. Brennan....
Top officials in Washington call Former CIA Director John Brennan slammed President Donald Trump on Twitter after his Monday press conference with Vladimir Putin, claiming that his unwillingness to blame Russia for meddling in the 2016 U.S. election “rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” “It was nothing short of treasonous,” Brennan continued. “Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???

Sen. John McCain called President Trump “disgraceful,” naive, and egoistical after meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday in Finland. “Today’s press conference in Helsinki was one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory,” McCain said in a statement. “The damage inflicted by President Trump’s naiveté, egotism, false equivalence, and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate.” McCain continued, “Trump proved not only unable, but unwilling to stand up to Putin. ... These were the deliberate choices of a president who seems determined to realize his delusions of a warm relationship with Putin’s regime....” House Speaker Paul Ryan said in statement, “The president must appreciate that Russia is not our ally.” Sen. Jeff Flake called the meeting “shameful.” Sen. Lindsey Graham said Trump's statements were a “sign of weakness. ”
this is nothing new,  we havent had a strong president for quite a while now,  especially when it comes to the russians.  they will pick on the pussy countries,  but we havent had a US President stand up to Russia since Reagan.

Obama, Bush 2, Clinton and Bush 1 may not have "stood up" to the Russians to your satisfaction, but none of them would've done this. None of them systematically alienated each of our allies, all the while praising and honoring ruthless dictators like Putin and Kim Jong Un. Given your clear admiration for strength in dealing with the Russians, I'm surprised you're not more alarmed by what's happening. I think Reagan would be horrified, don't you?

I think it's pretty clear that Vladdy is using Donny's narcissism against him to get what he wants. Obviously, it's why they wanted him elected in the first place. He's a useful idiot. Up until now it's been more embarrassing than alarming. But at what point does the party of Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan find their balls and say this is getting serious, dangerous? That enough is enough? 

ok, its  time to stop the bullshit.  We are in an unparalleled place in US history.  Its time to stop talking about Hillary Clinton, and making false equivalencies between Donald Trump and anymother politician or former president.  Its time to stand up and be counted.  What Trump has done today is shocking.  Even a former Republican Presidential candidate excoriated this traitor.  A former Director of the CIA  called said Trump’s actions arise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors and called them treasonous.  Regarding whether he found any fault with Russia over anything, Trump responded, “we are all to blame.”. He attacked PM May of the UK directly and has denigrated NATO.  When asked who were America’s foes he said, “the European Union.” not Russia, not China, not North Korea. 

There is no cogent defense for this sniveling bully.  A man who bows and scrapes to dictators and tries to intimidate long standing allies.  I would like to hear from those of you who, for whatever reason, supported Donald Trump. Do you still?  Its time to take sides.  This is no longer a Republican or Democratic issue.  This is an American issue. Where do you stand?

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
This is a very good question, Mr. Brennan....
Top officials in Washington call Former CIA Director John Brennan slammed President Donald Trump on Twitter after his Monday press conference with Vladimir Putin, claiming that his unwillingness to blame Russia for meddling in the 2016 U.S. election “rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” “It was nothing short of treasonous,” Brennan continued. “Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???

Sen. John McCain called President Trump “disgraceful,” naive, and egoistical after meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday in Finland. “Today’s press conference in Helsinki was one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory,” McCain said in a statement. “The damage inflicted by President Trump’s naiveté, egotism, false equivalence, and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate.” McCain continued, “Trump proved not only unable, but unwilling to stand up to Putin. ... These were the deliberate choices of a president who seems determined to realize his delusions of a warm relationship with Putin’s regime....” House Speaker Paul Ryan said in statement, “The president must appreciate that Russia is not our ally.” Sen. Jeff Flake called the meeting “shameful.” Sen. Lindsey Graham said Trump's statements were a “sign of weakness. ”
Not sure it rises to treason, but it is no better that what many on the right blamed Obama for, being weak in foreign diplomacy.  The North Korea charade was bad enough for me.

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
Obama, Bush 2, Clinton and Bush 1 may not have "stood up" to the Russians to your satisfaction, but none of them would've done this. None of them systematically alienated each of our allies, all the while praising and honoring ruthless dictators like Putin and Kim Jong Un. Given your clear admiration for strength in dealing with the Russians, I'm surprised you're not more alarmed by what's happening. I think Reagan would be horrified, don't you?

I think it's pretty clear that Vladdy is using Donny's narcissism against him to get what he wants. Obviously, it's why they wanted him elected in the first place. He's a useful idiot. Up until now it's been more embarrassing than alarming. But at what point does the party of Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan find their balls and say this is getting serious, dangerous? That enough is enough? 
Don't know how one can defend any of those either.  Especially Obama.  He was horribly weak, but yes, this comment by Trump is more recent and will get more press coverage.

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
Obama, Bush 2, Clinton and Bush 1 may not have "stood up" to the Russians to your satisfaction, but none of them would've done this. None of them systematically alienated each of our allies, all the while praising and honoring ruthless dictators like Putin and Kim Jong Un. Given your clear admiration for strength in dealing with the Russians, I'm surprised you're not more alarmed by what's happening. I think Reagan would be horrified, don't you?

I think it's pretty clear that Vladdy is using Donny's narcissism against him to get what he wants. Obviously, it's why they wanted him elected in the first place. He's a useful idiot. Up until now it's been more embarrassing than alarming. But at what point does the party of Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan find their balls and say this is getting serious, dangerous? That enough is enough? 
are those alienated truly our allies, or are they just friendly with us because we have the bigger wallet and nicer toys that they can play with?  I dont like Trumps tactics and actions,  but I think a lot of what Trump is saying needs to be said... only in a more politically correct manner.   we need to correct trade imbalances,  we need to start making these other countries pay their fare share when it comes to their defense,  the message IMO is a good one,  and one that has been needed to be said for 30 years,  its just that the messenger is a fucked up person.  as far as the republican party of RR and AL,  that party doesnt exist any longer,   just as the dems are nothing like what made them a major political force.  I dont blame anybody any more,  the system is beyond broke and no amount of finger pointing,  no amount of this or that will correct the damages that have been done.  This country is broke in every sense of the word,  maybe its still better than a lot of other places,  but its still broke and I think we are at or near the point of no return and only a small % of that can be blamed on the current joke of a president.

Quote: @greediron said:
@MaroonBells said:
Obama, Bush 2, Clinton and Bush 1 may not have "stood up" to the Russians to your satisfaction, but none of them would've done this. None of them systematically alienated each of our allies, all the while praising and honoring ruthless dictators like Putin and Kim Jong Un. Given your clear admiration for strength in dealing with the Russians, I'm surprised you're not more alarmed by what's happening. I think Reagan would be horrified, don't you?

I think it's pretty clear that Vladdy is using Donny's narcissism against him to get what he wants. Obviously, it's why they wanted him elected in the first place. He's a useful idiot. Up until now it's been more embarrassing than alarming. But at what point does the party of Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan find their balls and say this is getting serious, dangerous? That enough is enough? 
Don't know how one can defend any of those either.  Especially Obama.  He was horribly weak, but yes, this comment by Trump is more recent and will get more press coverage.
again--the bullshit equivilency.  Obama imposed sanctions.  spoke to Putin personally regarding the meddling with our elections. we now have hard evidence that Russian military officers were directly involved in this.  Trump has been shown the proof.  i believe NO OTHER PRESIDENT including both Bushes, Obama, or Bill Clinton would have behaved the way Trump did today.  This is not"his comment is more recent and will get more press coverage." This is way beyond that.  You are unable to clearly state that what was said was shocking, disgraceful and seriously compromised this country? when is someone going to stop being an apologist and grow a pair?

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