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The memo
Quote: @Caactorvike said:
 A foolish and reckless attempt that will only result in a distrustful intel community unwilling now to share info with congress. Great.  
LOL this is funny.  The same intel community that took a subpoena to turn shit over a year late!

Or they "lost" texts.  

Quote: @Caactorvike said:
lol.  well you just got jobbed.  Again.  A  memo about nothing.

When were we 'jobbed' before... the election?  The net-neutrality decision?  The tax-cuts?  LMAO.  

"Nothing", eh?  Well if the Nunes memo was INDEED about nothing, what are ya'll so verklempt about? 
Why was the DNC & FBI so adamant about not releasing "nothing"?  

 The investigation was already underway.

I'm assuming (big leap) you're talking Carter Page, being known before the FISA applications. 
That last vestige of hope, blew up tonight.  

 You’ve got a president and a party who is desparate (sic) to stop Mueller.

PREXY - How so?  You know (I pray... or I'm arguing with a Constitutional ignoramus) that you are aware Trump can fire Mueller tomorrow, for any reason. 
The Mueller special-counsel operates under the grace of the DOJ (executive branch-- executive =POTUS, btw).  TRUMP CAN FIRE MUELLER, TONIGHT. 
PARTY - How so?  You know (I pray... or I'm arguing with a Constitutional ignoramus) The GOP is the majority Congressional party.  They have the majority, not only 
of Congress, but of each committee.  The House (& Senate) Oversight Committees could defund "Mueller's Special Counsel" TONIGHT.  And, that would be IT, for the 
Special Counsel.... unless, of course, those lawyers are willing to work for free.  

In summary....there's no "desperation"... here, at all.  If the GOP was "desperate"... they own all the Constitutional tools to stop this charade, TONIGHT. 

 They thought this would allow Trump to fire Rosenstein and replace him with someone who will stop or curtail the investigation.

Addressed, above.  "They" didn't think, ANYTHING  you're possibly suggesting.  Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of the Constitution, knows this.  
I'll repeat again... Trump can (Constitutionally)  fire Rosenstein, tomorrow, for farting in his sleep, if he (Trump) wants.  

But the committee has been caught red handed with a slanted biased report full of cherry picked facts.

LMAO.  What "fact" of the Nunes Memo, do you disagree with?  I know you disagree with it... but it's my contention, you don't have any idea as to why. 
Other than "Trump's an idiot". 

 A foolish and reckless attempt that will only result in a distrustful intel community unwilling now to share info with congress. Great.

Newsflash, Caactor.  The FBI is a Congressional creation, by statute.  There is no Constitutional "protection"... for the 'intel community'. 
It was granted by Congress, and is subject to Congressional 'oversight'.  The 'intel community' owes it's existence to Congress (Nunes).  
Another newsflash:  If the 'intel community' finds itself 'unwilling' to share with Congress, the Congress can eliminate (de-fund) it, TONIGHT.  

The GOP is more than a fuck up as a party.

LOL.  Where does that leave you?  A minority party nationally, and locally? 

They are dangerous.

They are now doing Putin’s work for him— sowing distrust, weakening our faith in our institutions.    

You're a blast.  
Why were the Dem's/intel community... SO vs the release of the Nunes Memo?  Before the (harmless) release?  
You would think, if the memo was "nothing"... you'd have welcomed the release of it.  So is the Nunes Memo nothing?  Or the end of the world?    Make up your damn minds. 
We GOP'ers... are all for the Dem's 'response' memo release.  (after it's passed intel clearance.  Remember... the GOP Nunes Memo took 2 wks from 'announcement' 
to release... to allow intel community redactions for sources/methods, for nat'l security) 

That's your ka-boom.  Wake the fuck up.  

I woke.  I din't do nuffin. 


Only one small quibble with your post Savannah. The lawyers wouldn't be working for free if congress defunded the special counsel.

They still are on DNC/Clinton Foundation payroll.

I have to agree with CAActor on one very specific point: the GOP is more of a fuck-up than a party.  Absolutely true.  The party is an easy target with its history of moronic quotes regarding science, misogyny, the inability to separate the church and the state, and the sheer amount of times it failed to back up its own babble.  The ACA wasn't supposed to get funded, Hillary was going to be jailed for...hell, damned near everything on Earth, and the party is both worthless and borderline treasonous over its treatment of gays, pot smokers, and the joyous use of prison money to fund super PACs.

I'm so very, very glad that I left that anti-American pile of shit over 20 years back.

All that said...the DNC is worse.

While the GOP can be counted on to push obsolete, stupid, and often hateful positions...the DNC is basically capable of nothing nearly as much as dishonesty and spin.  Most of the media does lean left (I posted on this previously, that argument is long since over), and it fawns over any Democrat sniffing around the point that it lets itself be complicit in pushing the DNC's BS narrative.  The party was basically given a free pass during Dubya's years regardless how many of them had pro-war voting records and their own tough immigration rhetoric.  They are far more of a PR firm than anything like an ethical political entity, and practically any attention paid to the full-blown delusions posited by Pelosi and the like are seemingly straight out of "Idocracy".  They have minorities hooked on entitlements, they brush their own statements under the carpet in order to suck at whatever PR teet is currently trending, and have now found YET ANOTHER KENNEDY to try to draw attention away from the most damning fact of all:

the DNC stands for...nothing.  Nothing whatsoever.  Their own voting records and proposals are contradicting to the point of tragic comedy.

I keep saying it: burn both of these obsolete monsters down, because they're not doing a damned thing for Americans, anymore.

Quote: @Zanary said:
I have to agree with CAActor on one very specific point: the GOP is more of a fuck-up than a party.  Absolutely true.  The party is an easy target with its history of moronic quotes regarding science, misogyny, the inability to separate the church and the state, and the sheer amount of times it failed to back up its own babble.  The ACA wasn't supposed to get funded, Hillary was going to be jailed for...hell, damned near everything on Earth, and the party is both worthless and borderline treasonous over its treatment of gays, pot smokers, and the joyous use of prison money to fund super PACs.

I'm so very, very glad that I left that anti-American pile of shit over 20 years back.

All that said...the DNC is worse.

While the GOP can be counted on to push obsolete, stupid, and often hateful positions...the DNC is basically capable of nothing nearly as much as dishonesty and spin.  Most of the media does lean left (I posted on this previously, that argument is long since over), and it fawns over any Democrat sniffing around the point that it lets itself be complicit in pushing the DNC's BS narrative.  The party was basically given a free pass during Dubya's years regardless how many of them had pro-war voting records and their own tough immigration rhetoric.  They are far more of a PR firm than anything like an ethical political entity, and practically any attention paid to the full-blown delusions posited by Pelosi and the like are seemingly straight out of "Idocracy".  They have minorities hooked on entitlements, they brush their own statements under the carpet in order to suck at whatever PR teet is currently trending, and have now found YET ANOTHER KENNEDY to try to draw attention away from the most damning fact of all:

the DNC stands for...nothing.  Nothing whatsoever.  Their own voting records and proposals are contradicting to the point of tragic comedy.

I keep saying it: burn both of these obsolete monsters down, because they're not doing a damned thing for Americans, anymore.
a fucking men

Keep paying attention.  It is getting better. 

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
Keep paying attention.  It is getting better. 
The one thing that I do believe is improving is the how the establishment has been shaken to the ground by the chaotic whirlwind that's been going on since before the election even happened.  Both "main" parties have been laid bare as the piles of irredeemable shit that they are (how any of you can support either of them at this point is seriously unimaginable), middle America feels like it got some of its voice back, and Congress has been put on the spot over DACA and other issues that they'd skirted for years.

That said, Sessions is an evil skidmark, both Emporer Chee-to and much of the GOP continue to babble before fact-checking and with little/no regard to actual science, and that bunch NEEDS to tell the alt-right and various aryan fap-clubs to f**k off (directly) or continue to be seen as enabling them.

The GOP could remake itself right the hell now, taking advantage of all the change going on...but it's missing the opportunity.


Quote: @Zanary said:
@A1Janitor said:
Keep paying attention.  It is getting better. 
The one thing that I do believe is improving is the how the establishment has been shaken to the ground by the chaotic whirlwind that's been going on since before the election even happened.  Both "main" parties have been laid bare as the piles of irredeemable shit that they are (how any of you can support either of them at this point is seriously unimaginable), middle America feels like it got some of its voice back, and Congress has been put on the spot over DACA and other issues that they'd skirted for years.

That said, Sessions is an evil skidmark, both Emporer Chee-to and much of the GOP continue to babble before fact-checking and with little/no regard to actual science, and that bunch NEEDS to tell the alt-right and various aryan fap-clubs to f**k off (directly) or continue to be seen as enabling them.

The GOP could remake itself right the hell now, taking advantage of all the change going on...but it's missing the opportunity.

That is very interesting.   Maybe you ought to start a new thread about it.  

And let us discuss the memo.  



Quote: @Zanary said:
@A1Janitor said:
Keep paying attention.  It is getting better. 
The one thing that I do believe is improving is the how the establishment has been shaken to the ground by the chaotic whirlwind that's been going on since before the election even happened.  Both "main" parties have been laid bare as the piles of irredeemable shit that they are (how any of you can support either of them at this point is seriously unimaginable), middle America feels like it got some of its voice back, and Congress has been put on the spot over DACA and other issues that they'd skirted for years.

That said, Sessions is an evil skidmark, both Emporer Chee-to and much of the GOP continue to babble before fact-checking and with little/no regard to actual science, and that bunch NEEDS to tell the alt-right and various aryan fap-clubs to f**k off (directly) or continue to be seen as enabling them.

The GOP could remake itself right the hell now, taking advantage of all the change going on...but it's missing the opportunity.

Z... I'm sympathetic to your thoughts.  So much so, I'm no longer registered GOP.  I should have earlier/more accurately used the term 'conservative'.... if'n it wasn't obvious.  
(In a post above, I may have said I was still a part of the party... I'm not.)  

Anyways, as much as it's encumbent on "us" (party people) to improve our status... it's equally important for you tertiary partiers to provide viable candidates that can win... isn't it? 

IOW, what have you done to provide an alternative, since the last election?  
I get your zeitgeist... but throw me a bone, here. 

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
Keep paying attention.  It is getting better. 
They're not paying any attention, bro. Lost cause.  
Missing the biggest political story of the century. 
A poster that started a Viking-Horn thread that  claimed Trump was never "wire-tapped"...... liked the Caactor post... which was a dismal defense of the subject.
So dismal.... he won't post in this thread, again.  

A fellow-traveling democrat, begged them to open their eyes.  (before the Nunes release)  They didn't... and they won't.

But that's ok.  History marches on.  Smile


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