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White guy holding a BLM sign
No surprise to me, doesn’t have to be the heart of Klan territory to find that level of ignorance.  

I have been saying it for years, a large portion of Americans are dumb.

Poorly educated, disgustingly fed, brainwashed by media, willfully ignorant.

Love this country’s principals, our ideals, our history of leadership, losing faith in its people.  It is going to be a rough ride the next couple of years.

Quote: @Skodin said:
No surprise to me, doesn’t have to be the heart of Klan territory to find that level of ignorance.  

I have been saying it for years, a large portion of Americans are dumb.

Poorly educated, disgustingly fed, brainwashed by media, willfully ignorant.

Love this country’s principals, our ideals, our history of leadership, losing faith in its people.  It is going to be a rough ride the next couple of years.
and its a damn good thing we have those poorly educated and such, that people in ivory towers like to look down upon,  its on their backs that this country was made and continues to rely on to do the jobs that most wouldn't do (or couldn't do) if they had to.

as far as racism... the poor and under-educated hardly have exclusive rights to bigotry.... plenty of people in your ivory towers would wear that label (as long as it was tailor made and not off the rack)

Ivory towers?  Give me a break.  I guess if you don’t accept racism, bigotry, religious ideology, if you believe in progress, in science, and have nuance then you MUST live in the ivory tower.  

People working thankless positions they have taken have zero to do with the garbage media/food/information they consume, the hypocritical beliefs they have, the way they treat others.  

Pathetic attempt for you to equate that, taking the stance to defend the dumb who are slowly draining American exceptionalism.

Being able to EVOLVE doesn’t make you an elite, it makes you a considerate, compassionate, conscious human.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@Skodin said:
No surprise to me, doesn’t have to be the heart of Klan territory to find that level of ignorance.  

I have been saying it for years, a large portion of Americans are dumb.

Poorly educated, disgustingly fed, brainwashed by media, willfully ignorant.

Love this country’s principals, our ideals, our history of leadership, losing faith in its people.  It is going to be a rough ride the next couple of years.
and its a damn good thing we have those poorly educated and such, that people in ivory towers like to look down upon,  its on their backs that this country was made and continues to rely on to do the jobs that most wouldn't do (or couldn't do) if they had to.

as far as racism... the poor and under-educated hardly have exclusive rights to bigotry.... plenty of people in your ivory towers would wear that label (as long as it was tailor made and not off the rack)
Jimmy, the seeds of racism take root in that kind of thinking. The kind of thinking that separates "real" America from those who live in cities, in "ivory towers," the "liberals," the educated, the "elites" that they hate so much. 

Quote: @Skodin said:
Ivory towers?  Give me a break.  I guess if you don’t accept racism, bigotry, religious ideology, if you believe in progress, in science, and have nuance then you MUST live in the ivory tower.  

People working thankless positions they have taken have zero to do with the garbage media/food/information they consume, the hypocritical beliefs they have, the way they treat others.  

Pathetic attempt for you to equate that, taking the stance to defend the dumb who are slowly draining American exceptionalism.

Being able to EVOLVE doesn’t make you an elite, it makes you a considerate, compassionate, conscious human.
Change isn't required, survival is not mandatory.

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Skodin said:
No surprise to me, doesn’t have to be the heart of Klan territory to find that level of ignorance.  

I have been saying it for years, a large portion of Americans are dumb.

Poorly educated, disgustingly fed, brainwashed by media, willfully ignorant.

Love this country’s principals, our ideals, our history of leadership, losing faith in its people.  It is going to be a rough ride the next couple of years.
and its a damn good thing we have those poorly educated and such, that people in ivory towers like to look down upon,  its on their backs that this country was made and continues to rely on to do the jobs that most wouldn't do (or couldn't do) if they had to.

as far as racism... the poor and under-educated hardly have exclusive rights to bigotry.... plenty of people in your ivory towers would wear that label (as long as it was tailor made and not off the rack)
Jimmy, the seeds of racism take root in that kind of thinking. The kind of thinking that separates "real" America from those who live in cities, in "ivory towers," the "liberals," the educated, the "elites" that they hate so much. 
what kind of thinking?  that people arent less because of their education levels?  that people arent less because they have a poor diet?   that some how a higher education makes a person unable to be racist or brain washed by the media?

racism isnt a political matter,  its not a matter that is corrected by education... fuck some of the most bigoted pieces of shit in this country are likely carrying around Masters degrees or higher,  and I'm quite certain that all those KKK members dont necessarily vote red... or that racism ends with the KKK or with a lack of pigment in a persons skin.

you know what separates America... its the notion that one side in above all this shit and the rest are scum... fuck that shit and any arrogant fucker that tries to imply it.

I live in Fayetteville, but work in Fort Smith.  Fayetteville has some normalcy to it due to the U of A, but hell even Bentonville is a dumpster fire of white trash now.  Travel 20 minutes any direction and it will shock you to the core how fucking racist the whole state is - ditto Oklahoma and the rest of the surrounding cesspool states of LA, MS, AL, TX and even southern MO.  They don’t even try to hide it because it’s completely socially acceptable here now.

I mostly grew up in Portland, OR and lived in San Francisco and Europe for a decade in my 20’s.  I have since landed in the 7th pit of hell and absolutely fucking loathe the deep south and the majority of its disgusting inhabitants, most of which are uneducated, fake-ass Christians who praise Jesus and in the next breath talk about niggers should be rounded up and shipped back to Africa where they belong, because Trump’s already told Congresswomen of color exactly that, and he’s going to clean up the nigger and Muslim mess and restore white pride in America.

Racism is sooo very alive and well here and has only been emboldened by Trump’s election.  It got so bad I have had to delete all my social media accounts because I can’t stomach the memes and jokes of my girlfriend’s family and people she grew up with.  At work I have to keep my mouth shut about politics and racism.  I lash out on here because I am sick of the not-so-thinly veiled racism by some of you on here after constantly dealing with it in my everyday life offline.

And no Jimmy, get off your high horse.  99.99% of KKK and white supremacists vote red.  Clearly you’ve never spent any time in the south.  Not all Trump supporters are racist but almost all racists are Trump supporters - don’t kid yourself to suggest otherwise.  Our President broadcasts and re-tweets racist shit constantly which makes trashy white people think it’s okay to share the same ideology.

Honestly that video is pretty tame compared to some of the comments I’ve heard and been told, but completely par for the course.  

Racism is purely based on fear and ignorance.  Plenty of doctors and highly educated people here who are just as racist as the trailer park residents.  No ivory towers here, but they all agree Trump is the greatest POTUS in history for finally bringing back white pride and kicking out Muslims and Mexicans.

There’s no un-ringing this bell, I’d rather we just grant them their wish, let them secede again and build a wall around them. 

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Skodin said:
No surprise to me, doesn’t have to be the heart of Klan territory to find that level of ignorance.  

I have been saying it for years, a large portion of Americans are dumb.

Poorly educated, disgustingly fed, brainwashed by media, willfully ignorant.

Love this country’s principals, our ideals, our history of leadership, losing faith in its people.  It is going to be a rough ride the next couple of years.
and its a damn good thing we have those poorly educated and such, that people in ivory towers like to look down upon,  its on their backs that this country was made and continues to rely on to do the jobs that most wouldn't do (or couldn't do) if they had to.

as far as racism... the poor and under-educated hardly have exclusive rights to bigotry.... plenty of people in your ivory towers would wear that label (as long as it was tailor made and not off the rack)
Jimmy, the seeds of racism take root in that kind of thinking. The kind of thinking that separates "real" America from those who live in cities, in "ivory towers," the "liberals," the educated, the "elites" that they hate so much. 
what kind of thinking?  that people arent less because of their education levels?  that people arent less because they have a poor diet?   that some how a higher education makes a person unable to be racist or brain washed by the media?

racism isnt a political matter,  its not a matter that is corrected by education... fuck some of the most bigoted pieces of shit in this country are likely carrying around Masters degrees or higher,  and I'm quite certain that all those KKK members dont necessarily vote red... or that racism ends with the KKK or with a lack of pigment in a persons skin.

you know what separates America... its the notion that one side in above all this shit and the rest are scum... fuck that shit and any arrogant fucker that tries to imply it.
THAT kind of thinking. This sort of inferiority complex so many have. They feel they can't participate in the American dream and that builds a lasting hatred and resentment toward those who do, those who not only accept diversity and multiculturalism but celebrate it. 

Being poor, uneducated, unfit or southern does NOT make one a racist anymore than being wealthy, educated and fit makes one NOT a racist. It's the above kind of thinking that does that--the perception of condescension. 

Remember the three civil rights workers who were executed in Mississippi in the 60s. Two of them were white. Southern racists hated it when outsiders of any color would interfere in their business, tell them what to do. The activists were merely trying to register blacks to vote, something they legally had the right to do. And they were murdered for it. That had as much to do with progressive resentment as it did racism. 

Those people in that video? Trust me on this one. They hate liberals a helluva lot more than black folks. 

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
I live in Fayetteville, but work in Fort Smith.  Fayetteville has some normalcy to it due to the U of A, but hell even Bentonville is a dumpster fire of white trash now.  Travel 20 minutes any direction and it will shock you to the core how fucking racist the whole state is - ditto Oklahoma and the rest of the surrounding cesspool states of LA, MS, AL, TX and even southern MO.  They don’t even try to hide it because it’s completely socially acceptable here now.

I mostly grew up in Portland, OR and lived in San Francisco and Europe for a decade in my 20’s.  I have since landed in the 7th pit of hell and absolutely fucking loathe the deep south and the majority of its disgusting inhabitants, most of which are uneducated, fake-ass Christians who praise Jesus and in the next breath talk about niggers should be rounded up and shipped back to Africa where they belong, because Trump’s already told Congresswomen of color exactly that, and he’s going to clean up the nigger and Muslim mess and restore white pride in America.

Racism is sooo very alive and well here and has only been emboldened by Trump’s election.  It got so bad I have had to delete all my social media accounts because I can’t stomach the memes and jokes of my girlfriend’s family and people she grew up with.  At work I have to keep my mouth shut about politics and racism.  I lash out on here because I am sick of the not-so-thinly veiled racism by some of you on here after constantly dealing with it in my everyday life offline.

And no Jimmy, get off your high horse.  99.99% of KKK and white supremacists vote red.  Clearly you’ve never spent any time in the south.  Not all Trump supporters are racist but almost all racists are Trump supporters - don’t kid yourself to suggest otherwise.  Our President broadcasts and re-tweets racist shit constantly which makes trashy white people think it’s okay to share the same ideology.

Honestly that video is pretty tame compared to some of the comments I’ve heard and been told, but completely par for the course.  

Racism is purely based on fear and ignorance.  Plenty of doctors and highly educated people here who are just as racist as the trailer park residents.  No ivory towers here, but they all agree Trump is the greatest POTUS in history for finally bringing back white pride and kicking out Muslims and Mexicans.

There’s no un-ringing this bell, I’d rather we just grant them their wish, let them secede again and build a wall around them. 
is racist a white only thing,  or can people of different skin color be racist as well?   how do they vote?  i've spent plenty of time in the south and you are right  there are a lot of racist comments made that I dont care for, and my own family is where I have heard many of them and it sickens me,  but I am not going to say that an entire region or group of people based on things like education level or other are racist simply because racist happen to be the same.   that would be like me saying you must be gay if you live in san fransisco,  maybe you are maybe you arent,  but your association with a town known for homosexuality doesnt make you one anymore than a HS drop out making charcoal in slough water arkansas is a racist.

and there is plenty of racism in the north so if you are going to wall off the parts of the country that you dont agree with  take a look at the color map of the last few major elections and see how little land team blue actually would be left with.

no high horses here,  just trying to defend those that are constantly getting painted with a wide brush because some people are to lazy to look at a bigger picture because it might fuck up their narrow views.  i am not ignorant to racism, but its more than just some poorly educated white people that voted for trump south of the mason dixon line.

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Skodin said:
No surprise to me, doesn’t have to be the heart of Klan territory to find that level of ignorance.  

I have been saying it for years, a large portion of Americans are dumb.

Poorly educated, disgustingly fed, brainwashed by media, willfully ignorant.

Love this country’s principals, our ideals, our history of leadership, losing faith in its people.  It is going to be a rough ride the next couple of years.
and its a damn good thing we have those poorly educated and such, that people in ivory towers like to look down upon,  its on their backs that this country was made and continues to rely on to do the jobs that most wouldn't do (or couldn't do) if they had to.

as far as racism... the poor and under-educated hardly have exclusive rights to bigotry.... plenty of people in your ivory towers would wear that label (as long as it was tailor made and not off the rack)
Jimmy, the seeds of racism take root in that kind of thinking. The kind of thinking that separates "real" America from those who live in cities, in "ivory towers," the "liberals," the educated, the "elites" that they hate so much. 
what kind of thinking?  that people arent less because of their education levels?  that people arent less because they have a poor diet?   that some how a higher education makes a person unable to be racist or brain washed by the media?

racism isnt a political matter,  its not a matter that is corrected by education... fuck some of the most bigoted pieces of shit in this country are likely carrying around Masters degrees or higher,  and I'm quite certain that all those KKK members dont necessarily vote red... or that racism ends with the KKK or with a lack of pigment in a persons skin.

you know what separates America... its the notion that one side in above all this shit and the rest are scum... fuck that shit and any arrogant fucker that tries to imply it.
THAT kind of thinking. This sort of inferiority complex so many have. They feel they can't participate in the American dream and that builds a lasting hatred and resentment toward those who do, those who not only accept diversity and multiculturalism but celebrate it. 

Being poor, uneducated, unfit or southern does NOT make one a racist anymore than being wealthy, educated and fit makes one NOT a racist. It's the above kind of thinking that does that--the perception of condescension. 

Remember the three civil rights workers who were executed in Mississippi in the 60s. Two of them were white. Southern racists hated it when outsiders of any color would interfere in their business, tell them what to do. The activists were merely trying to register blacks to vote, something they legally had the right to do. And they were murdered for it. That had as much to do with progressive resentment as it did racism. 

Those people in that video? Trust me on this one. They hate liberals a helluva lot more than black folks. 
the perception of condescension?  tell my what part of Skodins post leave anything to perception?

is any social bias better or worse than skin color bias?

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