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Conservative Survival Guide
I am not going to repost the article,  but I do appreciate this black mans perspectives on the issues.




Blahblahah “radical left” blahblahblab “buy more guns” blahblah “move to the country and homeschool your kids” blahblahblah

Yeah there’s a recipe for success:  more guns + less education = winning

Question is are you buying?  Or have you figured out the GOP wants to keep their base as stupid as possible?

“I love the poorly educated”


Why do all the news station suddenly sound so different?

Do you see what is happening?


Quote: @savannahskol said:

  1. (2) Move to Rural America
Let me put it this way… If you do move to the suburbs, be prepared to move again the moment you see graffiti. Graffiti is always the beginning of the end.

Definitely.  This guy makes some amazing points.  Look it up in the Old Testament:

Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, and warned there would be hell to pay if you fucked it up with graffiti.

Damn leftist Socialists with their spray paint ... surely signs of the Apocalypse. 



I guess some bigots think homeschooling means they are stupid.  Have they witnessed the public school performance lately?

Quote: @mblack said:
I seriously hope you are just posting stuff not what you actually belief. With all the issues we have today, all you care about is "conservatives" vs "Democrats"?
I seriously home I am wrong.
That's pretty much the only "tribes" going, aren't they?  Every issue- no matter what it is- has been politicized.  Even the fricken' coronavirus (which, it appears, the "conservatives" were right about all along... although, to be fair, at the beginning it was just a guess).

The battle-lines have been drawn.  We all agreed that the cop who killed George Floyd deserved to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.  But that wasn't good enough.  "Somebody" had to find a way to make even that, unifying issue, into something divisive.  And now we have white people kneeling down... and police departments being de-funded.  If you can show me how I'm wrong about the divisions in this country, please feel free to do so.  But the division isn't "black vs. white", as it has been shown that there are a number of blacks who do not go along with BLM and all their ideologies.  Read the BLM materials.  Heck, read the Humanist Manifestos from the previous century!  It (for at least one side of this "battle") has always been about forcing a liberal worldview onto the country, through schools, media and pop culture. 

In previous centuries, the Inquisition was "conservative" (I guess?)... and just as evil.  Now the pendulum has swung the other way.  America, as it was constituted, is gone.  Now it is an idiocracy, run by those who rely on feelings (and fears)- not facts- to deceive and enslave people.  So, yes: if you can escape the 21st century Inquisition, by all means: do it!  The cancel culture is real- and effective.  All voices that do not submit to the Inquisitor's point of view will be silent... or silenced.  

Quote: @greediron said:
I guess some bigots think homeschooling means they are stupid.  Have they witnessed the public school performance lately?

Defund them if they don't perform, oh wait, I guess you get what you pay for.

Quote: @mblack said:
I was going to reply to the posts one by one but seeing the source, why waste valuable time? I'll stick to the assumption that you are trying to engage in a healthy discourse as hard as it is.
Yes, it would be a waste of time: because- unlike most of us- Savannah actually takes the time to carefully cite his sources.  He doesn't just reference the opinions of some talking head, he uses facts and statistics to state his case (when there is an argument / discussion to be had).  You may not agree with his opinions, but you'd be hard pressed to argue with the facts (that he often presents).  Granted, in this case, he's just posting opinions... but, I'm sure that if you were to attempt to "discuss" his opinions, he'd be able to back them up with facts.

Quote: @BigAl99 said:
@greediron said:
I guess some bigots think homeschooling means they are stupid.  Have they witnessed the public school performance lately?

Defund them if they don't perform, oh wait, I guess you get what you pay for.

lol, billions of dollars to fail.  Might want to try a different angle. 

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