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You want to talk DeSantis?
Quote: @"JimmyinSD" said:
I am not defending Trump or his kids, find something legit ( not made up by the DNC or a Dem candidates campaign) and run with it,  if they have committed crimes then they should be charged... the topic here is the current president and his criminal son getting special treatment despite the mountain of evidence against him.  if you really knew me,  or even paid attention to about anything I have ever said about Trump,  you would know that I am not a Trump supporter,  but when it comes down to him vs the drudge that the left has brought forward, or the mountain of bull shit that gets falsely brought against him... hard not to back him a little when you see other presidents skate on similar or worse,  if it gets investigated at all.

shit,  most of us talk about wanting a 3 party system in this country... we dont even have a true 2 party system.  Trump gets so much ire because he really didnt like or answer to either party.  he may not have always been working for the average America first,  but he did more for the average american than any president I can remember in the last 30 years,  just to bad his actions couldnt have come in a better wrapper.

Like clock work! That's how they start... "I am not defending Trump...." then go ahead and defend Trump. Funny isn't it?
Anyway, at the bold...
I dont need to know you to see through your flip flopping and bias towards any real discourse hiding under the pretence of a hard nose fair arbiter. One does not need to even try to see your bias. It is litered everywhere. Looking at the post you just made is enough for anyone to see through it.For the record, you are as big a Trump supporter as they come (and I have no issue with that). It is just pitiful when people can't stop lying to themselves but also to others about their true colors.Trump got the ire because he deserves it or actually did the things he has been indicted for. He is as terrible a leader as they come. Anyone who states Trump did more than any president for the average American is either brainwashed, grossly ignorant or dillutional. I dont know which categtory you fall in because sometimes you actually do come across as kind of smart. I'll give you a pass as the issue maybe that you can't remember anything past the last 5 years to make such a preposterous statement. I hope this is not the case but again that will put you back in the brainwashed, grossly ignorant or dillutional category.
I'll leave you with this.

Quote: @"mblack" said:
@"JimmyinSD" said:
I am not defending Trump or his kids, find something legit ( not made up by the DNC or a Dem candidates campaign) and run with it,  if they have committed crimes then they should be charged... the topic here is the current president and his criminal son getting special treatment despite the mountain of evidence against him.  if you really knew me,  or even paid attention to about anything I have ever said about Trump,  you would know that I am not a Trump supporter,  but when it comes down to him vs the drudge that the left has brought forward, or the mountain of bull shit that gets falsely brought against him... hard not to back him a little when you see other presidents skate on similar or worse,  if it gets investigated at all.

shit,  most of us talk about wanting a 3 party system in this country... we dont even have a true 2 party system.  Trump gets so much ire because he really didnt like or answer to either party.  he may not have always been working for the average America first,  but he did more for the average american than any president I can remember in the last 30 years,  just to bad his actions couldnt have come in a better wrapper.

Like clock work! That's how they start... "I am not defending Trump...." then go ahead and defend Trump. Funny isn't it?
Anyway, at the bold...
I dont need to know you to see through your flip flopping and bias towards any real discourse hiding under the pretence of a hard nose fair arbiter. One does not need to even try to see your bias. It is litered everywhere. Looking at the post you just made is enough for anyone to see through it.For the record, you are as big a Trump supporter as they come (and I have no issue with that). It is just pitiful when people can't stop lying to themselves but also to others about their true colors.Trump got the ire because he deserves it or actually did the things he has been indicted for. He is as terrible a leader as they come. Anyone who states Trump did more than any president for the average American is either brainwashed, grossly ignorant or dillutional. I dont know which categtory you fall in because sometimes you actually do come across as kind of smart. I'll give you a pass as the issue maybe that you can't remember anything past the last 5 years to make such a preposterous statement. I hope this is not the case but again that will put you back in the brainwashed, grossly ignorant or dillutional category.
I'll leave you with this.
your issue is you cant see a distinction between defender and supporter,  i will defend the wrongly accused no matter what party they align with,  and that is the case with Trump,  if any other modern time president was put up to the scrutiny that Trump was held up to,  they would have failed equally as bad,  but they havent.  what crazy is Trump has done enough shit that is legit,  why did Hillary and the left group have to fabricate lies?  that is defending, not supporting.  I have never attended a rally, I dont own a hat,  and havent spent a dime or a minute on his campaign,  never voted for him in a primary either,  there was always somebody better,  the same couldnt be said for the general elections.  If the dems spent half as much time looking for better candidates to put on their ballot,  as they do trying to berate or degrade Trump,  they wouldnt have to deal with Trump as that middle 1/3 of the nation that actually decides elections would take care of it for you,  but.... Hillary and then Joe....come on,  hell even now,  the left is spending more time focusing on Trump instead of trying to build support for a real presidential candidate,  you want to take dillusion or grossly ignorant,  look at those leading your party,  or maybe I should say those supporting it.

I still would love to see DeSantis reach across the aisle and tap a moderate Dem,  one that has seen the error of the ways of the Dem party and said they no longer want to be affiliated with that mess.  I still think Tulsi Gabbard would have made an electable candidate for VP last time around,  problem is she tends to think for herself and that just wont fly with the puppet masters running the left these days.

as far as Trumps reversal on ZTE,  it likely had more to do with the 2.3 billion that ZTE spent with US companies that sold them their components,  and his desire to create and support manufacturing jobs in the US,  the kind that help the average American,  but I cant say for sure,  I do know that Biden has been getting protections above and beyond since before he was elected, from the FBI covering up the laptop story, to the voters not demanding an explanation for his inability to answer the bell on a campaign trail.  Trump is old news,  thats what we heard anytime somebody brought up Hillary or Obama once Trump was elected,  why not the same focus on the now when its Biden and his criminal involvements?

Quote: @"AGRforever" said:
There was protests outside Disney over the weekend with guys/gals (if we're able to assume gender still) with nazi flags and Desantis campaign know because that totally happened and wasn't a staged anti Desantis photo op.

If the left thinks they can convince anyone that Desantis is some sort of white wizard with such a ridiculous event, they've got us wrong.
That's pretty unnecessary.  He's already having to shed staff, and is guilty of being a 5-star dumbass in courting controversy/headlines.  The "out-bluster the blusterer" approach was only interesting for a few seconds.

Quote: @"Zanary" said:
@"AGRforever" said:
There was protests outside Disney over the weekend with guys/gals (if we're able to assume gender still) with nazi flags and Desantis campaign know because that totally happened and wasn't a staged anti Desantis photo op.

If the left thinks they can convince anyone that Desantis is some sort of white wizard with such a ridiculous event, they've got us wrong.
That's pretty unnecessary.  He's already having to shed staff, and is guilty of being a 5-star dumbass in courting controversy/headlines.  The "out-bluster the blusterer" approach was only interesting for a few seconds.
"the left"
"the right"

There are just a whole bunch of us in the middle that we tend to forget about. Tricky Dick Nixon called em the "Silent Majority"

As far as DeSantis goes? I dont think he could have had a weaker start unfortunately. Funding? Poll #'s? All mediocre on a good day. 

The playbook for winning in FL isnt translating well to the rest of the country. I had a hunch he wasn't sophisticated enough to deviate from it, anticipate it.

He's proving the hunch right. 

We're F'd because the election in 24 choice will be shit vs bigger pos. 


Ronnie is shitting the bed because he's trying to out-extreme the far Right.....and he's a very aloof and cold fish supposedly. As I mentioned, it would all depend on how he handles business outside the very friendly confines of Florida. I think his campaign strategy has backfired on him. He's circling the drain now.....

Quote: @"StickyBun" said:
Ronnie is shitting the bed because he's trying to out-extreme the far Right.....and he's a very aloof and cold fish supposedly. As I mentioned, it would all depend on how he handles business outside the very friendly confines of Florida. I think his campaign strategy has backfired on him. He's circling the drain now.....

Unfortunately he is...

Even this guy may have more momentum right now.

.[Image: j7Du_vY5_400x400.jpg]

The redcaps are really gonna hate this, but:

"Orangeboi bad" set up the gop, and the country, really, for this quagmire.  Well, him and his pack of zealots.

He convinced much of the gop to ride or die with him, which meant that the party was splintered, brutally, by his victory.

By winning as a polarizing figure, he deepened divides as he's also refused to build bridges.

He's isolated himself as his activities, lies, and lapses draw the wrong attention.

That said, he's also made it clear that the path to the gop candidacy will involve beating him...which practically demands a bluster battle.  Moderates, the candidates that could actually pull many independents, will largely be repelled.

The party already looks to be reeling, with full-on embarrassments like Santos and MTG staining things even worse while bluster babbles and continuing election tinfoil headwear makes the whole club look like a better-dressed Little Rascals episode...only with more yelling.

Ron picks dumb fights, then fights them badly, and his awkward messes are the press that results.  The very man he wants to out-do, while a disaster, is a disaster with a far more devout pack of drones.

Idolators can really ruin everything.

Swing and a miss for Ronnie. Not sure what his campaign team was trying to accomplish, but everything he's tried has failed miserably.


Quote: @"StickyBun" said:
Swing and a miss for Ronnie. Not sure what his campaign team was trying to accomplish, but everything he's tried has failed miserably.
RDs problem is he is in a battle with a caged wolf, Disney is backed into a corner,  they are bleeding as bad or worse than Bud from their terrible Woke decisions,  but they still have the resources to make his life miserable and will do it until there are changes at the top of the company or DeSantis is out of the picture.

Quote: @"JimmyinSD" said:
@"StickyBun" said:
Swing and a miss for Ronnie. Not sure what his campaign team was trying to accomplish, but everything he's tried has failed miserably.
RDs problem is he is in a battle with a caged wolf, Disney is backed into a corner,  they are bleeding as bad or worse than Bud from their terrible Woke decisions,  but they still have the resources to make his life miserable and will do it until there are changes at the top of the company or DeSantis is out of the picture.
I really don't give a shit about Disney, but lets not pretend this wasn't a political move by DeSantis. This wasn't some kind of altruistic bringing down of an out of control corporate entity, he did it for ratings points and votes....which he'll get neither of. My point is strategically, it backfired. Which a lot of the very extreme shit he's pulling has done to him. He tried to out extreme Trump and it failed miserably. I thought he'd be a more moderate version of Trump, which I could get behind but that hasn't been the case at all. He's done.

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