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Senate and Congress Invaded. WHERE IS THE PRESIDENT?
Quote: @AGRforever said:
@savannahskol said:
@StickyBun said:
@savannahskol said:
@StickyBun said:
@savannahskol said:
@StickyBun said:
Yeah, the MAGA crowd aren't racists. LMAO. 
I'm a MAGA. >> Default racist. 

Say to compare/contrast our Facebook friend profiles?   Who has the higher % black/minority friend %?  
You know, cuz as a Trump-o-phile....I'm the racist, lol.   

Let me know when you wanna put your $ where your yapper is. (You'd think a 'champion of the black folk (Sticky) would have more than 1 black friend on FB).   

If I'm outta line here (Mike's easily disgusted), let me know.  

Don't worry Doogie...I won't out ya.  Smile  

LOL, black friends are now the gauge?? Too funny. Dude, whatever you need to do mentally, go for it. I don't have to prove anything to you, nor do I care who your Facebook 'friends' are. And there's nothing to out, lol. IP addresses, yeah they remain the same no matter the name! 

I must be hitting close to home for you. 
You live in the South.....have 1 black friend?   

That's on purpose.  Fake ass cracka.  
Ha, I've been called a lot of things but that hasn't ever been one of them! But sure, like I said, whatever you need brother. 
How would one objectively "gauge' racism?

Seems to me...a quick check of FB 'friends" would be a good objective "gauge".   No?   Could you provide me another better objective "gauge"? 

I'll post mine, you post yours, SCHTICKY.   You're the one suggesting Trump support = racism.  

If we’re gonna have a dick measuring contest about FB wouldn’t want just raw numbers of minorities in your list. That’s not comparable. You’d want to compare percentages of white/minorities. Then you’d need to adjust for your local demographics.  
Can we also add "active" to the definition? They should've been active on Facebook within "x" amount of time.
I love this.

Quote: @mblack said:
@JimmyinSD said:
Perhaps this should have started with an agreed upon definition of "racist"?  Obviously that seems to be the disconnect here.

( this should be entertaining) (popcorn emoji)
This is some funny post. Thanks for the laughs
it was meant to lighten the tone,  but in all seriousness,  obviously this country has a huge array of ways of defining what is or isnt racist behavior/etc,  so why not before anybody else throws out the racist label on this forum we have some sort of concrete definition of racist/racism, that we can agree on, then use that as the bench mark to compare future acts to?  it should be easy shouldnt it?  after all that label gets slapped on this so frequently lately that a firm definition should be at everybody's finger tips... no?

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@mblack said:
@JimmyinSD said:
Perhaps this should have started with an agreed upon definition of "racist"?  Obviously that seems to be the disconnect here.

( this should be entertaining) (popcorn emoji)
This is some funny post. Thanks for the laughs
it was meant to lighten the tone,  but in all seriousness,  obviously this country has a huge array of ways of defining what is or isnt racist behavior/etc,  so why not before anybody else throws out the racist label on this forum we have some sort of concrete definition of racist/racism, that we can agree on, then use that as the bench mark to compare future acts to?  it should be easy shouldnt it?  after all that label gets slapped on this so frequently lately that a firm definition should be at everybody's finger tips... no?
That's silly. Its like defining pornography. It should be easy to define, right? As Justice Potter Stewart said: 'I know it when I see it'.....or hear or read it as the case may be. I also know when someone is playing the race card, which I hate. 

Yes, what we are going to go in a Viking's football forum is 'define' racism (eye roll). It is a funny post!


Quote: @mblack said:
@AGRforever said:
@savannahskol said:
@StickyBun said:
@savannahskol said:
@StickyBun said:
@savannahskol said:
@StickyBun said:
Yeah, the MAGA crowd aren't racists. LMAO. 
I'm a MAGA. >> Default racist. 

Say to compare/contrast our Facebook friend profiles?   Who has the higher % black/minority friend %?  
You know, cuz as a Trump-o-phile....I'm the racist, lol.   

Let me know when you wanna put your $ where your yapper is. (You'd think a 'champion of the black folk (Sticky) would have more than 1 black friend on FB).   

If I'm outta line here (Mike's easily disgusted), let me know.  

Don't worry Doogie...I won't out ya.  Smile  

LOL, black friends are now the gauge?? Too funny. Dude, whatever you need to do mentally, go for it. I don't have to prove anything to you, nor do I care who your Facebook 'friends' are. And there's nothing to out, lol. IP addresses, yeah they remain the same no matter the name! 

I must be hitting close to home for you. 
You live in the South.....have 1 black friend?   

That's on purpose.  Fake ass cracka.  
Ha, I've been called a lot of things but that hasn't ever been one of them! But sure, like I said, whatever you need brother. 
How would one objectively "gauge' racism?

Seems to me...a quick check of FB 'friends" would be a good objective "gauge".   No?   Could you provide me another better objective "gauge"? 

I'll post mine, you post yours, SCHTICKY.   You're the one suggesting Trump support = racism.  

If we’re gonna have a dick measuring contest about FB wouldn’t want just raw numbers of minorities in your list. That’s not comparable. You’d want to compare percentages of white/minorities. Then you’d need to adjust for your local demographics.  
Can we also add "active" to the definition? They should've been active on Facebook within "x" amount of time.
I love this. knows that conservatives are going to xyz new social media platform. 

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@mblack said:
@JimmyinSD said:
Perhaps this should have started with an agreed upon definition of "racist"?  Obviously that seems to be the disconnect here.

( this should be entertaining) (popcorn emoji)
This is some funny post. Thanks for the laughs
it was meant to lighten the tone,  but in all seriousness,  obviously this country has a huge array of ways of defining what is or isnt racist behavior/etc,  so why not before anybody else throws out the racist label on this forum we have some sort of concrete definition of racist/racism, that we can agree on, then use that as the bench mark to compare future acts to?  it should be easy shouldnt it?  after all that label gets slapped on this so frequently lately that a firm definition should be at everybody's finger tips... no?

Should have seen the "racist rain" falling here turning everything white.  It was so bad they even called off school in a few places for fear of bodily harm.  Whats worse is the children all cheered about it.  Can you imagine a society where school aged children cheer about the landscape turning white?

Back to what is and isn't racism.  I have black friends.  One is one of my best friends.  That doesn't make me any more or less racist.  The guy is just a good guy and we think and act pretty much alike so we get along quite well. 

I really don't have much of a problem with people of color until they want their own set of rules.  Some see that as me being white privileged.  I obviously see it quite differently.  I think we were all put on this Earth by the big man upstairs and its our job to make the best out of it skin color be damned.  What I can freely admit is that I'll never "know" what it is like to have a different skin color similarly to how someone with darker skin will never know what its like to be white.  We cannot change (save Michael Jackson) who we are on the outside. 

Quote: @StickyBun said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@mblack said:
@JimmyinSD said:
Perhaps this should have started with an agreed upon definition of "racist"?  Obviously that seems to be the disconnect here.

( this should be entertaining) (popcorn emoji)
This is some funny post. Thanks for the laughs
it was meant to lighten the tone,  but in all seriousness,  obviously this country has a huge array of ways of defining what is or isnt racist behavior/etc,  so why not before anybody else throws out the racist label on this forum we have some sort of concrete definition of racist/racism, that we can agree on, then use that as the bench mark to compare future acts to?  it should be easy shouldnt it?  after all that label gets slapped on this so frequently lately that a firm definition should be at everybody's finger tips... no?
That's silly. Its like defining pornography. It should be easy to define, right? As Justice Potter Stewart said: 'I know it when I see it'.....or hear or read it as the case may be. I also know when someone is playing the race card, which I hate. 

Yes, what we are going to go in a Viking's football forum is 'define' racism (eye roll). It is a funny post!

so by justice stewarts quote... its basically how you see it? ( thats no definition)  so how can it be so bad if there is no definable line to cross?  what makes it perfectly acceptable in some cases but not others?   its a fucking joke. 

perhaps if people on a football board cant define it,  then they shouldnt be so quick to accuse others of being what they cant define.  what I consider as true racism is disgusting as such its a word I dont like seeing applied lightly and it gets tossed around here way to often.  so if people cant define it they shouldnt be using it.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@StickyBun said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@mblack said:
@JimmyinSD said:
Perhaps this should have started with an agreed upon definition of "racist"?  Obviously that seems to be the disconnect here.

( this should be entertaining) (popcorn emoji)
This is some funny post. Thanks for the laughs
it was meant to lighten the tone,  but in all seriousness,  obviously this country has a huge array of ways of defining what is or isnt racist behavior/etc,  so why not before anybody else throws out the racist label on this forum we have some sort of concrete definition of racist/racism, that we can agree on, then use that as the bench mark to compare future acts to?  it should be easy shouldnt it?  after all that label gets slapped on this so frequently lately that a firm definition should be at everybody's finger tips... no?
That's silly. Its like defining pornography. It should be easy to define, right? As Justice Potter Stewart said: 'I know it when I see it'.....or hear or read it as the case may be. I also know when someone is playing the race card, which I hate. 

Yes, what we are going to go in a Viking's football forum is 'define' racism (eye roll). It is a funny post!

so by justice stewarts quote... its basically how you see it? ( thats no definition)  so how can it be so bad if there is no definable line to cross?  what makes it perfectly acceptable in some cases but not others?   its a fucking joke. 

perhaps if people on a football board cant define it,  then they shouldnt be so quick to accuse others of being what they cant define.  what I consider as true racism is disgusting as such its a word I dont like seeing applied lightly and it gets tossed around here way to often.  so if people cant define it they shouldnt be using it.

Yeah, well calling people all the "isms" get out the vote. 

Everyone who hasn't been chased away on this site seems to think that if you can find even one positive thing that happened during Trump's term that you're some sort of Nazi, racist, homophob who wants to end the world.  Heaven forbid some good things happen during the term of "the other parties" president.

Quote: @Skodin said:
@JimmyinSD said:
Quote: @Vikergirl said:
Whether you agree with the message or not,  this sets a presence and a scary ass message of what our future may hold.  Agree with the media giants or you will get canceled.  

It works out ok for now for many,  but as with most things,  it could easily come back around to bite the hand that feeds it IMO.
i have to agree, this is an overreaction and bad look.  I nor should anyone want these people and their ideas hiding from the light, they should be allowed to be out there, to be refuted (and monitored).  

How is this any different than islamist terrorist using this same platforms?   Let them operate in public, expose themselves

Look, its a new department at the FBI focused on dumbfuck domestic terrorism, new hires, new specialists to monitor and arrest. Joe is already creating new jobs and Making America Great Again
if you ignore the political affiliation/bent of the author,  IMO this is a good read on why I think the actions of the tech giants is bad for all of us.

Edit:  oops,  dumbass forgot to attach the link.

One might conclude:

Too late AND probably not the best time to be stepping down from that particular post:

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf is stepping down from his post, days after criticizing President Donald Trump over the riot at the U.S. Capitol.
Wolf said in a message to staff that he would step down at 11:59 p.m. Monday, even though he had earlier said he planned to remain in his job. He said Pete Gaynor, who ran the Federal Emergency Management Agency, would become the acting homeland security secretary.
The resignation comes a day before Trump is set to visit the U.S.-Mexico border wall.
Last week, Wolf asked Trump and all elected officials to "strongly condemn the violence" that took place at the Capitol. Five people died, including a U.S. Capitol Police officer.
Wolf said he has condemned violence on both sides of the political aisle, specifically directed at law enforcement. He tweeted "we now see some supporters of the President using violence as a means to achieve political ends" and called that unacceptable.


FBI internal memo warns of plans for armed protests in all 50 state capitals around day of Biden inauguration
FBI, NYPD reportedly warned Capitol Police of potential violence ahead of rally
The FBI also reportedly visited and urged pro-Trump extremists not to travel to Washington, D.C.; Aishah Hasnie reports.
An internal FBI memo is warning of plans for armed protests in all 50 state capital cities ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s Inauguration, Fox News has learned.
A federal law enforcement source told Fox News that an internal bureau memo is warning that the protests could be staged before, on, and after Inauguration Day.
In a statement to Fox News, the FBI said that they do not comment on "specific intelligence products," but said that the FBI "is supporting our state, local, and federal law enforcement partners with maintaining public safety in the communities we serve." 
"Our efforts are focused on identifying, investigating, and disrupting individuals that are inciting violence and engaging in criminal activity," the FBI said. "As we do in the normal course of business, we are gathering information to identify any potential threats and are sharing that information with our partners.The FBI respects the rights of individuals to peacefully exercise their First Amendment rights." 
The FBI added: "Our focus is not on peaceful protesters, but on those threatening their safety and the safety of other citizens with violence and destruction of property."
The memo comes as Fox News has learned the FBI has received more than "40,000 digital media tips, including video and photos, from the public" regarding participants in last week’s Capitol riot.
Sources told Fox News on Sunday that the FBI visited extremists prior to the Jan. 6 pro-Trump rally and Capitol riot, urging them not to travel to Washington D.C.
It is unclear, at this point, how many extremists were contacted and how far in advance of Jan. 6.

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