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Skol Vikings!
Quote: @Mike Olson said:
Trump Agriculture Secretary: No guarantee small farms will survive
President Donald Trump’s agriculture secretary, Sonny Perdue, said Tuesday during a stop in Wisconsin that it’s getting harder for farmers to get by ... “In America, the big get bigger and the small go out,” Perdue said. “I don’t think in America ... we have a guaranteed income or guaranteed profitability.”

Perdue’s visit comes as Wisconsin dairy farmers are wrestling with a host of problems,
including declining milk prices, rising suicide rates, the transition from family farms to large corporate farms with thousands of animals, and Trump’s international trade wars.

Wisconsin, which touts itself as America’s Dairyland on its license plates, has lost 551 dairy farms in 2019
after losing 638 in 2018
and 465 in 2017,
according to data from the state Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection.

Jerry Volenec, a fifth generation Wisconsin dairy farmer with 330 cows, left the Perdue event feeling discouraged about his future. “What I heard today from the secretary of agriculture is there’s no place for me,” Volenec told reporters.

Perdue held a town hall meeting with farmers to kick off the farm expo. The former Georgia governor tried to charm the crowd with his southern accent and jokes about getting swiped in the face by a cow’s tail.
seems to me then that the house should get off their ass and approve the USMCA that has been sitting as a political hostage in their laps for over a year now.  That trade package is set to put billions into our ag industry.   One of the biggest gainers in this bill is the dairy industy.   Absolutely no reason that Pelosi is blocking this except she doesnt want Trump to have a win.  The media doesnt even talk about the fact that this bill would be a monster game changer for much of US ag industry,  instead they focus on impeachment and the affects of the Chinese battle.  

as far as the decline in family dairy,  this is such a load,  as another poster said,  that particular ag industry has been affected by the commercialization of ag more than any other IMO.   when most people think of dairy they think of Wisconsin and California,  but here in western MN eastern SD we have always had a huge number of milk cows and we have seen a shocking decline in the number of dairies in our area over the last 30 years,  actually the rate of the number of farms is slowing as most of them sold out a long time ago,  however the number of cows being milked has risen significantly.  I used to sell milking products to dairies,  I got out of that in 96 because the writing was on the wall then as I was losing customers so fast that it was hard to even keep up with the changes.   what used to be 1-2 dairies per section (square mile)  in some places is now 1 or less per township  (36 square miles)  of course those old dairies were 30-200 cows and the milk factories of today are 4000 head to 10,000 head.

Quote: @Skodin said:
too bad many of these farmers do not support renewable power policy, if they did, they can get a living off of their property for years to come (usually 25 at the minimum). 

dairy is dead. thank god
I would love to know your education level on renewable energy.   I am one of those farmers that doesnt support it,  and I can go on all day as to why.  my experiences are first hand and backed by countless hours with lawyers and engineers and energy developers.   where does your perspective come from?  my perspective comes from dealing first hand with Excel Energys wind partner Apex,  as well as one of the largest developers Nextera Energy.   I watched as those farmers that did support renewable energy got shit on by the big renewable companies once they didnt need them any more.   many of those farmers that helped lobby their neighbors and politicians for big wind and solar to get permitted were then left out in the cold as it was determined after all the promises were made and long standing friendships were broken,  that big green didnt need their land after all and they were cut from the project or saw the big dollars that they were promised slashed to fractions.

Renewable energy is the biggest fraud in this country right now IMO.  The pretend to be a white knight for rural America,  but when its all said and done they are just a monster corporate welfare case.

Now Nancy Pelosi's son is on a Ukrainian Energy company board?   LMAO!

Dev Director of a Euro energy co worth over 1 billion making $250 M of investments in US energy policy in 2020 regardless
of whom wins POTUS

Your bone to pick is with the utility, these projects come down (now that Capex is comparable to traditional fuels and will continue to be moving forward with all of the R&D, investment, job creation globally in this market place) to capacity and utility substations. Essentially government infrastructure spending (BTW STILL WAITING FOR TRUMPS BIG INFRASTRUCTURE PLANS) Those utility policies, are driven by legislative acts.  These policies ebb and flow which creates market uncertainty for jurisdictions.  When we have politicians who want to be vehemently anti climate change they are also hurting policies that can help their citizens out. Why do that?  usually ignorance or special interest lobbying while they claim to be for the people. 

yes this massive big white knight that has created 4 million jobs and will continue to do so. Quality paying jobs none the less, with 2x solar professionals than coal professionals.

Would you rather we not innovate?  Would you rather these people spend their time in the coal mines?  Again, unless you are getting paid by O&G, Coal, why do you care?  It has been a benefit for the US economy domestically and helps us export global influence (outside of military equipment).  Did you clamor for the horse and buggy drivers when the automobile was invented and placed in the mass market?

Are you against cellulosic ethanol?  Bio mass facilities? Are you against hemp?  Are you against cap and trade?  Because these are going to be the types of programs that are going to help US small farmers have a future


Quote: @Skodin said:
Dev Director of a Euro energy co worth over 1 billion making $250 M of investments in US energy policy in 2020 regardless
of whom wins POTUS

Your bone to pick is with the utility, these projects come down (now that Capex is comparable to traditional fuels and will continue to be moving forward with all of the R&D, investment, job creation globally in this market place) to capacity and utility substations. Essentially government infrastructure spending (BTW STILL WAITING FOR TRUMPS BIG INFRASTRUCTURE PLANS) Those utility policies, are driven by legislative acts.  These policies ebb and flow which creates market uncertainty for jurisdictions.  When we have politicians who want to be vehemently anti climate change they are also hurting policies that can help their citizens out. Why do that?  usually ignorance or special interest lobbying while they claim to be for the people. 

yes this massive big white knight that has created 4 million jobs and will continue to do so. Quality paying jobs none the less, with 2x solar professionals than coal professionals.

Would you rather we not innovate?  Would you rather these people spend their time in the coal mines?  Again, unless you are getting paid by O&G, Coal, why do you care?  It has been a benefit for the US economy domestically and helps us export global influence (outside of military equipment).  Did you clamor for the horse and buggy drivers when the automobile was invented and placed in the mass market?

Are you against cellulosic ethanol?  Bio mass facilities? Are you against hemp?  Are you against cap and trade?  Because these are going to be the types of programs that are going to help US small farmers have a future
No,  my utility if fine,  they dont support wind power either.  its the out of state developers and giant energy companies that are fucking over rural America.

those 4 million jobs... where are they?  thus far all those jobs promised are not in our back yard.   they brought in union contractors from out of state who brought in union workers from out of state.   much of the products they are using are sourced from out of state.  aside from a short term economic boom for our area we arent going to see shit locally so I dont give a fuck about those jobs.  lets see these things work without the production tax credits... if they cant then they are a waste since all that will lead to is higher energy costs and higher taxes.

i am against anything that cant stand on its own.  I dont like the breaks that ethanol gets,  its a joke that major genetic ag companies are basically getting their products propped up by the tax credits for ethanol when there are significantly better sources for cellulosic fuel but they dont have the lobbying money behind it.  

if the product is worth the headache, it will make it on its own.  our rural areas will not get a fraction of the benefits that the developers promise when they come in and peddle their bull shit,  the tactics they use are questionable at best and unfortunately most of these small farmers are so desperate for new revenue streams they jump on the offers without so much as consulting a lawyer.

why am I so against this bull shit?   I live in the rural areas that are targeted.  I understand why they want to put wind out here,   we have a shit load of it,  but why solar?  that crap can go where it is used and not have the obstacle of transmission lines.   fuck the developers have already admitted that the national grid cant handle the power that they are already developing out here,  but yet they are still trying to get more permitted.  this is about a cash grab in the form of tax credits.  even Warren Buffet himself has said the only reason to invest in it was for the PTCs.

me personally,  I am a local govt official that has had to deal with developers and contractors for over a year plus as they try and fuck us over with shitty legal road agreements that would allow them to ruin our already lacking infrastructure without any real liability.  if this shit was good for rural America, they wouldnt have to use the tactics that they do to sell it out here.  because of this green energy bull shit our local power costs have increased unnecessarily.   we dont need it out here and most of us dont want it out here.

Jimmy cant like what youve wrote more then once but as ussual youve said it better then i ever could have. 

Spoken right out of the Heartland Institute

So you are also against beef, corn, and o&g? BC those are the industries that are subsidized to the tilt. 

royalty relief?  intangible drilling costs? refinery equipment deductions?  those three alone to the tune of billions.  plus its a fucking dumb strategy anyways from a foreign policy perspective. trust me, the chinese are buying influence with energy exports and finance. going in areas that have been buying foreign oil, our oil and gas and taking over.  slashing LCOE and taking influence.  we should be competing and encouraging competing in the 2nd most valuable export, energy. 

the renewable tech and natural gas market is more efficient now than it ever was. period.  subsidies shortly will be able to go away as a pure private market takes over. the capex on equipment and development are already there.  it is, and will continue to be.  the only thing that stands in its way is natural gas (which i’m completely fine with) but that gets no where without INFRASTRUCTURE SPENDING. something your BOY promised us and despite having two years of house and senate control did nothing about it. 

$1 dollar menu burger costs more without subsidies.  Your precious milk would be $6 a gallon and completely market wiped out.  thats not even including externalities from the consumption of these subsidized products, the massive health care costs that are direct consequences of America’s most favorite subsidized vices. same health care prices that you bitch out.  

lets see.  stop subsidizing a particular voting block, demand decreases ( you would have to, ruh roh EVOLVE) and america doesnt pay cheap prices for food thats killing us, lowering America’s health care costs.  plant based or smart consumers are not dying of heart disease

just because your area cant reap the benefits, doesnt mean its bad for America. jesus, are you an American or just about yourself?

Quote: @Skodin said:
Spoken right out of the Heartland Institute

So you are also against beef, corn, and o&g? BC those are the industries that are subsidized to the tilt. 

royalty relief?  intangible drilling costs? refinery equipment deductions?  those three alone to the tune of billions.  plus its a fucking dumb strategy anyways from a foreign policy perspective. trust me, the chinese are buying influence with energy exports and finance. going in areas that have been buying foreign oil, our oil and gas and taking over.  slashing LCOE and taking influence.  we should be competing and encouraging competing in the 2nd most valuable export, energy. 

the renewable tech and natural gas market is more efficient now than it ever was. period.  subsidies shortly will be able to go away as a pure private market takes over. the capex on equipment and development are already there.  it is, and will continue to be.  the only thing that stands in its way is natural gas (which i’m completely fine with) but that gets no where without INFRASTRUCTURE SPENDING. something your BOY promised us and despite having two years of house and senate control did nothing about it. 

$1 dollar menu burger costs more without subsidies.  Your precious milk would be $6 a gallon and completely market wiped out.  thats not even including externalities from the consumption of these subsidized products, the massive health care costs that are direct consequences of America’s most favorite subsidized vices. same health care prices that you bitch out.  

lets see.  stop subsidizing a particular voting block, demand decreases ( you would have to, ruh roh EVOLVE) and america doesnt pay cheap prices for food thats killing us, lowering America’s health care costs.  plant based or smart consumers are not dying of heart disease

just because your area cant reap the benefits, doesnt mean its bad for America. jesus, are you an American or just about yourself?
when it comes to having to live with shit that doesnt benefit me and impacts my quality of life (not to mention potential health issues) ...yeah, fuck green energy imo. 

I am curious what the subsidies are for the beef industry that you spoke of,  and what about dairy?  they certainly arent on the producers end.

my contention is and always will by,  if the metro areas need more energy,  then put the shit near them.   they may not have the wind resources that we do out here,  but the sun shines just as much in minneapolis as it does in my back yard,  let those that need the power deal with the ugly mess of solar and then you wont have the issue of upgrading the transmission lines.   why not go north of the cities and pop up wind towers near duluth?  it always seems to no blow up there when I am there.  or how about somewhere near where the power is actually being used?

if you want to get into health care,   go ahead and start a thread on that,  we will likely find common ground on no subsidizing shit food, personally  I think our snap (or what ever they want to call food stamps these days) program is a farce and a tragic waste of tax dollars.

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