1 hour ago
(1 hour ago)MaroonBells Wrote: Stop with the logic. There's no place for it. People tend to accept only data that jives with what they already believe, or want to believe. Confirmation bias. It's the bane of modern society.
PFF may not be perfect, but when you have trained analysts, many of whom are former coaches and players, focusing on only one player and watching every single snap that player takes, and then before a grade is determined, it's reviewed again by a senior analyst, I don't know, call me crazy, I'm going to put more credibility into that than the typically biased opinion of Burnsville Bob watching Red Zone through his bottle of Grain Belt. If it weren't at least somewhat credible, GMs wouldn't use it. All of them do.
They do need to step up their college game though.
Logic and common sense are the bane of my existence.
“Hell is empty and all the devils are here”