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Another day another mass murder in Amerika...
Quote: @AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
@greediron said:
@MaroonBells said:
An ACLU fact sheet from May 2017 claims that 21 million Americans do not have a government-issued photo ID, citing a 2006 survey from the Brennan Center for Justice. About 11 percent of the 987 voting-age American citizens surveyed said that they did not have a current, unexpired government-issued photo ID. Eleven percent of the adult citizen population in the 2000 Census amounts to 21 million Americans.
Good to know the source.  So a survey of less than 1000 people.  and 11 percent didn't have a "CURRENT ID".  So your entire premise is bullshit.  

Thanks for stepping up and admitting it.
That's how survey's work, Greed. 
I just surveyed every adult in my household. 100% have valid photo ID. If you extrapolate that out, 100% of Americans have valid ID. 

Surveys work that way Maroon. 
Excellent analogy. 

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@Nichelle said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
@greediron said:
@MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
Can anybody put out a good reason not to have a picture voter id requirement?  You need IDs for literally everything else in the country but its to demanding for the right to vote?  Make the argument please.
And therein lies your biggest problem: the common assumption conservatives make that everyone is, or at least should be, like them. 

They should be white, employed, a driver, rural or suburban and they can't figure out why someone would not have, for example, a drivers license. That's just one form of ID but it's by far the most common. 

Well not everyone is like that. Young, old, poor, minorities, urban dwellers who take transit don't always have drivers licenses. Other forms of ID perhaps, but not necessarily. 

In an effective Democracy you want as many people to vote as possible.  By enacting voter ID laws, millions of Americans would be unable to vote. And let's be honest. Everyone knows what this is about. It's obviously not about reducing the 16 of 16M fraud cases. We all know the vast majority of the voters it would disenfranchise are voters who vote democratic.

With that mind, let's hear your argument for it. 

They don't buy alcohol?  Or do any number of other things that require IDs?  Yet they vote?  I really find that a stretch.   The young can't vote anyway, so that excuse is out the window.  

The large elephant in the room is, of that vast majority of democratic voters, are they legal voters?  

Who knows if they buy alcohol. I suspect many don't. We're talking about the elderly, inner-city folks who don't drive and take transit. You'd have to ask them why they don't have an ID, but 21M legal US citizens don't have a government issued ID. If you disenfranchise those folks and we no longer have an effective democracy. 
Such a bullshit blue goggles response. I’m sure somewhere, somehow there is some disenfrachised poor poor black person who woulda coulda, shoulda voted democrat but I’m equally as convinced we’re also looking at just as many or more bullshit pro-democrat votes happening from voting twice or voting where they shouldnt be. 

People without ID basically dont exist. You need an ID to doneverything. Its not just booze. Its smokes, banking of any type, driving, being employed. Not being employed. Collecting any type of Ss. Renting an appartment, owning a place. Pretty much if youre alive and have any desire to collect or disperse money you have an ID. 
Did you intend that to be as bad as it sounds?
Everyone says requiring ID to vote is racist.
And who on earth cares about poor black people? Just ignore everything in the article you posted (and the one I posted above) including actual, real life examples of the difficulties some have in getting ID. It disproportianately impacts certain segments of the population but who cares about that? And ignore that it's not as simple as just going down to the DMV and getting an ID. You don't run in the same circles so these people don't exist. They're not real. And even if by some stretch you can begin to imagine that they just might be real, they don't matter.

And while we are looking back at that article, there's this:

This guy is just fantastic. There have been other politicians and strategists who have spoken the truth about what this is ultimately designed to do. At least they say it out loud.

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
@greediron said:
@MaroonBells said:
An ACLU fact sheet from May 2017 claims that 21 million Americans do not have a government-issued photo ID, citing a 2006 survey from the Brennan Center for Justice. About 11 percent of the 987 voting-age American citizens surveyed said that they did not have a current, unexpired government-issued photo ID. Eleven percent of the adult citizen population in the 2000 Census amounts to 21 million Americans.
Good to know the source.  So a survey of less than 1000 people.  and 11 percent didn't have a "CURRENT ID".  So your entire premise is bullshit.  

Thanks for stepping up and admitting it.
That's how survey's work, Greed. 
I just surveyed every adult in my household. 100% have valid photo ID. If you extrapolate that out, 100% of Americans have valid ID. 

Surveys work that way Maroon. 
Excellent analogy. 
his methodology was likely on par with how the ACLU conducted their survey,  they likely went to where their targeted demographic would have its highest % of the prospective survey participants to ensure they got the best results for their intended purpose.   thats pretty much how it works... .wanna see the results of a survey of 1000 Americans on how they feel open gun regulations?  I randomly selected 1000 individuals from a gun show in texas and the results were overwhelmingly in support of guns for all!

Quote: @Nichelle said:
@AGRforever said:
@Nichelle said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
@greediron said:
@MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
Can anybody put out a good reason not to have a picture voter id requirement?  You need IDs for literally everything else in the country but its to demanding for the right to vote?  Make the argument please.
And therein lies your biggest problem: the common assumption conservatives make that everyone is, or at least should be, like them. 

They should be white, employed, a driver, rural or suburban and they can't figure out why someone would not have, for example, a drivers license. That's just one form of ID but it's by far the most common. 

Well not everyone is like that. Young, old, poor, minorities, urban dwellers who take transit don't always have drivers licenses. Other forms of ID perhaps, but not necessarily. 

In an effective Democracy you want as many people to vote as possible.  By enacting voter ID laws, millions of Americans would be unable to vote. And let's be honest. Everyone knows what this is about. It's obviously not about reducing the 16 of 16M fraud cases. We all know the vast majority of the voters it would disenfranchise are voters who vote democratic.

With that mind, let's hear your argument for it. 

They don't buy alcohol?  Or do any number of other things that require IDs?  Yet they vote?  I really find that a stretch.   The young can't vote anyway, so that excuse is out the window.  

The large elephant in the room is, of that vast majority of democratic voters, are they legal voters?  

Who knows if they buy alcohol. I suspect many don't. We're talking about the elderly, inner-city folks who don't drive and take transit. You'd have to ask them why they don't have an ID, but 21M legal US citizens don't have a government issued ID. If you disenfranchise those folks and we no longer have an effective democracy. 
Such a bullshit blue goggles response. I’m sure somewhere, somehow there is some disenfrachised poor poor black person who woulda coulda, shoulda voted democrat but I’m equally as convinced we’re also looking at just as many or more bullshit pro-democrat votes happening from voting twice or voting where they shouldnt be. 

People without ID basically dont exist. You need an ID to doneverything. Its not just booze. Its smokes, banking of any type, driving, being employed. Not being employed. Collecting any type of Ss. Renting an appartment, owning a place. Pretty much if youre alive and have any desire to collect or disperse money you have an ID. 
Did you intend that to be as bad as it sounds?
Everyone says requiring ID to vote is racist.
And who on earth cares about poor black people? Just ignore everything in the article you posted (and the one I posted above) including actual, real life examples of the difficulties some have in getting ID. It disproportianately impacts certain segments of the population but who cares about that? And ignore that it's not as simple as just going down to the DMV and getting an ID. You don't run in the same circles so these people don't exist. They're not real. And even if by some stretch you can begin to imagine that they just might be real, they don't matter.

And while we are looking back at that article, there's this:

This guy is just fantastic. There have been other politicians and strategists who have spoken the truth about what this is ultimately designed to do. At least they say it out loud.
So……anecdotal evidence in the article is all good but actual evidence of voter fraud should be dismissed at face value because it doesnt support your views. Gotcha. 

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
@greediron said:
@MaroonBells said:
An ACLU fact sheet from May 2017 claims that 21 million Americans do not have a government-issued photo ID, citing a 2006 survey from the Brennan Center for Justice. About 11 percent of the 987 voting-age American citizens surveyed said that they did not have a current, unexpired government-issued photo ID. Eleven percent of the adult citizen population in the 2000 Census amounts to 21 million Americans.
Good to know the source.  So a survey of less than 1000 people.  and 11 percent didn't have a "CURRENT ID".  So your entire premise is bullshit.  

Thanks for stepping up and admitting it.
That's how survey's work, Greed. 
I just surveyed every adult in my household. 100% have valid photo ID. If you extrapolate that out, 100% of Americans have valid ID. 

Surveys work that way Maroon. 
Excellent analogy. 
his methodology was likely on par with how the ACLU conducted their survey,  they likely went to where their targeted demographic would have its highest % of the prospective survey participants to ensure they got the best results for their intended purpose.   thats pretty much how it works... .wanna see the results of a survey of 1000 Americans on how they feel open gun regulations?  I randomly selected 1000 individuals from a gun show in texas and the results were overwhelmingly in support of guns for all!
No clue how it wasn’t painfully obvious thats what I meant. 

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
@greediron said:
@MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
Can anybody put out a good reason not to have a picture voter id requirement?  You need IDs for literally everything else in the country but its to demanding for the right to vote?  Make the argument please.
And therein lies your biggest problem: the common assumption conservatives make that everyone is, or at least should be, like them. 

They should be white, employed, a driver, rural or suburban and they can't figure out why someone would not have, for example, a drivers license. That's just one form of ID but it's by far the most common. 

Well not everyone is like that. Young, old, poor, minorities, urban dwellers who take transit don't always have drivers licenses. Other forms of ID perhaps, but not necessarily. 

In an effective Democracy you want as many people to vote as possible.  By enacting voter ID laws, millions of Americans would be unable to vote. And let's be honest. Everyone knows what this is about. It's obviously not about reducing the 16 of 16M fraud cases. We all know the vast majority of the voters it would disenfranchise are voters who vote democratic.

With that mind, let's hear your argument for it. 

They don't buy alcohol?  Or do any number of other things that require IDs?  Yet they vote?  I really find that a stretch.   The young can't vote anyway, so that excuse is out the window.  

The large elephant in the room is, of that vast majority of democratic voters, are they legal voters?  

Who knows if they buy alcohol. I suspect many don't. We're talking about the elderly, inner-city folks who don't drive and take transit. You'd have to ask them why they don't have an ID, but 21M legal US citizens don't have a government issued ID. If you disenfranchise those folks and we no longer have an effective democracy. 
Such a bullshit blue goggles response. I’m sure somewhere, somehow there is some disenfrachised poor poor black person who woulda coulda, shoulda voted democrat but I’m equally as convinced we’re also looking at just as many or more bullshit pro-democrat votes happening from voting twice or voting where they shouldnt be. 

People without ID basically dont exist. You need an ID to doneverything. Its not just booze. Its smokes, banking of any type, driving, being employed. Not being employed. Collecting any type of Ss. Renting an appartment, owning a place. Pretty much if youre alive and have any desire to collect or disperse money you have an ID. 
No that's not true at all. Let's say you're 80. There are a few 80 year olds who don't look under 21. Or maybe they don't drink at all. And maybe they don't smoke, don't drive and their DL expired 10 years ago. l  I guess they have no voice in America. Cuz gotta cut down on those 1 in a every million fraud cases. 

Again, everyone knows what this is about. Stop pretending to be stupid. 

Why would you care?  Old people vote republican??  

I work with some of those old people that you describe. They have valid ID. They go to doctor offices and cash SS checks. 
Oh, you work with some old people who have ID. LOL. You are a trip. 
So all these old people you know never visit a doctor. Don’t ever sign up for government benifits. Never vist a pharmacy.  Doesnt exchange money with instatutions etc etc etc. 

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@greediron said:
@MaroonBells said:
An ACLU fact sheet from May 2017 claims that 21 million Americans do not have a government-issued photo ID, citing a 2006 survey from the Brennan Center for Justice. About 11 percent of the 987 voting-age American citizens surveyed said that they did not have a current, unexpired government-issued photo ID. Eleven percent of the adult citizen population in the 2000 Census amounts to 21 million Americans.
Good to know the source.  So a survey of less than 1000 people.  and 11 percent didn't have a "CURRENT ID".  So your entire premise is bullshit.  

Thanks for stepping up and admitting it.
That's how survey's work, Greed. 
I know how surveys work.  But your argument was that 11% didn't have an ID.  That is false.  The survey sez "current, unexpired".  So they had an ID, they have chosen not to renew it.  

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
@greediron said:
@MaroonBells said:
An ACLU fact sheet from May 2017 claims that 21 million Americans do not have a government-issued photo ID, citing a 2006 survey from the Brennan Center for Justice. About 11 percent of the 987 voting-age American citizens surveyed said that they did not have a current, unexpired government-issued photo ID. Eleven percent of the adult citizen population in the 2000 Census amounts to 21 million Americans.
Good to know the source.  So a survey of less than 1000 people.  and 11 percent didn't have a "CURRENT ID".  So your entire premise is bullshit.  

Thanks for stepping up and admitting it.
That's how survey's work, Greed. 
I just surveyed every adult in my household. 100% have valid photo ID. If you extrapolate that out, 100% of Americans have valid ID. 

Surveys work that way Maroon. 
And I will release a fact sheet based on that survey so you can all point to my authority that 100% of Americans have valid ID.  Leaving out the unnecessary details of course.


Quote: @greediron said:
I know people that live in bigger cities dont likely get this,  but IMO any teacher that is comfortable with a gun and has shown the ability to handle them safely in a situation should be encouraged to have a safe in their class rooms.   most rural schools dont have a security officer and in many cases are 10+ minutes from the nearest law enforcement so having somebody right there that can handle these bizarre events is huge.  I would bet that little girls family is grateful their school allows their teachers to carry on school grounds. 

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