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6/4/20: MultiCams around the US tonight, LIVE.
Portland and Seattle gave me a sense that America is being taunted with legal defense cases for just walking up and taking the White House.

They can't touch me.
They can't be here.
They can't respond to regain control of a crowd proven to perhaps break off and riot.

And honestly, if you remove some of the real racism that our left friends are truly correct about - like the generic devolving conversation/discussion about the black looters and black rioters at times -  I think you'll see America's black community is already tripping about extreme left bullshit the bullhorn crowd is pushing. Many are out low key questioning it out on the street every night.

One thing that I've found interesting for sure is the evolution of each night. The similarities, the differences; the change night to night. The peaceful demonstrations and the folks vocally outraged and expressing themselves always remained a bit identical on the ground. Very similar night to night besides the overall outrage, I suppose (rioting down night to night) - the tactical response of the speakers yelling at the crowd to revolt and the conversations overheard about the types of imagery needed to sell a story has wildly changed night to night.

It's like these kids all run profitable social media platforms and they are collectively trying to write a story; while nobody on the ground is actually on the same page.  

They don't even seem to realize that believing in communism is an AMERICAN RIGHT granted to them and seemingly cannot draw a line between activism and funding/organizing acts of terrorism. They don't know what the difference between acting and believing is.


Pulled up the feed just now to peek but now I have to write:

London has a hostile looking crowd lining up in front of yellow jackets. London Police are looking like ours right now. Small (which is actually pretty big, 40+ officers) crowd is surrounded by a literal sea of bodies. There was some shoving, the police stood their ground and pushed them back.

They regrouped and the sea of people started to overwhelm them. The London police switched to a circular formation at the corner of an avenue. The crowd really seems to be collecting around them in all directions.

A lot like last nights protests here in the US, these cops don't seem to be particularly defending anything specific. Just controlling the crowd with their bug zapper personas as people line up to stare at them.

I see individuals being pulled out and arrested, but it's not inciting the crowd.

Why London? It's busy enough over there that our multi-cam feed has dedicated spots for 2 cameras. They deployed the tear gas on folks. They are chanting "No Justice. No Peace."

Turns out I was wrong about not defending anything. They are defending, ironically, The Third Precinct. 

people in London are having the same arguments fall on deaf ears as we are.

Looting/Vandalism in London is an obvious crime, so why do people justify it?
Why do people turn a blind eye to the victims of the looting, or victims of violence that hides behind the chaos, without condemning it?

Large group surrounding an ambulance. Un-armed police run up to form a line and break them up. Our shot is too far away to tell how hostile that crowd may or may not have been.

People standing around on the street seemingly waiting to see something. Others aggressively pacing around like they are getting amped up to jump in a mosh pit from very safe distances from the police. 

A bicycle gang is rolling around in circles, looking for... something to do.

Overheard in DC: You know what peace means? To be peaceful, you need to be capable of extreme acts of violence. And you make a choice to be peaceful. So let us be "PEACEFUL," and not "harmless."

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