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Can You Spot The Hypocrisy?
Quote:There are real racists on both sides.  I think it is crazy to pretend there are more racists on the right than left. 
Yep, just like it's crazy to think there are more conservatives on the right than the left.  As I said before, I suspect that somewhere over the rainbow there are pockets progressive racists.... folks who scream "white power," all the while supporting liberal issues like LGBTQ, reparations and affirmative action. Somewhere. 

How you see things just might be the most puzzling on this board.
Racism is the belief in the superiority of one race over another. It may also include prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against other people because they are of a different race or ethnicity, or the belief that members of different races or ethnicities should be treated differently
The left believes that people of color are beyond reproach.  Omar spews vile anti-semitic and anti-white nonsense...but can't be called out and needs to be treated differently because of her race.  Questioning her can't possibly be on the merits of her ideas...but can only be on the color of her skin.  Questioning the shithole countries can't possibly be about the abject poverty, crime and living has to be about the color of people's skin...and off limits.
Until those on the left can start seeing just people...instead of seeing them as black, brown or white...with the latter being treated differently because they are evidently inferior...they are by definition...racists.

Quote: @badgervike said:
There are real racists on both sides.  I think it is crazy to pretend there are more racists on the right than left. 
Yep, just like it's crazy to think there are more conservatives on the right than the left.  As I said before, I suspect that somewhere over the rainbow there are pockets progressive racists.... folks who scream "white power," all the while supporting liberal issues like LGBTQ, reparations and affirmative action. Somewhere. 

How you see things just might be the most puzzling on this board.
Racism is the belief in the superiority of one race over another. It may also include prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against other people because they are of a different race or ethnicity, or the belief that members of different races or ethnicities should be treated differently
The left believes that people of color are beyond reproach.  Omar spews vile anti-semitic and anti-white nonsense...but can't be called out and needs to be treated differently because of her race.  Questioning her can't possibly be on the merits of her ideas...but can only be on the color of her skin.  Questioning the shithole countries can't possibly be about the abject poverty, crime and living has to be about the color of people's skin...and off limits.
Until those on the left can start seeing just people...instead of seeing them as black, brown or white...with the latter being treated differently because they are evidently inferior...they are by definition...racists.
Do you really think that Omar thinks her race superior? Maybe you do. I'm just curious. 

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@badgervike said:
There are real racists on both sides.  I think it is crazy to pretend there are more racists on the right than left. 
Yep, just like it's crazy to think there are more conservatives on the right than the left.  As I said before, I suspect that somewhere over the rainbow there are pockets progressive racists.... folks who scream "white power," all the while supporting liberal issues like LGBTQ, reparations and affirmative action. Somewhere. 

How you see things just might be the most puzzling on this board.
Racism is the belief in the superiority of one race over another. It may also include prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against other people because they are of a different race or ethnicity, or the belief that members of different races or ethnicities should be treated differently
The left believes that people of color are beyond reproach.  Omar spews vile anti-semitic and anti-white nonsense...but can't be called out and needs to be treated differently because of her race.  Questioning her can't possibly be on the merits of her ideas...but can only be on the color of her skin.  Questioning the shithole countries can't possibly be about the abject poverty, crime and living has to be about the color of people's skin...and off limits.
Until those on the left can start seeing just people...instead of seeing them as black, brown or white...with the latter being treated differently because they are evidently inferior...they are by definition...racists.
Do you really think that Omar thinks her race superior? Maybe you do. I'm just curious. 
I think Omar is more comfortable within her Somali community and is distrustful of Whites in general...and Jews in more fits into the bolded part of the racism definition posted above.  Until people can see other people through a colorless prism...we'll never really wipe out racism in this Country.   I volunteer extensively at the local homeless shelter...primarily dealing with minorities.  I've helped more people of color through poverty, addiction, abuse than I'll ever be able to count.  I've been fortunate in life and it feels good to help others.  I've fostered minority kids, attended minority weddings...and attended many minority funerals.  The amount of times I was called a racist before Obama became  Since Obama became President, literally hundreds of times.  The accusation rolls trippingly off the tongue for those on the left these days.  I get it all the time in uber liberal Madison.  Questioning people of color on their political views and positions...isn't racist.  It is racist to think they should be treated differently.  Black Lives Matter...just stop.  All Lives Matter..but to the liberal enablers...Blacks should be treated differently (see above).  What we should be asking for is that all people are treated the same.  The accusations of racism (which is about the worst thing you can say to someone like me) just furthers the divide between all of us and prevents real solutions.  Wanting to secure sovereign borders isn't racist...unless you're a liberal.  Faux racism accusations get in the way of real solutions.

Quote: @pumpf said:
@Sir Viking Bob VWO said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@badgervike said:
@"BarrNone55" said:
@pumpf said:
Although I absolutely hate what Barr is doing to OUR board (using it as his personal kitty litter box), I will agree with him on this: if Trump has not "repented" of his past sins (of adultery, among other things) then yes: this is hypocritical.  Of course, the word "repent" means "change"... so if Trump is CURRENTLY committing adultery, he can't- technically- repent of it.  But it would be nice if he would recognize that what he did was just as sinful as what Pete is doing- rather than singling out homosexuality (as though it was a worse sin than any other form of adultery).
Lol, I'm sorry if my political positions bother you. Maybe you're ok with kids in cages, pedophiles keeping company with trump, the debt that trump pledged to eliminate in eight years. I guess if a Democrat was in office doing the same thing your be stone silent. I can spot the hypocrisy.  I didn't see it at first.  The "cages" were installed in the Obama didn't seem to have a problem with them at that time Barr.  You realize they're not really cages don't you?...and you realize they put them there for their protection versus leaving them in the general population.

The Epstein stuff?  Really?  The Russian hoax didn't work out so you have to go with this nonsensical innuendo?  I saw your buddies edited the Clinton connection out of Wikipedia and added the Trump stuff from the late 90s when Trump was dating Melania...and possibly had his real hair color???? (OK...I said possibly..not sure he even knows)  You have Clinton and Prince Andrew among others have much more recent...and more creepy connections...
Here's a Washington Post article (so you don't have to call out bias) on their "relationship".
Epstein is a slimeball that needs to spend the rest of his life as the party favor for Cell Block B. 

Debt?  I went to candidate Obama's speech here in Madison with the faux Presidential seal and the Roman columns where he called the US debt a failure of moral leadership and promised to halve the US debt before the end of his first term.  How'd that turn out?  About as well as his promises to reach across the aisle...there are no blue states or red states..only the United States..remember that one.  He then got elected and told us that elections had consequences.  How about those promises of transparency? 

Obama had the opportunity to put issues of race clearly in the rear view mirror...and instead brought up race at every opportunity as a way to consolidate his base.  When asked why people opposed him on various policy issues, he would often invoke race.  He interjected himself into local issues such as the Harvard professor, Trayvon, Ferguson...and Baltimore...usually on the wrong side of history.  I volunteer at the local shelter primarily working with minorities.  I can tell you from the front lines that race relations were at a high point during Obama's run.  Between Obama's race baiting and the BLM anti-police rhetoric, we've set race relations back 40 years.  And continues on.  Evidently, if you're a person of color or are beyond reproach these days.  Members of the so called squad can utter any racist or anti-semitic rant they want...but any response means you're a racist...not them.
In terms of shithole countries, have you ever been to any of those places?  I have on various aid missions.  The term shithole pretty well describes the living conditions in many of those countries.  You know what...take the black people out of those countries...and replace them with white people living in the same conditions...and they'd still be shithole countries. 

If Barr doesnt respond hes not ignoring you or unwilling to respond.   I believe he is taking some time away from this part of the board.
You mean like 3-4 years ago when he dropped the "I'm a Liberal and proud of it" thread and called the other side all sorts of names and then left for a month, although he did lurk a lot. And then come back a month later like nothing happened???  Yeah. Many of us remember that. That was the beginning of the end of the community here.   Sorry if a bunch of us still feel anger of it....  But it's with good reason. 
It appears that he has walked away.  I wish everyone else would kinda do the same and just leave it alone.  At the very least, stop "attacking" him behind his back.  He did the right thing; why not just leave it at that?

By the way, YOU had just as much to do with the lack of "community" as anyone.  So be careful about the stones yer tossing around; you're house ain't exactly brick and mortar.
What do you mean "my house?"  As for being part of the "community" I was very well involved in it here as I am at the other place. So I have no idea what you are talking about and it sounds you don't really either.  As for attacking him. I know for a FACT that back in the day he would try and get me banned and would send PMs to all the left leaning people to go on the board when I was on to ATTACK me and get me banned. I had proof of it   So in reality all I did was DEFEND myself against the attack started by him.  
But have a great day sir !! 

Quote: @Sir Viking Bob VWO said:
@pumpf said:
@Sir Viking Bob VWO said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@badgervike said:
@"BarrNone55" said:
@pumpf said:
Although I absolutely hate what Barr is doing to OUR board (using it as his personal kitty litter box), I will agree with him on this: if Trump has not "repented" of his past sins (of adultery, among other things) then yes: this is hypocritical.  Of course, the word "repent" means "change"... so if Trump is CURRENTLY committing adultery, he can't- technically- repent of it.  But it would be nice if he would recognize that what he did was just as sinful as what Pete is doing- rather than singling out homosexuality (as though it was a worse sin than any other form of adultery).
Lol, I'm sorry if my political positions bother you. Maybe you're ok with kids in cages, pedophiles keeping company with trump, the debt that trump pledged to eliminate in eight years. I guess if a Democrat was in office doing the same thing your be stone silent. I can spot the hypocrisy.  I didn't see it at first.  The "cages" were installed in the Obama didn't seem to have a problem with them at that time Barr.  You realize they're not really cages don't you?...and you realize they put them there for their protection versus leaving them in the general population.

The Epstein stuff?  Really?  The Russian hoax didn't work out so you have to go with this nonsensical innuendo?  I saw your buddies edited the Clinton connection out of Wikipedia and added the Trump stuff from the late 90s when Trump was dating Melania...and possibly had his real hair color???? (OK...I said possibly..not sure he even knows)  You have Clinton and Prince Andrew among others have much more recent...and more creepy connections...
Here's a Washington Post article (so you don't have to call out bias) on their "relationship".
Epstein is a slimeball that needs to spend the rest of his life as the party favor for Cell Block B. 

Debt?  I went to candidate Obama's speech here in Madison with the faux Presidential seal and the Roman columns where he called the US debt a failure of moral leadership and promised to halve the US debt before the end of his first term.  How'd that turn out?  About as well as his promises to reach across the aisle...there are no blue states or red states..only the United States..remember that one.  He then got elected and told us that elections had consequences.  How about those promises of transparency? 

Obama had the opportunity to put issues of race clearly in the rear view mirror...and instead brought up race at every opportunity as a way to consolidate his base.  When asked why people opposed him on various policy issues, he would often invoke race.  He interjected himself into local issues such as the Harvard professor, Trayvon, Ferguson...and Baltimore...usually on the wrong side of history.  I volunteer at the local shelter primarily working with minorities.  I can tell you from the front lines that race relations were at a high point during Obama's run.  Between Obama's race baiting and the BLM anti-police rhetoric, we've set race relations back 40 years.  And continues on.  Evidently, if you're a person of color or are beyond reproach these days.  Members of the so called squad can utter any racist or anti-semitic rant they want...but any response means you're a racist...not them.
In terms of shithole countries, have you ever been to any of those places?  I have on various aid missions.  The term shithole pretty well describes the living conditions in many of those countries.  You know what...take the black people out of those countries...and replace them with white people living in the same conditions...and they'd still be shithole countries. 

If Barr doesnt respond hes not ignoring you or unwilling to respond.   I believe he is taking some time away from this part of the board.
You mean like 3-4 years ago when he dropped the "I'm a Liberal and proud of it" thread and called the other side all sorts of names and then left for a month, although he did lurk a lot. And then come back a month later like nothing happened???  Yeah. Many of us remember that. That was the beginning of the end of the community here.   Sorry if a bunch of us still feel anger of it....  But it's with good reason. 
It appears that he has walked away.  I wish everyone else would kinda do the same and just leave it alone.  At the very least, stop "attacking" him behind his back.  He did the right thing; why not just leave it at that?

By the way, YOU had just as much to do with the lack of "community" as anyone.  So be careful about the stones yer tossing around; you're house ain't exactly brick and mortar.
What do you mean "my house?"  As for being part of the "community" I was very well involved in it here as I am at the other place. So I have no idea what you are talking about and it sounds you don't really either.  As for attacking him. I know for a FACT that back in the day he would try and get me banned and would send PMs to all the left leaning people to go on the board when I was on to ATTACK me and get me banned. I had proof of it   So in reality all I did was DEFEND myself against the attack started by him.  
But have a great day sir !! 
I think the "my house" was in reference to you being similar in posting style in that although you were on the opposite side of the topic in question,  you have been known to go nuclear at times youself.   I know I have.

as far as the community feeling,  when the doors were thrown open way before most people found this place,  the community feeling started to go away.  several of us at the time said it was going to be inevitable and honestly I dont think it can be put  on any person or even any one side of a topic,   no matter how much we try to keep the harmony... its just not realistic... and even the closest of friends and neighbors fight at times any way.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@Sir Viking Bob VWO said:
@pumpf said:
@Sir Viking Bob VWO said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@badgervike said:
@"BarrNone55" said:
@pumpf said:
Although I absolutely hate what Barr is doing to OUR board (using it as his personal kitty litter box), I will agree with him on this: if Trump has not "repented" of his past sins (of adultery, among other things) then yes: this is hypocritical.  Of course, the word "repent" means "change"... so if Trump is CURRENTLY committing adultery, he can't- technically- repent of it.  But it would be nice if he would recognize that what he did was just as sinful as what Pete is doing- rather than singling out homosexuality (as though it was a worse sin than any other form of adultery).
Lol, I'm sorry if my political positions bother you. Maybe you're ok with kids in cages, pedophiles keeping company with trump, the debt that trump pledged to eliminate in eight years. I guess if a Democrat was in office doing the same thing your be stone silent. I can spot the hypocrisy.  I didn't see it at first.  The "cages" were installed in the Obama didn't seem to have a problem with them at that time Barr.  You realize they're not really cages don't you?...and you realize they put them there for their protection versus leaving them in the general population.

The Epstein stuff?  Really?  The Russian hoax didn't work out so you have to go with this nonsensical innuendo?  I saw your buddies edited the Clinton connection out of Wikipedia and added the Trump stuff from the late 90s when Trump was dating Melania...and possibly had his real hair color???? (OK...I said possibly..not sure he even knows)  You have Clinton and Prince Andrew among others have much more recent...and more creepy connections...
Here's a Washington Post article (so you don't have to call out bias) on their "relationship".
Epstein is a slimeball that needs to spend the rest of his life as the party favor for Cell Block B. 

Debt?  I went to candidate Obama's speech here in Madison with the faux Presidential seal and the Roman columns where he called the US debt a failure of moral leadership and promised to halve the US debt before the end of his first term.  How'd that turn out?  About as well as his promises to reach across the aisle...there are no blue states or red states..only the United States..remember that one.  He then got elected and told us that elections had consequences.  How about those promises of transparency? 

Obama had the opportunity to put issues of race clearly in the rear view mirror...and instead brought up race at every opportunity as a way to consolidate his base.  When asked why people opposed him on various policy issues, he would often invoke race.  He interjected himself into local issues such as the Harvard professor, Trayvon, Ferguson...and Baltimore...usually on the wrong side of history.  I volunteer at the local shelter primarily working with minorities.  I can tell you from the front lines that race relations were at a high point during Obama's run.  Between Obama's race baiting and the BLM anti-police rhetoric, we've set race relations back 40 years.  And continues on.  Evidently, if you're a person of color or are beyond reproach these days.  Members of the so called squad can utter any racist or anti-semitic rant they want...but any response means you're a racist...not them.
In terms of shithole countries, have you ever been to any of those places?  I have on various aid missions.  The term shithole pretty well describes the living conditions in many of those countries.  You know what...take the black people out of those countries...and replace them with white people living in the same conditions...and they'd still be shithole countries. 

If Barr doesnt respond hes not ignoring you or unwilling to respond.   I believe he is taking some time away from this part of the board.
You mean like 3-4 years ago when he dropped the "I'm a Liberal and proud of it" thread and called the other side all sorts of names and then left for a month, although he did lurk a lot. And then come back a month later like nothing happened???  Yeah. Many of us remember that. That was the beginning of the end of the community here.   Sorry if a bunch of us still feel anger of it....  But it's with good reason. 
It appears that he has walked away.  I wish everyone else would kinda do the same and just leave it alone.  At the very least, stop "attacking" him behind his back.  He did the right thing; why not just leave it at that?

By the way, YOU had just as much to do with the lack of "community" as anyone.  So be careful about the stones yer tossing around; you're house ain't exactly brick and mortar.
What do you mean "my house?"  As for being part of the "community" I was very well involved in it here as I am at the other place. So I have no idea what you are talking about and it sounds you don't really either.  As for attacking him. I know for a FACT that back in the day he would try and get me banned and would send PMs to all the left leaning people to go on the board when I was on to ATTACK me and get me banned. I had proof of it   So in reality all I did was DEFEND myself against the attack started by him.  
But have a great day sir !! 
I think the "my house" was in reference to you being similar in posting style in that although you were on the opposite side of the topic in question,  you have been known to go nuclear at times youself.   I know I have.

as far as the community feeling,  when the doors were thrown open way before most people found this place,  the community feeling started to go away.  several of us at the time said it was going to be inevitable and honestly I dont think it can be put  on any person or even any one side of a topic,   no matter how much we try to keep the harmony... its just not realistic... and even the closest of friends and neighbors fight at times any way.
Fair enough !!!

Quote: @badgervike said:
@MaroonBells said:
@badgervike said:
There are real racists on both sides.  I think it is crazy to pretend there are more racists on the right than left. 
Yep, just like it's crazy to think there are more conservatives on the right than the left.  As I said before, I suspect that somewhere over the rainbow there are pockets progressive racists.... folks who scream "white power," all the while supporting liberal issues like LGBTQ, reparations and affirmative action. Somewhere. 

How you see things just might be the most puzzling on this board.
Racism is the belief in the superiority of one race over another. It may also include prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against other people because they are of a different race or ethnicity, or the belief that members of different races or ethnicities should be treated differently
The left believes that people of color are beyond reproach.  Omar spews vile anti-semitic and anti-white nonsense...but can't be called out and needs to be treated differently because of her race.  Questioning her can't possibly be on the merits of her ideas...but can only be on the color of her skin.  Questioning the shithole countries can't possibly be about the abject poverty, crime and living has to be about the color of people's skin...and off limits.
Until those on the left can start seeing just people...instead of seeing them as black, brown or white...with the latter being treated differently because they are evidently inferior...they are by definition...racists.
Do you really think that Omar thinks her race superior? Maybe you do. I'm just curious. 
I think Omar is more comfortable within her Somali community and is distrustful of Whites in general...and Jews in more fits into the bolded part of the racism definition posted above.  Until people can see other people through a colorless prism...we'll never really wipe out racism in this Country.   I volunteer extensively at the local homeless shelter...primarily dealing with minorities.  I've helped more people of color through poverty, addiction, abuse than I'll ever be able to count.  I've been fortunate in life and it feels good to help others.  I've fostered minority kids, attended minority weddings...and attended many minority funerals.  The amount of times I was called a racist before Obama became  Since Obama became President, literally hundreds of times.  The accusation rolls trippingly off the tongue for those on the left these days.  I get it all the time in uber liberal Madison.  Questioning people of color on their political views and positions...isn't racist.  It is racist to think they should be treated differently.  Black Lives Matter...just stop.  All Lives Matter..but to the liberal enablers...Blacks should be treated differently (see above).  What we should be asking for is that all people are treated the same.  The accusations of racism (which is about the worst thing you can say to someone like me) just furthers the divide between all of us and prevents real solutions.  Wanting to secure sovereign borders isn't racist...unless you're a liberal.  Faux racism accusations get in the way of real solutions.
It is because you are so involved that I've always respected you.
This sort of thing is what I would prefer over government hand out programs. However I won't  scream loudly for cuts because I don't get very involved. Just what's already organized. I'm a member of a activities committee that does work for local charities. I donate very little time I admit. Sell some rafle tickets and stuff. That's it though.
Hats off to you badger. You're one of the  good guys. My problem is people who scream. Do away with all government funding. It should be handled by charities. However they don't show up. Don't scream for something you ain't prepared to back up. It ain't getting done on it's own.
I believe community based organizations to help people out of poverty is better then the government. I don't think many people just getting a government check really feel in their heart obligated to try their hardest. Now if you got someone volunteering their time you might feel in your heart you want to try for them. With the government, it's like. Well it's the government they can afford it.

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