Quote: @Akvike said:
Driller said back in the 60's 70's they didn't require them to put in screens so it's an open casing. As to the extra material it was a result of them sticking the pipe below the casing and attempting the blow out in my opinion and cavatated outside the casing with the suction effect drawing the material from around and above up into the casing. Part of him selling me on the blowout was him reassuring me how they carefully probe to avoid going beyond the bottom and optimally hold back from the material they are attempting to blow out. basically stir the bottom to suspend a given amount of material and ten increase airflow to jettison it out the top. But watching the wife and kid---they had no clue where they were in the column.
that was what I was fearing. they should have marked the footage on their hose or drop pipe so they knew how far into the well they were and adjusted the pressure up once they were into the area of the casing. if you wanted to try something (it wont be cheap either) but you could look into a storage tank, have your well pump feed into the water storage tank on a flow low enough to keep it from sucking/stirring up the silt and stuff. a device called a dole valve could be installed or just have a valve that you can throttle down the gallons to decrease the amount of action in the well. This will also help the low producing aspect of the well although it would be good to have a "run dry" device on the motor leads to kill the power to the pump if it detected that the pump was infact sucking air.
then have another pump that is fed by your storage tank handle your domestic water needs. I dont know what a storage tank would cost up there or if you have the room for it in a heated area of your house, but I would recommend the tank be big enough to handle a days worth of water needs for your family, that way you shouldnt have to find youself waiting for the slowed well pump to refill the tank. I can help you with a lot of this stuff but the tank I am sure would be cost prohibitive for me to ship to you... but its alaska, i am sure poly water tanks arent hard to come by up there.